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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Dunno if you've noticed but I made the same joke on the last page. :P

I find it works better like this:

"A girl walks into a bar. She orders a double entendre and the bartender gives it to her."

I still wouldn't want to explain it to my family, though. :P

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Wow, and here I was trying to be spare rains at least a little bit of suffering. Ice-cold, dude! I like it



Confession: I love cracking various bones in my body, it feels so goooood  <3


I can also bend all of my fingers back towards my wrist at a little under a 90° angle.  Freaks people out.

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Confession: I love cracking various bones in my body, it feels so goooood <3

I can also bend all of my fingers back towards my wrist at a little under a 90° angle. Freaks people out.

I know the feel, especially when you crack your neck. :wafuu:

You could even make that a game thread, where people can send those letters to other members for fun :o

Hmm, that's an interesting idea! Maybe I'll think of something tomorrow...

Confession: I'm having trouble falling asleep because the lightning outside is way too bright. >.>

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I'm not sure if I'd be a good person to ask that question, lol.  I can be clueless at times, because.. I tend to think people are just being friendly or joking, since I can be that way too.  Sometimes I get confused as to what's flirty & what's just being friendly.


Uhh, you know... I'll have to think about it.  (I was just sitting trying to think of any encounter I thought was a poor attempt at flirting, but nothing really comes to mind in particular).   Maybe I need something more specific, haha.  :vinty:    ..I guess, don't act creepy. Oh, and don't have bad breath when talking close.

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Ok, well if someone is actually trying to flirt with me and show their interest...  I guess poor flirting would be that I don't notice it, or end up not liking them because of how or when they do it.


Confession: I just typed up like a block trying to make sense and explain myself.... and then just erased it all, because it was weird. Lol.

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Confession: I find thunderstorms calming.

I love thunderstorms.


The howling of the wind,

the scent of rain,

the intense drumming of heavy downpour,

the foreboding sound of approaching thunder... 


There's something magnificent in thunderstorms.



And it looks like a big storm is coming here soon, that's why I'm so exited.



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Get her a Barbie game.  As far as I know, you can't lose those :makina:


But yeah, the part she was stuck on was a mini-game where you play as Sparx.  It wasn't even hard...for context, I beat that game completely when I was ~10 years old.  My sister is almost 22.


Enter the Dragonfly...don't speak that unholy name in my presence!  :saber:

He actually voices Spyro in Ripto's Rage and Year of the Dragon as well.  Those were the 2nd and 3rd games in the series, with EtD being the fourth.  He's also in a ton of other stuff.  He's almost as popular as Billy West.


Confession: I actually played Enter the Dragonfly when it came out.  It was a massive disappointment.  I never played it again after a 30 minute test run...it was that awful.

Eh, I want her to have at least a little bit of pride in what she plays. Disney games are insanely easy, but you do still have a chance of losing. Sad to say, my sister still manages to lose them (at least she doesn't ask me to help). I thought she might have had a knack for rhythm games, so I got her to try osu, but all she played was the easy diff on the Spongebob opening and she was horrible at it. D:


Gosh, us talking about it makes me feel like playing Spyro again. I only played the 1st 3 and Season of Ice for the GBA, but never really got around to playing anything after that. Doesn't look like I'm missing much.


Confession: I noticed quite some time ago that I'm terrible at video games... I do have more dedication than a lot of people, so whenever I'm better than someone it's usually because I've spent twice as much time playing.

Play osu, you'll get better at everything. Ever since I started playing insanes, I noticed a sharp improvement in my reaction time for other games.

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Play osu, you'll get better at everything. Ever since I started playing insanes, I noticed a sharp improvement in my reaction time for other games.

I've played it, but not only am I terrible at it too, it gets incredibly boring incredibly quickly... and that's coming from someone who's played a ton of Rock Band for PSP.

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