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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Confession: a Friend of mine told me way too much about his masturbation habits


He admitted to do it while thinking of me several times


I feel slightly violated

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but... you've been raped. http://christwire.org/2011/03/is-masturbation-rape/


 Fantasizing about another person or person(s) . In doing this you are raping that person.


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Going through the masturbation website, I somehow stumbled on this gem. I need to follow up with my 2nd amendment rights. 



Dunno if you've seen this before but


If you haven't, read all of it (if you have several hours to spare) :sachi:

This is one of my favourites http://www.27bslash6.com/f4s.html

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Since it's seems like fapping is the topic, let me share something nice with you.

Once upon a time in the military I didn't fap for a week, then I did, it was glorious and quite messy. After that day I made sure to fap regularly. Fapping out in the woods is quite nice in case you have never tried.

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Quick, think of a new topic for us to switch to! It's the only way to avoid 3 more pages of discussing fapping! :holo:


Since it's seems like fapping is the topic, let me share something nice with you.

Once upon a time in the military I didn't fap for a week, then I did, it was glorious and quite messy. After that day I made sure to fap regularly. Fapping out in the woods is quite nice in case you have never tried.


God dammit.

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I always wash my hands.... how can I sit with such hands... unless I am too tired to leave my bed but then I will wake up the next morning and go to the bathroom so.... how do some people live a second after they have done such dead without washing  their hands.


Confession: I thought I should be honest with a friend of mine who was basically dating a bad girl who cheated on him. I told him, he didn't believe me and is now ignoring me ..... ;-; 

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