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Closing Time


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Hello everybody,


First of all -- I'd like to thank everybody for coming out yesterday and showing a lot of love to our mods. Many of you truly took the burden of the holiday on your shoulders and strove mightily towards that ideal of 1000 posts. We didn't make it all the way, but we did well. We did dang well.



I know lots of you wondered why I opened up a 24-hour marathon party. Granted, my internet (power) going out made it so that I couldn't be there the last few hours, but I spent the vast majority of the day furiously reading status updates and posting with everybody. I know that a lot of you got caught up with me and really brought your A-game to the table.


So why the thread? 


A lot of it had to do with wanting to send the moderators out with a bang. But also, looking at how hard everybody worked to be a part of that thread (I think we were all up waaaay past our bedtimes at at least 2 different parts of the 24 hour run ; )), I'll just leave you with a thought. Could it be possible that that thread became a metaphor for Fuwanovel itself?



Thank you for coming out and making the first-ever Fuwanovel Rock-Around-The-Clock Moderators' Appreciation Day Holiday a success. Go and sleep in peace, the madness has ended!

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We are always ready to give something to Fuwa, when it has given so much to us. Also in cases like this sleep is for the weak, it's 5:14 am and I don't even care. In my personal opinion when the mods or Fuwa itself needs something from us we should just strive to answer that call.


P.S. - I got the last post yay

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I'll just leave you with a thought. Could it be possible that that thread became a metaphor for Fuwanovel itself?






Well, fun times were had. My internet died on me at 12:59 so I couldn't squeeze in the last post though :ph34r:

I don't think we need a reason to have an embarassing moment of praise for some people from time to time.

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Aaaaaaand we're back to normal. 3 angry PMs about "So, what? Fuwanovel is spam and hero worship?" Gave it a good sigh and a laugh. Back to real life -- the party has ended. ; )

I hope my post didn't come off as rude, I meant it as a joke :( (seeing as it was deleted)

I'll try again, that thread represented the goods times we spend every day around the forum~

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(Oh, no no no. I actually moved your post to my secret admin's layer and was in the middle of typing up a PM to you. Your post was totally nice and respectful. I didn't want to make it seem like I was talking about you, Ceris.) (I'm on my phone, so everything takes a little longer to do)

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A lot of it had to do with wanting to send the moderators out with a bang. But also, looking at how hard everybody worked to be a part of that thread (I think we were all up waaaay past our bedtimes at at least 2 different parts of the 24 hour run ; )), I'll just leave you with a thought. Could it be possible that that thread became a metaphor for Fuwanovel itself?



Oh well, now that Shitposting Moderator Appreciation Day is over, time to actually add worthwhile content to my posts.

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Uggggghhh... Content? Really? hmmm, it's a hard sell, but I'll try my best :D


Anyway, I thought it was a fantastic thread. I guess I could come up with some stuff given the metaphor, but maybe it's best for me to just enjoy it. Ho hum, ho hum. I had a ton of fun reading all the posts, and honestly there's something about basically using a forum to perform the function of a chatroom that gives the interaction this cozy and fun feel. *remembers something from the past*

Anyway, I wish us all the best in the coming year! (This is an annual event, riiiight? B) )

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I do hope the moderators are able to find their thanks in the middle of that mess.

I know I spent half an hour writing a post to thank the moderators and am left terribly unsure whether they read it or not. (I mispelled a moderator's name to the point it was unrecognizable and just left it lying there. As expected, noone called me out on it)

The party was great though. Some real partying went down over there.

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I do hope the moderators are able to find their thanks in the middle of that mess.

I know I spent half an hour writing a post to thank the moderators and am left terribly unsure whether they read it or not. (I mispelled a moderator's name to the point it was unrecognizable and just left it lying there. As expected, noone called me out on it)

The party was great though. Some real partying went down over there.


I read it, thanked you and commented on it... I am sad you didn't notice :(




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I read it, thanked you and commented on it... I am sad you didn't notice :(

But I did notice (not that I think I was particularly accurate). I certainly wasn't referring to you there. Nosebleed and zhurai were those I was mostly referring to, since they may actually have read it, but I wouldn't know. 

I know Beato, you, Kaguya and Down read it.

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Nosebleed and zhurai were those I was mostly referring to, since they may actually have read it, but I wouldn't know.

Well you misspelled zhurai's name so bad he probably didn't even realize you were talking about him. I thought you were making a joke about an inexistent mod at first...

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Well you misspelled zhurai's name so bad he probably didn't even realize you were talking about him. I thought you were making a joke about an inexistent mod at first...

It wasn't actually zhurai I got wrong.

Here's how it originally was:

zhurai, you were not forgotten http://youtu.be/ZsqI3NOZBiM?t=5m3s.

Unfortunately for you, I know jack all of the work you've done. You're really nice. I've always found people with broken English to be the nicest. Fops like me come across as twats.


-Thanks for being a nice shadow hidden in the corner.


xilubez. I think I saw an altogether of one post from you. I've grasped your character to such lengths that I could go on for pages, but I'm sure you'd get bored, so I'll leave it here.


-Thanks for existing.

Here's how it is now:


zhurai, you were not forgotten http://youtu.be/ZsqI3NOZBiM?t=5m3s.

Unfortunately for you, I know jack all of the work you've done. You're really nice. I've always found people with broken English to be the nicest. Fops like me come across as twats.


-Thanks for being a nice shadow hidden in the corner.


ilegend. I think I saw an altogether of one post from you. I've grasped your character to such lengths that I could go on for pages, but I'm sure you'd get bored, so I'll leave it here.


-Thanks for existing and for letting me butcher your name for over an hour.

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A lot of it had to do with wanting to send the moderators out with a bang. But also, looking at how hard everybody worked to be a part of that thread (I think we were all up waaaay past our bedtimes at at least 2 different parts of the 24 hour run ; )), I'll just leave you with a thought. Could it be possible that that thread became a metaphor for Fuwanovel itself?



Personally I would definitely call it a success.  The community banded together (in it's own, unique way) for a worthy cause. 

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It was enjoyable... But the real question still stands:


Will there more similar events in the future, or will we go back to our spam-free...




We're still spamming and derailing everything, aren't we?

Obviously.  Fuwanovel is Fuwanovel.  Spammers gonna spam, and derailers gonna derail.


I haven't spammed a thread in a surprisingly long time.  I've only really done it to mess with hostile people (annoying brony haters with torrents of MLP spam never gets old) or trolls, so it was nice to do it for fun.

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