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Everything posted by kingdomcome

  1. I thank you both for the kind words and encouragement, I WILL DO IT!
  2. Nice to see, I hope they go on to translate more quality VN's like Cartagra, Ef, Higurashi, P.E., etc......
  3. Just picked up a copy of Danganronpa, looking forward to it. Haven't played it ever.
  4. You guys are harsh.. The face adds to it, it's cool to see other people reacting to something.
  5. You're making me want to play through it again. Music was my favorite. Kanon <3
  6. There's a large discrepancy between these estimates. I'll give it a shot too once I get some free time.
  7. You could try 'Everlasting Summer'. It's a russian made VN.
  8. Wouldn't this be a big disappoint for Ren.. that is if he wasn't contacted at all.
  9. I wasn't aware you were doing some funding campaign at this time: https://www.gofundme.com/blacksands

    Is this one instead of Kickstarter? What is 'gofundme' and are you still planning a KS?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Black Sands Entertainment

      Black Sands Entertainment

      the black community or american black culture is heavily invested in graphic novels starring black characters and black  pride. It is tailored to that and can be perceived as racist. Thus, I seperate the campaigns to not alienate one base or the other.

      Most blacks in america never heard the words visual novel before so its pointless marketing it as such to them.


      If you wish an alpha invite to help improve the game pre-release, let me know.

    3. kingdomcome


      wow. In regards to the Black community and graphic novels, I never would have guessed! I think you made the right decision is separating the two funding campaigns.

      Thanks for the offer to test the alpha. I actually never play betas/alphas of story driven games, I like to experience it first time in all its glory.

    4. Black Sands Entertainment
  10. Oh yeah! Good point regarding the Shoujo manga... Maybe you're right. I might be convinced to try one in the future.
  11. I can't really add anything of value because I don't know any backstory, but these pics are amazingly epic. I hope the antagonist are OP.
  12. Well the price/reward ratio is much better than some VN Kickstarters (looking at you Sekai). I have no idea how an Otome VN can be successful at that price.. Though it seems some of you males are interested? What's the appeal to you guys?
  13. Too close.. and not what I wanted. Though I doubt it will matter in the end. Wasn't even aware Conjueror was on Fuwanovel.
  14. I don't even like calling it Amane's route, I say it's Kazuki's route. Review was good, but the text is way too big.
  15. Are the notes for yourself to read, it's not posted as some review or something?
  16. It has to be! I was wondering why it's completely familiar. Awesome to see.
  17. I love White Album 2, even though I haven't read the 'ending chapter'.
  18. Currently reading Princess Evangile, so far I really like it.
  19. Still on my reading list, definitely need to check it out. Skyleft, as others have said, read Sharin No Kuni. Gsenjou and Sharin are my highest rated VN's at the moment.
  20. Subscribed! You just convinced me to read Rewrite. Your vids are awesome, not boring at all.
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