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Everything posted by kingdomcome

  1. I actually voted for Scarlett. It sounds EPIC from what the tags say. Can't say it's going in my favour..
  2. Well so far everything non Japanese has been inferior (KS is an exception but it's based on Jap. culture). I am not aware of any others that are good, besides "The Seed" which I played a short snippet of from their beta (I srsly think this one will be a game changer). You mentioned "Life Is Strange", and I'll add that anything from Telltale Games is very good. Their form is not of a VN, but it could be.. Yes, I agree. I think most people would agree with your statement, but there hasn't been anything else that compares...yet. BUT we can still have personal preferences, some may prefer VN's based on Japanese culture.
  3. Yeah, I've been voting on twitter. https://twitter.com/Conjueror Wasn't aware of the website, thanks.
  4. I think you've mistaken me? By the way, I wasn't being sarcastic, I actually think humblebundle is OK, but I think Steam exposure is better.
  5. Hey Lumaria. Welcome! We've already met kinda, in your thread. I look forward to see your opinion more in the forum.
  6. But that's the thing.. I think there is diversity among VN's.
  7. Actually, can I present to you: "The Seed": https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/989416433/the-seed-0/description I really don't know why this hasn't been discussed on the forums at all. This is a completely different take on a VN, from an Eastern European developer. I invite diversity, and each culture should do their VN's in their own way. Besides Katawa Shoujo I don't really know of a good OELVN.
  8. So I went back to Katawa Shoujo to do Hanako's route.. and I must say. Katawa Shoujo is a really solid VN. Love it. KS was actually my very first VN years back, I finished all the routes except Hanako's and Rin's route.. I will eventually do Rin's one, but I like to enjoy KS over a period of time.
  9. But why do we want to change what a VN is? We like VN's because of the way they are, why dilute it and make it something else so that everyone can like it. My question is, do VN's need a larger user base? Edit: I don't even like H-scenes and prefer all ages versions, and that's what most people think of when they hear "visual novel".
  10. They do this on purpose to make it look like that. They do not get any of the kickstarter funds, BUT they DO get paid by the developers to start a kickstarter, and then probably get paid again if it's successful. At least it's something similar to what I said, obviously they don't work for nothing.
  11. i am so excite. I think you will get a LOT more exposure using Steam compared to using, uhh what? All I can think of is humblebundle.
  12. Hmmm.. that is a very interesting idea. I also have seen it. I think you're right though, probably won't work in this case.
  13. Your posts never fail to to impress me. I just know you're going to recommend something I can't read Please continue.. This last year has been phenomenal in regards to translations.. Kickstarter has started something BIG. I can see a lot more Japanese developers jumping on this train. I only hope the market doesn't get too saturated and in turn make some good projects fail.
  14. Who picks the tiers? Is it SP or the developers? Why not get more interaction between the devs and fans, like an AMA or some videos from them. That's why I think Mikandi did such a great job.
  15. Nice to see a White Album 2 fan. Have you managed to read the final chapter? I don't read in Japanese and was sad to see it wasn't translated...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kingdomcome


      Yeah I just checked and am excited to see they made considerable progress! As soon as I know they're done I'm going to read it too! ENJOY!

      I'm a bit too happy..

    3. Nashetania


      The real question is... Do you prefer Setsuna or Kazusa...?

    4. kingdomcome
  16. You guys have done the most impressive kickstarter to date. GREAT JOB!
  17. It's a pity I didn't see this thread earlier, probably would have been a good enough reason to buy it. I will do it once I'm finished with a couple of others.
  18. Ahhh.. that makes sense regarding the lack of comments. If I had no other VN's to read I would buy this right now, but I currently have bought VN's that haven't been read yet. I can't justify buying it right now, but I kinda want to read this first.
  19. There's so little talk about it. I want to try it but the price is a little steep for a digital download. $30 would be more reasonable.
  20. Great VN. Loved the music, but I do not have any experience with this classical stuff. The first bad ending made me use a guide from then on. IMO the bad endings make it worse, but I only experienced a few of them.
  21. Damn.. I feel kinda bad, but my statement stands. It really is, but they can still salvage this if they get onto it now.
  22. Haha, I also found your post on reddit. I'm pretty sure MiKandi did an update where they stated the places they did PR, but I can't seem to find it. What SP need to do it hire someone solely for PR, preferably a girl who really knows how to do all the social media stuff. If they constantly communicated with fans and the public they would receive higher pledges (if the tiers were a bit more... rewarding). Hiring someone for 4 hours a week to do daily PR would do them so much good, and the person hired can do it from home obviously. MiKandi have that down pat, but it really helps that there's so much communication between the developers and those involved (cosplayers/voice actors) - this is what we want!
  23. I find the lack of effort by SP disturbing.. MiKandi on the other hand have done a superb job.
  24. The new rewards with the cosplayers But seriously, the promotion of this kickstarter has been outstanding, this is how you're meant to do it! Great and varied rewards.
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