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Everything posted by Steve

  1. tried that too, but I can only read kana and stuff like watashi, iu, yama and easy words like that xD even though I bet the other words are also easy and often used, I just didn't know them xD Japanese: Words per minute (WPM) 28 Keystrokes 330 (138 | 192) Correct words 10 Wrong words 15
  2. You need to select the 3rd option in fullscreen settings: You can check this image that has the menus translated: What you want to select is Fullscreen (旧) also 1680x1050 is 16:10 resolution while as hoshimemo is 4:3, I was playing on 5:4 which is pretty close to 4:3 (you can't really tell the difference by quickly looking at it) but for what you have I would recommend changing to 4:3 or 5:4 display settings on your monitor (it should be there and it will add black bars on side, somewhere in the button options on the actual screen)
  3. I'd leave it separate like it is now, it is basically separating the male and female sections, sure there are females who play normal eroge and guys who play otome or BL, but its not that common and they know what they are after already. Since fuwanovel is more like a beginners help, having it separated helps the new people not ending up with what they don't want.
  4. well again since there is no multiplayer yet, you can just download the torrent version and it will work just as well, only thing you will miss is access to steam workshop to test other people's creations. And then you can decide if you want to buy it or not from this torrent demo
  5. These are results when typing in bed on wireless keyboard on legs, that's how I spend most of my time anyways. English: Words per minute (WPM) 85 Keystrokes 425 (425 | 0) Correct words 85 Wrong words 0 Czech: Words per minute (WPM) 23 Keystrokes 122 (115 | 7) Correct words 20 Wrong words 1 yeah that pretty much tells you how often I use correct Czech - never (most Czech people on the internet use no diacritics when typing since if you are native you know what word its supposed to be from overall context [poor people who try to translate some Czech forum discussion and such lol, and you thought Japanese is hard with dialects and all on 2ch {well it is actually also hard translating 2ch xD}], and its been a while since I've written something official like essay for school or something like that)
  6. Once it has multiplayer (and it will have), I will be shooting luches and boomers and batmans into space
  7. Actually it is very well optimized for an alpha build, 60 fps constantly with drops during the crashes, you can notice that on some of the impacts with the hundreds of gyroscopes (all are individual electricity powered unit) it lags for a second but in the normal collisions metal on metal, it goes smoothly and just deforms or cuts parts of the metal blocks. You just need a simple fix to enable more than 1GB ram or something (otherwise it tells you there is not enough memory to add more blocks) when building ultra large things like this. But for smaller things, it works on my crap PC very well, on your ultra comp it will work even better xD also this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg8fOGoNhxA
  8. pretty good game by some random Czech indie team, currently in alpha and creative mode only, but I already spent so much time there xD You make stuff like spaceships, centrifuges, space stations, centrifuges, space lifts, centrifuges, random inventions, centrifuges... maybe the centrifuge part is just me, It's just so much fun making those spinning bastards http://youtu.be/x_6jNMfz_b8
  9. Well that would be the point, there is lot of random discussion that belongs to chatbox, now it is on forums and it is being indexed for searches and such.
  10. Btw the correct installation sequence is 1. the original game: (FN輸入) (18禁ゲーム) [131025] [REAL] いたずら学園 (iso+mds+rr3).rar 2. sports DLC: (FN輸入) (18禁ゲーム) [131025] [REAL] いたずら学園 ダウンロードコンテンツ第一弾 運動会衣裝パッチ.rar (extract to DIFFERENT FOLDER than your installation folder, it is just extractor and will update after it extracts) 3. bonus disc: (FN輸入) (18禁ゲーム) [131025] [REAL] いたずら学園 予約特典 なりきりコスチュームディスク (iso+mds,png rr3).rar After you install all 3, go to the folder you extracted the sports DLC and copy the itazuraS.exe from that folder into your main game installation folder (so it uses the exe that is packed with the DLC - it acts as a patched exe and fixes some bugs like open mouth all the time)
  11. So Itagaku is out and I spend too much time there already... http://vndb.org/v12950 You create character and then you make her happy (in a sexual way xD) Not gonna include any images from the H-mode, for that you'll need to get the game and experience it yourself So I of course started by making Mare! there is no scythe but otherwise I'd say its pretty close DOWNLOAD And then my second wife Vivio! I even used authentic panties from the cutest image ever DOWNLOAD to use my characters, copy this file into %USERPROFILE%\Documents\REAL\ITAZURAS\KG\MYBODY Now I want YOU to get the game and create some lolis for me so I can have fun with them and make them happy~
  12. What batman is basically saying that I should start posting more lolis as those always bring friendship. Also batman, the times you remember literally was like the same 20 people posting so that's why it felt more familiar. (You just missed sanahtlig being against everything xD) But only thing that changed (other than me posting less lolis) is more people posting overall, I don't think they are less friendly than what it used to be, its just that it is not as small community as it used to be so it doesn't feel so familiar. But still even in this size the community is much better then rest of the VN community (and you can clearly see the hostility of tlwiki guys and similar individuals with the latest Key drama). Fuwanovel is nowhere near that and I personally didn't notice more mean spirit or rudeness, but then again I don't visit general discussion much (and almost never IRC/chatter section) so maybe you saw it there, who knows. But if you ever want the good ol' times, visit the TS xD All the classic friendly lolicons like Luch and me are always there and not many new people come (currently its all the old party like evil Zeddy and boomer and such xD). But I hear you on the loli issue, I shall start posting more and more lolis so you are happier. And for naked Hachikuji come on TS, I am sure I can find something Sankaku is great for that.
  13. Yeah I guess these dramas or who leads what and who contributed to what. More and more seems to me that people don't do TL because they love the game but to become famous or something... Oh well, I'd rather not have anything to do with those kind of people, they all seem like trouble to me xD - Steve, CEO leader supreme overlord of the EH translation project, ultimate extreme (jk, I don't actually do anything except being lazy xD)
  14. Oh and one more thing, the people who reported it must be really jealous that he already got 10k (half of the fund) for it. Its like the haters who write comments on youtube like "You don't deserve the money, stop making these videos" - they are so sad that they cannot do the same. Any normal person would just close the window and not pledge, but its the jelly haters that must do something about it because they are not able to do the same thing he did. And even if they say "aah he is just using people to fund his trip" - the people have their own intelligence to determine if it is worth it and if they want to pay, they can. And there are much worse kickstarters and crowdfunds, so large that $20k is laughable amount, there are kickstarters that got hundreds of thousands and then didn't deliver what they promised, there was the HEX kickstarter that also used people on kickstarter to get $2,278,255 - he asked for 300k while saying "we already invested $10,000,000 into this project but without YOU this project is impossible" (which means without additional 300k a 10 mil project would not exist - clearly playing people while expecting to get much more but also having insurance to at least get something). That was imo the worst KS I ever saw succeed and I highly disagreed with it - but I didn't try to find holes in his stuff and expose it to the general public or report it to anyone because I just don't care, if people believe him then please they can do so and I can't do anything with it. And the same thing should have done these people who reported this ClannadMan, just move along and keep their jealousy to themselves. It is obvious that people with some following have more opportunities for these kind of things, I with my famous reputation could probably kickstart an autobiography of Steve and so many people would fund it to better understand the wicked mind that I have xD (hmm now that I think about it I might actually do it JK) EDIT: about the HEX, it is the KS video where he says "this literally would'n exist without YOU" (your 300k hehe) and in one of the interviews (interview with Angry Joe) he said that he already got 10 mil (or some large amount like this) from some publishers or whatever - a fact that he never mentioned on the kickstarter page.
  15. Oh some drama in VN community So I read more about it and reached my conclusion: The project itself would have been fine if he didn't give away random anime merchandise that has nothing to do with the project itself at all (and is original work of someone else as well). And actually nobody from Key even could have stopped it (It was just that the Key director didn't understand English so he didn't understand the project) - there was no mention about visiting Key studio or anything in the project description so they didn't need any permission. If the places they were going to film were publicly accessible, they can film it however they want. (Well it actually would have been a problem if they were going to film the school, those are super protected in Japan and if they saw you filming it they would probably arrest you, so they would probably need permission from the director of the school to film it). Now don't take me wrong, I didn't agree with the project, I am just saying that it would have been legal just fine if he chose to just give away some art he has right to or promise some normal rewards related to the project. If the project is worth is different matter entirely and as long as there are people who are willing to fund it, he can make it. People who read it knew the risks and many probably understood that it is more like a trip to Japan to film some stuff than a documentary about places from Key games. As I mentioned in the original topic, it has been more than 10+ years for most of the Key games, the places will not look anything like they did in the game, but nevertheless some people would like to see the change and comparison and I have to admit that it actually is lot of work to find them and visit them and then cut the videos, so asking for $20k seems about right for what he was planning to do (lot of KS make a mistake of asking too low and then run out of funds and cancel the project). I personally didn't see any value in the project so I didn't fund it, but I can see why people would support it, they have disposable income and they would like to see how it looks today and let someone else to do the job so they can just enjoy the video - classic legit kickstarter. Whether he would do it or not after he got the money is also different matter, there is no insurance for your invested money in KS and people who use KS must know it and understand it. If you think you want to support someone and you trust him with your money, fund it. If you don't trust him with your money then just wait for when it releases and let other people fund it, that's how kickstarter works, its about building trust in your project. So again, if he didn't offer the merch that doesn't belong to him as a reward, it would have been fine. I can also just now start a project "In the steps of Frodo" and ask for $20k to go to New Zealand and film the places where Lord of the rings was filmed and I don't need permission from whoever holds the rights to the movies, I would just be filming random places and unless it is someone's private property, I can do it. So just like with any other kickstarter, if you don't believe in it, don't fund it (just like I didn't), if you do believe in it, feel free to throw your money at it, it is your decision. There are people kickstarting a mustard sauce - but you don't get Hellman's Ketchup as a reward, you just get the original mustard, maybe with some higher pledges you get the recipe or something. (this is actually true, there was a KS for a mustard sauce and it was successful, who wouldn't want homemade mustard sauce after all~)
  16. Well in all VNs I always go for the girl I love the most first (or I try to if it is not locked from start). So you should go for a girl you love, you have to feel it with your heart
  17. If you happen to get stuck, you can always check with the awesome walkthrough But most of the time you will know that you are making important decision and it is quite easy to spot the one choice that will give you good end. Just a note if you end up using the WT, I wouldn't agree with the route order. There is a thing about Rin route that might confuse you - it is split into 2 parts and you get to see the second part ONLY after you finish ALL other routes. So you can either play Rin early if you are fine with waiting for the ending (any ending at all because it just basically pauses with no ending and tells you to finish the other routes) or play it as the very last (which is what I did). Both decisions are fine as the game actually makes sense both ways. But if I would recommend order, it would be: (girl you love) -> Kud (girl I love ) -> Nishizono -> Haruka -> Komari -> Kurugaya -> Rin1 -> Rin2
  18. I has mostly only good ends, the bad ends are only shorter and easy to avoid (I never got one). Its Key so its like Clannad and Kanon, you need to finish all routes to unlock the true end, which resolves everything very nicely. If you liked those 2 games, you would love this (it has sad and touching moments that will make you cry but in the end you will be happy - classic Key).
  19. Little Busters would be the correct choice imo.
  20. I posted few in my topic https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/613-best-of-steves-loli-collection-ultra-moe-explosion/#entry4908
  21. MY MIND IS LOLIS! And on topic: I love imoutos so yes, I approve incest in eroge. Doesn't matter if blood related or not, it is the notion of doing something forbidden while parents are sleeping in next room and similar situations that excite me. Hatsukoi Anzu route was really the greatest imouto route I played, it had all the aspects an imouto route needs. And then there is oniichan sharing! http://vndb.org/v12598 ... oh that game xD
  22. yeah, Ill need to watch that one day
  23. now I understand why Batman likes this anime, maybe I should also watch it~
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