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  1. So i wanna re-read a visual novel but i completely forgot the name of it, From what i remember the main protagonist is almost identical to a really rich guy and he takes over going to school for him cause he was really sickly. Honestly thats about all i can remember so if yall can help me find the title that would help!
  2. Okaaaay im so dumb. i figured out that the file i got was only the translation, im gonna go fishing for the orignal IOS file...
  3. Woops... just realised what im doing wrong with the emulator but still no ios file. http://imgur.com/uoCjkOU
  4. When i downloaded the file from the site, it was a small .zip and did not have a ios in it when i opened it with winrar. (And im not allowed to post images... greaaaat!....)
  5. Theres no ISO file in it, can you tell me how to share a screenshot so i can show you the folder?
  6. Okay, i just got ppsspp and wanted to play toradora portable, but its not letting me at all. I open the zip file with the emulator but it is saying its not a psp game...? (also trying to figure out how to insert a picture so i can show the screen... for more help)
  7. But the ending was not clear enough! how in frozen hell did they get through the people hunting them down, when they were right outside!?! (just realized this while writing but i forgot kagome is broken from the spell after defeating all the cou's she has defeated in that weird dream-esc state, so that is one of my questions gone.) Another thing is even IF they went missing, why have they not been hunted down yet...?
  8. Okay, this is really starting to get on my nerves. I just finished Comyu about 2 days ago, and still cant wrap my head around the VERY ENDING. They I feel very confused by this ending, can someone please tell me if I am just missing something very big, or was this just never explained?
  9. Sad and Confused...

  10. well I tried fishing around piratebay for never7 but I couldn't find a trustworthy download >.<
  11. When do you think it will be back up? I just finnaly got around to getting never7 and now I cant >.< im getting a lil frustrated and sad
  12. Okay, yesterday i was trying to connect to the main site to download never7, and it wouldnt let me into the page. today i tryed again and every time i enter the url for the main site i get redirected to these forums! even the link on the forums to the main page just takes me back to here! is this just me or is this a bug?! did you do it on purpose!?!? PLEASE TELL ME! IM SO CONFUSED AND SAD CAUSE I WANT MY VISUAL NOVELS!
  13. Ok, guys ill make this clear im almost done with little busters currently! 3 more routes and im done with it! i wanted a vn to play when i was done with that one xD
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