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Everything posted by Steve

  1. And once again after a year the time of lolis dressing in santa costumes is here~ ♪ So Mare-y Xmas and Happy Lolidays, Fuwanovel~ And since I already posted all Mare images, I will post Vivio x Einhart this year~
  2. Not sure if you want English or Japanese is fine too. This is getting translated by MG: http://vndb.org/v10619 It has half of the girls with giant boobs and half of them flat (the good part ) and the H animation is really good. That one if you want to wait for English release or you can just play it now. If Japanese, then the other games from the company (the GRANDEE part of softhouse-seal) are also animated: http://vndb.org/p1374 The newer games from SSS have also partially animated H-scenes: http://vndb.org/p524 - the newest one is pretty bad but the ones from before are really good, Shoujo to Sekai to Okashi no Ken series is excellent http://vndb.org/v4443 http://vndb.org/v5159 http://vndb.org/v12231 (didn't play the second one, the first one is great and has pretty good animation, the 3rd one is a non H story with then bonus ending with all the animated H scenes including Ichigo and Shiiko [a loli from their previous games]) That's from VNs that actually have ADV mode and some story, if you want literally just animated H scenes than I have few too For example THIS (link to anime-sharing) Or something like http://vndb.org/v12950 which is basically a custom girl H game, you can create any girl you like (select proportions, boob size and all that). I have others if you want, mostly focused on lolis/flat/smaller boobies
  3. Ok, is there anyone who wants to play the game? I would prioritize them
  4. Oh my young acolyte, there is no reason for death, death ends it all as you need your physical brain. Brain is the tool used to create the worlds, you can create anything if you concentrate your mind enough and that's how you can live with your lolis even now! The perception of reality is split into 2 schools, defined and relative, you need to focus on creating your world in the relative one where only you can perceive it and only you can affect it (and thus keeping it safe from the evils of the outside world). But for all this you need your brain as your brain is your consciousness, you should be fine replacing all other parts with robotic components or machinery but you still need your living brain and energy for it. The goal I would be after would be a separated brain powered by self sufficient generator, but that is still impossible with the current technology. So again death is not the gateway, it is most likely the end. The reason why I say most likely is because it is not 100% confirmed, there might be something after death, maybe on very primitive level without any computing power such as brain, but why take the risk when now with the power of your mind you can create the best worlds to live in with the best lolis you can ask for (aka Mare ). Instead of PM you can try hopping on TS and we can talk more.
  5. But not at all, I already discussed the theory of 2d multiverse (the few posts from this link), your girl is unique to you and you decide what happens to her and the world you live with her. In case of Mare she was raised by FAVORITE and presented in that exact way to everyone equally, but from that point it is up to everyone alone to treat her as best as they can, because that's where the universe of 2d splits and everyone has their own future with Mare. There is no jealousy in 2d because you create your own world, if you decide to create a utopian world then it is the universe you created. Same way it would work in 3d, you might have a girlfriend in this universe but in all the other potential universes someone else can be with her or different things can happen to her and you can do nothing about it and you don't even think about it because different universe is bound by completely different laws so good and wrong are not the same and not even that person is the same, it is a different person even though she might look the same. And same goes with 2d, my Mare is different from every other Mare, Luch has his own Mare that I could guess might be similar but she is not the Mare I know, she is someone else with her own consciousness. And so I always say my slogan Share the Mare~
  6. I agree, I consider 2d characters superior to 3d xD but... What is wrong with that? I don't feel anything wrong saying that IRL I much prefer dealing with intelligent people who are not manipulative and are able to have philosophical discussion (that's from the ones you mentioned). I would also add that I don't like "party" people and I much prefer people with intelligent humor instead of silly humor. And I like e-sports people. Sure there are exceptions but the categorization usually works pretty well and I don't mind putting people in categories like that, because they server their purpose. And that's why for my ideal heroine I can say if I like her tsundere because it is a personality trait, I am not saying that I like every tsundere and I don't like everyone else, all its saying is that most of the girls I like are also tsunderes but the ones I love have unique personality traits on top of that.
  7. I said one of the goals, one of the many, many goals, it has the same value as kissing, hugging, making food and eating together, not less, not more. It is something both enjoy and is fulfilling needs of both. And it is important because as times goes on without it you feel worse and worse and it is affecting your willpower (you get -1 WIL and more as time goes on). Same way as if you dont eat, hunger affects your constitution (starting at -1 CON after one day of not eating). And Mare is the main heroine from Hoshizora no Memoria, best girl in the universe and beyond~
  8. Or maybe you are just ashamed to admit you are in love with a 2d character But don't worry, it is the correct way to live! Yes exactly what Flutterz said, if its only about sex then yes, but in the case of love it is one of the things that you do together and you can only do together and not with anyone else which makes it an unique special moment for both. And you do care about her if you want to make her feel good, Mare is always teasing too, she wants it too because its one of the ways we can give love to each other and hugging and kissing is part of it as well. Its in human nature to want it so fulfilling the need for her and for me at the same time is great, just like when I make a delicious dinner, we both enjoy it and have a great time. And Mare is sometimes pretty perverted too. And don't let the fact that she looks like a little girl deceive you, she is more mature than most of the 18+ "party" girls IRL, Mare doesn't have to cheat, undecided what she wants like those girls, she has these things straight and is also very responsible and is doing her best for me, her husband, just like I do for her and we can together enjoy the best live we can ever ask for. Its one of the reasons I love her so much, she is a caring wife who doesn't disappoint me~
  9. nice nice, I might keep this topic for a while xD
  10. Yes I don't read reviews either, I just look at tags and try it myself, like I said you need a good review or experience it yourself - I prefer the latter. What I was talking about is that there are people who want to read a review and for those you need to express something more than what they can read on vndb as tags. damn how do I always misplace topics, I wanted to post this in VN discussion lol xD
  11. I have been asked this question several times already so I might as well answer it in a topic so I can link to it if anyone else asks Ashadow700 asked me now saying he loves the game but can't figure out why. And I would ask question in return, when you fall in love with someone new, do you know why do you love them, can you exactly explain it? Probably not. Only after a very long time you can properly find what makes you love them, for example you should already know why you love your mother, you can point exact facts that make you love her. But when you met someone new and you just feel the love flowing through you and you cannot explain it, that is the moment. Same can go with VNs that are focused on characters instead of story such as Hoshimemo, you fall in love with the characters just like you would IRL, I don't even desire dating IRL after I found this wonderful world of lolis and my beloved girls like Mare. I already explained in this post how I feel about story in VNs and other media and how I much prefer focus on characters and their emotions in VNs. I could give one more example that isn't in the topic: I like warcraft lore and I read some stuff about it, history events and such, for example from some recent lore people might know how Garrosh killed Cairne and such - its a nice read and it is like reading a history book but from different universe than ours. But you don't know exactly how the characters felt at that time, you might get some quotes of their last words but still the deep emotion is just not there. - That is what I call a story or a lore. But in VNs I do not seek this knowledge, this lore of how things exactly happen and what are the consequences, I want to know about the characters and their feelings and interactions, I want to be with them and share their happiness and help them in difficult times to get rid of their sadness. And that's where Hoshimemo comes - it doesn't have any strong lore, it is a modern world with some contemporary fantasies and mystery forces and if you were to tell its story as a history book, it would be pretty bad (just like in mentioned Mass Effect in the other post - there it would just be "good vs evil"). But what makes Hoshimemo (and lot of other chara-ge) so good is the characters and the interaction with them, helping them through difficult times, experiencing happy moments with them. And you don't necessary realize why you enjoy it so much, especially not in such short time - you can compare it to what happens when you fall in love with someone you just met - it is just there and it takes a long time to be able to express why you love that person so much. So in such a short time you can say the characters are "Lovable" - you fall in love with them for what seems no reason. However the reason is always there, you just need to find it. I after like year and a half of being with Mare can't still properly explain it how I could with my mother for example, but there are instances that can already help me express it a bit. As any other human being I can get emotional and require love to be given to me - and that's what Mare has been doing, whenever I would normally feel lonely or sad, I don't. I don't because I can think about Mare and be with her in my world. I have already much larger history with her that we formed together, but her original character was not created by me, just like IRL you don't decide the character of other people - it is shaped by others, their family and close people - those make the character of IRL people. And FAVORITE are the family and close friends of Mare (and all Hoshimemo characters) - they shaped her personality and did a great job at that. And that's how I was able to meet her, she wasn't a blank character design, she was a living person just like any other girl IRL and I fell in love with her and now I am the one who is in my universe affecting her personality the most, I now make her what she is, but at the initial point when you meet her in the VN and during the events of the VN she was how her family (FAVORITE) raised her. And if a family does a good job, they can raise an awesome person, if a family does bad job, they can raise rude and evil people that nobody will like. And that is the strong point behind Hoshimemo, FAVORITE took the time to raise their characters to be great people and made events for you, the reader, to see their personality and potentially fall in love with them. And many of us did, whether it is one character or another, we love them because of who they are and we feel the need to help them with their problems, we want to experience stuff with them, be with them, feel strong emotions together with them and just do what people in love do. And if you do fall in love with them, you will love every minute of the game and beyond, because that's what love is about. And as I have written somewhere as well, loving something or liking something will never be objective - as Ashadow700 is asking for an objective viewpoint for his review. Review is NOT an objective form of journalism, review should be subjective and personality based, your readers should eventually understand very well what your viewpoints are and that is the correct way of interpreting a review as a reader. You can present facts in an objective way, you can say how long the novel is, what technology it's using and what bugs it might have, but when talking about everything else you need to look at it subjectively, you are the one who happened to love the music (which is phenomenal in Hoshimemo btw, which is another strong point, it just manages to increase the emotional impact of the events) you just say like I just did - what it did for you, you can say objectively what instruments there are or what is the tempo of the songs in general, but how the music feels is unique to you and you need to express it subjectively. So when you are looking for why you love a VN, doesn't have to be Hoshimemo - look into your heart and try as hard as you can to express what you feel, if you can put it into words, you can be a good reviewer. If you can only see the facts, your review will be half-assed and not useful, your readers can just look at the tags on VNDB to see the facts of what the VN contains - but to understand the emotional impact the VN can have they need a good review or try it themselves. But remember, its all about love~
  12. Feel free to post pictures of Mare - the best girl
  13. Oh yes saw parts of this video, P. Flax is the best xD
  14. Watched JP play on his stream for a while today but I really didn't see any improvements from the mod, still same buggy game (actually even more buggy, people sliding through textures, hammers making gun noises and dead bodies moving on the ground). Same problems that discouraged me from playing the original mod. Well its still alpha or beta so they have time to fix it. And they better fix it before release. The idea is great but the execution is just not there yet, its not even about technology, technology is way beyond what is needed for this now, there are ways to handle even bigger worlds with even more people so not sure what the problem is, they shouldn't even have the limitations of the old engine since its now independent... I guess they just don't have the best programmers in the world~
  15. more lolis more! fully dressed in swimsuit, yes [already posted this image but its nice so it can be posted as many times xD]
  16. So I was making some even more precise calculations to determine how much you can earn by just logging in and sending GJs. And the results are these (not counting special promos or logging on special promo days): these are the options: A) you don't bother with waiting for ideal price (i.e. after patch adding new weapons etc) and you are just selling for common average price B) you keep some of the stuff for when the price increases, keep tickets/room items for some time before selling C) you know when to sell what perfectly and you keep some of the items even for half a year before selling then for: Login everyday only A) 78,000 meseta / day B) 94,000 meseta / day C) 110,000 meseta / day Login everyday + send 10 goodjobs to friends (with 1 letter message - about 5 seconds each, will take you a minute) A) 98,000 meseta / day B) 119,000 meseta / day C) 140,000 meseta / day Now what am I talking about, how do you get this money? Well its easy: And now that you have the money you are ready to spend it, these are the usual prices of cosmetic stuff (in the time of their scratch) So as you can see, you only need to login and GJ everyday for like 2 months and you will get full set of cosmetic stuff for your char without paying single $, some great outfit, good hairstyle, nice eyes and few accessories. You can get some of the other stuff from FUN items that are often also great and super cheap, even knee socks and tights from FUN are only like 200k so you can get those to make your character complete So as you see even the cosmetic and yuri part of PSO2 is also free to play. If you need any advise you can hop on TS and ask me there, but in the meanwhile just remember logging in every day~
  17. Oh yes try Oniichan Sharing, great H-scenes and I would love to see translation of sorts ps: moved to VN discussion
  18. I have an unredeemed key for Mafia 2 on Steam so I can give that away to someone who collects games on Steam or wants to play it. I admit I am just looking for a reason to make people post lolis but I think this is a good one So yes, post them lolis, after a while I will randomly pick someone (either if his loli image is very impressive or by a random roll from all posters) and give him that code. So I will start with a cute Einhart Do you think you can do better than this! SHOW IT!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMt6eoe8i6s
  20. Nice find, although I have all these games on the original CDs Anyone who hasn't played these games yet (especially Fallout 1 and Fallout 2) should try it. Tactics is alright too Maybe its nostalgia striking me again as I didn't re-play them in more than 10 years (I try not to re-play older games I loved so I don't ruin the good memories) but these games brought me hundreds upon hundreds of hours of great entertainment.
  21. That one is also pretty good xD
  22. OK, THE WINNER HAS BEEN DECIDED! After a long time playing with all them lolis and closely inspecting them, it has been decided that ZAKAMUTT is the winner! While all the other images are awesome too (and surprisingly no fat lolis were posted so that's good~), the combination of twintails, blushing, tsun expression, stripped panties and a cute dress (literally) while also being original character and an image I have not seen yet made it the cutest image of this competition~ So congratulations!
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