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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Well on the topic, if you have doubts about any law and such, you need to find how it works in your specific country, how they handle lolicon manga and games, how they handle censorship of pornography materials. But even in countries where it is against law... you will not put posters of naked lolis somewhere when public can see it, if you have it on your harddrive (and you are not under some investigation for whatever reason) you should be fine with anything as nobody is tracking this (everyone is however probably tracking real child pornography and sites dedicated to that). But you will not get in trouble by visiting gelbooru, maybe in those countries with laws agains it try not visiting it in work or school And if someone gets to your harddrive and investigate it, I think lolis would be the least harming thing (at least in my case) with terabytes of downloaded music, games, movies etc. And as for sexual loli attraction, someone liking younger appearance, body proportions and smaller breasts will not go outside and rape some child who looks like that, just like all others who are attracted by whatever they like, big breasted busty milfs or whatever, they will not go and randomly rape some mother who looks like that. Yet everyone even on TV tries to emphasize on this sexiness and boobs and you see boobs in every other American show and the same people try to ban lolicon. What is the difference if some maniac rapes 15yo petite girl or 18yo busty girl, it is terrible crime in both scenarios and who is the victim doesn't change that.
  2. I'm not sure how exactly it works in Japan, but I know a little how it works in Europe. Firstly, there is no international law (I don't think there can even be international law on anything at all as every country has its own law system, maybe there are some deals between countries (like European union and such) that they pass the exact law in all of them but if one country doesn't pass the law, I don't think anyone from different country can sue you based on that). So in Europe there is no need for censor anywhere, however in my country every pornographic materials are 18+ and cannot be sold to younger audience, that would probably apply to Japanese imported games too, but it really isn't concern to me as I am over 18 and I don't work in distribution of such materials so I might not know much about that either. However what I tried to dig some info is what you mentioned - lolicon and censor there. There are European countries such as United Kingdom or Netherlands (and others) that have exact law against sexual graphical representation of minors under 18. And in those countries you have to be careful not to get caught with such material (probably even normal High School VN's in some cases), because then it would depend on the judge if it is or isn't actual minor displayed there (If it is 1000 years loli, you can probably use that for defense but I can't tell how it would work). But in other Europeans countries not affected by this laws, you should not be arrested for something like that. And the censor - as there is no law there, it doesn't matter if it is censored or not, often you see on sankaku or gelbooru an image from original Japanese author with censor line or mosaic and then someone from other part of the world will make the uncensored version of that. That is what I know about it, if someone knows more then please share more, I will just keep hoping my country will not pass any of those stupid laws. Edit: I found this article on wikipedia, can't really tell if all there is true but has the laws explained for some of European countries and for US and aurstalia and new zeland: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_status_of_cartoon_pornography_depicting_minors
  3. First, thanks for the warm welcome :)/> Well I grew up on teamspeak (2 at that time) and we used it for multiplayer games and mmos and I still do (In ts3 you can be at multiple teamspeak servers connected at the same time in one window) And what most people don't know is that it isn't only voice communication software anymore, it has so much more added with the version 3. Yes the voice is the main feature, but it can serve as a private messenger, it has even offline messages like mail, extensive logs and log management (so if I need to find something I posted 2 years ago, I just need to ctrl+f in log file). It servers as file storage, I can just upload something there and link it to chat, torrent files or whole CG sets and songs. On this VN teamspeak I have it set so every member can chat in global chat (I recommend turning off some of the notifications) about various things. Then there are chat channels so you can discuss VNs without spoiling them to people who didn't play but well since its like 5 of us there usually its not really much used. Then there are few voice channels for when we want to play some game like PSO2 or we played worms and such just for fun. All in theme Why I like it better then any IRC is the management of channels, you can put pictures there, upload files to specific channels. And my goal is actually to get people who play VNs there just to chat about randomness when they have time, ask for quick suggestion on what to play next etc. Forum is nice but it takes people long to reply and there are no sound notifications on chats like you can set on teamspeak. So if you have time, drop by, check how it looks. Now its only me and Luch there as we only have Europeans now and me and luch are the only crazy people staying on till 8 am If you want, connect with your name here (like Aaeru or Saber or something so I recognize, if I dont react then poke me and ask for Dorj rank [right click and "Poke Client"] )
  4. Yeah, you need Japanese address when purchasing AC so I used address of SEGA building There was never block for non-japanese IP addresses and should never be as was mentioned by director of the game, he was quite surprised with the popularity in foreign countries and he does not plan to restrict them in any way. (it was in statement from summer) Then there was the problem with hackers and he mentioned that they might need drastic matters to deal with them and people got scared of IP block, but again the drastic matters was increased strenght of Game Guard protection (and because of that lots of people got problems with game guard like crashing of other applications, internet problems when pso2 was running and such, but seems like it got fixed as lately I didn't have any problems)
  5. well I loved Mare route even if it was little short (I was waiting for that moment the whole time while I was reading the rest xD). I preferred that end over Yume ending, even though that one was good too. Asuho route for me was weaker but still very enjoyable, however probably worst from them all for me. When I went for Isuzu route, I didn't expect much as I wanted to do it just to unlock Chinami, however I was pleasantly surprised and I liked it, especially those parts with Chinami in it. I loved Chinami route, it was so funny and romantic at the same time, h-scenes there were probably the best in game for me. Mokoko route was awesome story wise, I liked her character from the beginning and the story in that route was just awesome, probably best story, Kosame mostly expanded on that story so it was very enjoyable as well, however I didn't like her character much. And like mentioned, I really liked Yume route because it was the true resolution of the story and it was about mare a lot too and Mare was the most interesting character for me (and the most attractive ). And when the ending song started playing and I finally heard it and understood what was the arrange music of this, it was so awesome (I am actually very careful about spoilers so I don't even download soundtrack before I finish and I just use the music I had unlocked and this one last song wasn't unlocked to the last moment and that moment was priceless). And then I received that present from Mare And it also had the best quote from any visual novel I've read so far. So with that: Common 10 Asuho 8 Isuzu 9 Chinami 10 Mokoko 10 Kosame 9 Yume 10 Mare 10 And average makes 9.5 and that is my vote for the VN as a whole on vndb. oh btw funny scene I put on youtube:
  6. Routes without romance can be fine if you can expect it, however I would still prefer if it had romance, especially the heroines I like (And I would prefer that in Ever 17 as well, even though it was excellent without it). Having the other guys date a heroine - NO. Rin x Kyousuke seems nice and actually I wouldn't really mind that because I didn't love Rin, but if Masato (or anyone else) touched my Kud when I would be playing different route, I would have to challenge him to a duel across time and space. It would made me even more likely to skip other girl's routes if I would have to worry if my favorite heroine ends up with someone else, I already don't play some heroine's routes (only in games with no true route, in LB and Hoshimemo and such I played every route but for example in My girlfriend is the president I will skip Ran route because I don't really like her). If a heroine is supposed to date someone else, then they should make it multiple protagonist VN and let it be me who dates them all xD If they however gave some heroines to other guys, it would depend on who it is, if I like her then I would mind, especially if it is loli or loli-like heroine, because in the world of that VN I want to be the only protector of innocent lolis If it was some large breasted non-interesting heroine then I wouldn't mind at all xD
  7. yeah everyone avoided block 20 like a plague xD Even we non-japanese. The thing is these trolls didn't usually level too much and only spammed and cheated in b20, I always went to different blocks (they changed the numbers of level ranges so many times I dont even know) and also I used the premium blocks a lot, the max level premium one was always almost full so it was easy getting multiparty. Also to avoid these trolls, it was easy to join MPA that has japanese password, it was usually kana but it worked on trolls very well, sometimes it was a bit harder like 団子 or even harder ones, but for that you have IME pad xD I actually enjoyed playing with japanese there, oh and also they didnt AFK follow, that was the worst, some english people joined party and just followed people or even worse stayed on dropship so they didnt even make monsters spawn (which is bad thing, more monsters = more loot) So yeah, if you want to be effective, join japanese group with password, follow basic instructions and do damage And what is AC good for, definitely skill trees, more mags, more inventory slots (its worth for MPA so you dont leave that often, its double, from 50 to 100). premium is good because you can use shop and room, shop is really important if you want to make money, if you get good rare drop, you need to be able to sell it or even better direct trade it (so you dont lose those 15% on player shop I think, I sold one ultra rare rod for 8M), with premium you get more bank slots too. And I loved decorating my room and inviting people and such. I bought the pack of 10 silver scratch tickes but didnt get much worth of it so I never bought another scrath, that is I think not worth, I better bought everything in shops. XP boosters might be worth if you know when to use them and you want to level another class. Ress is uselss, you always have people around that can insta ress you with stars. Really depends on how you play, if you play only for the combat then you probably don't need to spend much AC, but I played mostly for the social aspect, costumes, various looking Mags, decorated rooms, accessories so I used AC.
  8. I made screenshot selection, from the newest I made few days ago when I pimped myself with wings and such to the oldest one from beta xD Here: http://imgur.com/a/8WC0C I agree, the new costumes are nothing special, I liked wedding dress and yukata the most probably. I didn't even like the halloween one but I took the shrine maiden.
  9. Useful indeed. 2 little things I would love to see there: -indicator of what has been released on fuwanovel and what is still upcoming in the main list, if you can get that information. -download AND open torrent file option nothing really necessary as you can get the info by few clicks, but it would make it more comfortable
  10. Hard to say one I would want to most, probably some fandiscs like Kud wafter (which is actually being translated) and fandisc to Hoshimemo. From non fandiscs there is a lot, Nursery Rhyme maybe the most.
  11. I am currently playing Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ Its so funny, I finished Ell route like weak ago and now I'm in middle of Yukino now. So many references to everything, it even has references to star wars
  12. same here, I played a lot at launch and when lvl 40 patch came and I didn't play since so im stuck as RA at lvl 40. I login from time to time to just buy some of the new costumes and cosmetic items they release but my membership expired and I didn't refresh. And mainly to just chat in Japanese. Actually there is funny story, I bought about 7000AC and then they returned all the money to non-japanese credit cards xD So I still have some AC left but I don't think its trasferable so I cant give you any gifts now. I gave some cosmetic items like flowers to head or dresses to friends from team so I could give some good leveling weapons to you too (with xp gain etc), but without premium I can't trade anymore Also before I left I bought some items that were supposed to get a use in newt few patches, bought them for 20k meseta each now if I activate shop I can sell them for 200k each, so from about 2mil I spent on them I can get 20, but again, since I cannot trade and you if you don't have premium cannot trade, I cant help you. oh, the name is Kobato (because I love 小鳩 from haganai, the actual char name is in romaji however), SHIP 2 Also for leveling get a gunslash with "Another history" and EXP boost, I think its アナザーヒストリー or something like that and it is passive 10% xp and then exp boost another 5%, that helps a lot.
  13. Hi, I've been using fuwanovel since it was basically functional but never registered on forums... and now I felt like registering so I did just that /> I'm Steve, its my nickname and everyone calls me that, even friends I know in person. I'm 21 and from non-interesting part of Europe. First thing to mention and reason why I didn't say "RL friends" is because my RL is basically in front of computer monitor (sometimes bellow />). I am basically NEET, I earn money on PC and I leave house like once a month (If I don't count going with trash or shopping across street) and once a year I meet with people on lanparty xD Like already mentioned, lot of time I spent bellow computer monitor, because I have one in bed so I just tilt it to comfortable angle and do everything there, even work. I actually bought this setup just because of visual novels, I used to have a bigger screen further away for watching movies but approximately year ago I watched my first anime Lucky Star, just out of curiosity (before that I though that all anime is like Naruto [ie. BAD, sorry but Naruto is terrible]). Then I tried one anime and got into it. And a while after I tried a visual novel, Planetarian. However the font was unreadable on the distance so I read it on chair and loved it, then I started little busters to like half of common but something was missing, it was the possibility to lay down and read xD So I got 5:4 screen with handle to bed. I didn't like the black bars I had on sides of VNs so I wanted to have the resolution they use, I don't mind black bars on bottom and top so that's why I chose that display. Mouse and keyboard wireless in bed for easy control. So yeah, that's how I got into VNs and I read several of them already, my favorites are Little Busters and Hoshizora no Memoria, because of Kud and Mare (and Chinami of course). Also the second vocaloid VN Rin ga Utau was so awesome, the Rin story. And I can use this as transition to my favorite genres and heroine types, because as you can see, I have a thing for lolis or loli-like pettanko heroines. Those 2 traits are my favorite for heroine look. As for personality, I don't think I have a specific fav trait there, even from anime and such I like tsunderes, but more like the modern tsunderes, however in game it helps if she is shy too, something like Mare from hoshimemo. Well basically moments that make her blush, those are the best. I like good endings but drama and tear jerkers so basically Nakige all the way, or some light romance comedies like My girlfriend is the president. As for nukiges and sexual content based games, again I like lolis, I often play those in japanese even though I don't know japanese. I usually download 100% CG and replay the h-scenes. Some realtime 3d found a way to my heart as well. You can check my votes here: http://vndb.org/u22877/votes (I only recently voted on the sexual ones so there might be some I missed) If it has English translation then I've read it, if it doesn't then I've only played the ero content so the vote is purely based on the quality of h-scenes. In those games with stories the rating is mostly based on quality of story. I like what I like and I respect people for liking what they like so I hope nobody here will stone me for loli love. One thing I might add is that I am passively learning Japanese, what I mean by passively is that I learn as I watch, read, chat. I played pso2 for a while so I got a bit of reading there. I can read kana and few kanji but like I said, I'm not actively going for some learning sessions, those are too expensive here. This is the way I learned English, from movies, TV series, games and overall communication on the internet and in games, It took me like 8 years to get to this level (and I believe I am quite good at it now given that I didn't take any lessons) so I expect Japanese to take me probably little longer without active studying, but I don't rush anywhere. PS: I have a teamspek server dedicated to VNs, lolis and some anime, we usually only use server chat but sometimes we go to rooms and use voice too. IP is if you want, not much people there (like 5 or 6 usually during europe evening) Ask me or Luch for "Dorj" rank to get rights to chat and move. I usually repost articles from VN aer, summ up translation progress for last week etc there and we also have some rooms for active VNs with pictures and link to fuwanovel (or other DL or torrent if its not on fuwanovel). PSS: I tend to write TLDRs, be careful.
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