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Everything posted by Steve

  1. almost there And still about a month remaining xD
  2. I am little disappointed it is all ages I wanted to have sex with yui, she would be like yui yui nyan nyaaaaannn.
  3. Yep what boomer said, I am not dropping this even if it meant I have force Boomer to increase his Japanese and translate it xD Currently its going in step-like progression, as both translators are on college, they always translate in their free weeks and then have long pauses, Mephisto did some lines in his week off recently and Otonashi will have free week in October. Last update is here: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/1328-hoshimemo-eternal-heart-need-translator-for-h-scenes/page-5#entry33877 The need for H-scene translators still remains, if you know about any it would really help this project (as the current translators feel uncomfortable translating H-scenes)
  4. Aah you have no idea, its exactly the opposite, this is exactly the approach we appreciate. The worst first posts would be blindly agreeing with random people on the forums just to "blend in", what would be the point of such person if they are just a copy of someone else. I have a pretty lengthy post on that matter here And about lolis, we love lolis, they love us and we make love to them so its good you like them too! Even Eldin is nearly a lolicon, after so long under my influence Check this AWESOME TOPIC we have here. It even has some photos from my second wedding. I now have 2 wives and I am the happiest person in the world
  5. Bump (even though its stickied, it should help). I know that it would feel awkward for Tay to bump this himself. Still not there guys, if anyone else could please help him, because 80$ for a single person is still shitloads of money. The loli gods will love you for it and you will go to loli heaven And its pretty fuwafuwa in there And who wouldn't want to be in fuwaheaven with lolis in fuwafuwa animal outfits.
  6. Stats for Riki and Rin will increase for every successfully finished route. Since Rin route is split to 2 parts and you cannot continue it until you play the rest, you didn't technically finish it. Now do all the remaining girls by starting New Game, after you finish each of them, you will see slight increase for stats for Riki and Rin.
  7. Well well well, there is lot to be said on this topic. Everywhere in the world, in every country, you will have stupid laws, even if often inspired by an idea of doing something good. From reading sankaku, Japan has tons of these laws in real life scenarios, people get arrested for asking a direction from a schoolgirl and stuff like that. But such things happen everywhere in the world and Japan is no exception. What is Japan special in is something completely different. They, at least to my knowledge, are the country that restricts any creativity the least. And that is where all the "weird" stuff can come from. You often see quotes like "can you think about something weird - it probably exists in Japan" and stuff like that. And it is true, because they are at least smart enough to understand that limiting creativity will slow the progress of the whole planet. Yet there are people in Japan who try to limit that creativity and many of them have been successful, for example many copyright laws and such matters, that are very stupid and limit creativity (C&D notices and shit like that). I don't want to really go into that now as that is for very different topic (we have quite a few of them on this forum already xD) But what other ways are there to limit creativity? By limiting what you can actually originally create in the first place. And that is where Japan does really great job, it basically says "you can think about it, you can create it". And that is exactly how it should be, everywhere in the world. Unfortunately it is not the case, in lots of parts of the world censorship is a big deal, I know lot of stuff from history of my country about it myself. People being arrested for speaking words of truth, books being burned, media being destroyed, authors being forbidden. There has been countless instances of such things happening and it is only from the history of my little unimportant country. If you take whole world, you will soon see that it is ALWAYS BAD doing things like that, limiting what people can write, draw, create. Or would you not agree that banning something just because YOU don't it is bad and evil? What is then the difference between such person and other "evil" historical figures banning religions, banning all media about some subjects, about things that people create. You know who benefits from stuff like this - the leaders. Because most people alone are nothing, they are just another person between all other 7 bil people. So if you manage to restrict a share of thoughts between those "unimportant" people, you will basically have no opposition. Someone with military and political power would just be the one ruling everything. The reason why this hasn't happened yet is because information and thoughts of people are much more powerful than anything else in this world. Mind is the most powerful tool we have as humans, it is not our arms or legs or eyes, it is the mind. And with complete freedom of expression, you can be important in the events to come, you can be important in the future. Even I with this post am sharing my thoughts, it might seem like sure thing for many of us, we can login and post. But even now in many countries you cannot do that. Because that is what lot of people with power are afraid of, it takes some of their power away from them, it makes internet the most powerful tool to share your individual mos powerful tool, your mind. And more and more try to, laws to restrict the internet are always the threat, because the people with power see it exactly that way. And that is why banning ANYTHING that comes from mind should always be opposed as strongly as possible. That's why these loli ban laws in Japan fail, because there is actually enough smart people in the community to oppose it. It is, always has been and always will be only sharing your mind, nothing else. You cannot possibly compare lolicon to a porn (or a child porn for this matter), because for real porn to exist, real act has to happen, and the tools are real people. For a loli manga or anime to exist, only a thought is required, mind is the only tool and author is the only one using it. Why should it be restricted, why should it be limited in any way? Because YOU don't like it? THEN DON'T WATCH IT. Its simple as that, if you do not like any expression of creativity, whether it is for you boring book, disgusting movie or loli VN, what is forcing you to watch it, how does it affect you? The answer is it doesn't, you should just move on and enjoy whatever else you enjoy. I will bring this fact again as I haven't mentioned it enough it seems, rock music (or similar genres coming from west [america etc]) were banned in my country for a long time because it was believed that it causes violent behavior in people. Most people will even laugh at absurd idea like that nowadays, but exactly the same is happening here. Some Japanese media is already banned in some countries in Europe, there were some problems in America and Canada too about this. All I can do is laugh in the face of the people saying those things because I know that it is exactly the same as the rock music idea, but many people hasn't realized it yet. And then I stop laughing because I realize that maybe there will never be a time where people realize it, with what direction I see the world turning, I am actually often thinking how I don't want to live on this planet anymore. But I still try to at least offer my mind to oppose, I try to persuade other people to oppose it and with our connected minds we can rule this world through creation and free expression. I am just worried that time will arise where the limits will be too high to allow enough minds to connect and oppose, it will be the moment of the ultimate evil becoming victorious. All we can do is fight the limitations themselves, that way we can always connect our minds for the better cause, especially now with the use of internet. Don't let those limitations slowly overwhelm us to the point of no return. And if you don't like something ignore it. Just because you don't like something or don't agree with something doesn't mean it should be banned. It is all creativity after all. You might say "well if those people didn't create loli manga, I would have more non-loli manga to read" - and that is WRONG, if there were such limitations, people who now can create would just be working in McDonalds for minimal wage or something, not creating anything at all. Just pick what you like from the literally unlimited amount of media available and leave the rest alone, you are not the only consumer. And until the end of days, lets just pray that creativity will always be limitless, as that is the way its meant to be. And have a cirno:
  8. And we shall respect your decision. Well see you around the forums then, or if you once in a while appear on ts (you know you like it there )
  9. Will there be statement from the Bat Man himself? I am wondering if it is due to time issues (school/work) or some other reason. Anyways thanks for your contributions to the community and I hope you'll still stick around on the forums.
  10. Your best course of action would be contacting the original project and joining their team, they have all the extraction tools so if you say you want to be the translator, I am sure they can take you on board (as it seems they are short on translation power). From the latest update they are at 85% of Miyako route so you might just help with finishing it, as the guy seems to be really busy with his job. If you want to make your own translation for a single route only and not the common route or any other route, I would actually recommend using annot player's visual novel reader interface, people can read the already translated lines from yandere team and when they reach point of this route, they can turn on your subtitles for this part only.
  11. What do you mean CG's for the routes are missing? If you don't have the H-CGs, the ending CGs and such in the recollection, it seems like the routes are not marked as completed. When you are in common route, do you have small icons for the characters next to the choices for those characters? If not, it is another symptom implying problem with writing to the save file. If you do not have CGs in recollection and character icons next to choices for completed girls, try checking if the save files in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\FAVORITE\星空のメモリア are not set to read only or something. Another option would be redownloading the game.
  12. Yaay... Estimated spendings when this releases: 30 000 000 Meseta
  13. One thing, the special BB codes are in separate menu when posting, I think few of them that are used a lot should be separate buttons by default (instead of that twitter button) , so you don't have to go to the special menu every time you want to post them. I am mostly talking about spoiler tag and media tag.
  14. Thats exactly how it was on the previous if you used the rich text editor option. Now it is the default setting and I don't know if it can be turned off. what you can do is write the image manually like [img] image url [/img]
  15. EGS is now working btw, it was just some error on their side. Yes it is basically a database with info about VNs in Japanese. Even though vndb has good info about lot of VNs, there are some that have no info or comments. Also most non-english translated VNs on vndb don't have a review or comments. Also vndb rescticts the games listed to only games that have adv/nvl interface most of the time, therefore limiting lot of sex simulators and such (which also have adv but they still don't want them listed). All that is still listed on EGS and is pretty easy to find a game similar to one you liked (for me especially those sex games). To why it is blocked, we will never know. When it still wasnt blocked here, I noticed they had often lags and problems (like the one last week), so maybe they just don't have the ability to support whole world, so they try to limit their traffic to only specific countries. (from what I noticed the countries NOT blocked are close to JP timezone, such as Australia, Philiphines etc. Most of Europe is blocked).
  16. Will you be setting up donation button? Or what is the donation email?
  17. yes, it used to show member title (for example Loli Protector for me). It is still in profile settings but it is not shown in the post. and another thing, the new image resizing is good, but is it possible to close the image with a click on it too when it is maximized? Now you have to click either outside of the image or on the close button.
  18. have a Kud as a celebration
  19. you can get that awesome for any amount you want to pay at https://www.humblebundle.com/
  20. Hm, we just tested with Boomer and it doesn't work through any proxy and even a straight Japanese VPN (no tor) doesn't work so I guess they are just having problems or something Maybe it works in different times when im sleeping but I try like at least 3 times per day and wasn't able to connect for like 3 days, usually through JP night time, which is weird - there shouldn't be any load on it. Tried JP, AU, SE proxies and tor nodes, neither of them works. I can connect to all other blocked websites and even to JP only games (Emil Chronicle Online), but not to EGS...
  21. so you are saying you can access the past few days? I really tried like 10 different refreshes for JP address but still cant connect, which is very weird. Why would they block Japanese.
  22. I can't access EGS for the past few days even with various JP ip addresses and various online checks report it being down. Does anyone have any info?
  23. Lolis would be the way to attract me but I am not sure if it would work on Australians since I heard they are not the best country to like lolis in xD (with the laws and such). But yeah, some free loli posters and such could work xD And if not lolis then I guess posters of the characters from the game in bikini and such
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