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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Or following the "true" True Route (mare), which in a sense would solve the problem with including Yume and not having her H. However I would also like to see Chinami route and it cannot be just some side route in the story as the romance there is the important part. For sisters it can be easily done without the romance, even for Aoi, but Chinami would just need the romance. So it would be pretty hard to make such anime xD Maybe original season everything and Mare and then OVA series with like 6 episodes for Chinami including romance. And then special H-OVAs for Mare and Chinami... together!
  2. I see you've been reading at great places. The thing is fuwanovel is not really part of "THE -coolest and greatest- vn community" - I don't consider myself part of that community because those people are not even worth talking to, sure there are exceptions but most people hate just because it is what the other people from "THE -coolest and greatest- vn community" are doing and they want to fit or something. I don't even know and can't explain it, people should just enjoy together what VNs can give us (tons of entertainment) and stop bashing translations and games and overall being toxic and dicks. But that's how it is, that is the true form of "THE -coolest and greatest- vn community" and I will not associate with such people. And that is exactly why I joined fuwanovel, it is one of the very few small VN communities that doesn't give a shit about "THE -coolest and greatest- vn community" and just does things it's own way, prepatched games, friendly for newbies and all that. If people have problem with that, they can avoid it easily, we are not forcing the website to anyone, if someone doesn't want to use it, they don't have to, they can start their own website where you cannot do anything, ask any question, link torrent or whatever... oh wait, such website already exists xD And as you can see, with prepatched and Aaeru we managed to built this great community with mostly friendly atmosphere where you can discuss whatever, download games and instantly play them and be happy. There is no reason to change any of that just because "someone" doesn't agree with it, we are what we are, if people don't agree with it, they can leave and never visit the website again, there is no revenue lost because everything fuwanovel does is free and non-profit, not even ads. And as you can also observe, the fact that peopel avoid fuwanovel actually helps us keep the friendly atmosphere, toxic people just bash fuwanovel elsewhere where we don't have to read it and we are happy, have clean nice forums and just have fun.
  3. The risk you are running into with this is that the torrents on nyaa go dead and such or are not seeded and people would start topics in the troubleshooting section asking for seeding and also reupload of patches if the translator's site goes down etc, reporting problems that their game is not English because they clicked wrong button (and you can make it crystal clear that it is the non-translated version and they will still click it thinking its English) - I currently do support for living so I know this very well, easiest way is to just leave a single button that will bring English version and nothing else, because if you give people the choice, some of them will choose the wrong one and then complain. It is unnecessary and would only bring more trouble than benefits.
  4. Someone who is saying "lolprepatched" is no valuable feedback at all - most people are happy the way it is and to tell you the truth even I was lazy this time and waited for ShiniKiss prepatched because I just didn't want to go through the patching process, however easy it might be. If this person is complaining about it, he already knows how to get his non-prepatched VNs and is just most likely mocking Fuwanovel so listening to such feedback is pointless in my opinion. It worked as prepatched the whole time just fine as it is the greatest way for new players who just want to have their first VN easy and not a hassle going through some patches. And lastly, link to the patch is already provided inside the link to the translation group's website where you can easily get the patch if you want to try some manual patching or something (or check if there is new version of patch that isn't updated in the fuwanovel release or something).
  5. Wow, now that you described it I also want to know the name of this VN, it sounds bonkers xD
  6. Hoshizora no Memoria fits 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 Loli there is awesome, best loli ever. You will love all the characters and immerse yourself in their story, that's how deep it is. Great and rewarding H. Mystery, love, tears, happiness, very funny at times while very touching at other places. And one of the best music in a VN ever xD Not that many choices though, I think in a single playthrough you will have like 8 and after that you get to the girl's route which is choiceless. From what other people are recommending: Rewrite is a great story but doesn't have any H at all (all ages) and so I didn't even finish it yet - but it can be good if you feel like playing something without H. And Grisaia I didn't try yet since I didn't see a loli there xD Although there is imouto... but Hoshimemo has both imouto AND a loli (2 separate heroines) so that is obviously a winner for me xD
  7. You can use Magnifier to zoom on specific part of screen by increments of 25% (after setting in Magnifier options to have increment 25%) To run it just type 'Magnifier' into start menu and press enter. Also your 16:9 monitor should have an option to change to 4:3 view (in one of the settings using the physical buttons on the monitor itself), if you use that your whole screen will shrink but once you put the game in fullscreen, it will be maximum size with black bars on side.
  8. Yes please keep it 2d as it is the world we live in, isn't it? Fuwa is mosly centered around VNs, anime, manga and overall Japanese manga style of art and this topic was designed to collect images as the one in the original post, I accepted some cute animals and such but most people understood that it is just a cute anime girl sharing thread basically xD It was in the "Anime and Manga" section originally, way before there was any "General Discussion" section - that's why it used to be clear it is for that kind of art only. Original idea was to really post the single cutest image - which is what I did and still believe it is the one as I didn't find better one even though many people posted really cute ones here. I posted few others later that get close to the original one but not quite there yet xD Back than I couldn't have expected it will still be alive after almost a year! - this might actually be the single oldest active topic on the whole forums~ Yes, best anime this season for sure!
  9. Yay, I've been waiting for this On Friday I should finish all my business and after that I won't have to leave a house at least till I have to go to post office to pick up xmas presents so I should have enough time to play~
  10. It would indeed be very silly if someone actually complained about it xD But yeah, being able to earn title with contributions is probably the best way, - 500 posts already is some contribution (although in case of some people not so much ) - I don't want rep to actually have any more rewards as the rep itself already is a reward so I wouldn't put title for rep - Other notable contributions in support section, walkthrough section etc. should give it too on case by case basis
  11. Luckily it probably only keeps the ones you kept for some normal amount of time, there actually is list in profile, for you it shows this Yuyuko Saigyouji Kaguya Today, 05:59 AM Kaguya Yuyuko Saigyouji Nov 05 2013 07:59 AM Aya Kaguya Sep 20 2013 09:48 PM Kaguya Aya Sep 20 2013 09:24 PM
  12. there, fixed it for you - and I agree!
  13. It might sound like complaining from my side... and it actually is xD But it is justified, I am recently not reading forums that often as I used to (so only... like 10 times per day now xD) and I am already struggling with some people changing their name, having to go to their profile to actually check who it actually is. There are people who visit the forums once a week, even month - how are they supposed to keep up with people changing their name, even if like batman suggest it is once a month, it is still too often. This is not really a suggestion to Tay on how to improve the system (but well the name history in post information under the location for example could work... maybe?) but a plea to the people actually changing their names often - please don't xD Its confusing
  14. who are you! Aah its Kaguya in a disguise - this is exactly why you should not change your name once you have 10+ posts. - which actually might be a good idea, Tay is it possible to have a MAX post count till which you can change your name (since nobody knows you yet that well) and once you are over it only admin could change it? That way newly registered people could change their name to be different from login name but people with some posts would keep the same so it doesn't cause confusion on the board OR have a name history displayed on every post xD
  15. I feel you, every time sometimes changes avatar I don't recognize them anymore xD And what is even worse if someone changes avatar (or signature image) and some other person changes avatar to what the previous person used to have. Like when batman changed the monogatari loli to something else and Kendjin changed his thing to the monogatari loli I always thought its batman posting while it was actually someone else :/ So I read the whole post in batman voice in my head and then realized its not actually batman!
  16. You better start posting so you can set your title 'Time Vampire'~ DAMN ITS LATE, Luch struck again and my time disappeared sounds about right, as for the change request, if there is option to require mod/admin approval for name change, that would be the way but I guess such function is not there and it is either freely changeable or not changeable at all?
  17. Username change: If there is a possibility to give everyone 1 name change and that's it, it would be the ideal way - I for example started with my generic username and changed it right away to Steve so I can separate my login information and my name on forums, which is useful in many ways. But as we have seen some people changed their username on weekly basis and that is clearly a misuse of the feature. User title: I think that having custom user title that is not offensive is quite fun, I have min after all set. Hard to say if use reputation or posts - since now games and chatter is not tracking posts (or is it?), the post limit might be good, 500 posts worked fine. Alternatively it can be reputation, but I wouldn't want this to turn into forum where you beg for rep in your posts, if I like a post I might decide to rep, if I write a post I don't expect to get rep and if I get it, I have notification enabled to see who actually liked my post and it gives me feedback on what people do and don't like - and that's how it should be used, not to use it as a goal or bragging system. So in I would actually recommend NOT using reputation as a criteria for any reward, as the feedback you get through the rep system is reward in itself So I'd say 500 posts.
  18. http://youtu.be/YbpCLqryN-Q http://youtu.be/Z4UTDudShDY
  19. I should finish rewrite one day xD You need to try make your voice deeper for this to fit the chorus, you know like opera singer style, overdo it! xD (that's how I sing it in shower and such ) PS: this song really makes me want to dust off my old accordion that I didn't play for for like 15 years now (ever since I got keyboard as I switched to that)
  20. Skip works in common route, only place where it is broken is the girl's route so once you get to the point I mentioned, just stop and go automatic. You will still experience new scenes in common route, it will pause for those correctly.
  21. YES I WILL! You need to come on Teamspeak, if I'm not there (gonna sleep soon) and you just see Luch, when asking for rank ask specifically for Gumi rank (special rank for the cool Lolicons , say that Steve granted you such rank) Here are some lolis, those should satisfy your appetite for now: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/613-best-of-steves-loli-collection-ultra-moe-explosion/ But on TS, we have all the Gumis, Kururiiins, Mares, Vivios and all others
  22. Yeah I use romaji input so its probably slower. And yep, TU for つ, SI for し, DU for づ, TI for ち.
  23. Aah a Kururi lover Sorry for late reply, I just now noticed your signature so I decided to comment on it xD FH actually has "a" translation, nothing special (and lot of people hate on that) but for me it was fine to read it best scene: http://youtu.be/i7In8ox0gws
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