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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Since the discussion about the event has been removed, I will state the idea here for future similar events. From some experience a good time to organize worldwide event is at about 4PM (middle of afternoon) eastern which is 1PM (after lunch) pacific which is 22 CET (still before midnight) in Europe, 06 in the morning in Asia (Korea and Japan) so already possible to wake up for and like 8am or something in Australia so same there. It still leaves some people out in bad times for example people from Middle East, eastern Russia and such but for general demographics of gamers it usually fits quite well. Often Asia is left out so it can even be 2 hours earlier for Europe to be in evening, but this works for all 3 timezones quite well and since anime and vns are centered around Japan a lot, its good to include that timezone. As for day of course Saturday which means its Saturday evening in Europe and Sunday morning in Japan/Australia - most people have days off. Anyways nothing we can do now, its just for future reference in case you want to organize such event. I would highly recommend http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ where you add the main timezones of your demographics and you see it as timelines and you can see exactly what time is where in the specific point in the timeline. I hope to see the video tomorrow morning
  2. Marked the time in converter (I would recommend using that for future as you can set all the timezones of other people and when you generate the event it will convert to viewer's local time and add countdown) http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/event?lid=8,5,12,1850147&h=5&sts=23087820&sln=21.5-22.5&a=preview And sadly, I will definitely be sleeping at that time, its unfortunate that its this week because otherwise I am usually awake at that time. Well I hope there is recording.
  3. Best episode ever http://youtu.be/6pNXJOeZnY0
  4. Yes that might help, very light pink and dark green like the forum template (or the previous rep counter) what a cheat~
  5. the green one looks faded and the pink looks like its a negative rep... just saying The previous idea of increasing the color intensity was better imo, starting at white, then faded green etc up to the fuwanovel green at 100
  6. Btw this sunday I will probably not be online in US late times as I am currently changing my time schedule for next weeks DreamHack, therefore I will be awake in this timeframe http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/?qm=1&lid=3067696,5,8,1850147&h=8&date=2013-11-24&sln=3-15
  7. You are pretty late to the party, I already suggested this idea in every feedback form they had. They always ask what collaboration you would love to see and what costumes so I said FAVORITE and Hoshizora no Memoria Mare costume and scythe. But most people probably say some popular anime like the recent Madoka collaboration or the next week's Fate collaboration. And I even made the Mare SA to support that idea and spread Mare in pso2 xD image reposted from https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/461-pso2-phantasy-star-online-2/page-6#entry27476 now we just wait and see, maybe one day
  8. just FYI, LOLIS wasn't canceled, first step is the Nay's review integration and from that system it will be easier to implement LOLIS as well And if it is ever done I'll make sure the name LOLIS is used, it is already registered trademark after all And on topic: You can request and share various stuff in the request section: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/forum/75-downloads-and-requests/ I for example requested both VN and manga. However the main website is only focused on VNs as anime and manga is already released "prepatched" by original creator, there are already subtitles inside the mkv and the manga is already translated so you don't need to do the patching - which is what fuwanovel makes easier for VNs. (btw this pre-subbed anime was really surprising to me when I started, since normal subtitles usually used to be shared as a srt/ass file and you needed to download the movie/series separately and then sub, but that was like 10 years ago when I was watching with Czech subtitles and then few years later when making subtitles myself) So again pre-subbed anime/manga you can find, but pre-patched VNs are only unique to Fuwanovel and that's why it's only focus is on VNs.
  9. Just follow the basic rules 1. make a loli-like character 2. earn some basic money 3. get premium or have luck on shop tickets 4. start trading 5. dress your loli 6. never go on a mission again 7. continue trading 8. continue dressing your loli 9. enjoy your loli 10. find some other loli to have cyber yuri with xD
  10. char remake is about 5$ but you should have free character slot so you can make new one, clothes are transferable.
  11. then you should remake your character
  12. noo, not at all I certainly DID NOT force anyone to delete his character and make new loli one, I certainly DID NOT force anyone to pay 5$ to change his current char to a loli!
  13. Do you mean the experience I mentioned on the first page:
  14. So I hope you guys followed the basic rules of PSO2: 1. only make loli-like characters (smallest breasts, smallest size, cute face) 2. spend all your money on clothes, NOT WEAPONS 3. have fun I follow the rule number 2 As mentioned above, the clothes and accessories for the Devil costume were for original price 23,000,000 and that is not counting the hairstyle and eye contacts which were another 5,000,000 If you were to get it now it would be much more expensive as most of the stuff is not for sale anymore so the stock is low which results in price getting high. What I do is buy all the good stuff every scratch and then combine together the different pieces, for example the demon tail is from scratch last summer, the socks are from start of summer this year, tiara is from spring, the bikini are from summer beach scratch, eye contacts are from earlier this summer, wings are from 2 weeks ago, rear fire unit is drop so that is cheap - once you have that you combine it and create good costumes.
  15. Well and I will post one more screen, since on the ones I posted you couldn't really see the tail. Mahou Shoujo Yumiko Deviluke overwatching the night city~ She is a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark loli.
  16. I'll post the pictures of my current char again (on request of Kendjin xD), they got lost in the discussion xD
  17. the torrents are the same, kendjin linked the one I did
  18. Well at start (in closed and open beta) there was no English patch and only translation available was something like this topic: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=195744 and translation such as http://bumped.org/psublog/pre-open-beta-starter-guide-for-phantasy-star-online-2/#main So by having original version and looking up this in the images I learned what is what as I saw both the original and the translation. Now since you can just get the English patch, you don't really learn what is what, unless you remember the position or something. Btw I tried the PSO2 Tweaker to test it like 2 months ago and I had a slight problem that i was deleting my shop search history and I am using that a lot (otherwise you need to input full name of the item) so I stopped using the tweaker. Also in the torrent they mention block 20, I guess if you want to start playing missions with some English people it is the way to go but I try to avoid that block as much as I can as its just full crappy western SA spam and weird individuals xD So alternatively you can either solo everything with friend support partners quite easily or join some Japanese groups, you should be able to learn the basic communication in Japanese pretty quickly, greeting, thanking and such.
  19. I don't think so, their update sucks xD But it is not whole 15GB at once, it should be in chunks and smaller patches. However there is a torrent which includes the English patches: http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=494357 and all up to version November 16th so the English patch should still work till the next patch in a week or so (the problem with English patch is that after every official patch you need to wait for new release and re-patch, there is some PSO2 Tweaker that will install that for you after every patch so that might be usefu. I play on the Japanese version as I already got used to it). EDIT: it actually says in the torrent so yeah, you can read that and use that if you want
  20. And while this topic got active again, I will post my current look, I bought the digital camera ingame to take better pictures from different angles and all all pictures are 100% safe Also this is my most expensive costume so far, total price it cost me was 23,000,000 meseta xD (would be more for current prices as lot of the stuff is not in rotation anymore) , not even the Angelic costume was this expensive, the angel wings were like 7 mil and the dress and side accessories maybe like 5 mil total xD And not to mention I bought all the alternative things like white-black stripped knee socks, pink-black stripped knee socks, the kyubey mag and all that so in total I spent like 30mil on that scratch xD So now I am poor, only have 13mil for the next scratch which will be fate/stay night and prisma iliya scratch coming in a week or so (has the fate Costumes and Weapons [camos] and much more such as butterfly wings which will probably be expensive and I might need them xD...)
  21. Currently the full client has little over 15GB. There are still internet providers that have FUP limit? Yeah its pretty easy, once it just takes ages to download from the official server and their patcher is also pretty slow, but you can just leave it on background and you'll be fine.
  22. Oh thanks, I didn't even notice it was down, everything happened while I was sleeping, just before going to bed I checked fuwanovel and when I woke up it was working just fine So good smooth Job - so smooth that people didn't even notice xD
  23. I don't understand what you mean by that, there is lot of loli anime, there is no law against that. Sure the H-ova would have to be 18+ but the normal anime with a kiss or whatever is fine. Although I wouldn't mind them releasing it as OAD only just like kiss x sis xD There was even loli pantsu exploration there. And well they could as well include the H there and make it 18+ while they are at that xD
  24. Well we can never know, the recent Walkure thing got anime. When I asked some Japanese people, they mostly know FAVORITE, hoshimemo and iroseka are pretty popular it seems - not as much as Key obviously but still a lot. So getting some FAVORITE anime isn't out of the question. And the thing is about true end, the part you mentioned is actually incorporated inside the mare route as you have to go through it (sure most people just auto skipped it as they JUST read few hours ago it but it is there) and then [better put that in spoiler as there might be someone here who didn't finish hoshimemo yet] And lastly the Japanese fans are 90% fans of Mare because she makes the game, she is there 100% of the time, even in the other routes she always plays important role. Where as Yume has like... maybe 10-15% screen time and thats it, not enough for most people to form so strong bond to her like they did to Mare - which is why if making anime they should focus it on Mare. (sure ideally there would be 6 seasons of anime each dedicated to one character - but we know they won't do that as nobody would sponsor such idea xD)
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