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Everything posted by Steve

  1. I can just be min 10 posts or something, doesn't have to be high. You can judge a person from 10 posts, if it also includes introduction post. And if it is just a spammer or a troll, he will get banned immediately after his first post. There is no such system on vndb, vndb has ratings which are personal, I rate games in my scale so I can keep track or explain, not to recommend to other random people on vndb. That's why I also vote on games where I only played H-scenes, because I want to be able to know which I rated good, I don't actually know how good is the rest of the game. But that's because numeral rating system is not really that good in anything, movies or whatever. If you want to know if you would like something, you can't just look at a number, you need to either read a review or ask someone you think has similar likings as you do. And that is what LOLIS is about, you will see people who voted on VNs you liked and people who even recommended link to some other VN and you know you have similar tastes so you will at least visit the page. And on that page, you can read the short user reviews which will be also the addition. And from that info you will have much more information than if you would read a number on vndb and some troll comments. NO! Liking something isn't logical and doesn't have to be reasonable or organized, you just like what you like and you don't even have to explain it to anyone. If you decide to write a review then yes, you should make it logical and organized so people reading it can understand and its not waste of time for them. But clicking that like button there can be done by a monkey and if a monkey likes it and expresses it then why shouldn't a monkey be able to use it. (and to avoid the malicious monkeys, we would have the 10 post limit so it can't be a trollmonkey instead). But LOLIS is not popularity contest so number of likes doesn't really matter, the relations and interconnections is what matters, hence the name LOLIS. With that you will see that a monkey liked Clannad and monkey also liked Little Busters, and if you agree with said monkey and liked them too, then you can look for other things that monkey liked and you might also like it. And the intelligence or logic of that monkey has nothing to do with it, you just happened to both enjoy bananas so maybe you will also both enjoy another fruit. So again, please don't misunderstand the LOLI System, it is not to determine which VN is the best or worst, it is there to organize the library of VNs on fuwanovel by links and interconnections, making it easier to find other things users might like. And 99% of malicious users trying to flood and spam the system you can filter anyways by simply requiring a forum registration (which was in the concept from the start, using forum user database), the remaining 1% by requiring the minimum 10 posts or something little like that.
  2. But OF COURSE NOT, how could I do such a thing, I thought about the name and it just HAPPENED to turn into this acronym ok, I might have spent like 10+ minutes trying to make it into that acronym but don't tell anyone~
  3. that is already there, there are links to EGS, VNDB, VNTLS, Walkthrough and Opening video, as well as additional information, quick troubleshooting info, translator info, link to torrent and even soundtrack for some VNs.
  4. It is actually not a bad idea, there might be a checkbox that will change your username to Anonymous (or something) and make i unclickable in the list of people that voted so the vote is registered but people can't see you voted on it. But I do not feel the need to do that, be proud to love them lolis and other VNs I actually never used MAL but the overall system is inspired by multiple websites such as anidb, imdb and some others. Actually that is not the goal at all, as I mentioned in the very original post in the other topic, vndb has all the games, not limited to English only, where as fuwanovel has English games only, so it will be more friendly towards new VN readers. If you click on what someone liked on vndb, you have to go through a list to find something that is actually in English. And second thing is: vndb has rating and no recommended VNs if you liked certain one or count of what people who liked certain VN also liked, which makes it harder to actually find similar popular VNs. Vndb on the other hand has much more extended database tools with tags and all that, making it easier to find specific genre ad specific tags, which is not really what LOLIS is about, it is about creating a social system to be able to find and see other peoples quick opinions (which is not what vndb allows that much). So it would not be competition at all, people wanting an extended technical search would still have to use vndb while people more caring about other people and general popularity of English releases would be using this. There is one slight problem though which would require solution, what to do with licensed games, since Aaeru does not want them on the main website. But then again, maybe for this system we would exclude licensed games as it is more for beginners to VNs, who are most likely not going to pay for a VN, because they just started and might not be sure if hey like it that much or not. So offering only the games listed on fuwanovel (the free ones) would probably be best. Once they then visit the forum for extended recommendation, licensed games can be recommended to them with a link to buy or torrent.
  5. Copy pasted from the original topic so it is open to clear discussion here.
  6. LINKED ORGANIZED LIBRARY INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM for Fuwanovel (aka LOLIS for Fuwanovel) What is LOLIS for Fuwanovel? Well let me explain: Only portion of the people visiting Fuwanovel website are then registering on the forums, why limit the guide only to them and not include all users of Fuwanovel website. LOLIS would allow common users of Fuwanovel website to see what VNs were liked by people who also liked the VN they just finished, as well as recommendations from the page of VN they liked. __________________________________ How would it work? I imagine it like this: You would use your Fuwanovel forum login (that would be necessary to prevent spam and misuse like in the case of the comment box). And then: 1. you would be able to mark VNs you liked from those that have a listing on the website. 2. you would be able to create a 'link' between 2 VNs about which you would recommend if one was liked 3. you would be able to vote if you agree or disagree with 'link' created by another registered member __________________________________ So what would it look like in the end? For example: You come to a listing of Rewrite and you would see: 74 people like this game (show list) 35 people who liked this game also like Little Busters (show list) 12 people who liked this game also like Wanko to Kurasou (show list) 17 people (85%) (show list) would recommend Little Busters if you liked Rewrite, 3 people (15%) (show list) disagree. 12 people (75%) (show list) would recommend Hoshizora no Memoria if you liked Rewrite, 4 people (25%) (show list) disagree. the names in the list would be clickable and just linked to a single page like lolis.fuwanovel.net/Steve where you could see likes with links (preferably with images) about what they liked on Fuwanovel, what recommendation links they created, what links they agree and disagree with and all that. __________________________________ Why is this better than having someone create the links and recommendations? Well its simple: More people will always produce more accurate result, if you leave it to only few people, they will select what they believe and that way people might miss on some VNs because of that. __________________________________ I know it wouldn't be easy, but it would be in my eyes the most effective solution that would most likely vastly reduce the repetition of identical recommendation requests and only leave the unique, more personal topics. Now I ask you, would you like to see LOLIS on Fuwanovel? disclaimer: I have no power to actually make this system nor do I have any say in Fuwanovel website administration, this is just an idea I just had and think would be cool
  7. 1. I agree and I will do that 2. Little nitpicking, system is already in the acronym LOLIS, it is the S So LOLIS system is like saying RIP in peace
  8. Yes, again in notification options https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notifications Topics & Posts Auto follow topics I reply to. Notification frequency: -there set the frequency to what you would like, by default it will send you when you are offline, but you can have it send a daily or weekly report too
  9. I think he means who would write the code for the system, once that is done I am sure lot of people would actually use it. And yes, it would require some database implementation for it to work, which could be done with the talented people we have. Its not about becoming detailed database like vndb, but vndb lists all VNs, whether or not they have English patch. Fuwanovel mostly only lists games that already have full English patch so it wouldn't be as giant as vndb and much more useful for newcomers (lets be honest vndb is not really newbie friendly as well). And it doesn't have to be done in one day, it can just be made as subdomain of fuwanovel lolis.fuwanovel.net and people can start slowly working on it, I would help with what I can. The whole database process would be in the lolis subsection and then on the main page of the game there would just be another window containing information generated through that system, that way there is no need for any change on fuwanovel main website and it would just be another box under the comment section or something. And it actually wouldn't be THAT difficult, I did a bit of mysql and from how I thik it would be done, it would just require 3 tables, one for users (using parts of userDB from forum for the login), one for games (also number according to main website) and one for relations (recommendations). Under users there would be field for name, field for liked games (just listing the ID of games user liked) and field of agreed relations and disagreed relations, as well as of course login information, relations would be first created once someone sets them (with easy form) and added as entry to relations table, which would then be able to contain count of total users agreed, total users disagreed, calculate all the percentages and all that. Table for games would contain game name field and field for number of total likes. And then you just make a link to the database to display on website like I mentioned) {gameID0001.name} - {total likes} people like this game (show list - {userID0001.name},{userID0002.name},{userID0003.name}) and similar for other data we need, it would require some time but I am sure people would be willing to help.
  10. You can track here: http://vntls.org/project/fortune-arterial/ http://vntls.org/project/koichoco/ If you change the tabs you can get to official website where you can see updates from translators and all that.
  11. You need to setup your notifications here https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notifications ps: ill be moving this topic to technical section after a while
  12. Lot of the topics are in this format: Now you might think that all the VNs would fall into one category, but that most of the time not the case. What people reading the topic and giving a recommendations do is they think "Oh, I played those and I liked them too and I also played VN D and that is what Im going to recommend". So the categorization isn't really according to genre or tag, but more like 'VNs Steve liked', 'VNs Joyjason liked', VNs batman liked' etc. Essentially what Joyjason said could work, but imagine this idea: People who are often looking for recommendation come from fuwanovel website, which is focused on English translated VNs only. Now I would not include non-English translated VNs in the guide, because it is nigh on impossible to include all of the good ones, I would still leave that to the personal recommendation topics. And as for English translated, I present you: LINKED ORGANIZED LIBRARY INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM for Fuwanovel (aka LOLIS for Fuwanovel) What is LOLIS for Fuwanovel? Well let me explain: Only portion of the people visiting Fuwanovel website are then registering on the forums, why limit the guide only to them and not include all users of Fuwanovel website. LOLIS would allow common users of Fuwanovel website to see what VNs were liked by people who also liked the VN they just finished, as well as recommendations from the page of VN they liked. __________________________________ How would it work? I imagine it like this: You would use your Fuwanovel forum login (that would be necessary to prevent spam and misuse like in the case of the comment box). And then: 1. you would be able to mark VNs you liked from those that have a listing on the website. 2. you would be able to create a 'link' between 2 VNs about which you would recommend if one was liked 3. you would be able to vote if you agree or disagree with 'link' created by another registered member __________________________________ So what would it look like in the end? For example: You come to a listing of Rewrite and you would see: 74 people like this game (show list) 35 people who liked this game also like Little Busters (show list) 12 people who liked this game also like Wanko to Kurasou (show list) 17 people (85%) (show list) would recommend Little Busters if you liked Rewrite, 3 people (15%) (show list) disagree. 12 people (75%) (show list) would recommend Hoshizora no Memoria if you liked Rewrite, 4 people (25%) (show list) disagree. the names in the list would be clickable and just linked to a single page like lolis.fuwanovel.net/Steve where you could see likes with links (preferably with images) about what they liked on Fuwanovel, what recommendation links they created, what links they agree and disagree with and all that. __________________________________ Why is this better than having someone create the links and recommendations? Well its simple: More people will always produce more accurate result, if you leave it to only few people, they will select what they believe and that way people might miss on some VNs because of that. __________________________________ I know it wouldn't be easy, but it would be in my eyes the most effective solution that would most likely vastly reduce the repetition of identical recommendation requests and only leave the unique, more personal topics. Now I ask you, would you like to see LOLIS on Fuwanovel? disclaimer: I have no power to actually make this system nor do I have any say in Fuwanovel website administration, this is just an idea I just had and think would be cool
  13. No no, it wasn't targeted at you, just in general. Back to the guide... I actually have a thing to say before that, let me compose it into a post
  14. Understandable, I believe that the guide should help reduce number of such topics, it was a great idea. There will still be such topics, but without some strict rules you can't prevent them completely. And one of the strict rules on fuwanovel is not having any strict rules at all as you might know There are people asking for recommendations in completely unrelated topics (in a TS topic for example), asking for technical help to questions answered in faq etc., but they should not be treated any less than other members, they might just have less time to read through everything important before they ask (there is lot of it if you look from perspective of a new person) and we mods are there to direct them the right way, not punish them Just ask yourself how many times did you just need a quick answer on some other forum and did not even read the rules of the board? I am certainly guilty of that and that's why I can easily forgive someone on fuwanovel.
  15. Well since I'm being half quoted out of context here, I will just copy paste what I already wrote. Then reaction to comments about recommendation topics being 'noise' and me being 'lazy' because I don't want to enforce a strict one topic for everything recommendation related rule. And final words and conclusion: I think a guide or a basic help topic of sorts with short info should help people decide on what they want to play next without the need for a topic, but the personal topics should still be available for people that have more detailed requirements or want more details about the game itself (for example the recommendation topic with the ☆ rating system was pretty original and nice discussion).
  16. I would suggest starting with lolis, they are small so it should be easier to draw On a serious note, I don't think I can help you but there should be enough talented people here that will
  17. I'm more then ready, now gimme those Madoka goodies!
  18. Hm, didn't read any of them so cant tell, G-sen is supposed to be good, but more like serious. But Hoshimemo is really great start, it is lighthearted comedy with romance and moe girls, great mystery story and great characters, what else can you wish (upon a shooting star) for?
  19. Well actually this is not entirely correct. Or more like the wording wasn't right. The part when you said "one does not impose any real danger to society while the other has a serious medical condition that should be treated as such" Pedophilia and hebephilia and in some cases ephebophilia (Lolicon is mostly the first 2, but some loli-looking high school girls are often characterized as lolis too, hence the inclusion of Ephebophillia) are medical terms for a mental condition for a sexual preference, but on their own they do not impose any real danger either. There is actually much more people with these conditions than you would think, but you don't know that because they are not rapists, that is the main difference. The term pedophile is often time misused, not explaining a person with pedophilia, but instead misused to explain a person who has pedophilia and signs of violent tendencies towards fulfilling his (or her) desires, which is something completely different. Lolicon manga and other loli media therefore most likely originated as an alternative for pedophiles and hebephiles to satisfy their desires using a fictional characters, therefore further suspending their desire for actual real life children and young girls (or boys in case of shotacon), that's why the actual rate of child rape in Japan is low. And every time you can fulfill any desire with a fiction it is beneficial for everyone, because it is only fiction.
  20. Well he can just choose something easy for JP practice and read Hoshimemo in English just for enjoyment as it is just too awesome to miss And he likes star so he will love it even more
  21. Hoshizora no Memoria: Wish upon a Shooting Star TECHNICAL Short ☆ - its pretty long Easy Japanese ☠ - not always really (we are having some problems with the fan disc translation with few scenes), but it has English patch so you can read that so ☆☆☆ All / Almost all text is voiced ☆☆☆ - fully voiced except no protag voice (so you can immerse and its better) Replay voice button ☆☆ GENRE Mystery ☆☆☆ - yes, very much Comedy ☆☆☆ - I cried many times from laughter Action ☆☆ - something is there, yes LIGHT Romance ☆☆ - yep, pretty much light romance GAMEPLAY / FEATURES Gameplay / Choices ☆☆☆☆☆ - easy, straightforward, after you finish a route, they are also marked so you know for which heroine from the ones you finished they are "Transparent" routes ☆☆ - yep, you don't even need walkthrough True/good ending NOT based on pure luck. ☆☆ - true end is easy to get into, only good ends PRESENTATION Artstyle ☆☆☆ - beautiful Voiceacting ☆☆☆ - Mare is considered to be one of the best characters (from all characters in all VNs ) partially for the insanely good voice acting, the rest are also really good Few extreme H-scenes ☆☆☆ - no extreme, they are actually mostly really good and I return to some of them quite often even if its a year since I played it so thats 36 ☆ if you read in english, 34 ☆ if you read in japanese since it not that easy so 1 ☆ for some of the parts. And on top of that, there is infinite number of stars in Hibarigasaki
  22. Game with most stars: Hoshizora no Memoria: Wish upon a Shooting Star if you like stars, you will love this game and you will love Mare TOTAL : ∞ x ☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
  23. yes, I will merge these posts into the AB topic. Once its released we can talk more (there will probably be someone from outside picking this up).
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