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Everything posted by Steve

  1. I would agree with Spam Hell or a new idea Non-topic Any name with lolis cannot pass because there are no lolis there, all of them are in the properly labeled well made topics in general discussion section
  2. I think it should just be in separated section like the calendar etc so if you want to use it you have to go there. I also don't want to have shoutbox in the default forum page.
  3. There is http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/5955-ipb-shoutbox/ which is now free since 2013 (after it being initially paid add-on) Seems pretty good from reviews and it should work even for people with blocked ports (seems to just run on 80 I guess).
  4. Gratz to the funding success! Most people who I know well who watch sc2 esports with me (so Luch xD) also like lolis! The ratio is actually 100% of people xD Whenever there is a dreamhack or gsl or the other wcs, we watch, laugh at the stupid jokes from tastosis or Liquid iNcontroL (it just sounds so weird xD Its almost like if you would say Liquid Marine King, well in that scenario people would probably still call him Liquid Marine King Prime xD [may lolis save his lost soul from LoL ]) and in the breaks we post loli images! So with that information, in my world if you like sc2 esports, you also like lolis - NO EXCEPTIONS!
  5. Ah I didn't even notice that Shindigs is involved when I first read it xD I bet he is fake claiming Developer Anyways Interesting ideas, one of the stretch goals should be loli H-scenes, I bet that would attract many people But yeah, I am very interested in sc2 esports (and mafia esports obviously ) so It could be interesting experience.
  6. There is more: -the guy said that he spent about 120 hours making the map xD That's why they are so good. I usually spent like 5-10 only xD http://youtu.be/59OIs8Dqu-Q
  7. It is one of the most famous "press forward" maps, it is designed in a way so you only press W and it goes exactly as planned. I used to also make maps like this since the original Trackmania (which I think I even listed on my list of best video games here on fuwanovel xD), but not on this level, this guy spent so much time making this xD If you want to see the whole map, you can watch this video, that is where the gif is from (not from the exact video but from the same map): http://youtu.be/5zT5zmMN0D4 On a normal map this would not exist as it doesn't make sense, yes such stuff can happen in trackmania but if a map creator requires such 'luck', it is a bad map design. -Steve - crazy map creator and professional TMNF player (if you ever come to the LAN party I go to, you will see that nobody there can beat me! ) ps: sorry for very late reply, I just accidentally opened this topic (I don't usually follow) and saw just this xD
  8. Which now makes me sad after checking it again, because they updated picture on google street from the previous one, the original one and the one I was looking at was from October 2011 and now a picture from April 2012 is there and it changed too much. ingame: http://i.imgur.com/DdMgkXr.jpg 2011 picture: http://i.imgur.com/j9BiF3J.jpg 2012 google street view: http://goo.gl/maps/FsFsa you can even see the remains in the ground after the railing was removed if you turn around and zoom ( http://goo.gl/maps/6xDRI ) Such a nice railing, why would they remove it And if you travel more up, you can get to the 2011 view but only from far away: http://goo.gl/maps/hEeEF but you can see the beautiful chain railing that everyone remembers from Hoshimemo Which then brings me to the point, they might actually find themselves really disappointed when doing the documentary, most Key games are even much older than Hoshimemo so the things will probably look not even remotely close to what it looked in the game. Like we are talking 15 years after all xD And you can see from my example what a single year can change~
  9. Interesting. Reminds me of the time when I was looking for the places from Hoshimemo on google street xD Now that I think about it they could also just take pictures from google street and it wouldn't cost anything But I guess they want it in video format xD
  10. Ah I see, it will be like "one day from the life of Steve" or something?
  11. Yep, these are the most common hacking tools but as I mentioned it will most likely not work with newer games (I think from about last 6 games from 2013 I tried to hack I managed to hack only single one). So I think the first step should be choosing what game you want to TL and then learning what tools you need and how to use them or deciding if you want to actually rather use the help of some of the hacker groups (like REtrans) and only focus on the translation itself.
  12. Sadly my loli folder is only about 6GB with about 6k files (not counting random CG sets from various VNs). I don't always save the image. But you can always browse sankaku: http://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/index?tags=loli They have like 90k loli images so it should take like 90GB from that drive of yours, but not all of them are any good so its up to you to choose
  13. Its classic mister Kappa, used in sarcastic comments and pranks (due to his look on that picture) https://www.google.com/search?q=twitch+Kappa&tbm=isch there actually is a subreddit for Kappa, didn't even know that xD
  14. OK, already did that: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/613-best-of-steves-loli-collection-ultra-moe-explosion/ xD
  15. What a newbie, you don't know that everyone has their own lolis? I have my Mare but for example Luch has his Mare and everyone has their own Mare and so everyone is happiiiiiiiii~ I already commented on this issue in this discussion - read the next few posts there.
  16. Ok, I hunt (gently and kindly) and then protect so I guess you are also correct. I did once or twice actually, but with password so I don't get my twitch account reported xD
  17. I feed them, lick their eyes (and other things - visit TS to find out ), hug them, pat their heads and do many other great things (for which you would have to visit TS to find out xD)
  18. I used to have Loli Hunter title on fuwanovel but then I changed it to Loli Protector - by collecting them lolis, I can keep them safe from the evil outside world. So I prefer that title, because hunters often hurt their prey, which is not what I do at all
  19. That is up to the viewer to guess You might be onto something
  20. Do you think you are ready? Then see for yourself~
  21. Of course it is NOT illegal. Process is simple, 1. you pick VN you want to translate 2. you find someone to extract the scripts (this process is called "hacking the VN", together with insertion) 3. you translate, check the translation and edit it to better sounding English (alone or in a team of translators and editors) 4. you find someone to put the scripts back into the game As for hacking, there is plenty of tutorials out there, as well as tons of useful extraction software, but its mostly only usable for older games (3+ years), newer titles often have some game specific encryption and are pain to hack and insert the script back, so without having any experience with such things, you are not likely to extract it yourself and you will need someone experienced (we have people like that here on Fuwanovel, who even offer hosting of such translation project etc). Other alternative how to help with translation of VNs is joining existing team for VN of your liking, they most likely already have the scripts extracted and you would just follow simple guidelines as a translator and wouldn't have to worry about the technical stuff. There is plenty of projects looking for people here on the forums so if you browse the Fan TL section on this forum, you could find a team you would like to join. You can for example join my team for Hoshizora no Memoria: Eternal Heart , currently we need mostly H-scene translator but there is still plenty of normal translation needed as well. So hope it helps, if you want some specific VN nobody is working on, you can even put together a team and do it that way, or you can just ask someone for help with hacking if you want to solo translate that project. Good start would be making a topic specific to the project in the mentioned fan tl section.
  22. That's actually really good idea, that a link between 2 games would have to be described a bit. It wouldn't have to be a review of the game because in that way it would have to be review of both games, but having a short description why you think the games are similar could be good and that way you could even try to convince people voting.
  23. Yes that is correct, the result is only visible on the download page and you might be able to get link to a persons profile to see their preferences and links and such. There would be no listing where you could sort by rating or anything.
  24. It really doesn't look like it though, because: Never did I say there will be any list or any ordering of any description, the page of fuwanovel would remain exactly the same, with just additional box. In order to actually see what game has the most likes, the potential troll would have to go to every single fuwanovel game and check the number of likes individually. That's not even a point of this system at all, not to mention a simplified "genre" tags are already included on fuwanovel, which include stuff like all-ages, drama, romance, comedy, school life, mystery - the basic stuff that a newbie needs, for more detailed information there is link to vndb. And to see them in list you can use FuwaViewer Clephas would make no use of this system, because it is not targeted at people who already know great deal about VNs. And if you mean people contributing to the system and making the links, it can as well be a person who just played 2 vns and liked them both, he would already be contributing enough by liking them both so other newbies can see it. ONLY the English-restricted players are benefited from this system, because it is only for translated VNs, because fuwanovel only lists English translated VNs. I mentioned this on several occasions both in this topic as well as in the topic where this originated. That's why any comparison to vndb is not even logical. So all that makes me really thing you didn't actually read anything xD Or just skimmed through. You don't know if they genuinely played the game and you don't even need to know that, because it is not important. If someone disagrees with a link after he tried the VN for an hour then ok, he didn't like it so he disagrees and he is well in right to disagree. If he likes it without finishing it then hell, he can just like it from the start and nobody can take it away from him. As for links, if he is the only one or a minority who agreed with a link, it wouldn't even show as there would be a threshold so someone making fake votes wouldn't even show to users. You are just comparing this too much to vndb, which is completely incorrect, that community works completely different than fuwanovel, and if there is a malicious person who just wants to troll fuwanovel (yes, people do that, spam comment boxes and such) then they would be filtered by the registration need and 5-10 post requirement. There would not be any "authorized member" who would put the links, because that is exactly what would be wrong. This would be community based contribution to help new players to replace the high number of "recommend me next VN" topics that we have. Anyone would be able to contribute even if they only played low amount of games, because those opinions especially are the most important ones as they would come from people in similar situation like the people whom this system (and fuwanovel in general) is designed for - people new to visual novels who can only read in English. You say first step should be a process that can take years, instead of just picking up English translated VN through a torrent included on the main website and withing an hour start playing the game? If there was a way to be figured out using which people can learn Japanese in one hour, it would surely be the right way, but I am yet to see a "knowledge injections" that would give you that. So the process to get people to actually get interested in VNs to actually want to learn Japanese is to first introduce them to VNs in English because those are the VNs they can actually read. And "bit of Japanese" is not enough to read VNs, not comfortably anyways (without machine TL software). Even after a year you will not be able to read like you would in your first or second language which you already understand for 10+ years (that's for second language, first language you already know since you were born obviously xD). Most people using fuwanovel never studied Japanese (because it is not even easy, in Europe there is very few universities that have any asian language class, and in my country there is not a single high school that would offer such language). So those people mostly only know their first language and English, you can't expect them to read Japanese VNs in a year or less, not like they would read in English - that's why English translation exists. Well, bottom line The second part of this post is mostly opinion based then and as I already expressed in that old topic, it is good to disagree and have different opinions. The first part was mostly because of you not reading though... or not paying attention and understanding.
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