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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Well I tried my best, I managed to get a readable format using a tool designed to convert the FD of this game to onscripter, but that's not really a format which you can then insert back. The extraction itself is easy, but the scripts are in WSC format which needs further decryption or something, which will most likely require a custom software (according to one chinese forum). So I am sorry but you will need a real hacker xD (ask someone like ReTrans, maybe they will have less projects now so they might be able to help)
  2. Yes, as mentioned we accept lolis only~
  3. I hope the Santa Mare is used if that is the case xD
  4. Oh well, I already posted one winter image of Einhart recently in the anniversary topic. But I guess I should contribute to this topic too:
  5. Thank you xD And its fine, I can wait for when you are home Now I have high expectations
  6. Don't worry non US people, we in the Loli Republic will also have a holiday on this day, the Maregiving - you give images of Mare to everyone you know! #ShareTheMare
  7. Long time no loli, here is one I've been keeping for a while now... I believe its time to share [image removed by moderation]
  8. Not sure if this has a name: Fear of a future without lolis. Other than that, I don't think I fear anything xD
  9. OK, you're hired! You will be the DM xD Get some DnD campaign ready (like 2.5 edition or something, that's the version I'm most familiar with as rules and rolls go)
  10. Oh yes, marching against Kim Jong Batman to free the lands of North Loliea of antilolism reign xD
  11. You can be whoever you want if you try hard enough~ (didn't parents tell you that? xD)
  12. Aah I prepared my secret ritual before looking at loli by Tay, I ordered expensive food and drink, opened a bottle of 11 years old Whiskey (i.e. the best age for a loli ) even though I don't drink alcohol, dressed in tuxedo, sang one of the national anthems of Loli Republic (in that exact voice - I might record that one day~ ) and only then I clicked the spoiler button... AND THEN THIS Thanks other Steve, do you also love Mare and lolis above everything else in the world? xD
  13. Loli needs to be skinny and beautiful and cute and all like this
  14. it is... something... why is she so fat? xD Btw I just noticed I had this posted in the wrong section the whole time, why didn't anyone tell me? xD
  15. There should be a badge for posting an extremely cute image of a loli Steve hasn't seen yet (on a level of the OP in The Cutest Image topic and I think the latest Kaguya's image would count for it for example, it is really awesome) OR posting an image of Mare Steve hasn't seen yet.
  16. Thank you for the kind words and kind lolis everyone I am tempted to post one more loli I have saved for special occasions, I have bunch of those but with the rate I was posting lolis here I am running low on not yet posted ones xD So I will keep them a secret for now, at least now people will have something to aim for - cause special events where Steve would post loli images as a form of celebration
  17. well there might be one made by someone else and if you hop in with this skin I can tell you where the images are located and you can technically replace the images with K-on images and if you keep the same name as the images I put there, it will work. Its not even hard making the images, you just take some you like and apply some opacity in photoshop to make them a bit transparent so you can actually read the text. And its 3 images total, info board (the hoshizora no memoria logo), room selection (the standing mare) and chatbox (the smiling mare).
  18. That was the remainder of the EU part of EDS that stayed after the game went free to play, as our original server (Samael EU) was merged with all other EU English servers into this one. Sadly it was nothing compared to what it used to be before the split, in that time when the EU publisher held important patch for like a month behind NA publisher, we basically lost over 75% of all members as ~50% went to NA and then half from the remaining people quit completely not wanting to wait for frogster to finally give us the patch while paying 15$ a month (I was one of those who quit trying to at least stay on forums but later left that too). In the time you were in EDS (after free to play transition) there could have been maybe 5% of the original members from beta (so like 3 or so). I am sure the new people that took over the guild after the split were kind and good people too but imagine it like if every current member of fuwanovel with 100 or more posts left and newer people would take over - it is suddenly just something completely different (I did attend one event after it went free to play to see how things changed).
  19. Yep, soon it will be a year since I registered on the forums - in 9 hours from now I will already have had my first post a year ago - this wall of text introduction post. Now that I read it again... nothing really changed with me xD, I still have my hentai-bed and I still love Mare and lolis. But what I didn't know back then is how well I will be received on the forums and how quickly I will make it my new home. And by home I literally mean home, some of you who know me better will know that I don't really have "real life", I even said that in the intro post but it is quite true, my life is on the internet - and there I always had a home. Whether it was private server forum in the days of early wow, guild forum in the days of burning crusade on blizzard server, guild forum for the best TERA online guild Elin Dance Squad or pso-world team forum. But this was all after I quit wow, it was after our EDS TERA guild split to US/EU thanks to bad decision from the publisher, after I quit pso2 after a decision to merge with another team (only to return later to start my very own best team in pso2 ロリコンでも恋がしたい )... So I literally didn't have a place to be, to express myself with my tldr posts. So I was thinking, what I like the most now - the answer was VNs, after I fell in love with Mare, I didn't think about anything else, looking up translations I am looking forward to, checking VN aer blog and all that. And that was when I decided to try to find people with similar tastes to that. I knew about various forums, hongfire, vndb, etc - but those just didn't look like I would fit it or more like I didn't feel I wanted to fit in. Instead I went with what I knew well, Aaeru and her blog (it took me like 3 months on the forums to actually figure out that Aaeru is female xD so maybe I didn't know her that well xD) were the biggest source of information about VNs I was following at the time and I agreed with Aaeru on so many topics, copyright protests, prepatched games, not caring about what others think too much. So I tried it, registered and tried to talk about some lolis and VNs... And here I am today, still taking about lolis and VNs, posting tldrs and just having so much fun with the great people we have here. Fuwanovel literally became my new home on the internet, the first website I check after I launch Firefox. So homely that I was able to express even my initiative, trying to direct translation for my most wanted game Eternal Heart so the world of non-Japanese speakers can finally receive what it deserves - UNLIMITED MARE. I was eventually able to get some fuwa people on my TS3 server (where if you want to come you should definitely use Mare Theme now version 1.1!!!). Even the almighty Archmage Tay shows in there once in a while (although I was never able to get Aaeru there xD). I was even received so well here that I got offered a moderator role with words "continue doing what you're doing" - so I started posting even MORE LOLIS as I accepted to be the Loli Moderator. And again, here I am today, after a great year with great people, thinking back if there is something I should have done differently, not finding anything. This was one of the best decisions I made, registering here, and I shall never regret it~ And so before I post my final loli for this post, I would like to express my gratitude so some people. Biggest thanks would go to Tay who has been the greatest admin fuwanovel could ask for and an awesome friend who always took time to care. To Ryoji who even through his health problems was irreplaceable help to the whole community and a good friend who wants everyone to be happy, thus sharing same vision I do. To Batman, the hardest to teach student of loli ways (it might take years but one day... one day...) and also my biggest adversary here, who would never give me anything without a fair fight. And of course to Aaeru who created this great website so we together can create this great community and who helped me in many ways as well. And to all others who has been a great people to talk to about all kinds of stuff, from copyright issues to game development, through starcraft and VN hacking, lolis, moe and all that. You know very well who you are (I originally started listing people but then when writing the next part I remembered someone else who belonged here and as I didn't want to risk missing someone else, I just deleted the list and rewritten to this part xD). And also thanks to all the people I didn't have much talks or dealings with yet but are great help to the community and website like Nayleen and Naomi, I am sure that in the following year we will talk to each other much more~ And final thanks to everyone who read this whole thing, although I have a feeling they already belong to one of the categories above - but if not and you are some new member trying to know more about me - well now you should know enough so start posting more so I can get to know YOU. And with that... the winter is coming (it actually did snow a bit few days ago already but its gone again) so I have one very special Einhart for you - I was actually saving this picture to be posted in Fuwanovel 2013 x-mas thread and I was going to post some picture of Mare in this thread, but there hasn't been a new originally drawn picture of Mare in months (basically since her birthday- and I check every day) so I don't have anything that I didn't post already. So there you go! If you think about it a little, this picture represents the future of Fuwanovel - winter will come, we might need protection from the cold as sometimes days are already getting bellow 0 temperature here, we might find ourselves confused and unable to solve the situation... but with the power of love and friendship we can always solve every problem to the point where other communities will view it as magic of some sorts... And also there will always be a loli waiting for us... So I hope my second year here will be at least as good as the first one, and thus I plea to all of you who came after me - try to be kind to each other, respectful, have fun and be happy - maybe even you can then look back after your first year here and have no regrets and just good memories. Because that's how it should be~
  20. You first homework is to get on TS with Mare skin~ so chop chop, mare is waiting
  21. The files were actually originally zip and with Fuwanovel syntax in name Anyways to the discussion: Benefits of zip: no errors with read-only, no errors with "this file is not from safe publisher" and other kind of UAC and other protection that would otherwise cause problems to the inexperienced user. Also no problems with user not finishing the download completely or antivirus software automatically deleting exe files that come from the internet and whatnot. Disadvantages of zip: need to redownload as a whole if the archive is corrupted, need to have twice as much space on drive if you want to keep seeding the file (seeding zip while playing the extracted game), it takes little more time to extract. I wouldn't go with multipart rar archives, that is unnecessary and would cause more problems. I personally would go back to zip for the reasons mentioned above, which would also ease the technical difficulties section of some topics related to download.
  22. Mare is the best girl... just throwing it out there, it wasn't said enough on these forums yet
  23. Aaw that's too bad . Well I guess ill wait for the written summary then. Nobody recorded the voice only either?
  24. yeah madoka12345dude is really anti-cute Maybe he should start his own topic for weird images :/
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