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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Hm, seemed to me more like the others wasn't added mostly because nobody is prepatching and adding them, but if the original creator himself uploads the game prepatched to like mediafire, moving it to torrent could be fine... maybe. In the worst case scenario a possibility of nukige section (like the otome one) can be discussed later, if the translator actually asks for it. It is hard translation work after all so I think if he takes the time with it, he should be allowed to share it prepatched on fuwanovel whether it is yuri (sonohana) or not. (its not my word to say, it really depends all on Aaeru - but I can say you can share it on forums 100%) It is not like it would be HF machine patch or something like that. But Josette, if you like translating sex, I think lots of projects would appreciate help with H scenes As it is mostly the hardest part (not hard Japanese but hard to focus on it). I certainly would for my project: http://forums.fuwano...ssibly-editors/ I could really use TL currently for about 1200 lines of H for Mare route so we can possibly have partial patch later And there are other projects, but its up to you, if you want these games exactly then its fine, just saying that in the translation of Eroge, the translator is often distracted by the H scenes and gets outside of his translation rhythm when it comes to H-scenes, so having someone who is experienced in translating Nukige would be really great asset to the team.
  2. Now this one is a great indie bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/ not like the shitty EA promotion
  3. Nice. Well I would only be interested in the third one if it was 18+ xD And in the other ones the girls are too old Anyways good luck with that, if you want I can change the topic name for you to recruit people you need, such as the hacker. Feel free to use this forums for recruitment and as a base of operations for the projects.
  4. Oh in that case it will be fine, once the English is complete and it works as pre-patched download, I am sure Aaeru (or someone else with access to the torrents) will add it to the website. We love sex! [if you noticed Sonohana yuri games are on fuwanovel website too and its nukige] But you should hint what the game is, I hope the incest is imouto, I love those xD
  5. You can suggest any VN that is in English to be shared on torrent and it will be up to Aaeru if she decides to add it to fuwanovel. However you can use the Downloads and Requests section on forum to share any game you might have (doesnt have to be in English) http://forums.fuwano...s-and-requests/ If you properly describe it (or add link to vndb or something with description) so people know its violent or rape or whatever, it is fine. And we like Eroge and even Nukige so why not And we have various fetishes so anything you might like is fine (I think someone recently asked for some futa game but well, its his thing to like, I just like lolis)
  6. Yes, it isn't your fault Okami, it just happened to open some old wounds that should have been left closed, but its more fault of the people bringing those matters up. I still believe RusAnon didn't mean the post about Aaeru the way she interpreted it but I will leave it to those 2 to talk it out, seems to be more like big misunderstanding than anything else. As for the topic of the discussion, it is a valid one and can be discussed so there is nothing wrong with that.
  7. Actually moege will probably be much harder to translate for something like Atlas than some Japanese instruction manual. MTL works if the original JP is grammatically correct, such as in those manuals or official documentation and such. But in moege especially, there is lot of informal Japanese, tons of speech patterns and mistakes in speech (from shyness and such) so its much harder than that. I would say its actually better to learn Japanese sentence grammar and then translate word by word with machine and trying to edit it together. Which could be possible... but it would take much longer than it takes to a normal japanese reading translator and still it also isn't perfect.
  8. If you mean animated hentai games, I have few for sure xD Otherwise I have no idea what you mean. Or do you mean like anime-styled game that are not VNs but are actual gameplay games? There is lot of platformers and rpgs and stuff like that.
  9. Wow this is so morbid! Its like having a topic "in what way would you like you mother to die". I don't want my beloved character to die, ever. And as the quote in the quotes topic said, you only truly die when you are forgotten - but I will never forget Mare and even if I am not here, there will be someone loving her too. Even if the planet is wiped, I am preparing for that scenario and cutting her image to a stone desks and then burying them across the globe, so in a case of apocalypse, survivors or next life forms or aliens that will then be here will still remember her. And even if the earth is destroyed, I am also transmitting signals of mare to space, so they can travel until someone catches them. Also few of the desks with her picture were also sent to space to various directions. What I mean is, my favorite character will never die
  10. Often times machine tl can revert the meaning of the line entirely so it is not recommended. What you will often find in VNs are speech patterns, unfinished words and such and for that no translator will help you. (for example when a girl is shy she can say parts of words and such translator would give you some gibberish). So Machine -> edit is definitely not recommended. maybe machine -> tlc -> edit might be possible, but then again the tlcer might even spend more time on a line than if he translated it from the scratch.
  11. the exe is actually MemoriaEN.exe for the english version. Also applocale seemed to only work for few, it is still recommended completely switching to Japanese locale. https://fuwanovel.net/faq/setting-windows-to-japanese-locale
  12. Aaah I see, truth to be told you will not easily find something as good as Hoshimemo and English in the listed categories. Iroseka is supposed to be even better (from the same company), but the translation is stuck on like 80% for like a year A while ago I was even listing erogamescape for similar categories (I included loli heroine, pure love, romance etc) and alongside Hoshimemo and Iroseka, I was able to find only a handful of other games, all of which are currently in translation (such as Tenshin Ranman). [edit: if you don't include loli, the selection isn't much larger at all as most of these games still include at least one loli] But yeah, at least it means that the years to come will have lot of love so I will always have something to look forward. Edit: also one very close to finishing for which I want wait is Dracu Riot, it also has 純愛 tag (Pure Love), its from Yuzusoft just like Tenshin Ranman and is about 80% complete. http://vntls.org/project/dracu-riot/
  13. I think you would choose 3 imouto lolis to be honest xD And don't lie here!
  14. you haven't got the slightest idea, Eldin Look deep inside your soul, seek the truth in your heart~
  15. Oh then you are now ready to join the teamspeak Xypers joined today and we exchanged lot of loli ideas and fantasies, even the dirty ones which he actually likes
  16. BUT OF COURSE! Its all education so that's how we call it now xD well the good think about most of the lolis is: they never age! They remain the same age all the time. Because when you are with lolis, the time stops
  17. ooh they are just shy to ask you in that case. Some are that way, but if they have another loli as a friend, you can often find them with that friend doing various things. such as this (not 100% safe) http://i.imgur.com/Cdb3XLv.jpg
  18. broken images Also when lolis feel love and are in heat, you need to satisfy them, don't let them suffer Lolis desire pleasure too, they want to be kissed (on many parts of their body).
  19. Of course, no dirt or mud allowed, they need to be clean. I can lick their flat chests to clean them, maybe spill some milk on them and then bath them~ But in all cases you need to be very gentle, they will be cutely moaning if you do it right, thats how you know they like it. I have some picture representations of the things I mentioned but I will restrain myself from posting them here xD You can hop on TS and I will show what I mean
  20. I haven't! So now you know one person at least xD And the best anime this year is obviously Kiniro Mosaic And Angel Beats was just the perfect anime for me, batman. No filler, right amount of episodes, great characters and story and very touching moments I can never forget.
  21. well you too should find a loli and marry her, there is lot of them and you can feed them (various things!)
  22. That is true that you don't get mentoring on SO, however you get basically what this codementors site offers, they present themselves as a quick help when you are stuck with a problem, for which SO and such works just fine. Never looked much into actual programming courses or mentoring but I am sure that if I would want to, sure it would be paid service but it would also be someone who prepares the plan for me (such as those "learn Python in 2 months" programs etc). [for which I would first look through many reviews to determine if its actually good program] So again, I have nothing against paid mentoring, as it often is someone experienced in education, therefore helps you learn faster. But this specific website look very fishy for the reasons mentioned in the previous posts. So I just wonder why would Aaeru post something like that here, without any reasoning or explanation behind it.
  23. I know handling 2 or 3 wives at once might be difficult but don't worry, I will be very kind go them and we will manage. There will always be some difficulties waiting for us, but together we will overcome all obstacles that life puts in our way. But thanks for worrying~ xD
  24. After a little check, it seems that the option 1 is correct, they seem to be really new (maybe a month or so) and clearly not yet ready to even start accepting customers, therefore I fail to see why would Aaeru recommend something like that. If she said that it is a friend who is trying to start this or that she actually used their service and described how it went through, then sure I might be more acceptable, as I would know the reason why she posted it. But as is - a random website with absolutely no background, no guarantees, no reviews, no Terms even - I am just trying to protect our users from wasting money, and I strongly recommend NOT TO USE this website.
  25. I think you mistake those sites for 4chan and reddit. You must believe that there are actually nice people on the internet and if a site or forum is well moderated, it works miracles. This is like saying "Fuwanovel is a place where you get trolled, your topic will be deleted etc if you ask about English translation for a VN - because that's what happens on VNDB so it must happen on Fuwanovel too, right?". NO! As you can see there are actually people who are helpful, because they might once also have been people who needed help and received it. That's how this works, if you were helped, what is stopping you from next time helping someone else. There are dicks on the internet and if you have not-moderated forum such as 4chan (where to that everyone is Anonymous so what you say doesn't even matter), you will have them. But if you make good moderating effort and care about users of your website, you will ban the dicks and attract the serious users. And TBH you are not even entitled to get answer from the site posted by Aaeru, because they don't even have Terms of Use - their site just doesn't work and there is no warning that it is in construction web. Maybe I am wrong but I am in the Internet Services and IM for some while and I know how this can work. Terms is the first thing you should check before paying anything to any internet service, because otherwise you might find yourself paying money for something that doesn't exist and then having hassles with Paypal trying to get your money back (which is quite easy if you really want but you will be separated from your money at least several days to weeks). Last thing, I didn't look that much but from quick search I did not even find a relevant review from that site or a confirmation by anyone relevant that they actually provided their service. This can mean 2 things - 1. they are few days old and under construction, which still should be notified somewhere before the payment (I didn't try to go through the payment so maybe there is such warning) but in that case I would not recommend that website like Aaeru did 2. it is a scam or at minimum grey hat marketing, which is never good for recommendations. Sure lot of grey hat websites "work" but their conditions are not always the clearest, in this case there are not even any conditions or Terms, therefore I might even put it closer to a black hat and scam.
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