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    Infernoplex reacted to Decay in AX - Anime Expo 2018 News & Announcements   
    I'm a bit biased since I was the dracu riot editor, but I dispute the notion that only sophisticated prose needs to be written well. I find it really important for comedy as well, and Dracu-Riot is a comedy game first and foremost. The leaked patch read halfway decently on the surface, but the moment you stopped and thought about almost any exchange of dialogue in the game, you'd find a ton of little inconsistencies that break the flow. The patch actually contained thousands of unfixed mistranslations on the micro scale.
    So while you could accurately glean the bigger picture from the translation, most of the dialogue felt a little off. The comedy that relied on absurd situations all still worked, but most of the banter lacked impact and wasn't as entertaining as it could've been. My team and I fixed all of those little errors, and I think the game is a lot more entertaining as a result (though of course I would, lol). That, in addition to us trying to make the prose more natural in general as well as a (light-handed) attempt at making the different character personalities more distinct meant that over 70% of the lines were changed from that patch, so the changes probably aren't as minor as you're thinking. Though I perfectly understand why someone wouldn't want to read the whole VN again if they already read the fan tl version.
  2. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to ittaku in How can we make visual novels more popular in the west?   
    VNs missed the boat as they would have had to have taken off in the non-instant entertainment era. People don't read any more; that's why VNs will never be popular in the west.
  3. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Shaun in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    That's fine, take your time, I already read MoeNovels release and I really enjoyed it.
  4. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to ThugShiro in Maitetsu 18+ Release Restoration Patch   
    Ochinchin = Ochinchin. that's how it should be translated #Ochinchin
  5. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Heliosaurus in Maitetsu 18+ Release Restoration Patch   
    Prosthetic third leg?
  6. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Chuee in Maitetsu 18+ Release Restoration Patch   
    Yeah those 10 year olds are being so unerotic so disappointed
  7. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to AdventSign in Maitetsu 18+ Release Restoration Patch   
    What are you talking about? 10/10 for sexiness and fappability.
  8. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to bakauchuujin in AX - Anime Expo 2018 News & Announcements   
    I don't really find it to be that good. Sekai Project/Denpasoft already have too many licenses and have as of late made it pretty clear that they are unable to ensure the quality of the titles they release when they have so many titles to work on. Honestly I would rather have them take a break with new licenses and catch up on the titles they are already working on.
  9. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Yuuko in AX - Anime Expo 2018 News & Announcements   
    Not sure where you got the all ages version but anyways
    People can have fun with this series and its cliffhangers when the final part will release in 2020 in Japanese
  10. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to adamstan in AX - Anime Expo 2018 News & Announcements   
    Actually according to vndb it's "Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi. ". See the pattern?
  11. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Formlose Gestalt in AX - Anime Expo 2018 News & Announcements   
    It's not great, but usually that is the best we get, and I am thankful for these videos so that we can get a few more information than just the pure announcement without any context. Especially the Q&A sessions sometimes give a little bit of insight. Sekai Porject tried to livestream one of their panels a few conventions ago but that didn't work out. I guess it is quite a bit of extra work for them to set up a livestream, and honestly I don't know if its worth it for them, because the group of core fans that want to watch something like that is probably rather small.
    As for not filming the presenters, maybe it's an issue with the rights? I know that it wasn't allowed so film/photograph some of the guests at earlier conventions. But I am not really sure.
    And after watching the stream from the JAST Panel right at the end there was question regarding Tokyo Necro that hasn't been discussed here yet but is super relevant for me since that's one of the titles that I am looking forward to the most. So I am pretty happy that these videos exist.
    Info from the panel video:
    Regarding Tokyo Necro, there are no plans for it at the moment, because Nitroplus prefers JAST to work on one title at a time to ensure quality. That's perfectly understandable but still quite disappointing for me to hear.
    That's also one of the reasons for the delay in Sumaga and Django, because SoniComi and Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi. had priority over those two titles. And if I haven't misheard or misunderstood them, Nitroplus has higher expectations for those titles than for Sumaga and Django. The other problem with Django according to their panel is that the game right now is incompatible with Windows 10 and would need some engine work from the Nitroplus side. Most likely in the form of a new (anniversary?) release  from Nitroplus. (Something like the new release of  Jingai Makyou last year.) So I guess Django isn't cancelled, but we should not expect a release any time soon.
    On the bright side they also said they expect Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi. to release before or at Anime Expo 2019 so in the next 12 months.
  12. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Nier in AX - Anime Expo 2018 News & Announcements   
    HOLY SHIT! 2025 can't come soon enough!
  13. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Decay in AX - Anime Expo 2018 News & Announcements   
    JAST announcements:
    Flowers Summer and Trample on Schatten BOTH releasing on July 16th, with early copies available at AX. Togainu no Chi, Lamento, and Dramatical Murder announced for JAST Blue, their BL brand.  Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi. announced. This game is really popular. Sweet Pool is coming soon, and not just "jast time soon." Work on Flowers Autumn has started (though JAST already announced their intent to translate the entire series a few years ago)
  14. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Yuuko in Sprite's Sticky Situation   
    But Chrono Clock is amazing
  15. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to sanahtlig in SRPG eroge Venus Blood Frontier to get an English Kickstarter   
    Regarding concerns about self-editing or lack of it in the prologue demo:
    If Ninetail's translator didn't find time to edit a couple hours worth of promotional materials to help the campaign, priorities are HIGHLY unlikely to change when the campaign is funded, the incentive to impress disappears, and the scope of the job multiplies by 50x.  Ninetail's translator will always be busy, and there will always be higher priorities than polishing a translation that's already been paid for--like releasing the game sooner rather than later to fund its next game.  Steam players won't care, so if backers don't hold them accountable, no one will.
    I have no doubt Ninetail's translator will try harder in the future, and the next gameplay trial might even be satisfactory.  But in the big scheme of things, this isn't a problem one person can try-hard his way out of.  The necessary resources need to be set aside, or it simply won't happen.  A good editor is a lot cheaper than Keimaru seems to think.  I talked to a source who HIRES editors for VNs, and he confirmed this.  If Ninetail is looking for professional English editors that speak Japanese or are affiliated with a group that is based in Japan--and can respond to inquiries in Japanese--they're doing it wrong.
  16. Sad
    Infernoplex reacted to SaintOfVoid in Sprite's Sticky Situation   
    don´t really mind them venturing into english terrain before facing financial shenanigans, as long as it won´t mean entrusting things to a company whose higher ups believe that putting efforts in (thoroughly) editing/betatesting/QA titles is a fukking waste of time, because eroge don´t generate enough revenue and customers aren´t supposed to complain/whine in the slightest, but that´s what it probably means, so ... *huge sigh
  17. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Dergonu in SRPG eroge Venus Blood Frontier to get an English Kickstarter   
    It's hard to edit your own work, as it's very easy to miss mistakes you made. Self editing can at best help kill some typos, but that's no better than simple proofreading, which is not at all what editing is about. 
    For a VN this big, I strongly recommend you try to figure out a way to get an editor onboard. Self editing simply won't be enough. 
  18. Like
    Infernoplex reacted to Dergonu in SRPG eroge Venus Blood Frontier to get an English Kickstarter   
    Yeah, that comment scares me a bit... It's also kind of silly that editing is considered as a stretch goal. Editing is something a translation must have, not something that could potentially be added through extra funding from fans... I hope they figure something out there. A game of this size going unedited will read very poorly, even if a brilliant translator handles it.
  19. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Nier in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    I use English on a daily basis. And I started learning it very early on. That's why it's harder to find flaws in my typing here, I guess
    Edit: I wish my Japanese was as good
  20. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Nuberius in Sprite's Sticky Situation   
    It means you should get your wallet ready for another Kickstarter xD
  21. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Yuuko in Sprite's Sticky Situation   
    It means the final milking of Aokana aka English dub for anime 
  22. Haha
    Infernoplex reacted to Dreamysyu in Mahoyo/Mahoutsukai no Yoru/Witch on the Holy Night Translation [Chapter 1 & 1.5 COMPLETE!]   
    Take your time if you need. It's not like anybody expects it to be done quickly.
  23. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Aquahorse_ in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Okay, I slightly derailed my own thread with various other stuff unrelated to the project, so I won't comment anymore on the issues regarding official localizations
    All in all, the project is still alive, and if anyone wants to contact me about helping, I'm still open for an editor position.
  24. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Aquahorse_ in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    It's not "ruined" as per se xD Sorry if my previous comments made it sound like that.
    I just find it to be not how I wanted this VN to read, and I also prefer H-scenes in my VNs, no matter how much insignificant they may seem or how much they may "weaken" the overall plot (personally, I rarely find myself in this situation where I would wish for H-scenes to not be in the VN... heck, porn was one of the few major reasons why I switched from anime to eroge). But as I already said, I agree with you, the patch isn't worth waiting for. I'm very motivated to finish this because of myself, not because I want someone to wait for this patch.
    Yes, I realize they replaced some content with new one, but if I had to choose between an adult version and an all-ages different content one, I'd rather go for adult version, especially for moege/romance genre. The only VN which I have read without H-scenes at first was Dies irae (a chuunige), but for that one you had to read both released editions, one non-adult, and one adult to get the full picture. For Miagete, you only have the all-ages one, which for a moege/romance genre bothers me.
    Regarding translation quality... I agree only on the part that it's "completely readable". And that doesn't say much about the quality because nowadays we take many kinds of shitty translations as "readable". I wouldn't label it a "decent translation" because it's not. And no, it's not just "some unfortunate/awkward phrases". Moenovel's TL is full of those lines that read just poorly. Mind you, I never read Konosora before, neither the new reTL patch nor the Moenovel edition. So I don't know how better they got in Miagete, but based on what I have seen so far... no, this isn't a translation I would label anything above so-so. From what I have seen, it looks semi-poorly edited (and also mistranslated at times as well... Mind you, I have only checked first 20 scripts out of some ... I think it's around 300) and there are many issues with it, some of which Decay pointed out on Reddit (the entire prologue, the first 8 scripts until the meeting with Hikari at the train station reads like it's poorly edited).
    I'm comparing this with translations done by other localization companies, and no, I'm not impressed by Moenovel's work done here. Yes, the VN is good and I love it, but that's because the VN is good, not because Moenovel made a masterpiece or something. I believe even Sekai would have done a better job on it (and that's saying a lot considering how lately some of the Sekai's TLs have been a mess).
  25. Like
    Infernoplex got a reaction from Aquahorse_ in A Sky Full of Stars - +18 Restoration [DROPPED]   
    Oh, I see... 5 years... God, that's an awfully long time spent on a project. They really stayed dedicated to the goal.
    Man, how I hate Moenovel. It pisses me off so much that you need fans to go after them and fix their shit.
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