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    Nandemonai reacted to Jamie D.W. in What do you seek from VNs?   
    Simple. It should make me care.
  2. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to tymmur in Musumaker Translation Project (Mikan, Karin, Ichigo, Suika, Zakuro, Yuzu routes complete!)   
    I was wondering who would dare to be the little boy in the Emperor's new cloth. You are right, the numbers are a bit off this week. They split into the following:
    91.4% already translated
    8.4% newly translated
    0.2% unused in Japanese version, hence not counted
    The leftover lines will never be displayed ingame, which is why we mark them as not used. This in turn makes the line count skip them and the total will drop, which explains how 99.8% is suddenly 100% of the lines left in the story. The skipped lines really should be skipped as they are only used in the demo (you can do this and that in the full version), spoilers for events, which haven't taken place yet and so on. This might happen again because we don't know if such lines hide in the untranslated files. However it's likely a total of (far) below 100 lines. Nothing major.
    We don't re-add contents, which has been axed for a reason because (among other things) it would make the VN worse. If something is to be changed, then it will have to increase quality. For instance a typo and a copy paste error in the control code for Karin's side stories meant depending on her schedule levels, it is possible to trigger the same episode over and over instead of progressing. It would also be possible to skip displaying episodes entirely. I have changed that to do as obviously intended and now all episodes will be used and only one time for each. Because of this I won't say that we will never make a change to the flow of lines, but each change has to be very carefully considered and we generally do not make changes to the flow of text.
  3. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Funyarinpa in Can Too Many Choices Ruin Your VN Reading Experience?   
    Thing is, a lot of visual novels just go with having obtuse choices to raise some behind-the-scenes flags that you can't see-- eventually most people (including me) just give up and go use a walkthrough. This is obviously far worse with VNs that sport a whole fucking bunch of choices.
    The worst that comes to mind is Root Double. RD features a choice system where every character concerned with a choice has a meter and you pick a level between 1-8 for each, but it's never clearly or intuitively defined what the meter identifies. The protagonist's trust? Respect? Just a measure of how much of their attention is on the concerned character? It keeps changing and it's really frustrating, even with the tips you get when you reach a bad ending.
  4. Thanks
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in Majo Koi Nikki Translation Project   
    Thanks for asking. I kind of lost my rhythm of updating here when the forums were down for a while, and then the truth is there hasn't been much call for an update since. I've been hoping for translation progress to make another update, which always seems right around the corner, but I've been thinking I should just update the thread anyway on current status, so, here goes:
    Numbers-wise, we are exactly where we were last time I updated: 92.2% TLed and Edited, and 71.0% TLCed. This belies the fact that I've spent the last few weeks actually going through and incorporating all that TLC into the edits, as well as fixing up a lot of edits along the way. So, the 71% of the script which has been TLCed is in excellent shape and doesn't need any more work other than: a QC pass, finalizing font display and line breaking work on the tech side, and image editing, including a small amount of CG work and a larger amount of easier work on system menus.
    For the remaining 7.8% to be translated and 29.0% to be TLCed, the translators and TLC folks on the project and assigned to that work have been overwhelmed with their day jobs, so they simply haven't had time to make progress. That said, our froggy translator, who's translated about 23% of the total script so far, stepped up yesterday to take a  curtain call, volunteering to pick up the remaining translation work, so we actually are likely to start seeing steady translation progress again soon. We'll still need our two other folks to find some time to finish the TLC job after that's done, and then I'll need to incorporate that TLC and we'll have to do the other stuff I mentioned above, but that should be a smaller barrier than finishing off the core translation work.
  5. Haha
    Nandemonai reacted to Zakamutt in Maki Fes! [Cumplete patch released]   
    I still mourn the day we stopped being Sekkai Project.
  6. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Ryechu in About FuwaReviews   
    I don't run FuwaReviews anymore (That's Palas), but as somebody who used to run it, I can at least shed a little light on what's going on, and explain why I stopped doing reviews in the first place:

    So, for those who aren't aware, I work for quite a few different companies in the localization industry in various different roles. I won't provide that list here because you can find most/all of them by looking around. Some of these companies I started working for in the past couple years. Before that, I had a ton of connections with a lot of different devs, and I was able to get us signed up for review keys from something like a dozen companies/teams/groups/whatever you wanna call them. Some of those connections are still around today, while others have pulled out for various reasons (none of which were our fault—at least not that I'm aware of).
    During that time, we had pretty consistent reviews, a great set of reviewers (many of whom are still on the team), and it was 20% thanks to our reviewers and 80% thanks to Flutterz (seriously, he edited everything for us and is amazing—10/10 would recommend) that we were able to be that blessed. Thanks to our connections, I was usually able to just be like "Hay [company] can I get key for x?" and then divvy out the keys to whoever wanted them.
    Then, everybody started getting busy. A few reviewers, including myself, fell off the face of the Earth/peaced out/couldn't spend time playing VNs. It sucked. I put out a call for new reviewers and got basically nobody (except Decay—love you bae). I got slammed with school and life and official stuff, so I stepped down. Bats took over and tried to keep the ship afloat, but during this time we lost roughly half of our connections for various reason (not because of this swap, just bad timing). We attempted to pick up more reviewers, but nobody fit the bill.
    We have a general process for our reviewers, which is why we had to turn down quite a few people. We try to remain unbiased (though, like any review site, it happens), and we write enough to justify our reasons. A lot of our posts are on the longer side, follow a pretty straightforward format, and give people a good idea of what to expect. We also anticipate that our writers have some mastery of the English language, so that we can get reviews edited in a timely manner. Not much to ask for: you spent two to 40+ hours playing a game, hopefully you'll be willing to spend thirty minutes to an hour writing a solid review.
    So we were having problems finding reviewers. And while I say "We," I mean Bats.
    Later, some "things" happened. At the time, we had a rule in place (mostly for me) that we cannot review any title we worked on. For the record, I never reviewed a title I directly worked on, and any titles I did work on had a disclaimer, especially when I was the one who got the key. It's the ethical thing to do. But, because that wasn't enough, we had to strengthen the rule to "We can't review games from a company we work/worked for." I understand why that rule is in place, but the number of companies I can do reviews for is fewer than the number of companies I can't do reviews for, so I was finished.
    Bats left the VN scene completely shortly after this, and Palas stepped up. He's doing what he can, but there are a lot of roadblocks. The fact that a couple other reviewers also had restrictions placed on them caused a bit of a dead space that we still weren't able to fill because nobody applied and met the basic requirements to be a reviewer. We still have a strong team, but virtually all of us are involved with something (official, unofficial, or non-VN related) in one way or another, and it's difficult to make it work.
    Would I love to run FuwaReviews again and get it back to the glory days? Yes, of course I would. But I can't. I'm too involved in the community for that to work out. Instead, I'll have to depend on somebody else, and I look forward to seeing if we can make it work out.
    And maybe, one day, I'll do a JAST game review. Maybe.
  7. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0 poll: best girl (spoilers!)   
    Yeeeees, my candidate is doing well. Go, Maho, go!
  8. Thanks
    Nandemonai reacted to Clephas in True Routes...   
    You proceed along the common route, you get a choice at the end of an arc between proceeding down one heroine's path or continuing with the main story.  If you pick the heroine, you end up on that heroine's path, cutting the main story short.  This continues until all that is left is to go down the main path to the last ending.  G-Senjou no Maou, Aiyoku no Eustia, Leyline, Amatsutsumi, and Sen no Hatou all use this type of structure.
    Edit: the reason it is called 'ladder-style' is because you can consider choosing the non-true heroine paths along the way to be 'getting off the ladder' and staying on the main route as going to the top. 
    Edit2: This is probably the most flawed true-route structure, because it essentially screws all the heroines except the true one over.  This is particularly bad in the case of Eustia, where all the paths except the true one (Eustia's) are essentially impossible within the setting.   Sen no Hatou was just as bad, that way... but then, August has always sucked at true routes anyway. 
  9. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Kenshin_sama in Harem 2017: Your ideal VN heroine harem   
    They're very careful not to mention exactly what kind of school.  Sure, it quacks like a Japanese high school, and doesn't look at all like a Japanese college.  But most games won't actually use those words.  In fact it was Sofurin policy for awhile (and maybe still is, I dunno) that you couldn't say "high school", for this exact reason.
    Which leads to silly situations in some games.  Chrono Clock, for instance, establishes that one of the characters is three years younger than the main character.  But she's 18, right? Of course she is.  So, if she's 18, he must be twenty-one, right?  Wow, that's amazing! Why, they could serve booze in the school cafeteria, legally!  At the college they obviously must be attending!
  10. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Tay in Nocturnal Illusion Renewal Translation Project   
    Darklord_Rooke's been sick, so progress has been kind of slow recently.  Progress update: Editing is now 19.2% complete.
  11. Haha
    Nandemonai reacted to NowItsAngeTime in Harem 2017: Your ideal VN heroine harem   
    Forgot about that part. Makes her even better!
  12. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from DharmaFreedom in First 2D Crush   
    Oh, nice.  Especially since it ended, I don't see this one brought up much..  Such a shame it never got picked up officially.
  13. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Ariurotl in First 2D Crush   
    I'm old.

  14. Haha
    Nandemonai reacted to Pabloc in Kono Oozora H-Scenes Porting Project   
    @ShinRaikdou Yeah, I know about that project - I agreed to share our TL with MrComputerRevo, to prevent MoeNovel cancer from spreading to Vita. But I've spent far too much time on KonoSora already and I don't even feel like translating a short, fanservice~y Sweet Love patch. Guess what I think about the prospect of translating an entire new route... >_<
    I wouldn't use JLPT to measure that. It's not made with reading VNs in mind, so each level covers some things that will be unnecessary, but misses actually useful stuff (for reading VNs, that is). Like 触手. You can't read any fun VNs if you don't know what that means.
    Jokes aside, the best measure is your reading skill. If you can comfortably read the VN, you should be able to not-so-comfortably translate it (since the latter is always more difficult). Well, at least most of the time. Of course, your writing skills also matter quite a lot - even N1 means nothing when editors can't understand your writing properly.
    VNs are relatively hard to translate (even a crude porn VN will be more difficult than equally crude porn manga), so they aren't the best for beginners. I kinda learned this the hard way (though I was only going to TLC KonSora, I had no idea that original TL was unsalvageable... >_<).
    I'd recommend practicing on doujin RPG games and such - like stuff made in RPGMaker. There are some decent titles out there, and they usually have rather simple writing and only use dialogues that are far easier to TL than narration. They are on a completely different level than even a relatively simple VN like KonoSora. Also, they can be easily hacked and patched - RPGMaker Trans is probably as noob-friendly as such tools can get. Even I can use it.
    I-It's not that I'm getting distracted by thinking of translating something with interesting stuff instead of focusing on KonoSora, baka!
  15. Thanks
    Nandemonai reacted to littleshogun in SakuSaku Info and Discussion   
    Interesting to knew that it was the time zone that caused Tokeijikake release date was quite unstable there, and I think seeing that Sekai was always prone to delay I say that November would be the best bet for now. By the way, my Google Chrome showed that it would be released at November and here's the picture to prove that:
    Let's back to the topic here now that Sekai finally had the Steam store page for this VN, and it would be released at October 2nd which is quite near. Well, at least they ready for the release now although I still waiting for their answer in regard of 18+ version though.
  16. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in SakuSaku Info and Discussion   
    It still shows October for me (https://i.gyazo.com/8ea7b17efcbd98c013b3efa427d52b3e.png)
    There must be some kind of time zone weirdness with the internal release time they set behind the scenes (steam requires an exact internal release time, even if you are only advertizing a fuzzy estimate, so most publishers input placeholders)
    So, like, if it was set on 12am November 1st JST, it will show up as October for everywhere west of Japan and November in and everywhere east of Japan (to the date line). Makes you wonder what the actual intended estimate is.
  17. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Fred the Barber in Fighting VNs with story   
    Huh, no one mentioned Demonbane yet?  Well, of the games I've played that might fit the bill, Demonbane is clearly the best.
    Edit: Also, if you liked Tokyo Babel, take a look at Shadows of Pygmalion (by the same dev).
  18. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in very quick question about MG status   
    Scripting comes before testing. Testing and beta testing are the same thing. Beta testers play on an actual build of the game and their duties involve proofreading and testing for stuff involved in script implementation, like lines that display incorrectly, are cut off, that kind of stuff. They also test the program itself, making sure that there are no bugs or crashes. You need the script in the game to do this or else there's not much point.
    The main effort involved in "scripting" is making sure the game works with English text on a English locale computers without any issue. Sometimes, this actually involves rewriting the entire game engine from scratch. This is often what's happening when a game is stuck in "scripting" for a long time. Another reason for it to be stuck there is sometimes the Japanese developers actually handle all the technical work and the process of requesting features/changes and waiting for Japan to implement them can take a very long time depending on the company. MG not wanting to rely on this process is one of the reasons they started reprogramming many games with their own engines in Unity.
    Once the programming groundwork is laid, updating the actual game script into a live build of the game tends to be not much effort at all, so there's no real reason for them to wait until after proofreading to do that tech work. This is true sometimes even with amateur projects. On Dracu-Riot, it takes us no more than a minute to get the game running on the latest version of our scripts.
  19. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Funyarinpa in Most Memorable CGs Thread   
    FEELS ;_;
  20. Haha
    Nandemonai reacted to ittaku in What are you playing?   
    I'll tell you what I'm NOT playing - To Heart 2. After translating it and playing it endlessly and QC'ing it for a decade, I'm never touching it again unless some company wants to do an official localisation.
  21. Thanks
    Nandemonai reacted to Tamaki Sakura in Heart-warming Romance with a little bit or a lot of Drama!   
    It's a very good VN. And, yes, you should wait for the official release, both because the fan translation was poor and because fan translations shouldn't be used once a game is licensed.
  22. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Soulless Watcher in Not looking good for Kachuna   
    Really that's it? Seems like a standard case of poor communication that often comes from amateur projects like this. I am not saying it isn't a problem, but compared to some of the other vn kickstarter disasters it's relatively tame. 
  23. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from BookwormOtaku in Shin Koihime Musou Translation Project   
    Alright, update time.  All the work on massaging the scripts into the format needed by the scripts is done.  Now we are waiting for our programmer to finish integrating the scripts into the tools.  We should be able to start giving percentages in a few weeks.  (At least, a translated percentage.  Some stuff has been edited, but the new tools distinguish between "translated" and "edited", where the old format we were using before does not.  So some things were edited but the tools won't know that until someone goes and fills all that in.)
  24. Haha
    Nandemonai reacted to Fiddle in vns that were hard to delete or ones that would be hard to delete   
    I thought I would have and enjoy Starless for the rest of my life. Alas, the library told me they'd kick me out if I kept installing stuff on their computers.
  25. Haha
    Nandemonai reacted to Ningen in SakuSaku Info and Discussion   
    I try not to talk about it too much, but...
    I am actually a direct descendant of Kaiser Franz Visual Ferdinand Novel the First.
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