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    Arcadeotic reacted to Darbury for a blog entry, Killing the ellipsis (“...”) in VN translations   
    Let’s not mince words here. The ellipsis is a blight upon English translations of visual novels. It must be uprooted and killed with fire.
    Before the slaughter begins, however, let’s review some basics. As the name suggests, the ellipsis represents an elision — that is to say, omitted content. It functions as the “yadda yadda” of the English language. It is the “Step 2: ???” before the all-important “Step 3: Profit!” A writer deploys those three little dots to indicate either the intentional removal of something that once was there, or the pointed absence of something that should have been there.
    That’s it. That’s what the ellipsis is supposed to do. You wouldn’t know this, however, by reading nearly any English translation of a Japanese visual novel. Ellipses are scattered across the text like so many rhinestones on the sweatshirt of a Midwestern mom. They’re at the beginning of sentences, the ends, stuck randomly in the middle — sometimes even chained end to end like a writhing Human Centipede of punctuation, each little dot in the chain crying, “Kill me now!” into the anus of the next.
    It’s an absolute abattoir in there.
    This particular road to hell is paved with good intentions, however. You see, all those ellipses are also present in the original Japanese and, in an attempt at faithful translation, the TL teams have left them all sitting there for you to enjoy. The original writer had a reason for putting them in, the reasoning goes, and it’s our job to offer the purest translation of his/her vision possible.
    This, of course, is bollocks. Punctuation operates differently in different languages. Japanese ellipses are used much more liberally than their Western forbearers, particularly in popular culture (e.g., manga. light novels, etc.) Want to indicate a pause? Ellipsis. Silence? Ellipsis. Passage of time? Ellipsis. Need to fill some empty space? Ellipsis. Is it Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday? Ellipsis, ellipsis, ellipsis. When ported over to English, most of these usages look less like carefully crafted sentences and more like a transcript of a particularly drunken Snapchat session.
    Put simply, what works in one language doesn’t always work in another. When I’m translating a Line of Text from German, for Example, I don’t capitalize all the Nouns because that’s how it was in the Original. I normalize it for English. The same needs to be done in any VN translation.
    My current rule of thumb while editing — I’ll bold it for you in red here — is as follows: Remove/replace all ellipses in a line of Japanese text unless doing so irreparably breaks the sentence or significantly changes its meaning.
    Luckily for us, English has a toolbox full of punctuation to get the job done. Commas, semicolons, periods, dashes — they’re all your friends. So let’s discuss some common situations in VNs and how we might handle them.

    The trailing ellipsis
    You’ll see lots of these littering the ends of sentences and lines, mostly to little effect. More often than not, they indicate a thought closing on anything other than a 100% full and decisive stop. Since they don’t hold the place of omitted text, we can almost always replace these ellipses with periods.
    There are a handful of situations, however, where keeping a trailing ellipsis makes sense. These include:
    The Pregnant Pause: 
    When something’s strongly implied at the end of a sentence/line, but left unsaid for dramatic effect.
    The ellipsis fills the place of the implied content, so it gets to stay. (Fun bonus fact: pauses are the only things that can get pregnant in VNs.)
    The “And So On”:
    When a statement is implied to continue for an unspecified length beyond the end of the sentence/line.
    The ellipsis here indicates there may have been a few more beers after Michelob, but the writer has decided to spare us and jump straight to Bob’s objection. Had this been more interruptive in nature, with Bob cutting Joe off immediately after “Michelob,” the ellipses would have replaced with an em-dash (—).
    The Trail-Off: 
    Similar to the “And So On,” but with the character choosing to let a statement taper off into nothingness, rather than the author.
    The opening ellipsis
    You’ll see these slightly less often, but they’re by no means infrequent. Typically, they indicate some slight hesitation at the beginning of a line of dialogue. But again, the nuance ends up being so slight and the impact so watered down through overuse that you’re almost always better off removing these ungainly beasts. An exception can be made for:
    The Reverse Pregnant Pause: 
    Just like the original Pregnant Pause, but it appears at the beginning of a sentence. Often holds the place of something a character doesn’t want to say.
    Rather than just pausing in passing, Joe is actively not admitting he thinks Joe is a jackass. That makes this line a strong candidate for an ellipsis.
    The mid-sentence ellipsis
    So, so many of these. You’ll close your eyes at night and they’ll haunt you. They’re almost always meant to indicate a slight pause in speech or thought, but trying to the read the resulting text is an exercise in frustration. There are... just so... many unnecessary... gaps. (Full disclosure: When writing scripts for TV, I’ll use ellipses like this a lot. But that’s for a very specific purpose: helping to communicate the particular rhythm of a line to the actor(s). I always avoid this in audience-facing text.)
    In almost all cases, unless there’s a marked pivot in thought, a comma will suffice.
    If the ellipsis is holding together two complete yet interwoven thoughts, a semicolon will do nicely.
    If the ellipsis is holding together two complete and independent thoughts, a period should be used.
    If ellipses are used to indicate an interruptive thought, one that breaks the main flow of the sentence, em-dashes can be used.
    Again, there are a couple situations where these mid-sentence ellipses can remain:
    The Ta-Da:
    When a pause is used for obvious dramatic effect, the ellipsis should be kept.
    The Shatner:
    When halting or stilted speech is intended for dramatic/comedic effect, ellipses may be retained.

    The empty line ellipsis
    You’ll see a lot of these. Holdovers from manga and light novels, they are explicit indicators of silence, being at a loss for words, holding one’s tongue, etc.
    In English prose, these silences would normally be held with narration — e.g., “Baconator just sat there, dripping ketchup.” You’d never see a sentence such as: ‘Harry Potter said, “...” and continued looking out the window.’ That’s because, unlike most VNs, traditional novels don’t have the crutch of character sprites and name cards appearing alongside dialogue. Due to such VN conventions, along with the technical limitations of translation — it’s frequently impossible to replace character dialogue with unvoiced narration — you should almost always leave these ellipses in place. Based on your best judgement, you can also choose to leave such variants as the questioning silence ("...?") and the excited/alarmed silence ("...!").
    It should be noted that such empty line ellipses can also be used outside of dialogue. Often, these will just indicate time passing. There’s also a long tradition in Japanese art of the “pillow” — a held moment of contemplative emptiness. It’s the bit of formal textual throat-clearing at the start of a poem. It’s the 10-second cutaway to a babbling brook that connects two scenes in a movie. In a VN, this pillow can evidence itself as a single line of narration, empty save for an ellipsis. There’s no good English alternative for this, so it should be kept wherever you encounter it.
    Extra credit: The multi-line ellipsis
    I saved this one for last, because it’s a bit of a special case. Against all my better instincts, it involves adding ellipses in places where the original text has none. It’s painful but it’s for a good cause.
    Sometimes, when editing or translating a VN, you’ll run across sentences that spill over onto two or more lines.
    Unlike in poetry, which uses line breaks to very deliberate effect, these multi-line monsters are almost always the result of the VN writer just running out of highway and choosing to keep on driving. Whenever possible, you should attempt to restructure such sentences so they don’t break across lines. Often, splitting an overly long sentence into two smaller ones will do the trick. If it resists your best efforts, however, maintain the break and indicate it with ellipses — one at the end of the first line, the other at the beginning of the second.
    How many dots? ALL THE DOTS!
    Another peculiarity of ellipses in Japanese VNs is that they don’t always have three dots. Depending on context and the arbitrary whims of the writer, you’ll typically see anywhere from two to six dots at a time. I’ve even seen 27 in a row once. I think it was a sex scene. Or a fight scene. Maybe both.
    Don’t let this worry you. If you’ve been following my advice, you’ve already purged most of the ellipses from the text. Of those that remain, almost all can be reduced down to familiar three-dot English ellipses. But as always, there’s at least one exception.
    Content-bearing pauses: In most cases, it’s of little concern to us whether an ellipsis consists of three, four, five, or even six dots. They’re all slight variations on the standard pause, but since English punctuation doesn’t make any such distinction, neither will we. An exception comes when the length of a pause not only adds flavor, but provides content. Consider the case of an ever-lengthening silence:
    The lengthening of the line suggests the passing of increasing amounts of time; the scene isn’t the same without it. Or consider an explosive outburst after a deafening silence:
    If you opt to stretch out an ellipsis like this, only do so in increments of three. If you’re musically inclined, think of three dots as a quarter note, six dots as a half note, etc., each one holding the silence just a bit longer than the last. Following the rule of threes keeps the text visually streamlined and helps if you ever need to convert a bunch of soft ellipses ( “...”) to hard ellipses (“…”) late in the translation process.
    A quick note about spacing
    I opt to keep things simple. If an ellipsis is at the start of a sentence or line, put one space between it and the first word. If it’s anywhere else, use no space before the ellipsis and one space after. If it’s a string of ellipses, it should be an uninterrupted series of dots with no spaces in between.
    There are also differing schools of thought as to whether an ellipsis at the end of a sentence should also be followed by a period, resulting in four dots total. Again, I opt for simplicity here and advise three dots in all cases.
    The mark of the beast
    It’s easy to tell professional translations from fan projects, it’s said; just count the number of dots. While not always true – plenty of slapdash commercial releases exist in the wild — there’s definitely something to this. More often than not, fewer ellipses are a sign that someone has taken the time to not just translate a text word for word, but thoughtfully localize it.
    Seriously, just dump the dots, folks. Your readers will thank you for it.
  2. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from Dergonu for a blog entry, Manga Chronicles Part 5: Tsujiura-san to Chupacabra   
    Tsujiura-san to Chupacabra
    Well, if Karin had good romance for shounen manga, then this one has terrible romance for a shounen manga, almost to the level of Nisekoi in terms of stagnation, but not quite.
    Anyways, the manga is 35 chapters in length and is made by Sakurai Atsuhita.
    The premise is that the MC named, basically Hikigaya Hachiman gone oh so wrong, saving a new transfer-student, who's pretty much the perfect student, from danger a few times and they start this fake-dating a la Nisekoi. That's the premise. What's the first thing that comes to mind? 'Nisekoi rip-off'? You're exactly right. There of course is some comedy, but it's basically one-trick pony through and through, recycling the same old skit over and over and over again. Two rivals appear later in the story, male and female. I'd say you their names, but I forgot them instantly I finished this manga. Both of them are one-dimensional, one is an ex-idol who suddenly falls in love with the MC and that's it. The male on the other hand is a rich boy, and basically does the same but to Tsujiura instead.
    Well, how about the main characters? There must be something good about them? Right?! ...Not really. The MC is as I said, a cheap knock-off of the loner-type and nothing else. Even his personality is run-of-the-mill. Tsujiura on the other hand has some redeeming qualities, like her aggressiveness and yankee-like exterior, but if you want to see this personality done right in a romance setting, go read Yandere Kanojo instead. That at least has some good characters and development.
    The only part that was legitimately funny was the rock-band arc... but that only lasts for one or two chapters, following with the most 'why the fuck am I reading this' final chapter ever. *sigh*
    What's left? Other than this manga being the cheapest thing I've read in a long while with one-dimensional characters, MC and all, having some of the most cringiest tropes ever-present I could think of, and to top it all off having the shittiest last chapter in recent memory, there really isn't anything positive left. Other than that one chapter with the band, I guess the comedy's good sometimes, albeit rarely. If you want some good shounen manga with romantical developments and tones, DON'T. READ. THIS. MANGA.
    It's awful, and you're much better off actually reading something with good development like Karin or JUST READ NISEKOI.
    That'll be all, it's terrible, wouldn't recommend at all.
  3. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from tymmur for a blog entry, The Best Eroge Ever   
    Let's find out then, because I have way too much time to waste to do something ACTUALLY useful, and thus we arrive at this point, with a brand-new mistake I can lament about when I eventually get ripped apart by a group of ravenous 12-year old, overly sexually active fuccboi-weebs who can't see a difference between the totally obviously right opinion and their own.

    It already seems like the greatest thing ever seen by man
    I remember when I played Kusoge. I also remember the gallons of dead cells I vomited and the amounts of fecal matter I 'outsourced' after I finished that, well, shit. Now I'm experiencing that joy and masochistic heaven again. Goody.
    But still, The Best Eroge Ever, or TBEE, which I'm going to adress it in the future because writing words are hard, is created by our very own omnipotent shitlord, hipster and Twitter connoseur, Moogy. And oh boy, did he do good. Where as Kusoge was a satire with actual effort put into it for god know what reason, TBEE is just a pile of flaming poop used as ammo for the hate- and sick-burn-catapultsTM for all things in the VN medium. From Jun Maeda to Nasu to Japanese culture (sort of. Melon bread and shit. I have no idea).

    Yeah. The game's pretty ruthless and it's funnier that way.
    The game follows some guy named Muugi, who's name totally doesn't reek of nihilism, who attends at Sugoi Gakuen (TL Note: Sugoi Gakuen means 'Amazing' and 'School' respectively). Nothing else is really built upon the character, except that he enjoys the lifestyle of screwing every shoujo (TL Note: stuff means girl, oki?) in sight. Apparently, every morning going to school, he fucks about five to six nekomimis or whatever along the way, so he has to leave to school an hour early, probably a pan (TLN: bread, you dirty weeb) in his mouth, possibly of the meron type. His parents also were killed by evil vampire demon zombies, so that's a thing. He also has some amounts of imoutos (little sisters), osananajimis (childhood friends), iinchous (class represetatives) and lolis (NO), possibly amounting in thousands each, but the largest we see is the MC mentioning Loli #71, but apparently there's over 9000 heroines and the script is over 5000 MBs. We never see more than 5 minutes worth of text, possibly amounting to 2 kBs, but hey, it's there.

    No words left to give. I'm pretty tired. FeelsBadMan
    All in all, I'd say the story is pretty goddamn ridiculous and all over the place, but it's all just a flaming shitstorm-inferno so I guess it's all par to the course. There's some sensei-fucking (meaning a black screen and a text 'And then we fucked.'), some utter pwnaged and fucking every girl in sight, and that's about it for the game. Sorry Moogy, I won't be giving you a hundred bucks.
    If I were to say which one is better, Kusoge or The Best Shitstorm Ever, I'd had to say Kusoge. While this abomination has more references specifically to the VN-scene, Kusoge just has better everything. I'm also pretty sure that this was made while not being high on thousands of different shrooms, which can't be said about Kusoge. This was a nice, maybe 5-10 minutes of wasting my precious life away for the sake of making this shitpost on my blog. Was it worth it? Nah, thanks Narcosis. Was it fun as hell? Well, yes, obviously. Play it and possibly donate 100$ to Moogy-sama.
  4. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from Deep Blue for a blog entry, The Best Eroge Ever   
    Let's find out then, because I have way too much time to waste to do something ACTUALLY useful, and thus we arrive at this point, with a brand-new mistake I can lament about when I eventually get ripped apart by a group of ravenous 12-year old, overly sexually active fuccboi-weebs who can't see a difference between the totally obviously right opinion and their own.

    It already seems like the greatest thing ever seen by man
    I remember when I played Kusoge. I also remember the gallons of dead cells I vomited and the amounts of fecal matter I 'outsourced' after I finished that, well, shit. Now I'm experiencing that joy and masochistic heaven again. Goody.
    But still, The Best Eroge Ever, or TBEE, which I'm going to adress it in the future because writing words are hard, is created by our very own omnipotent shitlord, hipster and Twitter connoseur, Moogy. And oh boy, did he do good. Where as Kusoge was a satire with actual effort put into it for god know what reason, TBEE is just a pile of flaming poop used as ammo for the hate- and sick-burn-catapultsTM for all things in the VN medium. From Jun Maeda to Nasu to Japanese culture (sort of. Melon bread and shit. I have no idea).

    Yeah. The game's pretty ruthless and it's funnier that way.
    The game follows some guy named Muugi, who's name totally doesn't reek of nihilism, who attends at Sugoi Gakuen (TL Note: Sugoi Gakuen means 'Amazing' and 'School' respectively). Nothing else is really built upon the character, except that he enjoys the lifestyle of screwing every shoujo (TL Note: stuff means girl, oki?) in sight. Apparently, every morning going to school, he fucks about five to six nekomimis or whatever along the way, so he has to leave to school an hour early, probably a pan (TLN: bread, you dirty weeb) in his mouth, possibly of the meron type. His parents also were killed by evil vampire demon zombies, so that's a thing. He also has some amounts of imoutos (little sisters), osananajimis (childhood friends), iinchous (class represetatives) and lolis (NO), possibly amounting in thousands each, but the largest we see is the MC mentioning Loli #71, but apparently there's over 9000 heroines and the script is over 5000 MBs. We never see more than 5 minutes worth of text, possibly amounting to 2 kBs, but hey, it's there.

    No words left to give. I'm pretty tired. FeelsBadMan
    All in all, I'd say the story is pretty goddamn ridiculous and all over the place, but it's all just a flaming shitstorm-inferno so I guess it's all par to the course. There's some sensei-fucking (meaning a black screen and a text 'And then we fucked.'), some utter pwnaged and fucking every girl in sight, and that's about it for the game. Sorry Moogy, I won't be giving you a hundred bucks.
    If I were to say which one is better, Kusoge or The Best Shitstorm Ever, I'd had to say Kusoge. While this abomination has more references specifically to the VN-scene, Kusoge just has better everything. I'm also pretty sure that this was made while not being high on thousands of different shrooms, which can't be said about Kusoge. This was a nice, maybe 5-10 minutes of wasting my precious life away for the sake of making this shitpost on my blog. Was it worth it? Nah, thanks Narcosis. Was it fun as hell? Well, yes, obviously. Play it and possibly donate 100$ to Moogy-sama.
  5. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from Kenshin_sama for a blog entry, The Best Eroge Ever   
    Let's find out then, because I have way too much time to waste to do something ACTUALLY useful, and thus we arrive at this point, with a brand-new mistake I can lament about when I eventually get ripped apart by a group of ravenous 12-year old, overly sexually active fuccboi-weebs who can't see a difference between the totally obviously right opinion and their own.

    It already seems like the greatest thing ever seen by man
    I remember when I played Kusoge. I also remember the gallons of dead cells I vomited and the amounts of fecal matter I 'outsourced' after I finished that, well, shit. Now I'm experiencing that joy and masochistic heaven again. Goody.
    But still, The Best Eroge Ever, or TBEE, which I'm going to adress it in the future because writing words are hard, is created by our very own omnipotent shitlord, hipster and Twitter connoseur, Moogy. And oh boy, did he do good. Where as Kusoge was a satire with actual effort put into it for god know what reason, TBEE is just a pile of flaming poop used as ammo for the hate- and sick-burn-catapultsTM for all things in the VN medium. From Jun Maeda to Nasu to Japanese culture (sort of. Melon bread and shit. I have no idea).

    Yeah. The game's pretty ruthless and it's funnier that way.
    The game follows some guy named Muugi, who's name totally doesn't reek of nihilism, who attends at Sugoi Gakuen (TL Note: Sugoi Gakuen means 'Amazing' and 'School' respectively). Nothing else is really built upon the character, except that he enjoys the lifestyle of screwing every shoujo (TL Note: stuff means girl, oki?) in sight. Apparently, every morning going to school, he fucks about five to six nekomimis or whatever along the way, so he has to leave to school an hour early, probably a pan (TLN: bread, you dirty weeb) in his mouth, possibly of the meron type. His parents also were killed by evil vampire demon zombies, so that's a thing. He also has some amounts of imoutos (little sisters), osananajimis (childhood friends), iinchous (class represetatives) and lolis (NO), possibly amounting in thousands each, but the largest we see is the MC mentioning Loli #71, but apparently there's over 9000 heroines and the script is over 5000 MBs. We never see more than 5 minutes worth of text, possibly amounting to 2 kBs, but hey, it's there.

    No words left to give. I'm pretty tired. FeelsBadMan
    All in all, I'd say the story is pretty goddamn ridiculous and all over the place, but it's all just a flaming shitstorm-inferno so I guess it's all par to the course. There's some sensei-fucking (meaning a black screen and a text 'And then we fucked.'), some utter pwnaged and fucking every girl in sight, and that's about it for the game. Sorry Moogy, I won't be giving you a hundred bucks.
    If I were to say which one is better, Kusoge or The Best Shitstorm Ever, I'd had to say Kusoge. While this abomination has more references specifically to the VN-scene, Kusoge just has better everything. I'm also pretty sure that this was made while not being high on thousands of different shrooms, which can't be said about Kusoge. This was a nice, maybe 5-10 minutes of wasting my precious life away for the sake of making this shitpost on my blog. Was it worth it? Nah, thanks Narcosis. Was it fun as hell? Well, yes, obviously. Play it and possibly donate 100$ to Moogy-sama.
  6. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from Narcosis for a blog entry, The Best Eroge Ever   
    Let's find out then, because I have way too much time to waste to do something ACTUALLY useful, and thus we arrive at this point, with a brand-new mistake I can lament about when I eventually get ripped apart by a group of ravenous 12-year old, overly sexually active fuccboi-weebs who can't see a difference between the totally obviously right opinion and their own.

    It already seems like the greatest thing ever seen by man
    I remember when I played Kusoge. I also remember the gallons of dead cells I vomited and the amounts of fecal matter I 'outsourced' after I finished that, well, shit. Now I'm experiencing that joy and masochistic heaven again. Goody.
    But still, The Best Eroge Ever, or TBEE, which I'm going to adress it in the future because writing words are hard, is created by our very own omnipotent shitlord, hipster and Twitter connoseur, Moogy. And oh boy, did he do good. Where as Kusoge was a satire with actual effort put into it for god know what reason, TBEE is just a pile of flaming poop used as ammo for the hate- and sick-burn-catapultsTM for all things in the VN medium. From Jun Maeda to Nasu to Japanese culture (sort of. Melon bread and shit. I have no idea).

    Yeah. The game's pretty ruthless and it's funnier that way.
    The game follows some guy named Muugi, who's name totally doesn't reek of nihilism, who attends at Sugoi Gakuen (TL Note: Sugoi Gakuen means 'Amazing' and 'School' respectively). Nothing else is really built upon the character, except that he enjoys the lifestyle of screwing every shoujo (TL Note: stuff means girl, oki?) in sight. Apparently, every morning going to school, he fucks about five to six nekomimis or whatever along the way, so he has to leave to school an hour early, probably a pan (TLN: bread, you dirty weeb) in his mouth, possibly of the meron type. His parents also were killed by evil vampire demon zombies, so that's a thing. He also has some amounts of imoutos (little sisters), osananajimis (childhood friends), iinchous (class represetatives) and lolis (NO), possibly amounting in thousands each, but the largest we see is the MC mentioning Loli #71, but apparently there's over 9000 heroines and the script is over 5000 MBs. We never see more than 5 minutes worth of text, possibly amounting to 2 kBs, but hey, it's there.

    No words left to give. I'm pretty tired. FeelsBadMan
    All in all, I'd say the story is pretty goddamn ridiculous and all over the place, but it's all just a flaming shitstorm-inferno so I guess it's all par to the course. There's some sensei-fucking (meaning a black screen and a text 'And then we fucked.'), some utter pwnaged and fucking every girl in sight, and that's about it for the game. Sorry Moogy, I won't be giving you a hundred bucks.
    If I were to say which one is better, Kusoge or The Best Shitstorm Ever, I'd had to say Kusoge. While this abomination has more references specifically to the VN-scene, Kusoge just has better everything. I'm also pretty sure that this was made while not being high on thousands of different shrooms, which can't be said about Kusoge. This was a nice, maybe 5-10 minutes of wasting my precious life away for the sake of making this shitpost on my blog. Was it worth it? Nah, thanks Narcosis. Was it fun as hell? Well, yes, obviously. Play it and possibly donate 100$ to Moogy-sama.
  7. Like
    Arcadeotic reacted to littleshogun for a blog entry, Compilation of Clannad Review   
    Visual Novel Translation Status (06/04/2016)
    For this week title since Clannad was like FF7 in term of popularity (And obviously this week image header was from Clannad, or to be exact Clannad side story), while KEY was like Square but more focused in Visual Novel, I decided to made 'Compilation of Clannad' as my devariation for Compilation of Final Fantasy 7. About the Clannad side story, from the review that I read about Clannad side story, it was contained some past from Clannad character, and also after story for some character (So, I think it's quite fitting for compilation, since FF7 Compilation was mostly in prequel and sequel from what I knew). Here's the review by Mazyrian if you want to find out more. Also, if we compared some spoiler between Clannad and FF7, I think it was quite alike imo, although some of you probably should already knew what I mean.
    Well, once again here's my VNTS Review from this week. For this week, only Sekai and Fan Translation project that had something more positive in usual thing (I mean update from the translation progress of course), while JAST wasn't had much interesting progress right now. As for Mangagamer, actually they'll had usual progress next week, but this week they release one nukige which the premise was like MC was working under his ex girlfriend who became the wife of MC boss at the company. Use your imagination what will happen. And by the way, since Corona Blossom wan't part in any of section here, I'll just report that right now it was gathered 11,395 out of 30,000. While Zakamutt said it was quite slow, at least it's still better than Chunsingura Kickstarter (Which right now finally managed to reach 11,000 funded, in about 9 hours before closing ie total failure). Beside we still had one month anyway, and it wasn't state how much day left for the campaign. In short, I think Corona Blossom had decent chance to be funded, and we will had extention if the goal wasn't reached (Probably).
    Before I'm writing the round up, about otome hate mail my suggestion would be just ignore whatever 'boredom curing activity' that those trolls had, although in regard of something with gun, I believe it's already criminal level (And here it's more pointless, since Tay here was not CEO of some VN Publisher like Dovac which I'd remember also received similar case). Well, if they really hate otome and complained about torrent take down in Fuwanovel, I would suggest just use Google and search for it, idiot (Not Tay, but the people who message him '... you killed fuwanovl when you took town torrents, and your killing your future by giving otome a single breathe...' of course). Well, I think that's enough for my response about admin Tay problem, and once again it's his right to cover otome game release.
    Nothing interesting here, but for roundup here we had Ryoko at 20% script editing, SoniComi was finished dubbing and had programming and game testing right now, Flower was editing at 40% (Also beta testing at 10%), and Seinaurukana was debugging and had programming (For Steam version obviously). Even if I said the progress here wasn't interesting, at least it's improvement from JAST by had translation progress here, and by the wat the last time we had update from JAST was one month ago, when Seinarukana release. But, I think most people here would be interested to Flower progress, which back at February JAST release the demo of it with some infamy. I think right now it wasn't on my interest, but I'll read it in the future (And of course if JAST managed to release it). And for some people who waited for Seinarukana Steam version, the update about that should be the good news. For the rest, no comment.
    The reason I opened this section was not because the release of this nukige (I'll already said about that too). But because conjueror 'boredom curing activity' thing together with some translator out there (By the way, the man expression on his twitter was quite annoying imo). And since conjueror was translatior from mangagamer, I figured that I should put it here. Okay, instead of focusing on his cancelled countdown twitter with once again a man with very annoying expression about to do suicide, I'll bring the focus to his ask.fm here. It was in regard of Himawari, which the translator said that it shouldn't be long time before it was finally released (But definitely not as near as countdown indicate). Okay, so apparently from ask.fm answer, Conjueror said that Frontwing was sort of took long time to reply him, in which he said that they probably busy with Island itself. Well, even though I accused Front Wing will doing something divisive ie decided to release Himawari by themselves, for now let's just see it.
    Sekai Project
    Nothing interesting, although for this week Darekoi (51.42% translated) and Love and Guitar (52.5% translated) was pass halfway for the translation progress itself. While we at Sekai here, WEE Episode 3 was reach 90% mark translated (93.29% to be exact). And for this week, we didn't had any progress for Maitetsu. Oh, and from Sekai there's some great news, especially for yuri fan. What I'll talking is that for Princess Knight, they reached the goal at Indie Go Go (12,000) with the project managed to raise 16,148 with 20 days left. Well, it means that the IGG was success of course. And about the seiyuu replacement, they announce that they managed to got the new seiyuu who will voice MC here. The seiyuu name was Anzu Hana, and according to VNDB she was voiced Kawamura Reo from Sono Hanabira franchise and Tori Kohane from Kara no Shoujo 2. By the way, I'd just realize that for Princess Knight they'll release 2 episodes, and Anzu Hana will once again voicing MC, replacing Mochi Yomogi who was passed away. For Creature Romance, I think I'd already make a comment about Kokonoe Kokoro, but I think 'for the Ladies' version is more absurd ie instead of dating handsome man here like usual otome game, here we'll had a date with 2 'handsome' male alien there. Oh, and for Indonesian lurker or reader here, you could read the article about that from Jurnal Otaku Indonesia (If you not from Indonesia and look at the article, just look at the picture and judge by yourself is the alien handsome or not). Anyway, for Creature Romance series both of VN were 100% translated. That;s all for Sekai Project section now.
    Fan Translation
    Actually, before I write my roundup there's another project for translating VN here. The VN was Kanojo to Ore to Koibito to or I'll called it Kanobito from now on. Anyway, as for the progress, right now mitchhamilton managed to translated 25 scripts, and according to him the script was quite short (By the way, VNDB classify this as medium length). Good luck once again, mitch. Oh, and about VN info, this VN was first VN from Pulltop Latte (Their 2nd VN was Koiresort). The premise, it was like the main girl causing some injury to MC indirectly (Like saving her) and the girl decided to take the responsibilities by taking care of MC. After MC recovered, the girl decided to had MC as the lover, but since this is VN of course we must had more than one girl who love MC. According to Clephas, he think Kanobito was full of sex scene but ultimately heartwarming. For the project page, you could see it here. And also congratulation for your project to be added on VNTS Page, mitch.
    For usual fan translation progress, this time Astral Air managed to be more crazy again in term of progress (I thought that 1.6% progress was already crazy, and here we had 1.65% progress from last week). Anyway, for this week Astral Air progress finally touch 80% translated, or to be exact was at 81.36% translated right now. And for Koiken Otome, it was at 90.2% QC (Does it mean we'll see English patch soon enough? I hope so). Clover Days, we had 100% Izumi route translated thanks to Ittaku, although he didn't sure if astro still active though. For Majokoi, we had 7% text translated, while for Hanasaki, as expected they started with Hikari route, although they had some progress with Ayano route though (The progress right now was 6% translated for Hikari route and 3% for Ayano route). For Tsui Yuri, the progress was significantly raise with 32% translated and 4% edited, and as for Bishoujo Mangekyou, the progress was 16.4% translated for 8th script (Or around overall 86% percent according to Arcadeotic). For last update, we had ToHeart 2 translation team proofreading Konomi's route. I think that's all for my roundup in fan translation progress.
    I think that's all for VNTS review this week. See you next week.
  8. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from Deep Blue for a blog entry, Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 20   

    Anyways, I'm somewhat sad about the lack of progress these past two, three weeks, so sorry 'bout that. But to somehow (not really) make up for it, you guys get an update a day earlier.
    Firstly, no progress on edting/QC/etc., only translation. My break started, but that's not the case for the most, so yeah. I aim the translation to be done in a few weeks, hopefully in one or two, but no promises. It's still rather surprising that I've managed to keep up with my self-proclaimed 'deadline'.
    Secondly, I redesigned the translation site, tell me how you feel about it. I switched the theme to something more 'stylized' and added a bunch of new header pictures. This is probably what the site is gonna look from here to the day Earth turns to dust, so tell me now, if ya want it changed. Hope you like it, nonetheless.
    Here's the update:
    Translation: 7/8 script files finished, 8th script file 16,4% completed (~86%)
    Editing: 9,2%
    QC: 3,1%
    Proofreading: 0%
    Till we see again, probably next week.
  9. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from Narcosis for a blog entry, Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 20   

    Anyways, I'm somewhat sad about the lack of progress these past two, three weeks, so sorry 'bout that. But to somehow (not really) make up for it, you guys get an update a day earlier.
    Firstly, no progress on edting/QC/etc., only translation. My break started, but that's not the case for the most, so yeah. I aim the translation to be done in a few weeks, hopefully in one or two, but no promises. It's still rather surprising that I've managed to keep up with my self-proclaimed 'deadline'.
    Secondly, I redesigned the translation site, tell me how you feel about it. I switched the theme to something more 'stylized' and added a bunch of new header pictures. This is probably what the site is gonna look from here to the day Earth turns to dust, so tell me now, if ya want it changed. Hope you like it, nonetheless.
    Here's the update:
    Translation: 7/8 script files finished, 8th script file 16,4% completed (~86%)
    Editing: 9,2%
    QC: 3,1%
    Proofreading: 0%
    Till we see again, probably next week.
  10. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from Dergonu for a blog entry, Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 20   

    Anyways, I'm somewhat sad about the lack of progress these past two, three weeks, so sorry 'bout that. But to somehow (not really) make up for it, you guys get an update a day earlier.
    Firstly, no progress on edting/QC/etc., only translation. My break started, but that's not the case for the most, so yeah. I aim the translation to be done in a few weeks, hopefully in one or two, but no promises. It's still rather surprising that I've managed to keep up with my self-proclaimed 'deadline'.
    Secondly, I redesigned the translation site, tell me how you feel about it. I switched the theme to something more 'stylized' and added a bunch of new header pictures. This is probably what the site is gonna look from here to the day Earth turns to dust, so tell me now, if ya want it changed. Hope you like it, nonetheless.
    Here's the update:
    Translation: 7/8 script files finished, 8th script file 16,4% completed (~86%)
    Editing: 9,2%
    QC: 3,1%
    Proofreading: 0%
    Till we see again, probably next week.
  11. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from Aizen-Sama for a blog entry, Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 20   

    Anyways, I'm somewhat sad about the lack of progress these past two, three weeks, so sorry 'bout that. But to somehow (not really) make up for it, you guys get an update a day earlier.
    Firstly, no progress on edting/QC/etc., only translation. My break started, but that's not the case for the most, so yeah. I aim the translation to be done in a few weeks, hopefully in one or two, but no promises. It's still rather surprising that I've managed to keep up with my self-proclaimed 'deadline'.
    Secondly, I redesigned the translation site, tell me how you feel about it. I switched the theme to something more 'stylized' and added a bunch of new header pictures. This is probably what the site is gonna look from here to the day Earth turns to dust, so tell me now, if ya want it changed. Hope you like it, nonetheless.
    Here's the update:
    Translation: 7/8 script files finished, 8th script file 16,4% completed (~86%)
    Editing: 9,2%
    QC: 3,1%
    Proofreading: 0%
    Till we see again, probably next week.
  12. Like
    Arcadeotic reacted to Clephas for a blog entry, VN of the Month plans: May Releases   
    I got asked what I was doing for this blog this month just today, by several people (probably because this is the longest time I've gone without posting since I started this blog). So... I suppose I'll go ahead and tell you.
    First, the two titles I'm reading on request (though I was planning on doing one anyway). 
    Sakura no Mori Dreamers (reading now)
    Ruri no Ie (yes, it is not exactly something I would normally bother with, but he was insistent... sort of like with Maggot Baits)
    The rest of the releases this month I'm considering playing:
    Soshite Hatsukoi ga Imouto ni naru
    Seiken Tsukai no Proposition (by a new company, might suck, might  not)
    Natsuiro Kokoro Log (this is by Hearts, a company infamous for producing kusoge, lol)
    Tarareba (by Aries, that makes decent to horrible charage)
    Personally, from what I've played, if they don't screw it up, I think Sakura no Mori Dreamers will probably end up being the best.  However, my past experiences with Moonstone's rare attempts to be serious tell me that that feeling isn't really trustworthy.  Clear started out good but went downhill with terrifying speed, for instance.  Their single best game is Maji Suki, and that was seven years ago...  though Natsu no Iro no Nostalgia was pretty good, for Moonstone.
  13. Like
    Arcadeotic reacted to Deep Blue for a blog entry, Himeko's epilogue translation to spanish   
    I know nobody cares about this type of translation in this forum (for obvious reasons, for once the novel is already translated and second nobody really speak spanish in this forum xD)
    I'm doing a translation of himeko's epilogue and posting it here mostly to keep track of my own translation and have a place to share it.

    At first it was going to be an eng>spa translation but there are some huge mistakes on the translation itself (specially on the atogaki 1980 story) and also many sentences that don't make much sense or silly grammar errors that shouldn't be there even if they are silly (tons of these)... I don't know the guy who did the translation but it seems that he just rushed it and cut corners in some places because of time restriction, with more time and someone checking the script it could have been a good work. 
    I don't like to complain or shit on others work but come on they are charging for it...it's not a free fan-translation project.

    Second by looking at the files itself (again with the huge help of Schwarzstorch who is editing the images, creating the patch etc) we found:
    *Inside the files of himeko is almost the whole ame no marginal script  (untranslated) 
    *The game "hides" the UI in some lazy way but you can still active it, just turn the windows transparency up or down and it will appear.
    *They used the same engine from sorairo (probably in this whole 10th anniversary narcissu project and ame no marginal) they just changed the script and CGs (with same engine I don't mean majiro but they actually grabbed it as it was in sorairo and didn't change anything besides the script and CGs), this isn't so hard to spot, I mean check this image and if you check the menu you can still see options that don't make much sense in this game, like changing the color of previous choices (in a kinetic vn ) and so on.
    *There are some files from the Mahjong minigame and many more things but you get the idea.
    In conclusion, it's going to take more time to check line by line to see if there are errors than translating everything from 0 so in the end it's going to take more time than I thought, but it won't take more than a month, on a side note my original idea was to add 1993 short story into this patch but I don't know if that's legal or not (probably it's not) so I dropped it.
    Para hacerlo breve ya que no tengo muchas ganas de escribir xD voy a realizar la traducción del epilogo de Himeko, mi idea era utilizar la traducción en ingles y pasarla al español pero debido a los muchos errores que tiene, gramaticales y también simplemente de mala traducción - el traductor utilizó atajos en oraciones complejas y se nota! - también hay cosas mal traducidas, ejemplo de algo muy tonto "1980 中坊の日のこと。" como "The mid-1980s... those days..." en español es "En los mediados de los 80'... aquellos días" cuando debería decir algo como "Aquellas cosas que sucedieron en esos días de cuando era un alumno de secundaria en los 80'" xD queda medio feo así tan largo pero ya se dan un idea de lo que hablo. Ese kanji raro (difícilmente aparezca seguido en algún lugar viene de acá 中坊) es decir un estudiante de secundaria de ese periodo especifico, no de cualquier momento. (si no entendieron nada de lo que expliqué no importa!)
    La traducción va a tomar 1 mes, ma o meno - cachito más cachito menos xD , dependiendo de las ganas que tenga de traducir , calculo que voy a traducir unas 30 lineas al día y son casi 1000, y eso es todo por ahora.
  14. Like
    Arcadeotic reacted to littleshogun for a blog entry, Ultimate Homeless Girl Review   
    Visual Novel Translation Status (05/28/2016)
    Sorry for late blog post here. For the title, this week I choose ultimate title (You knew what I mean if you play Dangan Ronpa) and since the image header was from Homeless School Girl VN, so I'd use Homeless Girl (I'm not using school since the synopsis indicate that the girl couldn't attend school) from the VN title. Okay, about the VN itself, I'd read the VNDB discussion and let's just said that the girl was suffered many rape and humiliation, especially from her step father. Oh, and by the way thanks for translating Homeless School Girl, Deep Blue even though maybe the VN wasn't too much cheery for me and too heavy (Also quite dark from VNDB discussion).
    Welcome to my VNTS Review for this week here. For catch up from last week, I'm sorry to said about Angel Beats (AB) translation team who must stop their work for translating it because Visual Art decided to translated AB by themselves. Oh, and by the way we also had news about Ixrec working to translating Rewrite + VN. As for my comment, maybe Rewrite was kind of divisive, but since we'd promised that there will be improvement about the scenario I wonder what kind of reaction we'll see later. AB once again not interested so much right now because it was only volume one, while KEY obviously will add more AB volume in the future. Let's see it later.
    For fan translation project, we had another one established here. As for the progress, right now it was quite hard to said but the translator promised us that the moment he update the progress, it'll be at least around 75%. For the VN itself, it was some sort of nukige with fantasy world setiing and loser MC. And for the woman, we'll had big breast one. Not on my list of looking forward though, but good luck on the project though and hopefully this VN will satisfied any big breast fan in the future if it's translated.
    About Indie Go Go (IGG), looks like it'll be trend in the future for localizing VN. At least it was had advantage over Kickstarter with flexible fund ie if the project didn't managed to get funded in time, the project itself could be extended compared to Kickstarter which couldn't be extended if it's failed (I guess). Also, apparently it was more flexible for the project with 18+ content ie not as restrictive as Kickstarter in term of adult content. For the report, this week we had 2 projects entering IGG (Corona Blossom and Princess Knight).
    For Corona Blossom, right now it was gathered around 8,329 out of 30,000 (Half of it thanks to some backer who backed at 4,000 though), and while the goal was quite small some member here said it was probably for promotion for the VN itself. And this time Princess Knight was very surprisingly almost achieved the goal, with 10,864 out of 12,000 funded. Both VN was said will be delivered at this year, and both of IGG still had one month left for deadline. Let's see it later for both of IGG, although obviously Princess Knight will fully funded first obviously. And before forget, my condolence for Princess Knight MC seiyuu, Mochi Yomigi here who passed away at 30 years old.
    Sekai Project
    Well, not much here other than Maitetsu picked up again at 15.68% translation progress and WEE at 86.52%. And I think I'd said enough about Princess Knight above. For Darekoi and Memory Dogma, it was had some nice progress (78.75% for Darekoi and 42.15% for Memory Dogma) although I'm still not interested with those 2 though. And for 2 new announced VN here, Sekai was surprisingly fast at translating it (Although the VN length for those 2 was short though). By the way, the progress for both new announced VN was at 50.11% for 2236 AD and 47.08% for Love, Guitars, and the Nashville Skyline (Don't know much other than it was probably about guitar play thing). Other than those progress, not much ie no Chrono Clock and Tenshin Rahman progress once again.
    For 2 weeks update roundup we already had Kyonyuu (Or Funbag) Fantasy was fully translated and edited, Kuroinu at 70% translated, Imopara 2 at 46% translated, Pygmalion was at 100% translated, MYTH was about entering beta testing, and Da Capo 3 was at 94.7% translated and 91.3% edited. For nukige progress, no comment other than the progress for Kyonyuu was very fast for just recently announced VN (Or maybe Mangagamer was already did all the work, including partnering with Waffle and keep it secret before announcing it). For Pygmalion, let's see how much fast the editing will be, although hopefully it won't be too long. For Da Capo 3, actually it was had the true route translated and what's left is only epilogue/omake thing. Looks like Da Capo 3 translation will definitely finished before July, and hopefully in next 2 weeks we'll see 100% at translation progress for Da Capo 3.
    Fan Translation
    For Astral Air, after crazy progress from last week, it was slowed down again at 0.95% progress from last week (I'm still grateful of course) bringing the overall translation progress to 79.71%. Koiken Otome, looks like the VNTS was wrong although we had the QC update though from 86.71% to 87.71%. For Koiken Otome itself, although the game might get not so good review, just try to low your expectation very low in case you want to play it ie not expecting action like Tokyo Babel even though the premise was quite promising for that of course. Hanasaki, after reading Clephas review (He was slightly dislike it though) I think the prologue was indeed mean common route and right now it was 100% translated. About the next route for Hanasaki, they said they'll translated Hikari's route next according to this post.
    Majokoi translation team just had the update after VNTS was finished, so I'll report the progress here. For the progress, it was at 5% translated and 3% edited. This is definitely good progress if I may said. Tsui Yuri, since Dergonu was faced the challenge with the name Math test (I understand) the progress was not much compared to last week, although it was still good though (3% progress, and the translation progress right now was at 25%). For last update, since Arcadeotic also busy with exam, there's not much progress in Bishoujo Mangekyou translation (The progress was at 4.7% translated for 8th script). Well, not much progress, but nevertheless good job for updating it even though both of you were busy.
    And last word for Fan Translation progress, there is another new translation project for VN called Mahou Shoujo. Here's the page, and if some of you want to offer help just ask Chronopolis there.
    That's all for my VNTS Review. And I think this week was quite usual ie not much excitement after many crazy time in April (I mean back in April we'd had many big release for translated VN). See you next week in my VNTS Review. Oh, and thanks for your interview with Sekai Project, Decay.
  15. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from Plk_Lesiak for a blog entry, Kusoge   
    Just look at this
    I-I-I just can't. This is too much. This flipping game, man. It's just brilliant. Kamige, nothing more, nothing less.
    Well, I guess I should elaborate even a little bit, given that I'm really just talking about a shit game full of baka gaijin punches and weeb references. Keikaku, desu, slice of bread, stupid Nipponese emotes, jabs at VN and anime tropes, fucking FACELESS side character named Classmate-kun that has a lenny emote as his face. Yup, this game is rather special, truth be told. Did I also mention that the menu is written with Comic Sans? Becuase it is. 
    Anyways, the game follows the journey of.... I forgot. Forgive me, but the main character's name spans three dialogue boxes, so everyone just gives up on everything and calls him Protag-kun for short. Works, right? Right? Well, there on out he stumbles on a tsundere yankee (although her being a tsundere could be considered a spoiler, but who cares, roight?), who has a piece of goddamn toast in her mouth, and apparently the MC stumbles ALL over her face and she's still utterly unfazed. She's also a Mahou Shoujo in the pures Sailor Moon way, becuase... reasons? Twintails included. Get your own damn batteries, though.
    Then he meets the just mentioned Classmate-kun, with whom you can have wonderful homoerotic, homodachi endings with, including:
    Shitting together in a public bathroom Going totally gay together, like pure homoerotic bro-homodachis would Sleeping together in a hotel completely butt-naked, causing some hilarious, albeit cringy events together and making him not look like a cheap Saitama ripoff, and in the end getting married in 'Murica He also uses those oh so fun Nippon emotes that those boke gaijins couldn't understand, and some variations of lenny thrown in for shit good taste.
    Then, the last of the bunch, comically dubbed 'Iinchou-chan'. Literally just 'Iinchou-chan' literally meaning 'class rep' for all the gaijins out there, who don't know the brilliance of Weebism.
    Well, she's your average small, big-breasted deredere I guess, except that she adds those ridiculous end-suffixes (I think they're called that? Honestly, I don't give to kusos.). Yes, you heard me right. She adds a desu, -nyan or -uguu in every single damn of her sentences. It's funny for like the first five minutes, and then I feel like stabbing her in the abodmen and hanging myself with her entrails.
    Well, there are a few instances where it's still cringy as hell, but at least it's funny. Apparently she's also a yandere. Yeah, it came out of nowhere. She literally steals everything from School Days, fucking decapitates Protag-kun with a kitchen knife, stuffs his cold body in a duffel bag and sets on a voyage with his head a la School Days. I don't even.
    The game has 24 endings, believe it or not, and after all that you get to answer the question 'What is the answer to life?', and the answer to life apparently is 'All your bases are belong to us. Wew.
    There's also a Boku no Pico ending, but I doubt you want your psyche broken with several PTSDs, stacks on stacks, so I'll just give you a scene before that happens, k? K.
    As you've probably noticed by now, the game has a terrific sense of humour. One of such classics is this
    And this.
    Also this.
    Quite fitting humour for something accurately dubbed as shit. There is of course some other jokes, like that one ending resulting in a game over because everything didn't go according to keikaku.
    One more for the road.
    The game's a literal shitfest, but the funniest shitfest I've ever had the pleasure of playing.
    9/11, 6/5, 1/1 Kusogest kamige to top all kamiges. Must play, enough water -IGN, GG Takeshi.
    In all honesty though, play it if you like satire even the tiniest big.
    That's all, thanks for sticking with me to the end.
    Arigato! Minna!
    Blegh, now I feel like a dirty weeaboo, kuso.
  16. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from Makudomi for a blog entry, Kusoge   
    Just look at this
    I-I-I just can't. This is too much. This flipping game, man. It's just brilliant. Kamige, nothing more, nothing less.
    Well, I guess I should elaborate even a little bit, given that I'm really just talking about a shit game full of baka gaijin punches and weeb references. Keikaku, desu, slice of bread, stupid Nipponese emotes, jabs at VN and anime tropes, fucking FACELESS side character named Classmate-kun that has a lenny emote as his face. Yup, this game is rather special, truth be told. Did I also mention that the menu is written with Comic Sans? Becuase it is. 
    Anyways, the game follows the journey of.... I forgot. Forgive me, but the main character's name spans three dialogue boxes, so everyone just gives up on everything and calls him Protag-kun for short. Works, right? Right? Well, there on out he stumbles on a tsundere yankee (although her being a tsundere could be considered a spoiler, but who cares, roight?), who has a piece of goddamn toast in her mouth, and apparently the MC stumbles ALL over her face and she's still utterly unfazed. She's also a Mahou Shoujo in the pures Sailor Moon way, becuase... reasons? Twintails included. Get your own damn batteries, though.
    Then he meets the just mentioned Classmate-kun, with whom you can have wonderful homoerotic, homodachi endings with, including:
    Shitting together in a public bathroom Going totally gay together, like pure homoerotic bro-homodachis would Sleeping together in a hotel completely butt-naked, causing some hilarious, albeit cringy events together and making him not look like a cheap Saitama ripoff, and in the end getting married in 'Murica He also uses those oh so fun Nippon emotes that those boke gaijins couldn't understand, and some variations of lenny thrown in for shit good taste.
    Then, the last of the bunch, comically dubbed 'Iinchou-chan'. Literally just 'Iinchou-chan' literally meaning 'class rep' for all the gaijins out there, who don't know the brilliance of Weebism.
    Well, she's your average small, big-breasted deredere I guess, except that she adds those ridiculous end-suffixes (I think they're called that? Honestly, I don't give to kusos.). Yes, you heard me right. She adds a desu, -nyan or -uguu in every single damn of her sentences. It's funny for like the first five minutes, and then I feel like stabbing her in the abodmen and hanging myself with her entrails.
    Well, there are a few instances where it's still cringy as hell, but at least it's funny. Apparently she's also a yandere. Yeah, it came out of nowhere. She literally steals everything from School Days, fucking decapitates Protag-kun with a kitchen knife, stuffs his cold body in a duffel bag and sets on a voyage with his head a la School Days. I don't even.
    The game has 24 endings, believe it or not, and after all that you get to answer the question 'What is the answer to life?', and the answer to life apparently is 'All your bases are belong to us. Wew.
    There's also a Boku no Pico ending, but I doubt you want your psyche broken with several PTSDs, stacks on stacks, so I'll just give you a scene before that happens, k? K.
    As you've probably noticed by now, the game has a terrific sense of humour. One of such classics is this
    And this.
    Also this.
    Quite fitting humour for something accurately dubbed as shit. There is of course some other jokes, like that one ending resulting in a game over because everything didn't go according to keikaku.
    One more for the road.
    The game's a literal shitfest, but the funniest shitfest I've ever had the pleasure of playing.
    9/11, 6/5, 1/1 Kusogest kamige to top all kamiges. Must play, enough water -IGN, GG Takeshi.
    In all honesty though, play it if you like satire even the tiniest big.
    That's all, thanks for sticking with me to the end.
    Arigato! Minna!
    Blegh, now I feel like a dirty weeaboo, kuso.
  17. Like
    Arcadeotic reacted to littleshogun for a blog entry, Yumiko Wanna Be Sachi Dog Review   
    Visual Novel Translation Status (05/21/2016)
    Okay, for the title this week I decided parodying this song from 1969. As we could see, Sachi was hypnotized Yumiko and Sachi said 'Come on, Sakaki-san... What are you?'. Well, there's much more choice in term of what you want to become in term of animal though, but Yumiko decided to became a dog (Well, it's the writer choice anyway, and in game Yumiko said 'bitch' so I guess it was appropriate). After my comment on VNTS Header Image this week, welcome to my VNTS Review for this week. As for Leisure itself, not interested but anyway, there's a good news for everyone that waited for Meikyuu (It will be released this summer) and Rakuen (Translated 35% as of now).
    Well, the Anime Central announcement this time was surely would bring everyone with high expectation down. Okay, maybe Kyonyuu Fantasy (Or Funbag Fantasy for localization) was quite decent (Bookwormotaku like this nukige) and Fata Morgana fandisc should be good for anyone else who want to read more Fata Morgana after finished reading it, but 4 out 6 six announcement was turned out to be hardcopy from already existed title, so this is quite letdown (Although if I said the box might attract the people who want to collect the packaging though). Although the earlier announcement was letdown, Mangagamer also announce that they'll release Tatarigoroshi on June 24th and Umineko on July 8th. I only look forward to Tatarigoroshi (If only to patching the voice), while Umineko was already had the patch with improved sprite and voiced to boot (And I kind of didn't click with new sprite from Mangagamer). I think since Anime Center announcement was majorly from Mangagamer, so I'll conclude Mangagamer section here. Oh, for last word I think I better look forward to next week update from Mangagamer to made up this letdown.
    For more announcement, Sekai announce one doujin VN called 2236 AD which the premise might sounds interesting, although kind of vague. For more update, other than Grisaia series Sekai also had nice progress from WEE Episode 3 which touched 82.49% as of now. Other than that, there's not much interesting although if you want to knew the round up Darekoi and Memory Dogma had some nice progress (More than 10% progress) while Sekai also want to launch Princess Knight using Indie Go Go (At least they learned not to using Kickstarter in case the project failed I supposed).
    Okay, this week instead of Anime Central, actually interesting news mostly came from Fan Translation. Astral Air progress this time was crazy (1.6% progress from last week, and for the progress it was at 78.76%), and looks like this summer we'll get boost in term of progress according to Chuee. Koiken Otome, they had 100% editing and 86.71% QC this week, which mean it shouldn't be long time before they release the patch (Or maybe next month hopefully?). While both of those 2 news of course good, we'd also face the problem from Dracu Riot side. As we knew, the team right now face some real life issue so maybe they need delayed the first rough complete patch (Although they said it'll be at the end of June, I'm still willing to wait until end of July).
    For last roundup, Tsui Yuri as of now had 22% translation progress and 2% edited. There's no translation progress from Bishoujo Mangekyou, but the QC was already started and it was at 3.1%. And for last update, we had Majokoi translated at 1.9% and edited at 1.6% (Also Majokoi team got another new 2 translators there. Hope it'll be speed up the translation). Oh, and actually from last week Mari's route at Libra was not 20% translated, but 25% translated.
    I think that's all for this week, and see you next week.
    PS - Since Decay mentioned his worry about Angel Beats translation project (Not that I'm interested as of now), here's the translator response in regard of Angel Beats localization announcement from Key at Arcadeotic post (Thanks). It mean that they'll try to continue for new as long as they didn't get hit by C&D or DMCA claim as for now. Although the translator word was more likely they wait until Key make official announcement. Well, let's see it for later though.
  18. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from Aizen-Sama for a blog entry, Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 18   
    Ya know what's nice? Not making any progress.
    Yup, there was no translation nor editing progress to speak of whatsoever. As for me, I had my final exams this week and they'll continue the next week too. As for my editors, one had a move to a new apartment, and other one is busy with uni exams. I'll try to get some progress next week, but who knows about these things. I certainly don't
    Well, at least QC has begun, and is progressing at a respectable pace, so that's great. There also was some QC progress last week, but I forgot to put it up. Sorry 'bout that.
    Anyways, the progress:
    Translation: 7/8 script files finished (~83%)
    Editing: 9,2%
    QC: 3,1%
    Proofreading: 0%
    Till next week.
  19. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from ShinRaikdou for a blog entry, Manga Chronicles Part 4: Karin (Chibi Vampire)   
    Karin (Chibi Vampire)
    What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think or Shounen romance? Bland? Shallow? Stagnating? Un-progressive? Well, for about 90% of the Shounen romance mangas that is indeed correct. Karin however, is a different story. But before we jump into that, first some background information. Karin (Chibi Vampire in the US) is about Karin, your average 16-year old high-school girl, but she has a secret. She is a vampire, a mysterious vampire, who can walk in the sunlight, and when Usui Kenta transfers to her class, all sort of different kinds of events start rolling ahead.
    The manga, drawn Yune Kagesaki, by started it's serialization in late 2003 and finished February 2008. It consisted of 58 chapters and 8 special chapters (omakes and special side story chapters), spanning through 14 volumes. Karin also got a full anime of 24 episodes, which started airing late 2005. There was a light novel series of Karin in 2003, written by Tohru Kai and illustrations bythe original author of the manga, which spans 9 volumes and is fully transated in English, both the manga and the light novel.
    Back on topic, I read Karin about 2 years ago in my native language in a library close by. Needless to say, it was my first romance-driven manga I've read. I say it's a Shounen manga, but honestly it feels more like a Shoujo manga, but it's officially tagged as such, so I'm rolling with it. As I was saying, Shounen romance is just torture to me, but luckily I had no clue about manga and it's classification, so I didn't mind at that point, and if had, I probably wouldn't have read this wonderful piece ever.
    As a Shounen manga, you probably have some doubts about this manga's romcom nature. I'll say this, throw those doubts in the incinerator. As I said, this manga has a huge shoujo feel to it, basically meaning it actually has good, progressing, heart-warming romance in it, and it has a conclusive ending, believe it or not.
    The start of Karin is a little on the slow side, and shows Karin's personality well in the first few chapters you'll read. It tells you your main character's personality well, and with almost no needless filler. In those few starting chapters, you get to know the supporting cast, the Maakas and Usui Kenta. As Karin gets to know Usui better and he more or less unintentionally finds out Karin's rather bloody secret, she and Usui get more friendly. Usui's situation also gives an insentive for some rather generic romcom moments, albeit with refereshing twists. This goes on for a while, with some side cast developments, like Karin's little sister, Anju, and Usui's mother, Fumio.
    This goes on for a while, until the first major twist comes into play when everything literally blows up in Karin's face in a bloody fashion, and as a result the Usuis think of leaving the whole town, with pressure from an other party. This brings us to our first conflict, which gets resolved quite nicely with drama, but not too much drama. Quickly after that Karin and Usui become an item. The second half of the manga is basically lovey-dovey romcom, an introduction of a new character that plays some importance to the plot and the final twist. I won't spoil it as you should read it yourself. The climax and the ending are something to look forward to.
    All in all, the plot is nothing too special and it doesn't really bring anything new to the table, but the twist are executed so well. It has some Shounen air to it, but overall plays out like a Shoujo manga. The art is pretty stellar for something made in the early 2000's, but it's till weak sometimes. It plays well to the theme and the facial expressions are really cute. I have zero issues with the art style. The characters, even side ones, are well fleshed out, and bring some nice color to the scenes. The length of the manga is average. It's not that long, but the chapter total can be deceiving as the chapters are long, spanning from 20 pages to even over 40.
    For a manga made rather early, it's one of the only ones I really adore. It'll blow your expectations of what Shounen romance manga is out of the water and leave you with a nice feeling. I'll quarantee it. Still to this day, it's my favorite Shounen romcom. You should definitely give this old-ish classic a try. I heard that even the anime is pretty good.
  20. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from Kosakyun for a blog entry, Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 17   
    Hooray for huge progress.
    This week has been a blast to translate. I was somewhat saddened nd disappointed that I didn't get to my goal last week and get the script file completed. Well, that's the past, more so because I got two script files finished.
    That's right. 6th and 7th script file are now fully translated, which means I went through about 100 kB of text, maybe a bit more, this week. I feel so good now. 
    Anyways, this means that this is the biggest update yet, surpassing the second update on this site, that was almost 10%.
    Now one final wall stands in the way of this game being fully translated. I aim it to be done in a month  or so. Look forward to it.
    Translation: 7/8 script files finished (~83%)
    Editing: 9,2%
    QC: 0%
    Proofreading: 0%
    See you again next week.
  21. Like
    Arcadeotic reacted to littleshogun for a blog entry, Forbidden Romance with Handsome Pig Review   
    Visual Novel Translation Status (05/14/2016)
    Okay, the title might be too cheesy and laughable, but it's the truth from VNTS image from otome games. For this week release, I must admit that the graphic from those 2 games were not my taste ie didn't like it too much as of now. As for the premise of the VN, one of them was quite interesting and another one was very ridiculous, so much I'm laughing inside. For ridiculous one it would be otome game which the premise was something like your pet was turned into 5 handsome man. And the man who almost kiss MC in the image header was pig before he transformed to handsome blonde man, so I based the title on that. Although the premise may be absurd, actually we had something like that in the past. The example here would be Fruit Basket, which had quite successful for both anime and manga.
    For Fata Morgana, okay I'm always said that gothic art was not my style for VN, but I think another concern of mine would be VNDB Bayesian score which as of now was at 6.57 which is quite low to said that, although the vote as of now was also low at 25 votes. The premise was actually quite interesting though, it was something like MC was see the tragedy that happened in the mansion where MC was trapped or something along the line across century. Even though Bayesian score in VNDB was quite low and I might not click too much with the art, I said that you better not hesitate to play Fata Morgana. I mean that I remember I tried to play Higurashi before I apply PS2 graphic patch and it was still quite good imo (And I'd always think that old Higurashi art was bad). Might as well tried it in future and I'll try to get used to the art. After all, there should be good reason if EGS score and VNDB average score was around 8 as of now (scorp and conjueror apparently like this VN).
    Other than 2 releases and usual Mangagamer 2 weeks update, this week we also had some interesting news from fan translation one, especially from dergonu and arcadeotic here. JAST was once again as usual ie no update from them at all. Although this week Mangagamer was did less update compared to 2 weeks ago, they cover very important VN this week and it was quite interesting (Also in regard of 6 announcements from them). For Sekai, the progress was same as last week, but for this week we didn't had any significant update from Maitetsu. So, overall I think compared to last week, this week actually had some quite dynamic ie more update and more interesting release.
    Sekai Project
    The least interesting segment would be Sekai Project, so I'll write my comment on it first. Darekoi and Memory Dogma was had some nice update, while Maitetsu somehow managed to get even more slowed down with the progress at 0.02%. As for WEE, congratulations for reaching three quarter of the translation progress or to be exact it was already at 78.20%. Well, I think I'm the same as Decay, waiting until episode 3 release and hopefully they managed to release WEE this year.
    About release planning for Just Desert, I'd just read the news about the release plan and Sekai said they will released it on July 11th. What made it interesting is that they'll release it in 3 language (Indonesian, English, and Japan). Unlike back at Aokana 5 language translation promise, this time it was actually sensible promise. English should be obvious why if you want to asking the reason, and as for Indonesian since this is Indonesian VN normally they should release it in Indonesian language of course. For Japan, I kind of doubt if they could did that though but maybe they could do it if they did some extra effort imo. I think it would be interesting for sure that Sekai will publish Indonesian language VN, and to me at least I could read it in 2 of 3 language for Just Desert (English and Indonesian). Might as well comment on this later, since this VN was from my country and I think I should see how good it is.
    Fan Translation
    First of all, for AstralAir this week it was at 77.16% right now and looks like it was picked up after slow update from previous weeks. For arcadeotic project (Bishoujo Mangekyou), right now we had 7 out of 8 script translated (Or around 83%) and for editing it was at 9.2%. Arcadeotic promise that he'll finished this in June, which remind me that Nosebleed will released rough patch for Miu's route (Dracu Riot) around June (He promised back in April that he'll need 2 months for the first rough patch). Well, let's see it later and coincidentally both translation project was involving vampire (Coincidence maybe). For dergonu project, congratulations for reestablishing the project and from now on I will call it Tsui Yuri. Anyway, as of now Tsui Yuri progress was at around 13% or so. Oh, and finally this project was added to VNTS. Congratulations for that too, dergonu.
    For more interesting news we had 2 new moege translation project sort of established. First about Hanasaki, I think the premise was about the club for the people with regret. Other than the premise, I'd only knew that this VN had quite good score at VNDB (Average at 8.09 and Bayesian at 7.60 as of now) and this is 2nd Saga Planet VN after Nijima Yuu left the company. Speaking about Niijima Yuu, his work Majo Koi Nikki also got translation project. As of now there's still no progress, but they already established the translation team as Luna Translations. Interestingly, apparently both of those 2 games only said prologue for first route instead of common route (Hanasaki only said prologue before character route by the way, and Majokoi had prologue line count one third of total line (11,000 out of 39,000 to be exact)) in the translation project. And for now I think I'll keep the eye on for both of the project (Of course if both of the project give update I'll inform it).
    First of all, I think people already knew that Fatamorgana was released today. I think I'll said enough in the beginning so I'll not repeat it here. And as for usual update this week we didn't had Imopara 2 update and Kuroinu at 63% (Before forgot, we also had Evangile W update at 22%). For Pygmalion and Da Capo 3, both of those were almost finished (Pygmalion was at 97%, while Da Capo 3 was at 92.5% and editing at 87.5%). And Bokuten was finally fully translated. I think the progress was indeed very good, although Da Capo 3 progress here was slightly slow down though. For Bokuten once again I'd only knew that the angel there was forming a band, both of Natsuhiko and Watase seiyuu (Root Double MC in case you forget about them) was voicing side characters here, and according to tyrosyn the H-Scenes was quite important compared to previous Overdrives games. Well, according too the progress at least we could be sure that Bokuten will be released this year.
    I think that's all for my VNTS Review this week. See you next week.
    PS - Apparently there will be many interesting announcement next Saturday morning. Even if the announcement was not interesting, I'll try to write my thought about it here.
    PPS - I'd forgot to report this, but as of now for Libra translation they managed to translate 20% of Mari's route. I'll also keep an eye on Libra progress too.
  22. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from Asonn for a blog entry, Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 17   
    Hooray for huge progress.
    This week has been a blast to translate. I was somewhat saddened nd disappointed that I didn't get to my goal last week and get the script file completed. Well, that's the past, more so because I got two script files finished.
    That's right. 6th and 7th script file are now fully translated, which means I went through about 100 kB of text, maybe a bit more, this week. I feel so good now. 
    Anyways, this means that this is the biggest update yet, surpassing the second update on this site, that was almost 10%.
    Now one final wall stands in the way of this game being fully translated. I aim it to be done in a month  or so. Look forward to it.
    Translation: 7/8 script files finished (~83%)
    Editing: 9,2%
    QC: 0%
    Proofreading: 0%
    See you again next week.
  23. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from DarkZedge for a blog entry, Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 17   
    Hooray for huge progress.
    This week has been a blast to translate. I was somewhat saddened nd disappointed that I didn't get to my goal last week and get the script file completed. Well, that's the past, more so because I got two script files finished.
    That's right. 6th and 7th script file are now fully translated, which means I went through about 100 kB of text, maybe a bit more, this week. I feel so good now. 
    Anyways, this means that this is the biggest update yet, surpassing the second update on this site, that was almost 10%.
    Now one final wall stands in the way of this game being fully translated. I aim it to be done in a month  or so. Look forward to it.
    Translation: 7/8 script files finished (~83%)
    Editing: 9,2%
    QC: 0%
    Proofreading: 0%
    See you again next week.
  24. Like
    Arcadeotic got a reaction from Dergonu for a blog entry, Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 17   
    Hooray for huge progress.
    This week has been a blast to translate. I was somewhat saddened nd disappointed that I didn't get to my goal last week and get the script file completed. Well, that's the past, more so because I got two script files finished.
    That's right. 6th and 7th script file are now fully translated, which means I went through about 100 kB of text, maybe a bit more, this week. I feel so good now. 
    Anyways, this means that this is the biggest update yet, surpassing the second update on this site, that was almost 10%.
    Now one final wall stands in the way of this game being fully translated. I aim it to be done in a month  or so. Look forward to it.
    Translation: 7/8 script files finished (~83%)
    Editing: 9,2%
    QC: 0%
    Proofreading: 0%
    See you again next week.
  25. Like
    Arcadeotic reacted to littleshogun for a blog entry, Wanko as Firefighter Review   
    Visual Novel Translation Status (04/30/2016)
    Kinda want to do seiyuu joke for this week, so since the featured image header (One of 4 image actually) was Moribe Jun in Root Double, who also had same seiyuu as Kawakami Kazuko back in Majikoi, so I decided for the title because Jun was firefighter and Kazuko nickname was Wanko, I'd made 'Wanko as Firefighter' for the review title. Anyway, this is definitely not a fanfiction of how Wanko will became firefighter in Kawakami city, but usual VNTS review for this week.
    For the release, Aselia was already censored even back when fan translated, so I think it's already played and discussed to the death or in other word obsolete. Ozmafia, well even otome was once again not my interest but congratulations for Mangagamer first otome release. The story of Ozmafia was something like amnesiac cute MC (I admit that I look forward to otome game MC face though. Oh, her name was Fuuka) was trapped in the place when there is many mafia family fighting each other to the death, and Fuuka must had to seek refuge with one mafia family that hopefully she could trust. Corpse Party, well it had voice obviously but too bad the seiyuu is not the famous one though just like in PSP version, just indie seiyuu. But I think if some of you like horror and didn't had PSP (Or you had hard time to use PSP Emulator), go ahead and play it. For the last relese, I'll comment below (In case some of you didn't get it from the first paragraph, it was obviously Root Double).
    As expected, Mangagamer really did update for each 2 weeks. And I think for this week we had another good week after Seinarukana sudden release last week. Let's start my wrap up from Fan Translation here.
    Fan Translation
    Well, this time AstralAir didn't had progress this week as usual (Or maybe this week VNTS came too fast, and if Chuee update it I'll add it here). For Bishoujo Mangekyou, this week we had 5 out of 8 script translated, and Arcadeotic said it was around 70%. Although I didn't follow it, Angel Beats at this week was at 41.93% although I'm still waiting for Key to release full version though. For Dergonu's project (I'll reference this as Tsui Yuri for next review), congratulations for finally getting good TLC and for the progress it was at 12%. I think as for this week Fan Translation section was kinda plain, although I'm waiting for Tuesday since akerou supposed to give major update in regard of his progress (Although I didn't know if it would be good or bad though, but hopefully good obviously). Oh, and I'd almost forget that this week Ittaku really released another beta patch for ToHeart2, and he decided to had FredtheBarber also editing twin's route (At this time, ToHeart 2 was edited 75%).
    Once again, looks like my prediction that Mangagamer will had update every 2 weeks was proved right. So, for Mangagamer progress recap, here's the list below.
    Kuroinu was at 55% translated MYTH was 100% translated and in scripting Imopara 2 was 44% translated Evangile W was half translated Pygmalion was 86.73% translated DaCapo 3 was 90% translated and 83.4% edited Bokuten was 92% translated and 73.75% translated Tatarigoroshi now being ported Well, the progress for 3 most interesting VN (Pygmalion, DaCapo3, and Bokuten) was very good if I must said to Mangagamer. As for Tatarigoroshi (Oh, by the way Tatariogoroshi was one part of Higurashi in case some of the reader here confused what Tatarigoroshi mean), looks like they'll release it in close date and with that it'll be another part of Higurashi that will had voice patch in the future. And Tatarigoroshi is the part when Higurashi story start to form itself, or so I'd read somewhere. Other than that, there's not much to comment here.
    Sekai Project
    For Tenshin Rahman and Chrono Clock, well maybe if the progress was updated regularly I'll keep eye to both of it. Maitetsu was at 12.11% translated for this week and WEE episode 3 was at 64.24% translated for this week. It'll be definitely good news for WEE fans, although Maitetsu progress was slowed down again this week after we had quite nice progress from last weeks. Other than that, I think not much from Sekai translation progress.
    The most exciting news this week was definitely Root Double release. I'm actually kind of want to see it translated from the moment I read GundamAce posts in Animesuki and Gamefaqs back at 2012, and he said that it was equal to Ever17 according to him (And he swear that he'll definitely translated it). So, from the moment I'd see him founded Lemnisca Translation I'd remember that I'm always following his I/O, Secret Games and 12Riven translation because he said that he'll finally translated Root Double after he finished with all of those 3 games. Although the way of got Root Double here was a bit different and had slightly more controversial, it was definitely worth of waiting. As of now I'll still waiting for Root Double to be available on my laptop, and then I'll write my first impression.
    For Decay's review, actually I think it's okay though since review should be taken as personal feeling of the work instead of the whole community opinion. And of course you should once again form your opinion based on the game by yourself alone, not by the review itself. For example, according to VNDB I/O was one of GundamAce best VN while Decay only give score 7.7, so I think once again review was like something personal opinion, although I also see the point that it may affect some of the people who want to play it though if they only read the score and not the substance. Okay to be honest I said this because I'd had more face-palm reading the reaction from Decay's review at Gamefaqs forum rather than the review itself. And one last thing I would said is that at least Decay didn't review it badly because it didn't had gameplay section just like some certain Tokyo Babel review.
    I think that's all I could write for this VNTS review for this week.
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