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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/20 in Posts

  1. A few days ago, I randomly picked up Toradora, because I just wanted to watch something and couldn't decide what (comedy is the best choice in a case like this). I ended up enjoying it way more than I expected, and I even have the feeling of emptiness right now (the kind of feeling you get after finishing something you were really into). So, after failing to choose something by myself, I decided to ask you guys around here. To make it easier, I'm going to list some stuff that I'm looking for (or would like to avoid). - no harems: harems usually have the kind of comedy that's full of cringe, have uninteresting and very often annoying characters and I get tired of that very quickly, but more importantly, there's never an actual romantic relationship between the MC and ONE of the heroines - high school setting is good, but it's not a necessity - at least a minimal amount of character development - a good balance between comedy and drama (if it has more drama, then it's fine, but comedy should still be there) - low amount of (or none) fanservice: if it's not a harem, then there probably won't be much fanservice, but I just felt like I should mention this too - bonus points for a kiss scene - extra bonus points for a protagonist who is able to think for himself Here's my MAL account, so you can see what I've already seen. My list is not very big, since I don't watch too much stuff https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Br41n
    1 point
  2. Whaaaaaaaat? What about the part where they had a huge fight in the classroom with weapons that ended with both parties coming out bloodied? that wasn't natural for you!?
    1 point
  3. I see, thank you. I'm surprised to hear about Chuck, since its one of like 5 or so non-animated TV shows I've ever watched, so it's quite the coincidence to hear about it here of all places. Unfortunately, I do not recall it well enough to agree or disagree with the assessment. Toradora's also a really curious one because while I love the characters, I heavily dislike the plot (I don't think the attraction between the two leads was natural and find that others imposed their views on them in that matter. Especially in Ryuuji's case) and think that most events within were melodramatic, which I almost always dislike. (I was going to link a couple of threads with romance manga and anime to see if you like any of them but I've bugged you enough. Thanks.)
    1 point
  4. it's part of an industrywide plot to undermine 57th prime minister of japan shinzo abe
    1 point
  5. Sorry chief, but that ain't happening. Trying to accept any kind of money would see us receiving a C&D letter, shutting our whole operation. Moreover, this is a fan project. For fans by fans and all that, see? Bringing in money ruins the fun of doing it. If you still want to support us with money, buy yourself a beer or tea and enjoy that while reading our work once it's out. Paraphrasing Trip's discord because I have no shame.
    1 point
  6. reading sabbat of the witch has really pushed my patience over the edge with the genre. like god, they take forever to confess and stuff. its so tip toeing and the same. "What is this feeling? Just thinking of him makes my heart pound." it can still be cute at times but when it just drags on like it has its just tiring. really makes me wish for a mature approach to romance in my vns. both parties are experienced in life and dont get so easily flustered by all that high school crap! but noooooo, they have to appeal to the younger generation to instill an ideal into their heads to procreate since their birthrates are declining! WELL MAYBE IF YOU FIXED THE INSANE WORK HOURS YOUR PEOPLE HAVE YOU WOULDNT BE IN THIS SITUATION, JAPAN!!!! Anyways, thats my rant over, felt like voicing that thought so i did. what are yours?
    0 points
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