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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Wait... You're american?  :blink:

SoCal = Southern California  :P


Confession: My greatest flaw that has kept me from entering fulfulling relationships so far was me putting women on a pedestal. Trust me, that's bad. You need to be in a relationship with someone you consider to be an equal, after all.

Confession: I've been guilty of that too, which made it all the more crappy when I found out that the last two crushes I had (besides my most recent one) really weren't that nice of people.  I hope I grow out of that, it's kinda biting me in the ass.

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Confession 1: I think the treaty of versailles was a pile of s*** (not sure why I felt like getting that off my chest)

Confession 2: I've only ever dated one person who lives within 100 miles of me 


Confession: The first girl I ever 'dated' was also long distance even though she lived only about 30 km away from me. Since I had no car (I was only 16 after all) getting to where she lived was a gigantic pain in the ass (cost me 15 euros just to get there by train, ugh).

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Confession: I have asthma, and have had an asthma attack. Though that was a lot of years back. I can barely acknowledge its presence these days.

I have the type of asthma where I just cough really, really, really hard when I get sick, like hard enough that most people would rush to the hospital because they thought they had pneumonia.  My dad described its sound as being like the barking of a seal when it gets really bad.  I'll occasionally get a cough when I exert myself too much, but I haven't needed a nebulizer or an inhaler since elementary school.


Confession: I have asthma and it's really bad. I get small attacks twice a year, but those feel like hell.

Well, it might actually mostly go away when you get older.  I was a preemie and had to be on oxygen so my lungs would work properly, and of course I got asthma because my lungs were underdeveloped when I was born, but even then I mostly grew out of it around high school.  I barely have problems with it anymore.  There's no guarantee or anything, of course, but it's possible ^_^


Confession 1: I think the treaty of versailles was a pile of s*** (not sure why I felt like getting that off my chest)

The Treaty of Versailles was indeed a pile of shit.  Its sole purpose was punishing the losing countries without actually solving the problems that started WWI in the first place, and it's been said to be one of the major causes of WWII, since the treaty effectively turned Germany into a poorhouse.  One of the major motivations for electing members of the National Socialist Party to power was because they said that the terrible state they were in was not Germany's fault, and that they were going to make Germany great again.  If they hadn't had a scapegoat, odds are WWII might not have happened, or at least Germany wouldn't have been part of it.

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Well, it might actually mostly go away when you get older.  I was a preemie and had to be on oxygen so my lungs would work properly, and of course I got asthma because my lungs were underdeveloped when I was born, but even then I mostly grew out of it around high school.  I barely have problems with it anymore.  There's no guarantee or anything, of course, but it's possible ^_^

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only preemie who had to be on oxygen (and food, but that's not really relevent) who never developed asthma *cheers* I guess I'm one of the lucky few. Did end up with underdeveloped muscles on the back of my legs though (which is a really odd thing to happen but ah well) 

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I have a very vivid memory of someone, maybe one of my parents, sticking oxygen tubes in my nose and taping them there, and it was incredibly uncomfortable so I got mad and took them out and ripped the tape off as soon as they looked away.  I was so happy when I didn't have to be on oxygen anymore, that was so terrible.


How premature were you, by the way, Rinima, if you don't mind me asking?  I was about 2 months early; I was supposed to be born on July 16th, but I was born on May 18th instead.  My umbilical cord got pinched, depriving me of oxygen, and started to actually come out, so they had to do a C-section so I didn't asphyxiate.  I was technically born dead, with an Apgar score of 0 (no pulse, not breathing, blue all over, no activity and no response to stimulation).  The doctors had to revive me and everything.

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I have a very vivid memory of someone, maybe one of my parents, sticking oxygen tubes in my nose and taping them there, and it was incredibly uncomfortable so I got mad and took them out and ripped the tape off as soon as they looked away.  I was so happy when I didn't have to be on oxygen anymore, that was so terrible.


How premature were you, by the way, Rinima, if you don't mind me asking?  I was about 2 months early; I was supposed to be born on July 16th, but I was born on May 18th instead.  My umbilical cord got pinched, depriving me of oxygen, and started to actually come out, so they had to do a C-section so I didn't asphyxiate.  I was technically born dead, with an Apgar score of 0 (no pulse, not breathing, blue all over, no activity and no response to stimulation).  The doctors had to revive me and everything.

About a month, so not quite as early, but the doctors gave my mum a really odd drug that doped her up and myself, so my already undeveloped lungs (my oxygen supply went down quick slowly apparent), starved self had even more problems lol (my umbilical cord went rotten, forced my mum into labour cause I couldn't breath or take in any nutrients ect ect) I went blue for a little while after I was born (lol, my poor mum)

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Confession: Here's a little list of the stuff I've found cleaning cars so far:

 - $7.40 in change

 - a pair of sunglasses

 - lots of screws

 - the cardboard tube from a toilet paper roll

 - a half-eaten apple

 - a sweater

 - a pack of smokes

Not the best of loot, still waiting for that legendary two-handed sword drop.

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Confession 1: I think the treaty of versailles was a pile of s*** (not sure why I felt like getting that off my chest)

The Treaty of Versailles was indeed a pile of shit.  Its sole purpose was punishing the losing countries without actually solving the problems that started WWI in the first place, and it's been said to be one of the major causes of WWII, since the treaty effectively turned Germany into a poorhouse.  One of the major motivations for electing members of the National Socialist Party to power was because they said that the terrible state they were in was not Germany's fault, and that they were going to make Germany great again.  If they hadn't had a scapegoat, odds are WWII might not have happened, or at least Germany wouldn't have been part of it.

I'm hereby obligated to link this

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Indeed I am not in College yet. I have 1 year and about 2 months before I enter college.... and I am not looking forward to it at all 

I guess I might as well just suicide  try to get used to dealing with these guys cuz I bet some people won't mature no matter how much they grow up.

>Be me

>Commute to college

>Not give a shit about colleagues

>Problem solved


And I wonder why I have very few friends  :wahaha:


Confession: I simultaneously feel like this is the wrong place for Tyr x Rin confessions to be taking place, but it is also the name of the thread so I can't complain.  Not that I would, it's fun getting to know your weaknesses, all the better for me to exploit them later on.  My scheming to sink the ship has begun, and you are only feeding the flames  :holo:

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Confession 2: I've only ever dated one person who lives within 100 miles of me 


Confession: The first girl I ever 'dated' was also long distance even though she lived only about 30 km away from me. Since I had no car (I was only 16 after all) getting to where she lived was a gigantic pain in the ass (cost me 15 euros just to get there by train, ugh).


>100 miles

>30 km


Seriously, I envy those distances. 100 miles is like 2+ hours drive, which is not bad. I can at least visit for a weekend.

I got over a 1000 miles to deal with over here.

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>100 miles

>30 km


Seriously, I envy those distances. 100 miles is like 2+ hours drive, which is not bad. I can at least visit for a weekend.

I got over a 1000 miles to deal with over here.

Pff, get on my level. I had to deal with 7.5k km for a little while. :P

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Even though it was long-distance, at least some of you guys already had a relationship. ;)


Confession: I don't think I want to enter a relationship anytime soon. I just want someone to hug.

I also have no dakimakura, sooo.

Though if you guys would send me one, I'd be happy to receive it. :sachi:


Just wash off those stains.

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...I am sad ;-;


Very sad D:



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Even though it was long-distance, at least some of you guys already had a relationship. ;)


Confession: I don't think I want to enter a relationship anytime soon. I just want someone to hug.

I also have no dakimakura, sooo.

Though if you guys would send me one, I'd be happy to receive it. :sachi:


Just wash off those stains.

At least you've talked to a girl in the past 3 years. :P


Confession: I'm probably going to fold and buy a Kud daki soon :wafuu:

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