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Anime shops or anime events on your city


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I want to know how they see the anime in your city.

In mine there are several anime events, 2 in spring, 1 in summer and 1 in halloween(yeah halloween cosplay party!)

There are some small events like 4 i think, the are several events in neighboring cities

 but here in the capital are the best(they are bigger)

There are 2 cosplay cafe, 1 anime poster shops, 1 manga and comics shop and 1 anime shop where you can  order anime figures and mangas(from japan), i never tried eroges/Vn because i don't understand japanese and i'm 16 years old.

How about you guys?

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Almost non existent here, there's a couple of shops that sell some goods but they're very limited to mainstream stuff (Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, etc.)


So yeah i'm better off ordering from online stores from other countries than trying to find merchandise here.


There's 2 major events that happen per year and even those events are very niche with little to no variety in content, I've gone to both and wasn't really too impressed with anything.

Then there's really minor stuff that doesn't get much coverage and are more like meets than anything else.


Conclusion: It's not nice to live here if you're looking for anime goods or living the otaku life.

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no events only 1 shop that sells manga.

there's so little here and even in the bigger city's its probably the same maybe just 1~3 more manga shops or so but no real anime thing.

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I don't think it's my country's fault to sell such limited variety of goods and services.


First, anime has little to no coverage. There are no anime focused channels in my country. There used to be one but it was taken down (still don't know why).

The only anime that airs here is licensed by some cartoon TV Channels and they're dubbed in portuguese. And these anime are stuff like Naruto, Fairty Tail, One Piece, etc.

So it's pretty understandable that the population has little exposure to the medium unless they try searching online on their own.


For example I go to a convention and there's literally 50 Narutos and 20 Sakuras and 100 Luffys and <insert other mainstream character>. Because that seems to be the only stuff the majority of people around here watch.

And thus the stores reply to their fanbase needs by focusing their merchandise on mainstream stuff.


There's just little to no room for variety here because TV Broadcasters are not interested nor does anyone else seem to be.


I tried talking to some people at the events too, to see if there was some nice social factor to going there, maybe develop some friendships even, but all most people could talk about was the most hyped shows that are blowing up in the season and get coverage everywhere. You know, the ones that everyone already knows about and everything's already pretty much been said and every discussion becomes incredibly reduntant.


The most interesting person I met was this lesbian that discussed yuru yuri and madoka magica with me. I'm serious. 


It's kind of depressing but it's reality here.

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Non-existing, pretty much nobody know what anime are at all, there are a few anime that are airing on TV channels for kids and those are always for kids (Yu-Gi-Oh, bakugan etc.) and everyone just calls them cartoons. And there are some toys from those anime you can buy at Chinese shops but that's it.


I doubt that number of people watching anime in my country passes two digit number if you exclude kids.


Even shipping things online is pretty complicated as most online stores don't ship to my country or shiping prices are extreme in cases that they do. Like for example I remember when I saw some SAO T-shirt on E-bay that cost only 2$ and shiping cost to my country was 60$. It also doesn't help that prices of anime goods are usually beyond what an average person here can afford to collect.

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Because I live right next to Japan, there is actually a lot of knowledge and love for otaku stuff. Visual novels have not been heard of though, and there is only a couple of anime/manga/light novel shops, which even so are limited to only funimation dubbed junk. There are no events I can think of over here.

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there isn't any place that sells anime goods around here,to tell you the truth i don't think there is a place that sells these stuff in the whole middle east

animes like naruto,one piece are acknowledged as "cartoons" and they stopped airing a long ago

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I ask people I'm interested in if they know anime when I go to town for some drinks and they know the mainstream. "Naruto, Bleach, SOA, Attack on Titan." Boring.. 
Some of them know friends who are into anime but they can't understand why they watch this so called "cartoon" in japanese language.
Anime/manga is growing quite popular, hugh increase from when I started in 2004.

In Norway we have Outland who sell manga, figures and some or less anime dvd
And Neo Tokyo that specialize more on japanese wares.
Huge price you have to pay for the last two things I mentioned but I guess that's why I have the internet for.
I'm not into what we have of events but we have this major one every year in Oslo called Desucon. "http://desucon.no/desu9/".

Norway's largest collection, "all from Japan, Sci-Fi-, Fantasy, cosplaying, artstands and much more"..

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Hmm, In a way my country didn't really do anything related to Anime/Manga, Until recently it seems..I am actually glad the culture is spreading if not slowly. Here in my town of Cape Town, there is apparently 4 Events each year and ive been to two of them..Mostly hosted by fans for fans type of deal and was mostly centered around cosplay. but yeh it was fun as i got some manga cheaer then what book stores sell them..Like i mentioned i am surprised that "BookStores" are selling the manga haha xD. There is also two company's i know selling merchandise here called Gadget Time and Readers Den. and the most surprising i found just yesterday was my first "Anime Magazine"..Never seen on before and shows its spreading.

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There's a shop one town away that sells manga, wall scrolls, anime, and other anime-related merchandise. I've bought alot of stuff from there considering it's like the only store near me that sells anything anime related.


Actually I pictched a redesign for their mascot and emailed it to them a few months ago... I never got a response. :(


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There are a few events that happen here I'm sure. I live in Houston, a huge city with millions of residents, so I'd be surprised if we didn't get any conventions, but I've never looked into it so I dunno. I do know that there are A LOT of things in San Antonio, and some in Dallas/Austin. 


As for merchandise; yeah, the three malls nearest my home each have a store with some affiliation to Japanese stuff. I've only personally been inside one comic shop that sales manga and a tonnnnnnn of props, from figures to lightsabers to Dragon Balls (as in the actual balls). Outside of that any anime or manga I want to buy I can go stop by Bestbuy or Barns and Noble to pick up anything thats popular or came out in the past few years, but it's far cheaper just to buy it online from Amazon or Rightstuf.

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I don't have jack where I live.  I have to drive to either San Jose for Fanime, or to San Francisco for a manga shop.  Both cities are pretty far from where I live (multiple hours away), so I rarely do many official events or get manga.  I started reading manga online because of that.

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from what i know so far there is Kinokuniya here for manga and books.. and a shop called Gametraders that sell some of the newer anime series (like attack on titan,sword art etc) and they also have several manga titles (havent really seen wat they have).


as for events i have no idea,i'm just living here for 2 months ;d

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Around here, there are a couple of conventions each year (I think they each come twice each year, so it's like four). There are also TCGs tables and a very popular Super Smash Bros. Brawl tournament. 


It's nothing really big, though, and one of the two companies makes a really small convention anyway. They don't even bring manga!

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In Perth there are 2 anime conventions I attend every year, Wai-Con and Supernova. Both take place at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (with Supernova changing venues from the Showgrounds to the Convention Centre this year, thank god...).


There are two stores that I know of that sells a lot of things related to anime or manga (hell one of them was selling figurines of characters from the Rewrite VN). Both stores located in Perth which from where I live only takes 30 minutes to an hour by bus.

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