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About DawnWolf

  • Birthday 10/24/1993

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    If it's discussed on these forums; I'm most likely into it.

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  1. Happy Birthday! We hope you'll find your way back to Fuwanovel again :)

  2. Well... I can see every member sans Tatsumi/Akame dying, and even then I could believe one of them would die in the finale. Honestly at this point I care about what happens to Esdeath more than all of Night Raid combined. I'm going to be awful pissed if the senators "perfect mother" is him impregnating Esdeath (spike the food, gas, etc. Plenty of ways to go about it).
  3. I'd like to think a sequel is in the works. He just ended it as is to bring things to a fever pitch so that way there'd be all kinds of hype for it's continuation. Don't think Kaneki is dead either. ... That Owl reveal though. Holy shit.
  4. Needed more... for 22 pages you'd think this was a weekly and not month manga. Lubbock went in HAM though Hopefully Tatsumi and Esdeath next month.
  5. I'm sure theres more, but that is basically what currently fills my 2D pixelated dreams.
  6. Esports! ... Kappa To watch: Football (the American kind), theres nothing that really compares with it. League of Legends To play: League of Legends, basketball with friends... Air Hockey! Ever had hour long marathons of Air Hockey with some friends? It's a freaking awesome.
  7. If you're adverse to reading manga I'd tell you to watch the anime. The manga is better, but the anime is obviously more pleasing to the aesthetics. Really wish everyone would stop ragging on the censorship. It isn't THAT bad, or anywhere near as bad as most of you guys make it out to be.
  8. No, I think Adachi was in full control of his actions. Some of the things he did were evil, and he was to an extent insane, but if you maxed his Social Link you know he himself isn't totally bad (but then who is?), he's just darker than most. Really Adachi's SL was one of the things I loved most in Golden. That and Marie... and being able to use your night time... and the ultimate personas which were fucking broken (looking at you Rise)... and that extra two months of time. I just listed 70% of the new content in Golden.... Obligatory ellipses....
  9. My immediate family, whilst mainly being Christian (damned if I know what kind), has always been open minded to many issues, opinions, and views. So Aside from when I was too young to really choose for myself (around five ish), I've always had the choice if I wanted to partake in religion or not. Having no love for what I felt to be tedious religious work, I became an agnostic early on in life, gravitating more towards atheism as I've grown older. I don't really care what religion a person has; don't shove things down my throat and I'll return the favor. Does religion impact society? Yes. Does it do so negatively or positively? Depends on the when and where. A few hundred years ago I'd say religion benefited society. Today? Not so much. At least in America religion has served as a means of denying people their basic rights on the grounds of "My book says this is immoral so you can't do that". This ranges from discrimination against homosexuals to discrimination against middle easterns/Arabic-Americans simply because they may not have the same religion as you. I dunno, this is a touchy subject but I find religion to cause a lot more problems than I see it solve lately. Theres a reason religion and politics tend to be taboo subjects in peaceful communities; too easy to cause strife and offend.
  10. Red Eye Killer -> Black Eye Killer Seems about right.
  11. It really hasn't been forever. She got stabbed in the neck right before they got to the religious city. It might have felt like forever due to how many chapters were spent in that city, but in terms of actual time spent it can't have been more than three or four months. Not sure if you've ever broken a bone, but it hurts, and takes a few months to heal. I imagine a neck wound takes even longer. Also she hasn't really been complaining about the wound since they left the city. I think Kurome will die... probably. But not anytime soon. I mean, the manga is named after Akame, and Kurome is kinda a crucial part of Akame's motives. Her dying won't be till much later in the work IMO.
  12. Read the manga, the anime... changes things (the order and sequence of events for one, the motives of the investigators for another). As for the main character being a typical whiny powerless protagonist... White hair changes people... changes them for the badass.
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