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Japan's Robot Revolution


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Still no genetically modified catgirls. Not good enough.


There's already really advanced artificial intelligence that allows robots/software to learn for themselves (to a certain extent) in production.

Add that to these robots and we're in for a Terminator soon enough. I'm always impressed by Japan's robotics.

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One thing I've always liked about Japanese robots is their tendency to not look all metalic and/or uncanny.

Most robots I see from other countries always have all their parts (wiring and stuff) visible.


Although when they go for a human looking face, that's just creepy. I'd prefer a friendly looking robotic face over that thing.

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Am I the only one who thinks that spreading robots is a bad idea? I mean, just look how creepy they look... I wouldn't like to live in a world full of that stuff...

That's only because we suck at making them. Once we figure out how to make them just right, you won't be able to tell the difference between them and humans~

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Am I the only one who thinks that spreading robots is a bad idea? I mean, just look how creepy they look... I wouldn't like to live in a world full of that stuff...


I think robots and androids are cool, man. They look kinda weird right now, but we'll figure it out. I remember seeing one with a human looking face a few years ago that actually looked pretty legit, it actually didn't look so creepy.

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Even though we managed to achieve really a lot when it comes to the current state of robotics and cyber engineering, We're still far off from creating even the simplest strong A.I. which is a basic prerequisite for any human-like robots. That said, judging from the current pace our technology is evolving, it wouldn't be an overstatement to say, that we might see first androids within the next 15-25 years.

There's already really advanced artificial intelligence that allows robots/software to learn for themselves (to a certain extent) in production.

That's still a weak A.I. Those machines aren't really learning anything by themselves - they are just programmed to copy and mimic the behaviours of their human guardians. It is a real jump, especially in case of factory robotics where even a non-qualified worker will be able to teach a machine how to perform various tasks, but that's not the thing pioneer robotics engineers and A.I. creators are looking for. In other words, we've just finally found a real practical use for factory machines, other than just factory "pre-programmed" behaviours.


Still no genetically modified catgirls. Not good enough.

In the near future, it might actually be possible we won't even have to biologically engineer anything; as long as we'll manage to create a real, strong A.I. capable of self-learning, common sense, empathy and feelings and androids with bodies as close to ours will become a reality, you can be sure that japanese will propably create such series as personal companions and toys. I am 100% sure of that, knowing what japanese are actually capable to pull off.

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I'm more interested in cyborg technology than robots themselves... I want my synthetic body!!!!

Hopefully you won't turn out like the first generation of cyborgs in Deux ex haha. Wait one generation first hehe.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Haha, Tiagofvarela, you beat me to it! :P

What are everyone's opinions on the work aspect of improving automation? 


It seems to me that, if things progress without any popular intervention, people won't even be workers anymore! Our only purpose then would be to live solely as consumers, which, if that is actually sustainable, is an existence I would rather not live! As long as the upper class sees the workers only in terms of monetary worth, we'll just become targets for advertising and political propaganda, and nothing else. 


However, we wouldn't need to fear the rise of mechanical capability if we weren't living in a state-run capitalist society. Our job positions and our value within society would be secured if we could only achieve a non-hierarchical, classless, libertarian society.

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Haha, Tiagofvarela, you beat me to it! :P

What are everyone's opinions on the work aspect of improving automation? 


It seems to me that, if things progress without any popular intervention, people won't even be workers anymore! Our only purpose then would be to live solely as consumers, which, if that is actually sustainable, is an existence I would rather not live! As long as the upper class sees the workers only in terms of monetary worth, we'll just become targets for advertising and political propaganda, and nothing else. 


However, we wouldn't need to fear the rise of mechanical capability if we weren't living in a state-run capitalist society. Our job positions and our value within society would be secured if we could only achieve a non-hierarchical, classless, libertarian society.

This thread really refuses to revive :P


I'm honestly not much good at discussing this stuff, but I can say that I personally look forward to further developments.

Even if we all lose our jobs they're gonna have to do something to keep us unemployed plebeians in place. It's impossible to run a nation where half the population is unemployed, meaning we'll either still keep our jobs in other places (whatever works best) or society is gonna change drastically.

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That's only because we suck at making them. Once we figure out how to make them just right, you won't be able to tell the difference between them and humans~

Not being able to tell the difference between a human and a robot would be a nightmare, there is a fine line robotics must not cross, one is giving them sentience, the other, human appearence.

They are not us, therefore they should not look or act like us.


This thread really refuses to revive :P


I'm honestly not much good at discussing this stuff, but I can say that I personally look forward to further developments.

Even if we all lose our jobs they're gonna have to do something to keep us unemployed plebeians in place. It's impossible to run a nation where half the population is unemployed, meaning we'll either still keep our jobs in other places (whatever works best) or society is gonna change drastically.

I do not, robotics is only neat now because Its still in development, It has much to evolve, right now Its pure sci-fi, however, once robots start being mass produced and replacing human workers we will have a problem, corporations and the rulling elite would have probabily replaced any sort of government by then, and they give even less of a shit for folks like you and me, meat for the meatgrinder in their eyes.

I dont see any positive outcome. Society would quickly fall into decadence once people start heavily relying on robots in their everyday life.


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Not being able to tell the difference between a human and a robot would be a nightmare, there is a fine line robotics must not cross, one is giving them sentience, the other, human appearence.

They are not us, therefore they should not look or act like us.


I do not, robotics is only neat now because Its still in development, It has much to evolve, right now Its pure sci-fi, however, once robots start being mass produced and replacing human workers we will have a problem, corporations and the rulling elite would have probabily replaced any sort of government by then, and they give even less of a shit for folks like you and me, meat for the meatgrinder in their eyes.

I dont see any positive outcome. Society would quickly fall into decadence once people start heavily relying on robots in their everyday life.


Ewxactly. Our only purpose left, in their eyes, would be to be brainwashed and buy their shit. Like Tiagofvarela said, either they don't take our jobs (Though they clearly will, as they're already doing), or there will be great social change. There undoubtedly has to be change, in favour of the 99%, or we'll basically be seeing a "Wall-E" scenario become our new reality. I certainly don't want humanity to become so absolutely worthless. 

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The development with robots is indeed interesting. Currently the robots are quite stupid though.


As for the vid. Even if a robot could drive transport etc, we are still way of for that happening.

Creativity... The guy seems to think it's limited to art. It's not.


If we get bottom to top ai. I hope we don't get Darlek like bots... EXTERMINATE.

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Creativity... The guy seems to think it's limited to art. It's not.

Allow me to jump into his defence!

What he said, wasn't that bots could take over creativity, but that any jobs overly reliant on creativity cannot stand as the basis for a society. He then also noted that we're trying to make bots copy art, not that creativity was solely art.


Even if we are still ways away from that happening (which I don't actually think we are, give 'em 20 years and we'll see these bots much more often), it is undeniable that we haven't stopped developing these, and that they will happen in the future.

Even if my generation doesn't have to deal with it, maybe the younger generations or the ones that have yet to be born, will.

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You guys are talking of Technological Singularity eh.

To be honest, it really depends on how things will move forward. While we have learning AIs at the moment thanks to neural networks and the power of the cloud, I don't think we are there yet when it comes to having robots that can stand on its on unless there comes another disruptive technology (I'm looking at nanotech and biotech). Another thing I am thinking of at the moment is whether we need to replicate the human brain and improve it before we can work on a better AI and if that's the case, I think we are still decades or centuries away from it.

Robots will continue to replace workers though. Then come a time we can really call the knowledge economy. I still think this will come pretty far off until having robots and their maintenance becomes more efficient than using humans.

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I do think working robots are pretty near but they will be cloud reliant IMO and they will have a behavior which is kind of different from humans as the "way they think" is differently designed. They will work but still pretty different from our science fiction robots. Of course that is based on what we have at the moment.

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