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Current State of GD: Scum and Villainy or Peachy Keen?


What is the state of General Discussion's soul?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Is General Discussion (not including Games and Chatter) too off-topic and/or too spammy to be useful right now?

    • Yes - too off-topic
    • Yes - too spammy
    • Yes - too much off-topic AND spammy
    • No, it's fine as it is
  2. 2. How often do you post in GD/Games and Chatter as opposed to the rest of the forum?

    • Less often
    • About the same
    • More often

This poll is closed to new votes

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Hello everybody.


I'd like to ask for your help. I get complaints all the time about forums content, and much of it is about General Discussion. I made a poll (above), but please share your thoughts with me: what's the state of GD? Is it too spammy? Too off-topic? Is it fine?


Also -- do you have any ideas for ways to improve its current condition?

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Given that the title of the subforum is General Discussion, I do think that it shouldn't be too much of a problem for there to be a little off-topic discussion, and even some spam, just as long as it stays under control and doesn't flood the topic. As of now, I don't really see much of a problem with how things are going in GD. Sure, there are the occasional spam thread, or just plain random ones, but thats to be expected, and that's what Games and Chatter is for, to have a place to move those topics.

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Ill just drop my argument I've been using over the years - GD is already off-topic section, hence it SHOULD have off topic (topics not related to anime, manga, visual novels, fan translation and other sections we have on the forum).

Games and Chatter is there for the spam and mindless and topicless topics as explained in the G&C purpose.


Therefore I believe with the good work of our moderators we are able to have a good general discussion section as well as mindless topics in the games and chatter section... for the most part.

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GD is GD, it's the place where people go to discuss anything, it's the place where users can freely talk about what they like and find others with the same tastes. That shouldn't change, ever.

As far as off topic replies and derailing well that's a problem that can happen anywhere and should be dealt with the report button, there's really not much you can do about it.

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I think that it's pretty good as it is. I havent noticed any obnoxious derailment, and it's a place where I think that we should be open  a little to more 'out-there' posts, so I wouldnt change a thing (coming from someone who pretty much only uses GD, I guess)

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I haven't seen that much derailment in either GD or GaC.  Maybe that's because I'm more active in VN Talk, but whatever.  The ones I've seen weren't so much about trolling as curiosity or confusion, so nothing that's that much of a problem.  Again, though, I've been less active in GD recently, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

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Well, I think you either drop the forum altogether or don't moderate anything but the forum rules on content (no hate, spam, nsfw etc.) Some people seem to think g&c spread a bad culture or w/e throughout the boards, but I'm not sure if this was really the case. You're probably going to see quite a bit of backlash with no g&c though.


It's not even posted in that often, bar the Majikoi thread. Which has had essays on SAO recently lol, that was moderateishly interesting.

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I spend about 50% of my time in GD (if you don't count intros; if you do then I only spend about 5% :P), and while off-topic happens like it does in any forum with more than 1 person, it's usually fixed pretty quickly via a mod hiding posts, splitting threads or giving disapproving looks.

Speaking of off-topic

I haven't seen that much derailment in either GD or GaC.  Maybe that's because I'm more active in VN Talk, but whatever.  The ones I've seen weren't so much about trolling as curiosity or confusion, so nothing that's that much of a problem.  Again, though, I've been less active in GD recently, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

I approve of your avatar :D

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Honestly, I think GD is fine as it is. It's a place for threads that don't fit into any other subforum, so it's going to have some weird ones. And I pretty much agree with Aniki when it comes to off-topic/derailing posts there. Really, if a derailment is getting too out of hand, somebody should just say something about it. But a few slightly off topic posts in GD probably doesn't hurt anything. Obvious spam is obvious, and should be dealt with, of course.

Derailing in Games and Chatter?

From what I've seen, this is an occurrence which can be overlooked. With the somewhat random and weird topics found on there, derailing from the topic shouldn't be much of a problem. Besides, derailment in Games and Chatter only lasts for a few posts or so.

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Honestly, I think GD is fine as it is. It's a place for threads that don't fit into any other subforum, so it's going to have some weird ones. And I pretty much agree with Aniki when it comes to off-topic/derailing posts there. Really, if a derailment is getting too out of hand, somebody should just say something about it. But a few slightly off topic posts in GD probably don't hurt anything. Obvious spam is obvious, and should be dealt with, of course.



Derailing in Games and Chatter?

From what I've seen, this is an occurrence which can be overlooked. With the somewhat random and weird topics found on there, derailing from the topic shouldn't be much of a problem. Besides, derailment in Games and Chatter only lasts for a few posts or so.

I agree with both here. The GENERAL discussion is a part where you can talk about everything between anything. Interesting topics survive for a while and just random post survive for one day or two until they are gone. 


I personally think some topics are unnecessary but I don't complain about it. I just ignore it until it disappears. I still approve of topics about weird and uninterested topics. Because the next random topic could be something I like.

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it's fine as it is,you'd see some spam here and there and some weird topics  which is only natural given that it was made to talk about variety of things other than VNs and if anything gets out of control the moderates can always lock/delete the topic

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People tend to think G&C and GD are the same.


G&C is just forum with games, places where you can have fun and random crap.

Derailing is a common occurence and it doesn't really matter.


GD should be controled more though. Threads have a set topic and should stick to it.


It's good to have a place where the community can talk about other things that otaku stuff. People get to know each other and share their hobbies (or stuff like that). It helps building the friendly community.


So G&C : Scum and Villiany and GD : Peachy keen.

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Wow I just read G&C when I saw it because G&C is what everyone whines about, I thought modding GD stronger than G&C, and up to general forum standard whatever that is, was obvious.


I don't really look much at GD in general so I don't know. There's a problem with consistency in what gets moved to G&C, however. For example, "what is the cutest image you have seen..." is in GD, and about posting cute pictures. Yuri thread is in G&C, and is mostly about posting cute pictures. Not to mention more substantial stuff like manga releses, etc. It's a specialized interest thread, like osu -- the osu thread is in GD too. Yes, I am bitter.

Edited by Zakamutt
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Yes, there is a bit of a problem with consistency in what goes in G&C and what stays in GD. Some stuff in GD really belongs in the games and chatter forum.


Like Ren's Cryptic puzzle thread which is a forum game. And also, why are all the forum groups (avatar groups for example) in games and chatter... except Steve's "Temple of Mare"?

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Yes, there is a bit of a problem with consistency in what goes in G&C and what stays in GD. 


There's a problem with consistency in what gets moved to G&C, however. 

I think you two are spot-on. This is a conversation that needs to be had. It'll help the moderators as much as everyone else. 


Any other ideas, feedback?

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