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Visual Novels and Polygomy (harem)


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In fiction, when it comes to typical consensual, good-ending harems, I hate those with passion (unless it's a Yuri harem, Yuri is always acceptable). And I especially hate those anime-style, inconclusive harem ends (I don't like vaguely ended romances in general, but in harem version those are exceptionally stupid). It's my pet peeve, even that joke ending in Sharin no Kuni actually annoyed me.

Darker stuff with serious drama, rape and such actually can be fine (especially when the protagonist ends up brutally murdered, for me that's the only fitting ending for a harem).


As for real life polygamy - I'm neutral. It certainly isn't my thing and I'd never choose to have more than 1 wife or girlfriend, but I don't care what others do. They can have 20+ wives/lovers/whatever if the want.

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Hmmm... strangely enough I see people havn't realy changed their opinions on this matter. I suppose thast mainly because VN's seem to use harems more as a comedic or imaginery setting. After all, it would be strange if it werent like this, seeing that the Japanese have no more exp with real multiple wives than westerners.


Olthough, I would like to point out that its not allways so tuff and hard to support a harem. My own grandfather, believe it or not, had two wives. And while i haven't really met my grandmother in person, may she rest in peace, but from hearing from my family she was the happiest grandmother around.


But of course, this was a long time ago, when it wasnt so hard to support large familys. Even in the middle east, having more than one wife has become a delight on for the insanely rich.


I have also met a classmate once that has more the one mother. I can tell you from my expirience that such familys tend to be in chaos; but not all the time, and there are some benifits to it too. This classmate? He was the most stuck up kid in the hole school, but no one could lay a finger on him, because he had like 9 brothers attending the same school. More mothers=lots of kids. Mess with them and its GAME OVER. :wacko:


Harems are not my thing surprisingly even though I'm always saying more cute girls is always good. Hell in my idealistic world everyone would be female and we'd live in a world filled with yuri. But don't get me wrong I really don't care what others are into. Even if someone in real life has more than 1 wife I could care less.


But that comedic approach is what makes it unrealistic and it's why it would never change my opinion on polygamy. A real life harem would require a lot more effort than the 2D world makes it out to be.

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Only if your body can handle them.



I heard the news about Nigeria's business man was literally raped to dead by his wives several day ago.


he was having sex with his 6th wife when another 5 wives forced entry and demand him to satisfy them too with knife and other weapon.


And during the session with 4th wife (5th session), he got heart attack and die.


After that, 5 of them escaped, 2 of them were charged for raped.



Could it be harem (bad) end? :P




You only have 1 legal wife but it doesn't mean you can't have concubines, The law doesn't support that.


I imagine he looked like these guys? Yes?



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i dont think there's any anime with a 'harem end' most either just choose the 'first girl' or nothing at all aka those open endings people hate so much There are some manga and VNs though with harem routes/stories,usually its fun to read xD


as for real life i highly doubt i can handle one wife,forget 2+ ;d

other can do watever they want though,if they'r happy that is

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Hmmm... strangely enough I see people havn't realy changed their opinions on this matter. I suppose thast mainly because VN's seem to use harems more as a comedic or imaginery setting.

Anime are much worse offenders here because only exceptionally rare things like Yosuga no Sora and Amagami SS actually have VN-style routes for heroines, rewinding time and making a different development with another heroine every time (info on any others like that would be appreciated).


There are some true harem visual novels like Kamidori (romance one heroine + harem everybody else), Koihime or that ending in School Days, but those are pretty rare. In long non-nukige VNs you almost always have a route for each heroine, there is group sex sometimes (one of my biggest pet peeves) involving a girl other than the chosen heroine, but the ending will definitely be centered around her.


Almost every anime with two "main heroines" has an inconclusive ending, whereas if there's one main heroine the romantic element is often not played to its fullest.



Unless you call having a lot of heroines gunning for the protag before any real romance or sexual involvement a "harem".

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  • 4 weeks later...

After finnishing that harem ending in sharin no kuni... Man, what a dissapointment. It was less of an ending and more of a nice CG with all the heroins hugging the protag... Pfft, there seems to be no running away from learning Japanese at this point. Of to my katakana trainer...

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After finnishing that harem ending in sharin no kuni... Man, what a dissapointment. It was less of an ending and more of a nice CG with all the heroins hugging the protag... Pfft, there seems to be no running away from learning Japanese at this point. Of to my katakana trainer...


Well that is an open harem ending.


If you still want for more serious closed polygamy ending you can give a try to Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete.


And good luck learning Japanese, glad to see more of us on that quest.

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Polygamy often coincides with incest and misogyny, which is the main reason it's discouraged in Western nations I believe.


A single polygamous "family" isn't an issue so much, it's the patriarchal social structure that arises in polygamous communities that can be a problem--leading to males being driven from communities and females being coerced into staying.  Basically, if a few men take many wives, there's not enough females to go around for all the remaining males looking for partners, leading to social problems.  A sustainable social structure would require an equal balance of males with many wives and females with many husbands.

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I used to like harem and all. That is until I started to get attached to the characters. Now I almost hate all harem whether it's in Anime or VN.

If thats the case then, this is a legit SPOILER

Then your definitely going to hate Grisaia no Rakuen if you like the series, no way to avoid that ending. Its canon

Now safer for those who just CAN'T resist

Edited by V_Kitsune_V
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lol, I didn't have any problems with the ending of the final Grisaia game:

It isn't like any of those girls would have been able to stand some other guy, in any case. Also, roflz for people that are prudish enough that consensual polygamy bothers them.

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Personally I don't give a damn how many women you sleep with, nor how many you marry. If you can handle more than one then I think you're within reasonable grounds to have more than one.


As for a VN with a harem, I'm surprised to see no one mention Utawarerumono. While the main character certainly has his own preference towards a girl he 

bangs basically every woman in his court. To list: He impregnates his best friend's dying blind sister (by both their requests), has sex with an ambassador to another kingdom (to comfort her), gets raped by said ambassadors younger sister/his clone... multiple times, bangs the girl who nursed him to health, gets tricked into forming a spiritual contract with one of his soldiers that turns her into his sex slave (by her), and gets raped (again) by his "noble blooded" body guard attempting to protect the land by giving him a child... all in one route (game only has one route)

And the best part? It's not a Rance esque game, ergo he's no lecher or womanizer. The game has an actual plot and decent story. The chicks around him just really want the D...

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Polygamy often coincides with incest and misogyny, which is the main reason it's discouraged in Western nations I believe.

A single polygamous "family" isn't an issue so much, it's the patriarchal social structure that arises in polygamous communities that can be a problem--leading to males being driven from communities and females being coerced into staying. Basically, if a few men take many wives, there's not enough females to go around for all the remaining males looking for partners, leading to social problems. A sustainable social structure would require an equal balance of males with many wives and females with many husbands.

Meh, if we look at it realistically, most countries have a huge number of unmarried females. Even Saudi Arabia, that ALLOWS multiple wives, has like 33% of it's female population, that are in the age of marriage, single. While comparing to most other countries, that's a small number, but it use to be like less than 5%.

But I believe that allowing polygamy in countries like Japan will increase birth rates+marriage, both with are really needed there. And the real reason for banning multiple wives is because most women nowadays consider it insulting. #feminism

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It's not like allowing a man to have multiple wives or a woman to have multiple husbands (let's not be sexist and include the reverse) would force one to follow the practice. It's just seen as immoral by most developed countries and i doubt it'll change in the near future.

It's very hard to change pragmatic behavior.

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But I believe that allowing polygamy in countries like Japan will increase birth rates+marriage, both with are really needed there.

What Japan needs is a sensical immigration policy, not an increased birth rate.  The world is already overpopulated as it is, and we're currently experiencing the consequences of that (climate change).  The solution to a pyramid scheme (our healthcare system and government debt structure) isn't growth--that just prolongs the inevitable and makes the crash at the end even worse.  The solution is radical socioeconomic change towards sustainability.  Polygamy has nothing to do with that.

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