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Grisaia no kajitsu anime


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I never had any expectations for this in the first place. Reason being is so few anime adaptions of VNs turn out very well ,and are always rushed to death. I'll probably finish watching the rest of it after it's done airing to see how they adapted Amane's route though.

Just enjoy it as a separate thing.


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I can't really complain, I'm seeing my favorite novel animated and that really makes me really happy, regardless of how close to the original it is. Well, I don't think anyone ever thought they would 100% follow the novel, so I'm not really surprised. Either way, I think it's good enough to get the attention of people who haven't read the VN toward it. Which is awesome, since the kickstarter is to begin soon.


It's kinda weird right now as we have been confirmed 24 episodes and the episode layout they released seems to suggest 2 episodes for at least two more girls, as we already got the Michiru ones. They'll either make two routes really big or have them in a medium size and create something entirely new for the last episodes. I can't really read kanji so here's the image with the layout, if anyone would be so kind to translate it, I'd be grateful.



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Yumiko's route is the shortest by far, if they do follow that layout, it'll surely feel rushed, but probably enough since they gave Michiru only two episodes. Sachi on the other hand will be really weird with only one episode.

Are you sure this information is all legitimate? It doesn't seem to click quite right in my opinion.

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I'll get some lunch and watch the episode, and then edit my post to give my thoughts.

I'm sure the episode will be total masterpiece 


Edit: Y'know, considering they had to cram an entire route into 1 episode, I think they did a good job y'know, adapting the route and getting all of the main points across. Obviously everything feels rushed, but that's unavoidable.

I enjoyed the anime's take on the confrontation + resolution towards the end. I was seriously stuck in a "WTF DID THAT REALLY JUST HAPPEN?" expression for a good while~

Also, we got to see Yumiko:

Cut her hair :3

I always felt cheesed that the VN only showed her hair on the ground rather than her actually cutting it

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Wow. Just wow. I wasn´t even expecting that they cover the whole route and thought they will just rush the events there, but...

Even for Yumiko´s route which was worst out of the five, that was almost an insult. The introduction for the conflict was more than short, the flashback had hardly any content, and the whole thing with fleeing, living while being hunted and the actually quite enjoyable conclusion, where Yuuji shows his usual badassness..... switched with a short discussion (Michiru best charakter this episode though) and a faked suicide with a far too easily acquired happy end.


So to say it with my words from the beginning: WOW

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Wow... did they just made a completely different Yumiko route from scratch..?

Nah. Just a completely different Yumiko climax + ending. Everything prior to that was consistent (albeit super rushed) with the VN.


Question about the anime-original plot...

Did they kill some random woman who looked like Yumiko? Or did they just conveniently find a fresh body with the same build and hair?

I doubt they would actually KILL someone just to do that... so yeah they probably used a conveniently fresh body with same build and hair 



Apparently the next route will be sachi's route in one episode.

That means Michiru got the most exposure out of all heroines so far 0-0 since they at least had one episode dedicated to her common route scenes before having an episode for her actual route.
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