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Holiday Traditions (and Merry Christmas!)


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Hi everybody!  Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!


I was wondering what sorts of holiday traditions we have amongst us.  My family celebrates Christmas, and we're pretty traditional: Christmas tree, stockings, presents.  We get to open one Christmas present on Christmas Eve, but the rest (including Santa presents which show up on our "spot" on the couch, unwrapped, in the middle of the night) have to wait until Christmas morning.


Every Christmas Eve we watch "The Christmas Story" and drink apple cider and cocoa.


Anybody else want to share their traditions?

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Here things are a bit different but not too odd.

My family (Dad, Mom, Sister) during Christmas Eve every year joins with either my mother's side of the family or my father's side of the family for dinner and we also bring our presents with us. My country is mostly known for seafood so everyone eats mostly fish (the traditional fish is codfish) during Christmas Eve. And so when we're all together at a designated house (usually one of my grandparents' house) we eat and chat and when the clock reaches midnight we all open the presents together and thank all the people that are there for the respective present. Then the "next" day we have a Christmas lunch with the other side of the family where the lunch is traditionally meat (the traditional meat is turkey) and we open their presents and give our remaining presents to them and just chat and have fun etc.


It's pretty simple but it works. Of course there's always someone assigned as Santa to give out some of the presents to the children :lol: (It might actually be me this year...) We also alternative which side of the family we go to for christmas eve (which is the most exciting part) first so everyone gets their share.

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The last few years, I've returned and visited my family over Christmas, quite a few miles away. It used to involve tons of presents, sweets, christmas trees and such, but there aren't any children any more among my relatives. Now it's just christmas dinner and chit-chat with the nearest family.

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i kept telling my parents to get a fake tree but they said it was better if it was a natural one.

i kept telling my parents to not be part of the turkey massacre but they didn't listen to me.

i kept telling my parents to don't waste money in taxes because of the lights but it didn't matter to them.

i didn't ask nor get presents, but the tree seems full o them.


yeah a traditional every-year christmas.

(also, even if my family does, i don't drink coca-cola in christmas, so maybe it's not that traditional) 

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My father and I just barely put up our christmas tree yesterday and the other day. Then we open presents on Christmas day, take a couple of pictures, and thats all. Christmas for me used to be better when I was smaller but oh well.


Yeah Christmas is kind of low-key for me now but still enjoyable.  But I had a great time as a kid in New York--we went to my aunt's house, the whole extended family, and Christmas Eve dinner was served buffet-style with lasagna, manicotti, chicken and veal parmigiana, fried shrimp, and various Italian pastries.  And then everyone opened their presents.  And I got to stay up late 'cause we all went to Midnight Mass.  I still remember the awesome sound of the pipe organ when they fired up "Adeste Fideles" (or maybe it just seems louder when you're little? )

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Doesn't count as tradition...yet, but this year i'am going to attempt to carve something out of ice. Other than that it's about the same as everyone else.

Please allow me to be the one to formally request pictures of this undertaking :D
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My home traditions are different than yours. We have always natural Christmas tree. We have Christmas Eve dinner around 6pm. After that, whole family goes to the kitchen, while "Santa" is placing presents under our Christmas tree. We are returning to living room and we are unpacking presents.


At the first and second day of Christmas we are mostly sitting and watching TV movies simultaneously eating cakes and other things. That's very lazy and calm time...


Hmm... by the way, outside the window there is no snow today... sunny Christmas? I want a normal one... :<


Anyway, Merry Chrismas!

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Hmm it must be nice to have a winter christmas...Here in the southern hemisphere its summer xD..

Anyway my family loves to be together for Christmas but unfortunately granparents are not able to visit this year..

WE normaly have a fake tree(cant really get real ones here) and my parents love Christmas dinners and go all out on it xD..

Every christmas we cant open the presents untill the entire household is up and awake and ready, then we give one at a time to everyone.

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I spend the christmas at my parents place who live in the countryside so ofc a natural christmas tree, just step out of the door and drag a tree in. Tree is dragged in and decorated on 23rd, rest of the decorations have been put in place earlier.

On 24th we have dinner with family and sometimes some relatives join us. If there are any young kids among us Santa will make an appearance (one of the adults in disguise) and brings in the presents and has a chat with the kids. If there is no kids then we just give the presents to each other. After that it's just chatting, sometimes board games and such.

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My family always spends the night of Christmans eve at my grandparents's house. When we where children we would go there a few days before to decorate the (plastic) christman's tree and make a small Nativity scene on the fireplace. (Which doesn't need to be lit on Christman's eve, since it is summer. Not that it ever REALLY needs to be lit anyway... The seasons are not very well defined where I live and It's rellatively warm during most of the winter. It's been years since I last seen it lit.)


On the night of Christimans eve the room would be filled with gift wrapped boxes (My grandparent's had 8 children, so we are a preatty big family) and there would be a red sock filled with small presents hanged over the fireplace for each child. We had to wait till midnight to start opening the presents, and the party would continue late into the night.


Now that my grandparents are getting older (my grandma is 89, and my grampa 96 years old) the celebration became a lot simpler overall and we cannot continue as late into the night, but it's still fun.




Merry Christmans!

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Please allow me to be the one to formally request pictures of this undertaking :D

Sorry, Found out I'am going somewhere else this year so I won't be able to do it. If all goes right I may move to a city in Alberta, Canada next year, so I would defiantly be able to attempt it then.


Edit: Just asked a friend about the process, I don't have the tools at this time. I Will be ready to do this next year!

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every Christmas i tend to do the same.

sleep like any other day, wake up knowing the (fake plastic) christmas tree has been decorated way before christmas and finding no presents under it.


since i was young we had a almost non-existent christmas.

to me holidays are just another average day with a slight twist.

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Essensially for me it's a day were I spend most of the day with my family. Visiting the grandparents and such, making food, talking, eating, drinking boose, more talking and tv, then dessert, then opening presents 1 at a time. We have a real christmas tree each year. Stockings and Rice porridge (Risgrøt). A enjoyble day with boose, great food and presents pretty much. (With some annoyences tho)

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Christmas is the time when I actually get to come home from uni and to have a breather. Unfortunately, my parents are in the US and I go to uni in the UK, so the whole ordeal involves me having to navigate several trains (including the dreaded London tube system) so I can be at Heathrow for my flight... not the most fun. That said, once I actually get home, it's pretty low key since we just have a small family. I think we've always used a fake tree (with far too many lights) and end up opening presents on Christmas day, and then having a turkey for dinner. A bit boring, yes, but a welcome change.

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