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Sorry for my eventual bad english, I'm not a native speaker, I understand almost everthing I read but i'm not very good on writing.


I was joking about you finding Chinami annoying. You conveyed your message perfectly. That doesn't mean your powerlevel is enough... you should find Chinami's voice amusing... only then you'll have find the righteousness in this world.

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Finished KiraKira, it was pretty interesting. It's not as music-oriented as Deardrops, which is neither a good thing nor a bad thing, it's just different and I was expecting it to be more similar to Deardrops. I liked Kashiwara's and Chie's routes, but didn't really like Kirari's routes, especially the first one.


Now it's time to figure out what to read next. I'm thinking Tsukihime, Swan Song or Moon.

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I'm playing Little Busters right now...I have read others Key works like Kanon, Clannad, Rewrite and like it, but I can't get into this one, the commun route is boring and those crappy mini-games make me want to rage quit the VN. Who is the main heroine of this VN? is worthy reading or should i just drop this one?

What? No, Little Busters is great. The issue with Little Busters is that you can't appreciate it fully until you've finished the true route. I'll join the masses and fervently tell you to stick it out. It's well worth it in the end.


I'm surprised you find the common route in Little Busters to be boring and not Rewrite. I personally loved Rewrite's common route more than Little Busters but most other people I've talked to seem to feel the opposite.


I started If only my Heart had Wings awhile back but haven't been able to make progress due to school.

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Just finished Cross Channel. There were some very nice ideas, and the overall bizarre feel was enjoyable in the end, but the ridiculously long and numerous h-scenes (even if some of them had their place) and the somewhat rushed plot (unexplained/forgotten details) kept it from being great for me. Still a very solid 7/10 in my opinion.


I'm wondering what I should read next? Either Hoshizora, or coming back to the other routes in KonoSora?


And still slowly reading KgNE on the side. The relationship with the heroine is going so well (even to the point of a h-scene appearing) that the fact that some of the other heroines (?) in the OP haven't even appeared yet is highly worrying. I really don't understand the pacing or structure so far at all. It's looking to be frighteningly long. :D

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Hmm im playing alot..i got some backlog because of my habit to switch games/Vn alot..


so heres a list, can anyone suggest which i finish first xD.

Grisaia No Kajitsu.

HoshiZora no Memoria.

Katawa Shoujo.

Little Busters.


Think thats about the VN i have..i have a few more but lost them and have to get them again.. xD

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Okay, I gotta say that I like Muv-Luv Unlimited a lot more than I did Extra so far.  There really isn't that much different as far as the writing style goes, but the change in setting makes Takeru a bit more introspective, and I guess things just don't seem quite as pointless as they did in Extra.  I may actually be able to finish this one relatively quickly(and I happen to have the next 2 days off work too).

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Started Hoshizora in the end. Still just in the beginning of the common route, but I'm really liking it so far.Sisters are finally portrayed like the demonic creatures they are (I sincerely hope she doesn't have a route D: ), the main plot seems interesting, the side characters are kind of nice so far, if a bit annoying at times - but what impressed me the most so far is the beautiful OST. The effects and such are quite impressive as well, though I'm playing KimiNozo on the side - and age is even more ridiculous with their effects. :D


Also, I remember someone saying there was no skip function in Hoshizora? I could've sworn I've seen an option for "Skip all read text automatically" in the options - or does that not work?

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I've been playing Euphoria, finished Rika's route (it wasn't very good honestly, and answered absolutely nothing) and currently doing Natsuki's route. So far it's nothing special but I'm guessing this is just a slow buildup to the mindfuck that apparently happens in later routes. At least I hope so. I'd hate to be disappointed after all the hype I've seen for this game.

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I just started Swan song, It's unlike what I played till now.

I think i'm going to enjoy it.


(The guy wearing glasses though ...)

He's fine, he quickly gets less whiny

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