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Goddamnit Dave, you had one job.


Zenophilious, you're gonna try Sekien no Inganock?

Yep, after I finish Makina's route.  I was gonna finish Inganock, then do Makina's route, but I didn't have time to do either during finals week, and I had enough of a break from Grisaia that I was interested in it again, so I thought I might as well wrap up Makina's route before fully committing to Inganock.

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I'm still playing G-SNM and i entered now Tsubaki's Route and i think the bad end. I also still enjoying it and despite Kyousuke is really an ass, i like his character much more than Yuuji. But i think it's really heavy stuff. With that and Grisaias before my delicate soul ;) need some light and shallow stuff too. So i'm thinking of reading another one parallel.


And so i thought i could read Sharin no Kuni or Hoshizore no Memoria. So what are your thoughts about that? Does they fit with my expectations of "light and shallow"?



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Finally finished Nozomi's route in Reminiscence. Unfortunately, I don't have anything good to say about the VN, I'm afraid. The common route seemed ridiculously long and felt too episodic - while there probably is a narrative spread across them all, it is so thin that it's hardly noticeable. What's worse, the episodes themselves aren't that interesting - that is, at least the political stuff isn't. The protagonist gets treated like a (broken) genius, but most of what he does seems completely unimpressive. The battle of wits the story promised only really comes along in the last parts of the common route, but it's too little too late at that point. As for Nozomi's route, it felt really short - and just when I thought it would get into the interesting parts, showing more of the protagonist's potential, it just ended. Akatsuki no Goei (especially the second one) might've been bad in this respect, but this was downright atrocious.


All in all, while there are some fun parts, it's nothing but disappointment. Hopefully the teased parts, presumably saved for the two 'main' routes, make up for this, but it's a 6/10 at best now. And no Aika route is pure suffering, why would they do this.

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About 2 hours into Grisaia no Kajitsu but before I go further does it end on a cliffhanger? As the sequels aren't in ENG I don't want to be left hanging at the end of it.

Nope, all the routes have a solid conclusion. You even might be shocked that this game even has a sequel. 

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im on yumikos route in grisaia and ive honestly lost all steam to continue playing this. i still have amanes route to do and even though people say her route is great i still have no motivation to play it. i think im going to give it a week and if i still dont feel like playing it im probably going to drop it.

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im on yumikos route in grisaia and ive honestly lost all steam to continue playing this. i still have amanes route to do and even though people say her route is great i still have no motivation to play it. i think im going to give it a week and if i still dont feel like playing it im probably going to drop it.

yumiko is the worst route in the whole game so i can see where you're coming from but you'll miss out big time if you don't do amane's route

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Well yeah. In Yumiko's route you can enjoy her "dere" personality all you want but her character overall is a lot better in the other routes, she is smarter and more interesting imo.


After all, she is the only one who was able to deduce Yuuji's "work"

In her route there wasn't a grain of curiosity about it.

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Well yeah. In Yumiko's route you can enjoy her "dere" personality all you want but her character overall is a lot better in the other routes, she is smarter and more interesting imo.


After all, she is the only one who was able to deduce Yuuji's "work"

In her route there wasn't a grain of curiosity about it.

yumiko's route is the true end for the game in my opinion,too bad her route isn't liked by the majority 

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Are you serious?thats the true end? wow just wow that route is soooo bad >.>

yes it's very bad,but that's just my opinion i mean if you don't get into any of the other routes in the game you'll find your self in yomiko's route so i think it's the true end

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No wait it's not, what are you talking about? There is no true end in Kajitsu, the routes overall are a "what if" scenario and the reason of why Yumiko is the last one it's because that how the branching plot works (damn, what if Michiru would had been last?)

We assume in Meikyuu that Yuuji had a close but not intimate relationship with every heroine, revealing their past and fixing their problems somehow without some of the more important (?) events

(Blowing up the school; running away with Yumiko; running away with Makina)

Or I think that is how it was done, it never was clarified.

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No wait it's not, what are you talking about? There is no true end in Kajitsu, the routes overall are a "what if" scenario and the reason of why Yumiko is the last one it's because that how the branching plot works (damn, what if Michiru would had been last?)

We assume in Meikyuu that Yuuji had a close but not intimate relationship with every heroine, revealing their past and fixing their problems somehow without some of the more important (?) events

(Blowing up the school; running away with Yumiko; running away with Makina)

Or I think that is how it was done, it never was clarified.

in meikyuu it's all about yuuji's past i think..

he just had to blow up the whole school in order to save sachi and then immediately after there is a H scene lol

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No wait it's not, what are you talking about? There is no true end in Kajitsu, the routes overall are a "what if" scenario and the reason of why Yumiko is the last one it's because that how the branching plot works (damn, what if Michiru would had been last?)


HEY HEY Michiru is the best girl theres no denying it 

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Well, I finished Dies Irae. Rea's route was so nuts, I have no idea what happened there. Im definitely gonna need to reread that later down the line, preferably when my japanese is better.

Anyways, the game was as great as I'd expected, I loved how much characterization it did at pretty much all points. I don't really regret doing Kasumi's route either, as it gave the game a nice feeling of ramping up (the final boss order and how Ren slowly advances ranks) so. I need to level up a bit more before I do KKK.

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Well, I finished Dies Irae. Rea's route was so nuts, I have no idea what happened there. Im definitely gonna need to reread that later down the line, preferably when my japanese is better.

Anyways, the game was as great as I'd expected, I loved how much characterization it did at pretty much all points. I don't really regret doing Kasumi's route either, as it gave the game a nice feeling of ramping up (the final boss order and how Ren slowly advances ranks) so. I need to level up a bit more before I do KKK.

I'm so jealous. Dies Irae is one of those games on my list of "want to read this but can't because I know I'd ruin it for myself at my current japanese level" alongside another very specific eroge that's a considerably "beautiful artwork"... I'm not sure if I should at least try reading these games anyways, and maybe it'll be doable...? T_T Am I missing out because of some psychological setback, or is this caution perhaps not misguided? In any case, I'm currently stuck to reading more simplistic japanese until I can become better at it little by little (a really slow crawl).



OT: And as for that... *sigh* I'm now reading like three VNs at once (reading one but having to stall the other two). Guess I shall get to them all in due time, but I'm at the end of my rope here with this further overwhelming backlog staring at me in the face. Why did I let this happen, anyways? xD The important thing is that they're still being enjoyed... Hoshizora no Memoria -Eternal Heart-, the one I'm reading at the moment; is a comfy, lighthearted, and entertaining read. This comfort is much appreciated when and if I've to read the next on the list.


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