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    Erogamer reacted to Porygon2 in [Project dead] Boku to Koi Suru Ponkotsu Akuma. Translation Project   
    Sekai project announced an official release, so this project is dead.
    -- Old post --
    Hello everyone, welcome to the thread of the translation project for SMILE's visual novel "Boku to Koi Suru Ponkotsu Akuma." or Koikuma for short.
    Project Info
    Project website: http://koikumatranslation.github.io/
    Current status: Trying to find main translator, everything related to actual scenario translation and editing will begin after we've found someone.
    Progress: Working on interface patch, already done with the translation of more than half of the interface, interface patch should be released sometime in march.
    Game Info
    The game is a nukige with pretty art by Sayori.

    More ingame preview images in spoiler below:
    VNDB: https://vndb.org/v17515
    Official Website: http://s-mi-le.com/ponkotsu/
    Team Info
    I (Porygon2) do all the technical work for the project (hacking, image editing, patching, etc.), we are currently looking for someone who could be the main translator and also still looking for editors, which brings us to:
    -Translator: We are looking for someone who could be the main translator for this project
    -Editor: We are looking for editors for this project (If no one can be found, I could do that myself aswell, though I'd definitely prefer to have another team member for editing.)
    For anyone interested in being a translator/editor: I have already created tools to simplify the process and autogenerate status updates, see the spoiler for a preview.
  2. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Nosebleed in [Project dead] Boku to Koi Suru Ponkotsu Akuma. Translation Project   
    >Nukige illustrated by Sayori
    You sir are a saint. Bless you.
    It's pretty cool that you actually designed a tool solely for translation and editing purposes as well, I'm sure your team members will appreciate it (I know I would, ever since I've started working with excel sheets I've never gone back )
    I also love that the screenshot showing it off is an h-scene where someone is looking at someone else's penis.
    Hope you find the right people for the job.
    Moved this thread to TL projects as well.
  3. Like
    Erogamer reacted to wyldstrykr in Getchu Bishoujo Game Awards 2015 are out   
    too bad only few of them will be translated in 5 years and more...
  4. Like
    Erogamer reacted to CeruleanGamer in D.S. -Dal Segno-   
    Do I detect big breasted lolis?
  5. Like
    Erogamer reacted to sanahtlig in WEE Episode 3 - Sekai Project's Unwanted Child   
    It's not just WE3.  Shiny Days ended up the way it did in part because Sekai Project was busy with other projects and didn't have time to fix it.  It had JAST's name on the box, and JAST took the fall for the problems, but Sekai Project was doing the work.  Sekai Project is taking on more projects at once than they can handle, and that's a recipe for poor quality and delays.
  6. Like
    Erogamer reacted to CeruleanGamer in WEE Episode 3 - Sekai Project's Unwanted Child   
    Reputation gets you free marketing and customer loyalty. Nothing is more valuable to a company when it can get something for free instead of wasting resources on it.
    Should we just let Sekai Project do whatever it wants then? Heck if SP dies/goes bankrupt, everyone else's market share increases and possibly motivate other companies to go the extra mile, so I actually don't care if they go bankrupt (highly unlikely though, they got too many supporters). SP isn't exactly a monopoly here. Sure they provide some quality VNs but without you, me, and the customers buying their products, they wouldn't be where they are.
    You should be more confident of your ability as a consumer/buyer and voice out your opinion instead of taking everything right up the ass and letting SP dominate and releasing all this half-assed products and falling for their false promises.
  7. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Clephas in Boku no Hitori Sensou / My own private war - Translation?   
    A few things... you should get all the names - both place names and people names - perfectly transcribed in English letters before you do anything else.  Also, I can tell just looking at that scene from my memories that the 'translation' is full of holes...  I suggest you refrain from trying to translate a VN until you can reliably play one without the use of ATLAS or Google translate and be sure you are understanding what you are reading.  I don't mean to be a bastard about it, but there is nothing more worthless for a game translation than a machine translation.  It is perfectly fine to use the aid of jparser or Mecab to get around a limited grasp of kanji, but using an actual translation tool is a waste of time...
    Edit: I realize I sound like an a-hole above... but it is something someone would have pointed out at some point. 
  8. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Decay in Dracu-Riot! - Miu Route Translation Project (based on VNR Community Translations)   
    Supposedly he learned Japanese and switched over to jp -> en translations at some point. There has yet to be any clear evidence of this.
    People have asked around on Staircase's still active IRC channel, and it really does seem like he is still working on translating Miu's route, albeit VERY slowly, law school had him extremely busy. 
    As for the subject of this thread, I still think messing with machine translations (kelvincome's stuff, and VNR's community subs are always a minefield) is a very bad idea. I do not know why we should accept machine translations here, we are not hongfire.
  9. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Dergonu in Request for translation??   
    Kind of an odd statement, but I'm not going to disagree that more VNs releasing in the west through any means is a bad thing. More steam VNs will be good for everyone. We who want it can patch it and those who doesn't can leave it all ages.
    Everyone has their own opinions, and wether you like H-content or not is completely subjecctive.
    That being said though, I can't say I agree with the term "fixed VN" for an eroge with cut H-content. A VN is a visual novel and that has no need for H-content. That is fine.
    However an eroge is an erotic game, meaning there has to be erotic content in it, and these titles keep getting translated. If that part of the game is removed, it is taking out something that might be trivial to the plot yes, but that still makes the essence of the game's genre itself. I have seen you comment on this before and it seems you are quite set in your ways, which is absolutely fine, but I just want to say this: an eroge with cut H-conent is a censored game and it's quite frustrating for a lot of fans. Again, eroge being the keyword, not VN in a general sense. Therefore, the point that I was making earlier was that when an eroge is brought to steam and censored it can cause a little frustration, because we don't actually get the entire game in it's full glory. Sure, H-scenes don't do much for the plot, but that is beyond the point. The core problem is that content is removed from the game, and that annoys people like me.
  10. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Keisuke in Noble Works Translation Project (COMPLETE Patch Released!)   
    The translation of Sena’s route is now complete! Credit to Solo Spieler and Secchan for their contributions and Fiddle for finishing it off.
    But today we have news even bigger than Sena’s mammaries. With this route complete, translation is now at 100%! Those of you who have been watching us intently have surely noticed some extended periods of little to no translation progress, and some of you have politely demanded an explanation for said periods, to which we replied that we had been checking/proofreading other routes in that time. Well, now you may assume that this information was accurate, because we’ve made so much progress in that regard that we will be able to release the full patch quite soon after the 100% translation that took place today: On December 24th!
    Again, that’s December 24th, 2015, two days from now, Christmas Eve, the fourth anniversary of Yuzusoft’s original release of Noble☆Works.
    From Keisuke and Fiddle: Thank you all for your support and patience.
  11. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Mugi in Is it weird to like Japanese music, even though I don't understand 95% of what they are saying without subtitles?   
    I've always been curious about this, but haven't ever actually brought it up to anyone. Ever since I was a kid, I've always liked Japanese music just as much, if not more (in some cases) than English music. I think it really started with FMA's second opening, "Ready Steady Go". I mean, I liked other songs before that, but I think that's where I really started to get into it. Maybe it's because it's another language, and that in and of itself was fascinating to me as a kid, and it just stuck with me all these years? Or would it be weird to say that I can still feel the emotions put into the songs, despite not understanding what they are actually saying? It's really making me want to learn the language, and I think it would be the biggest source of my motivation, even more so than VN's. I think being able to understand a whole 'nother cultures massive library of music would be more amazing than anything I could ever read or watch.
  12. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Rance in Sekai Project cropped G-Senjou no Maou CGs   
    UPDATE: SP will ask AKB2 about possibility of 4:3 support):
    I wanted to inform everyone that in order to achieve "HD widescreen assets" Sekai Project severely cropped all existing CGs in the laziest manner I've seen. Check this out:

    You can't even see his arm, the plate, a chunk of his head, the sake bottle and glass. The  dead guy's arm which used to be in full view is now barely visible.

      When I posted these examples on steam they permanently banned me and claimed I was promoting piracy.  My post was completely deleted without a trace.

    Not only that but someone else decided to take up the task to post a more neutral thread on steam and the thread was instantly locked. 
    http://steamcommunity.com/app/377670/discussions/0/490124466477714445/     [Edit: as of this moment the thread that used to be locked is now also entirely deleted.]

    Deleting and locking anything that might criticize their shortcomings is rather petty even for Sekai Project.  They're splitting releases into voiced and un-voiced versions now which is just ridiculous, what's next microtransactions? Split each route into paid dlc?
     They've made it clear that they treat adult content as if it were cancerous, yet they continue to pick up titles with +18 content.
    Personally speaking, I've been supporting visual novels for a long time now and I've bought just about every release because I used to believe in western localization and that things would improve if we showed our support. But things are just getting worse at this rate and that was more or less my wake up call to stop investing money in companies like Sekai Project. It's really tiring having to ask every time a title is announced "Will we even get the full +18 release?", "what's getting censored?",  "How will it be handled?",  "Do we have to buy the goddamn game twice if we also want it on steam?".  Like you can't even be excited because there's so many questions left unanswered we can only expect the worst and they completely ignore us hoping we'll buy the steam version, and then announce the +18 at the last minute expecting us to double dip, rather than just offering steam keys like MangaGamer does.   Not to mention they suck funds out of us through kickstarter for practically every release. They're just abusing it now, taking already translated games that fans did on their own free time, and charging us money for it while making us pay for the licensing fees.  That's just fucked up.  Welcome to the new EA games of Visual Novels everyone.
    [Edit: Looks like reddit caught wind and has been following the whole thing as well. Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.   https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/3rds22/gsenjou_no_maou_steam_version_169_cgs_are_cropped/  ]
  13. Like
    Erogamer reacted to CeruleanGamer in Net Neutrality In The EU Is Under Attack   
    Sounds like communism meets internet and they had a baby that's going to be the next Stalin. We need less government involvement in all aspects of life. 
  14. Like
    Erogamer reacted to sanahtlig in New announcements from Sekai Project from AWA   
    And you're derailing this thread even further with your personal attacks.  What makes you think you're in a position to condescend on others here?  You criticize me for external linking to my blog... but at least I've contributed something.  Does it really matter where I host it, if it's relevant to visual novels / Fuwanovel?  Just yesterday people were complaining that there wasn't enough discussion / content on this site.  One of the areas singled out for improvements was the blog area.  I could stop updating my blog here--but what problem would that solve exactly?  Or do you just snipe at people because that's the only way you know how to interact with people on the Internet?
    I posted the page views to argue against the statement of your's I quoted.  I think that was obvious to... everyone except you?  I can see where the traffic comes from by the way.  Most of the traffic came from the Steam forums, specifically from a forum thread titled "Sakura Swim Club adult version + Uncensoring Patch now available", with a link title of "How to uncensor the Steam version of Sakura Swim Club".  I imagine people who clicked the link inside were... interested in uncensoring their game they bought on Steam!  Shocking, I know.
    But I suppose to double-check you could ask Denpasoft how many downloads the patch got (it's hosted on their Amazon servers).  You know, instead of posting needless snark.  Then you could match that up against Steam sales and Denpasoft sales and show once and for that the demand for adult content is substantial but that Denpasoft itself is unpopular for any number of reasons--as I'm confident that both Steam sales AND patch downloads overwhelm the number of sales that Denpasoft has made.  But no, you're more interested in posting useless speculation (and ironically, criticizing others for doing the same) rather than doing the legwork to arrive at actual answers.
    Great post.  Way to add to the discussion.  Glad to see you took the effort to write that out.
  15. Like
    Erogamer reacted to sanahtlig in New announcements from Sekai Project from AWA   
    Before Winged Cloud took Sakura Swim Club off SteamSpy, it had around 5k sales.  You know many views my Sakura Swim Club uncensored patch install guide has?  About 8k views.  I have no way of telling how many of those people bought the game, but certainly that calls your assumption into question.  Keep in mind that pirates could just pirate the adult version; they wouldn't need an uncensor patch.
    Also, it's worth mentioning that Winged Cloud has removed most of the Sakura series from SteamSpy.  Looks like they found the clear downward trend in sales embarrassing, as they left only their best-selling games up on there.  I wouldn't expect any less from a group that censors negative attention on their Steam forums and shamelessly promotes their donation page (on a forum for a game they're already overcharging for).
    No matter how I look at it Winged Cloud is basically scum.  It's crystal clear that all they've ever been interested in is maximizing profits.  They don't give a damn about their fans.  You'll notice that they make no public statements at all outside of their locked Patreon areas.  They couldn't even be bothered to explain how to use their uncensor patch, and they only created one to begin with to drive traffic to their donation page.
  16. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Down in New announcements from Sekai Project from AWA   
    Or maybe the people that do bring it up are, obviously, people who care about those things and are therefore much more informed than the average buyer?
    There's no need to defend every single small point about Sekai Project. Using that kind of rhetorical nonsense is detrimental to your main point. Same goes with using all that PR vocab and "you don't know what you're talking about", your point is so hidden in layers of it that I don't even get what you're trying to say in your other statements. Say things clearly if you want someone to hear them.
  17. Like
    Erogamer reacted to wyldstrykr in Muv Luv: A Pretty Sweet Visual Novel Series Kickstarter [MILLION DOLLAR BABY]   
    am i the only one who want kimi ga nozomu eien more than muv-luv?
  18. Like
    Erogamer got a reaction from Evilobject in Evilobject Translations Project: Lover Able [Need TLC,QC]   
    This one looks interesting. Good luck with the project. I know there were many others that were interested in this one.
  19. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Evilobject in Evilobject Translations Project: Lover Able [Need TLC,QC]   
    Project Introduction
    Started 2015-09-14.

    VNDB link
    No website atm.

    There will be a prologue release Soon™
    Routes Kb Done Percent Common 452 277 61,28 Kaho 277 0 0,00 Nanako 277 0 0,00 Satsku 165 0 0,00 Tinatsu 263 0 0,00 Tugumi 292 0 0,00 Total 1726 277 16,05  
    Estimated raw translations completion 12-24 months.

    Staff or Team Members
    Translator Evilobject/Myself
    Editors: @OutoftheBox
    TLC; TastefulSardine 
    Hacker/Tools : SomeLoliCatgirl ?

    Old members: OhIThinkTheyLikeMe

    Currently need TLC and a QC
    Any help is appreciated, just send me a message or maybe add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197986101832.
  20. Like
    Erogamer reacted to CeruleanGamer in Muv Luv: A Pretty Sweet Visual Novel Series Kickstarter [MILLION DOLLAR BABY]   
    Are all visual novels onward destined to be ruined with this All Ages crap? What the flying fudgecakes?

    I dont care if I have to pay more for 18+ version, just make them please.
  21. Like
    Erogamer got a reaction from XReaper in Muv Luv: A Pretty Sweet Visual Novel Series Kickstarter [MILLION DOLLAR BABY]   
    Why do the all ages or teen version always get the better/more polished game? It's like the company is punishing people for buying the 18+ version.
  22. Like
    Erogamer reacted to kyrt in Otakon2015 Announcements & Discussion   
    I'll be honest I could care less about Sekai Project since they seem to hate the original visual novel fans based on their inability to properly release 18+ titles. The fact they got these titles likely means we can never expect the 18+ versions of any games from these companies which is a disappointment.
    edit: yes I'm cynical about sekai project.
  23. Like
    Erogamer reacted to Zenophilious in Otakon2015 Announcements & Discussion   
    Well, yeah, but there's also an all-ages version.  The only reason I've heard of people buying fandiscs is so they can see the protag nail every other girl in the entire VN.  Having an all-ages version sounds utterly pointless.
  24. Like
    Erogamer reacted to kyrt in Otakon2015 Announcements & Discussion   
    wow what a poor line up as far as 18+ titles go.
    https://vndb.org/v8900 Evangile Fan-Disc (Moonstone)
  25. Like
    Erogamer reacted to kyrt in AX2015 Hype/News Thread - Flowers, Root Double, G-Senjou, Himawari, Alicesoft, and more announcements!   
    Well if people want visual novels without ero content it seems that is becoming the norm and I'm not too happy about it. Sure it's great and all that we are getting some of these ridiculous titles that we never expected but I'm worried this means we'll simply stop getting good visual novels with erotic content did Sekai Project say anything about 18+ versions?
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