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  1. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in What are you playing?   
    I really went into the game with no expectation that I'd like the new characters (why would you want more characters when you had the cast of Steins;Gate to play with, right?), and was completely enamored with Maho in under an hour. She's a treasure.
  2. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Zakamutt in What is ebihime?   
    We are not talking about how terms are currently being used, we are talking about what they would naively imply.
    For example, an English visual novel is a VN created by someone living in a certain part of Britain.

  3. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Okarin in Fruitbat Factory announces translation of doujin title SeaBed   
    Try New Generation.  I also am not overly impressed by the earlier titles; they're just boring.  The girls are too flat and uninteresting to really care about, and nothing interesting happens except that it's girls-only pizza night.  Which I like, but it's not enough.  New Gen is better.  The characters are more interesting, and the story is also better.
  4. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Dergonu in Fruitbat Factory announces translation of doujin title SeaBed   
    Huh, that's a nice little surprise. I bought this a while back, but never got around to reading it. Guess I'll just wait for the localization then. @Kiriririri, did you read this yet? (If so, thoughts on it?)
    EDIT: Kamige confirmed. \(゜ロ\)(/ロ゜)/
  5. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to WinterfuryZX in Visual novels with a mostly adult-looking cast   
    Because that was the only version available on Windows at the time.
    EDIT: The saturn release got a 18+ rating despite being the same as the windows version, for reasons different than ero
  6. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to ittaku in Google to save us from pixelation   
    Actually with a bit of manual cropping, minimal interpolation and some layer/mask magic I can reduce pixels in the pixelated region to 1/4 their size without any manual drawing, thus retaining only the original artist's work in a less pixelated form. Unlike redrawing the result still looks like part of the original and requires no drawing skills on my part. Here' s a rough example I slapped together for demonstration (obviously nsfw below):
    It's pretty time consuming but kinda fun to do, and I guess I could improve a little bit on it by being more careful in my cropping. I have previously tried to automate the process but the manual input is crucial since they often overlay detail (usually bodily fluids...) within the pixelated regions.
  7. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Arkamondal in What Anime are you watching now?   
    Planetes is an awesome manga, but the anime pales in comparison; to the point I couldn't even sit through a couple episodes of it.  It's a very short manga that got drawn out to a full 2-cour show, and the added content is not nearly as good.  Love Hina I didn't much care for either, since the girls are entirely too willing to be homicidally violent over things they know aren't the main guy's fault.  Instead of Love Hina, I'd recommend going back to the progenitor of the whole harem genre: Tenchi Muyo - the first 2 sets of OVAs are great, and the first TV show is pretty good too.  Also, I second Stand Alone Complex; season 1 is excellent, season 2 is ... still good, but not as good.  Never seen any of the others @ittaku mentioned, but My Hime and Kaleido Star are both on my list of shows I want to check out one day.
  8. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Arkamondal in What Anime are you watching now?   
    Happy Lesson is not worth it.  Saber Marionette J ... I saw ages ago, and at the time I thought it was worth it but I don't know how I think it would hold up if I tried watching it today.
    Old anime that are really awesome, in no particular order:  Evangelion, Escaflowne, Cowboy Bebop, Fruits Basket, Princess Tutu, Kanon (2006), the first two seasons of Kenshin, Full Metal Panic, Kino's Journey, Haibane Renmei, Dragon Half, Koi Kaze, Akazukin Cha Cha (no, really, it's hilarious), Crest of the Stars (and the Banner of the Stars sequels), and Spice and Wolf.
  9. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Dergonu in nvm   
    No one can stop you from doing this. If you feel like it is something you and others would beinifit from, then go right ahead.
    I too would advise against it, though. Hear me out.
    A translation project of such a big game will take a long time. It will take lots of effort from hackers, editors, QCers and... well, even if you are using machine translators, the translation will take time. Throwing all that time into something that a very large amount of the community will instantly discredit because it is machine TLed will suck for everyone involved.
    I have personally helped TLC a script that was TLed by an individual like yourself, someone without Japanese knowledge; just a machine translator. The result wasn't as dreadful as people might excpect. About 70% of the lines were actually acceptable. The issue is that last 30%. It made absolutely no sense, and completely broke the flow of the script. Now, 30% of a 30-50 hour game is a lot. Chances are decently big parts of the story will be impacted by that. What do you do when you find lines you cannot understand yourself? That is not a translation. If the machine translator says something completely nonsencical, you have no one who can correct it. You only have a line in a foreign language that might or might not contain important story that you cannot translate correctly.
    Chances are this will be something you regret after working on it for a while. Everyone appriciates the intent behind people starting projects like these. No one here is out to get you or anything. You want to give back to the community by translating a game; that's great. Sadly, the harsh truth of it is that if you have no one who speaks Japanese, you can't really translate a Japanese game properly. Machine translations will only go so far. To translate a work of fiction like this, you need someone who can understand the intent behind the lines, beyond just literally TLing each word individually.
    In the end, it is your choice, but it would be wise to think about this a bit more before doing anything else.
  10. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in nvm   
    Please do not do the first, I beg of you. Machine translation is not something we accept here, and for good reason. You'll just waste everyone's time with that.
    I strongly recommend contacting Aroduc personally. That is probably your best bet for ever getting this done.
  11. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Asonn in What are the anime in those gift?   

  12. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Deniz in Battle of Wits   
    I haven't seen anyone mention Soul Link yet.  Unfortunately, if you don't already have a copy of it, good luck getting one.  Sure doesn't seem too likely that Navel will get back with MangaGamer anytime soon, and I don't think Soul Link would be a title they'd try to re-release (given that it apparently didn't go over so well the first time).
  13. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Silvz in My Future   
    Unfortunately, I'm not one that likes long discussions and/or arguing so open to the world, so I'll make myself quick. The problem is not on what you think or what your preferences are, but it is how you put it to others. You know, I know, we all know that when you say "everything else is trash", you're not expecting someone to take you seriously or to not get offended (I'm not) by it. Like you said, I'm stating the obvious and you probably know I am.
    Still, I hope to end our "discussion" here <3
  14. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from sanahtlig in Non-Human Girls? XERO's Next Visual Novel Questionnaire!   
    Are you forgetting Suu?  And Mero?  And - you know what, just buy the license to Monster Musume.
    As for the survey, I figured I'll just dump mine here:
    1. What kind of non-human girls do you want to see in XERO's next Visual Novel?
    The less commonly-used ones are best.  Look at Monster Musume; do more exotic ones like that.  (Both in terms of species and how they act.) 2. What kind of non-human girls do you think are the MOST POPULAR?
    Catgirls.  Exhibit A: Nekopara. 3. What is your LEAST FAVORITE kind of non-human girl?
    Ones that look or act too much like normal humans wearing a funny costume.  Especially those whose entire character is cribbed from the cliche lists.
  15. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Okarin in Root letter apparently sold 200k copies   
    VNs with gameplay are a thing.
    By the same token Zero Escape wouldn't be VNs, that notwithstanding the fact that the game calls half of  itself "novel" sections.
    Calling these adventure games is usually done by people who don't know about the existence of the VN genre.
  16. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to ChaosRaven in Root letter apparently sold 200k copies   
    Who the fuck wants to play a VN on a PS Vita if he has a TV available?! Why should I exchange my huge TV screen with HD resolution and dolby surround sound system with a tiny little potato screen, which isn't even able to support todays high res VN resolutions and some second rated stereo speakers? And not to mention that I have my hands free for drinking coffee and... other important tasks and don't have to hold up this little cookie box the whole time.
    Vita might be nice as a mobile device so you can play your VN's if you're on the way, but at home?!? LOL!!!
  17. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from MiKandi Japan in Non-Human Girls? XERO's Next Visual Novel Questionnaire!   
    Are you forgetting Suu?  And Mero?  And - you know what, just buy the license to Monster Musume.
    As for the survey, I figured I'll just dump mine here:
    1. What kind of non-human girls do you want to see in XERO's next Visual Novel?
    The less commonly-used ones are best.  Look at Monster Musume; do more exotic ones like that.  (Both in terms of species and how they act.) 2. What kind of non-human girls do you think are the MOST POPULAR?
    Catgirls.  Exhibit A: Nekopara. 3. What is your LEAST FAVORITE kind of non-human girl?
    Ones that look or act too much like normal humans wearing a funny costume.  Especially those whose entire character is cribbed from the cliche lists.
  18. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Koichoco Info (Seiyuu and Other Review) and Discussion   
    THAT'S your problem with her? Hahaha, dude,  He didn't want to do it because he's a big baby, and surprise surprise, it was much easier than he expected. He had to be forced into it, otherwise it never would have happened.
    Sometimes you need a boot in the ass in life. Oojima is a huge baby at the beginning of the game and he needed someone to snap him out of it.
    Interesting how in Sharin no Kuni, the protagonist does the same thing as Chisato here, except to a much more severe degree. Yet when you read your comments on SnK, all hate hate falls on the heroines and not the protagonist who acts like a tyrant with them, using your own terminology. Is it a matter of perspective? Don't like reading from the perspective of the person on the receiving end?
  19. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Segai in Re;Zero Visual Novel   
    I, uh, doubt that will be a problem.  Has 5pb ever released an adult game?  I'm pretty sure they haven't.  And even if they have, I have a very (very) hard time believing a legit licensed game out of a big property like this would be turned into an h-game.  It just doesn't happen.
  20. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from captainroyy in Shin Koihime Musou Translation Project   
    Guess it actually became public at least a week ago, so no reason not to mention that I'm one of the new translators.  They needed translators wiling to work on H-scenes, and I want to play SKM; that's a win-win for everybody.
  21. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to astro in Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm New Translation Project   
    astro here, and I just read your updated patchv2. In case you don't know who I am, I'm a professional freelance translator, and a friend of Kionachi - the main scenario writer for AoKana. While I don't speak for Kionachi, I honestly find this patch to be an insult to the years of sweat and blood he put into putting this story and world setting together. Now, with my frustration out of the way, please don't take this personally because I'm just speaking about the quality of the script from an objective standpoint - I'm not here to flame you. Seeing that it's Christmas, I'll try to word this as nicely as I possibly can.
    Bottom line: find a new translator. Your current TL has very limited understanding of the Japanese language. The entire script is littered with errors, so it's not something you can just TLC, or have other people pick out errors and fix. As it stands, the entire thing needs to be redone from scratch because of how inaccurate it is.
    Sure, some fans might not care about quality as long as it's in English, but they honestly might as well be reading a fanfiction at this point because that's how bad and frequent the errors are. The readers are not going to be reading AoKana - they're going to be reading a butchered interpretation. If you love and care about the game as much as I do, please consider taking this advice to heart.
    And if you don't believe me, I've taken a look at the first 50 lines of your script, and then some. There were significant errors in every other line. If this is the quality I can expect in the very beginning of the game, I'm scared to see what the rest of it looks like:
    If the images don't load, refresh the page (or alternatively, click on them to open them in a new window).
  22. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Asonn in Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm New Translation Project   
    Original line was 「じゃあなみさき。また明日」
    should be something like: "Bye, Misaki. See you tomorrow."

    So it's time to STAPH 
  23. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to EricMatyas in Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2000 Tracks   
    Hi everyone,

    I've created over 2000 tracks of music and sound effects that you are welcome to freely use in visual novels, games or anything else you like. It's all original...all my own work. All I ask is to be attributed as detailed on my homepage:


    I sincerely hope my tracks are helpful. Any and all feedback is welcome and always appreciated!

    All the best,

  24. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Okarin in Re;Zero Visual Novel   
    Now this is completely offtopic, but consumers have the most responsibility over what succeeds and what doesn't.
    After all, the companies sell what people buy.
    So, if you consider Sakura games are cancer, just don't come near them, lest they produce more and more and saturate the market.
    We are not gourmets though, and every one of us indulge sometimes in rather questionable products, quality-wise. Just keep them at a minimum, please?
  25. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Canicheslayer in What are you playing?   
    So the Organization is these five girls, then?  I don't see why Okabe would be so hung up on it.  In fact, you'd think he'd be clamoring to join.
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