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  1. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from KainLegacy535 in Why Tentacle Rape genre is exist?   
    Nah, that might have something to do with it, but that's not the real reason.  The real reason is it was a workaround for Japanese censorship laws.  See, back in the 80's censorship was much worse than it is now.  Really old h-ovas would have the whole cock disappear or turn into a vague white outline during a blowjob, for example.  Male-female penetration and pubic hair were the big things, though.
    The key thing is that technically, a tentacle is not a male sex organ.  So you could have 100% uncensored tentacle scenes in your h-ova, with no legal problems, but you couldn't show vanilla consensual sex without censoring the heck out of it.  That is the real reason tentacle rape became "a thing".
  2. Haha
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Funyarinpa in On h-scenes in VNs   
    I certainly hope not.  If you cry fowl, it wouldn't be a cockamamie idea to see a doctor.  Now I'd better duck out before someone gooses me...
  3. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Strike105X in Shin Koihime Musou Translation Project   
    Okay, not too long ago I reached a "milestone": there are now less than a hundred thousand lines left in the game to edit!  Time for a status update.  It turns out not quite four thousand lines were edited, in not quite a month. Note: all below percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number.
        Main                           42% (4319/10321)
        Battle                         100% (299/299)
        Aisha, Touka                   7% (281/4137)
        Ei, Yue                        0% (0/1954)
        Enya                           1% (13/2777)
        Hinari, Shuri                  2% (48/2907)
        Iishe, Pairen, Reiha, Toshi    0% (0/3377)
        Kikyou, Shion                  1% (34/2277)
        Mii                            27% (396/1448)
        Nenene, Ren                    0% (0/3330)
        Rinrin                         7% (206/2912)
        Sei                            37% (1002/2734)
        Sui, Tanpopo                   1% (27/3409)
        Shoku TL:89% (37198/41882)  Edit:16% (6625/41882) Untranslated H-scene routes: (Aisha, Touka), (Hinari, Shuri), (Ren, Nenene), and Sei
    Gi:     4% (1390/38852)     Go:    5% (1360/25983)
    Total:    9% (9376/108888)
  4. Haha
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Soulless Watcher in On h-scenes in VNs   
    I certainly hope not.  If you cry fowl, it wouldn't be a cockamamie idea to see a doctor.  Now I'd better duck out before someone gooses me...
  5. Haha
    Nandemonai reacted to Fiddle in On h-scenes in VNs   
  6. Thanks
    Nandemonai reacted to NowItsAngeTime in On h-scenes in VNs   
    I will be the sole defender of H-scenes for fap purposes if necessary.
  7. Haha
    Nandemonai reacted to iamnoob in On h-scenes in VNs   
  8. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Funyarinpa in On h-scenes in VNs   
    You see, most VNs that do include sex scenes do not need any.
    The "B-b-but they make the stories REALISTIC!~" argument is simply bullshit. Practically no visual novel story is "realistic" in any sense of the word. Going by moege (since the "it's realistic!" argument is often used for cutesy romance VNs), they're all practically wish fulfillment. Hanging out with a student club, or a committee, or just a bunch of girls sorted or introduced to the protagonist otherwise does not magically make all of them fall in love with you. They're contrived stories. Any defense of sex scenes in such VNs (especially considering how so many of them feature high schoolers) is simply not in the name of realism, it's at best because their audience cannot conceive of a romantic relationship without (usually unsafe and underaged) sex. 
    Furthermore, I'd find it insulting to any medium to insinuate that they need to use sex scenes to establish the audience's investment in characters so comically trite and overdone that many characters, let alone relationships, can be described with a single fucking word. Sex scenes in eroge (broadly speaking) are not necessary to establish a believable relationship because the relationships to be established are often just as superficial as the characters and disputed h-scenes in question. The scenes themselves are also so fucking generic that I could spit out 50 different lines and you wouldn't get which VN I pulled them all from. Just about every single one works out the same. 
    I can respect someone saying that they self-insert as the protagonist, see the heroine(s) have sex, or otherwise want sex scenes in story-heavy VNs (e.g. not nukige) in a self-gratifying fashion, that's fine. But the argument that explicit, drawn out, numerous sex scenes that never serve to meaningfully develop, evolve or deepen a relationship somehow add to the narrative value of a visual novel is absolute bullshit. I don't think I can recall a single case where an explicitly written out consensual sex scene (rape/assault is often used for characterization/shock value, and isn't what we're talking about here) meaningfully develops a duo's relationship in a VN. 
    Which is not to say that I'll be crusading against every slice of life VN with sex scenes, but don't act like the average sex scene in the current VN industry is meant to add to characterization, narrative, or plot development. It's there to fucking sell, and for the audience to enjoy. 
  9. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from captainroyy in Shin Koihime Musou Translation Project   
    Okay, not too long ago I reached a "milestone": there are now less than a hundred thousand lines left in the game to edit!  Time for a status update.  It turns out not quite four thousand lines were edited, in not quite a month. Note: all below percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number.
        Main                           42% (4319/10321)
        Battle                         100% (299/299)
        Aisha, Touka                   7% (281/4137)
        Ei, Yue                        0% (0/1954)
        Enya                           1% (13/2777)
        Hinari, Shuri                  2% (48/2907)
        Iishe, Pairen, Reiha, Toshi    0% (0/3377)
        Kikyou, Shion                  1% (34/2277)
        Mii                            27% (396/1448)
        Nenene, Ren                    0% (0/3330)
        Rinrin                         7% (206/2912)
        Sei                            37% (1002/2734)
        Sui, Tanpopo                   1% (27/3409)
        Shoku TL:89% (37198/41882)  Edit:16% (6625/41882) Untranslated H-scene routes: (Aisha, Touka), (Hinari, Shuri), (Ren, Nenene), and Sei
    Gi:     4% (1390/38852)     Go:    5% (1360/25983)
    Total:    9% (9376/108888)
  10. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from BookwormOtaku in Shin Koihime Musou Translation Project   
    Okay, not too long ago I reached a "milestone": there are now less than a hundred thousand lines left in the game to edit!  Time for a status update.  It turns out not quite four thousand lines were edited, in not quite a month. Note: all below percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number.
        Main                           42% (4319/10321)
        Battle                         100% (299/299)
        Aisha, Touka                   7% (281/4137)
        Ei, Yue                        0% (0/1954)
        Enya                           1% (13/2777)
        Hinari, Shuri                  2% (48/2907)
        Iishe, Pairen, Reiha, Toshi    0% (0/3377)
        Kikyou, Shion                  1% (34/2277)
        Mii                            27% (396/1448)
        Nenene, Ren                    0% (0/3330)
        Rinrin                         7% (206/2912)
        Sei                            37% (1002/2734)
        Sui, Tanpopo                   1% (27/3409)
        Shoku TL:89% (37198/41882)  Edit:16% (6625/41882) Untranslated H-scene routes: (Aisha, Touka), (Hinari, Shuri), (Ren, Nenene), and Sei
    Gi:     4% (1390/38852)     Go:    5% (1360/25983)
    Total:    9% (9376/108888)
  11. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Plk_Lesiak in Doki-Doki Literature Club is a Unique Experience   
    Damn, that was a weird ride.

  12. Thanks
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Plk_Lesiak in t japan vs SakuraGame   
    I've seen Nekopara called a nukige (a pizza delivery simulator) before.  It's not.  I mean, yes, the sex scenes are a big part of it.  But there's too much attention paid to giving the girls real personalities and to the setting.  They're more moege/ charage in my book.
    As such, they wouldn't be too bad without the H.  Nekopara is not super great, without the art (and especially the animation tech) nobody would care.  (The original Nekopara's trailers actually made a point of showing off the movement, because Nekopara was the first game to use the tech.)  But it actually has good enough writing to be successful, where something like Neko-nin Ex Heart does not.
  13. Haha
    Nandemonai reacted to Akshay in Doki-Doki Literature Club is a Unique Experience   
    Doki Doki actually fulfilled a desire of mine that I thought could never happen.
  14. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Darklord Rooke in Kyuuketsuki no Libra TL quality   
    I am very glad they decided not to just write off the project and move on.  The temptation to do that is very powerful (throwing good money after bad, and all that) but it really wouldn't have done good things for their reputation.  Look at MangaGamer's shaky reputation early on (because that's what they did with a lot of their early titles); it took them quite awhile to shrug it off.
  15. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Dergonu in Kyuuketsuki no Libra TL quality   
    There is a new Kickstarter update where they respond to our questions from the last one. (Read the whole update here.)
    First, it would appear they are going to make a Patreon to support the new pass that is being done to the game.
    Also, in response to questions about whether native english speakers and TLers with JP knowledge being involved, their response was promising:
    Also, a correction to something I said when the last update came out: The 18+ patch IS available for non-backers now, and has been for a little while it seems. This wasn't mentioned in any update on their KS, and so I assumed it was never made available. So if anyone were actually waiting for the patch, you can buy it on their website.
    Overall it seems like there is hope for this project after all. This new pass will hopefully improve the TL significantly, and it would appear MiKandi wants to set things right, instead of just abandoning ship completely.
  16. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Dreamysyu in t japan vs SakuraGame   
    I can't say I agree with this. You know that if you purchase a game like that, you are basically sending both SG and the original creator a message that their approach works and they can continue selling future games in the same way. I personally would rather skip the game altogether than purchase it from them.
  17. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Silvz in Please recommend me translated vn's with either yandere or obsessive heroine   
    Well, there's always this one...

  18. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Strike105X in Please recommend me translated vn's with either yandere or obsessive heroine   
    Well, there's always this one...

  19. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Beichuuka in t japan vs SakuraGame   
    I don't see how he's being an asshole.
    I mean, sure, it may not make perfect sense from a monetary perspective, but whether what income he will derive from the fan translation existing will be worth his discomfort of knowing the large number of foreigners who will pirate his work (and you know a good number will) is for him to decide.
  20. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Silvz in t japan vs SakuraGame   
    I think the problem in what tjapan said is simply because of language. He probably doesn't know English well enough/used a machine translator, which is fine considering nobody has to know a foreign language. I'm glad the translator considered the creator's voice, though.
    And I think you should put NSFW with the source, since Lewd Game has a lot of uncensored images.
  21. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Narcosis in t japan vs SakuraGame   
    People are not entitled to anything.
    If you want to play japanese games, learn japanese.
  22. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to littleshogun in Want something with a good plot (Not the jiggly kind)   
    Since you apparently about to try Ever17, then I would recommend you to check both of I/O and Root Double. Also apparently you interested with both of Cross Channel and Yume Miru Kusuri, so I would suggest you to try Rewrite there. For more recommendation, I think Higurashi could be good for you considering that it's the same series as Umineko. You could try Cartagra as well considering that it was has same setting as Kara no Shoujo duology. Hope my recommendations here will be helpful to you.
  23. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in Want something with a good plot (Not the jiggly kind)   
    Maybe try a game from the Steampunk series, assuming you're up for that kind of atmosphere. Gahkthun is the only one with an official release and I really enjoyed it, but Inganock is a better game (with a worse translation...). Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0 are both probably good choices. Symphonic Rain might be a surprisingly good choice, though it starts off a little slow, and some of the initial routes aren't the greatest. Shadows of Pygmalion is underrated and would probably be a good fit for the request here. People don't talk about Demonbane much, but I think that's mostly since the game and the TL are both pretty old by now. Probably also a good fit, though. Demonbane is maybe the only VN I've played which I would describe as campy, but in spite of that, it has its fair share of dark themes as well.
  24. Thanks
  25. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Mr Poltroon in Kono Oozora H-Scenes Porting Project   
    Oh.  Well, in that case ... Are we there yet?
    How about now? But I wanna play the game noooooow
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