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Posts posted by Nosebleed

  1. 6 hours ago, Dergonu said:

    Hey man, long time no see! 

    The place has been pretty quiet since you and many other old timers vanished. Nice to see you back. Hope you stick around.

    I don't think anyone is beating your post count any time soon :chaika: Damn hacker w

    Even after disappearing I still encounter fuwa members at random on discover servers, including people who no longer visit lol.

    1 hour ago, Mr Poltroon said:

    Did the disinterest in VNs also mean the same for anime and manga?

    Sort of, for a while. In the end I pretty much stopped watching anime and solely stuck to manga as I can read a lot of it in a short amount of time. I think the common theme in all this is that I felt a lack of time and motivation to do anything, but things are better now, although I still pretty much don't watch anime on the regular, whereas I read manga everyday.

    50 minutes ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

    Wow...  Well... 

    Wcome back! I hope you at least stick around longer than Original Ren who announced his return in a long post and stopped at that. ;p

    No promises, but I'll try posting more whenever something that interests me pops up!

    5 hours ago, Iria said:

    Welcome back Nosebleed. long time no see. as i was gone for quiet awhile aswell. (im emi btw.. if you remember me)

    and doubt nobody will ever beat you´re post amount :sacchan:


    I remember almost everyone, surprisingly! Although I don't recall many specific moments anymore, but I still look fondly at Fuwa.

    People who can't beat my post count simply lack the discipline!

  2. Just now, tahu157 said:

    Are you still disinterested in VNs?

    Not as much. I don't play them on the regular but I do read one once in a while.

    Just last week I completed the whole Zero Escape trilogy, and a few weeks before that I finished Maitetsu.

  3. 8 minutes ago, tahu157 said:

    you quit around the same time that fuwa quit torrents? 

    Nope, I actually stuck around for quite a while after that. I think I stopped visiting around early 2017 maybe even 2016.

    Oh and if anyone's curious, there wasn't any major reason for me "leaving", it was more like a general loss of interest in the medium, which in turn led to a loss of interest in the site. If anything it'd be more accurate to say I just stopped visiting rather than say I left.

  4. I don't really know how to start this post, it's been so long since I've even visited Fuwanovel.

    To the people who knew me from way back when I was a Global Mod, I'm back!

    To those who don't know me at all: hello, I'm Nosebleed (though these days only this site knows me by that user), long time member and former global mod only now returning.

    I figured, rather than just pop up in a discussion as if nothing happened, I'd make an introduction thread in hopes of reconnecting with people a bit.

    If anyone has any questions about me or what happened to me, feel free to ask.

    As to whether this is just a short term return or not, I don't know, but I do feel compelled to at least show my face once in a while.

    As for a closing statement, it pleases me greatly to see Flutterz has still not overtaken me in the top members leader boards, as it should be. :D

  5. 3 hours ago, InvertMouse said:

    I've heard concerns about the politics and agendas that may be spoon fed into this game. My radar was on alert, but I haven't sensed anything so far. Maybe I'm just not knowledgeable enough in this area.

    Anyone who's reaching far into their ass and pulling this argument is probably not someone you want to take seriously anyway. :P

  6. Kami-sama no Game is way longer than I initially planned. In fact, I'm finding myself skimming through h-scenes because they're just so frequent. Otherwise I would never finish the game.

    It really is a game I wish I had more time to dedicate to. I agree it can get very wordy as well (to the point where I get bored).

  7. 1 hour ago, sarkasmus said:

    Thanks, it looks just like the kind of game I was searching for.

    And it even works on Linux, great!

    But what exactly is JLPT N1? Is it similar to the A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 I know from english?

    JLPT is short for Japanese Language Proficiency Test. It has 5 levels, starting with the easiest at N5 and going up to the hardest N1. 

    You can think of it as the European A1-C2 levels if you wish. The only difference here is that JLPT is about literacy more than anything and it has predetermined kanji and vocabulary for each level (you can see the list here here) whereas the European levels are a more broad evaluation of your skills in all the fields. 

  8. JRPG has a ton of vocabulary you can learn and is completely free. Mechanics are simple: destroy monsters by typing the readings of the kanji/word above their head. However, once the game determines you've learned a word, it won't show you the reading again, thus forcing you to remember. Each area has harder and harder kanji, up to JLPT N1. 

    I have fun playing it when I'm bored. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Jun Inoue said:

    I'm having the weirdest shit happen in this season. The shows I find the most entertaining and, well, good, seem to be of low interest to most youtubers/websites, while the ones I'm uninterested or directly dislike, others praise highly.

    Youjo Senki is misunderstood, Demi-chan is ignored as bland, Kobayashi is a mildly entertaining 6/10, Gintama and Kono Suba don't exist.

    Scum's wish, which while I appreciate the aparent mature theme and kinda nsfw approach, I feel is nevertheless a bit too nihilistic/emo-ish (especially after reading in this thread that it gets seriously dumb later on), is being called one of the best and most mature anime of the past few years (of course, Kotaku has already made a thread about how it's the best anime ever). Masamune's Revenge, which I find simply dumb and with a badly crafted comedy (apart from the weird fat-shaming), is lauded as top comedy of the season and a great watch.

    I'm honestly confused this season :tears:

    It means the rift between us and the normies is growing bigger. Don't feel down.

  10. 3 hours ago, Kurisu-Chan said:

    Dude, you can't make an anime worse than Big order, i can't believe that shit. 

    Big Order is a travesty, an insult to storytelling, but Hand Shakers really sunk lower by failing to even be watchable. The imagery is legitimately nausea inducing.

  11. 2 minutes ago, xGreyHound said:

    Thanks, hopefully they don't catch on that they don't have Kagetsu Tohya marked as 18+ on the store page. ;)


    It might have to do with there not being porn on the covers. Postal offices only evaluate what they can see, they're not gonna play the game.

    Another thing I forgot to mention, with SAL you'll likely be getting your package in those carton envelopes, not in a cardboard box like you probably would get with DHL and EMS. They wrap it in plastic and bubble wrap it though so it should be safe.

  12. I have ordered multiple times from Mandarake (specifically their Sahra and Utsunomiya stores, but I'd assume they all operate the same way) and I can say they're pretty reliable.

    They are reasonable with prices, but it also depends on the shipping method you pick. If you pick SAL it'll usually be pretty cheap, but it can't be an order over 2 Kg (doesn't seem to be the case here though). The most I have paid for shipping using SAL was like 1,080 yen for 3 books (which means the package weighed about 700 grams). They can also put insurance on the package if you ask them. Their costumer support is pretty reliable as well (I have always gotten a response from them in 24 hours or less).

    If SAL is not available, mandarake also has an option before you checkout that says "cancel the order if SAL is not available", so you have that safeguard too.

    If all you're getting is a 90g item then just pick SAL and you'll be paying pennies for shipping. EMS and DHL are super not worth it for such a small item.

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