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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Edit: I feel some temptation to make a no-fap for one month club thread :holo:

I can all but guarantee that it will get nuked, if you make it.  Feelin' lucky? :sachi:


Confession: I hate my ISP.  After my mom called them and asked if they could do anything to fix the shitty speed, an hour later our kb/s jumps by almost 100.  Pretty sure they kept it low intentionally and only raised it because we called.

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Milestone threads are gonna get silly as things progress anyway, lol.


This is something I've been thinking too. If that happens, then it happens lol.


wut huh I don't even

Kosaki plz



I'm doing it for my Muslim Fuwans.


Confession: I hate my ISP.  After my mom called them and asked if they could do anything to fix the shitty speed, an hour later our kb/s jumps by almost 100.  Pretty sure they kept it low intentionally and only raised it because we called.

You'll hate all ISPs here then. Good download speed here is around 100~kbps, and that can get lower.
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Confession: I am currently running a program that is looking through the profiles of the ~1200 users that have at least one like and recording their liked posts' numbers, which is the second step in my plan to get like stats. The first was getting the list of users with likes, and the last one will be looking up who liked each one of those posts.

Edit: It has currently gone through just over 300 users, 25% done. It took it 10 minutes to do 25% so it'll probably take about half an hour to finish.

Edit 2: 50%

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I didn't mean blashphemy literally but whatever floats ur boat


wut huh I don't even

Kosaki plz


Edit: I feel some temptation to make a no-fap for one month club thread :holo:

I like the idea for a thread, as a way to exchange experience and information. But I doubt it's pure enough for Fuwa.

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Confession: I am currently running a program that is looking through the profiles of the ~1200 users that have at least one like and recording their liked posts' numbers, which is the second step in my plan to get like stats. The first was getting the list of users with likes, and the last one will be looking up who liked each one of those posts.

Edit: It has currently gone through just over 300 users, 25% done. It took it 10 minutes to do 25% so it'll probably take about half an hour to finish.

Edit 2: 50%


Talk about effort.

Are you doing this to increase your ego? :holo:


I like the idea for a thread, as a way to exchange experience and information. But I doubt it's pure enough for Fuwa.


It'll get rekt. That's for sure.

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Talk about effort.

Are you doing this to increase your ego? :holo:

I just like programming and I like stats. :P

Oh, and 75% done, it accelerates over time a bit because the users are sorted by like/post ratio, so the ones near the end probably have fewer likes.

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I just like programming and I like stats. :P

Oh, and 75% done, it accelerates over time a bit because the users are sorted by like/post ratio, so the ones near the end probably have fewer likes.


I'm still guilty that I didn't get your fact in that test. ;-;


how2make sure that club members in the fap club are legit? :sachi:


Thrust Trust.

I forgot. This isn't Skype.

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all this time i nvr heard flutterz talk no math shit. then all of a sudden dem Stray Final Exam is all 'i wanna be a math janitor" and now he spouting out janitor shit 24/7. it's weird man!@#


Don't mind me, just  :salt:  :salt:  :salt: that I couldn't guess Flutterz  :wafuu:

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The wording is important in that one, though. I want to be a mathematician, but I know perfectly well that I only have a bit of talent, enough to be good at simple math but not enough to be good at high-level math, and nowhere near enough dedication to compensate for it to actually become one.  :P

Oh, and it's done. Looks like there are around 25k posts with likes on Fuwa. :D

BTW was that a Good Will Hunting reference?

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Don't hold your breath, I need to write the program that records the likes using my newly formed list of liked posts and I've only just started, and then I need to run it. If I'm lucky and nothing breaks midway, it might be done by morning, might take longer. :P

Edit: Let's see, my previous program loaded around 2500 pages in total, and that took about half an hour. This one needs to load 25000, so it'll probably take about 5 hours.

What kind of facts do you think you can deduce from this?

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What kind of facts do you think you can deduce from this?

I'll be keeping track of the post that was liked, the liker, the likee, and the time of the like. That should allow me to figure out how many likes each person has given out, whom they gave a lot of likes to, whom they got a lot of likes from, when they gave/got a lot of likes, which posts have the most likes (you can already do this by going to "Most liked content" but that only gives you the top few posts, and this will also allow me to find a specific person's most liked posts) and probably some other stuff I haven't thought of or have forgotten about.

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Confession: I am currently running a program that is looking through the profiles of the ~1200 users that have at least one like and recording their liked posts' numbers, which is the second step in my plan to get like stats. The first was getting the list of users with likes, and the last one will be looking up who liked each one of those posts.

Edit: It has currently gone through just over 300 users, 25% done. It took it 10 minutes to do 25% so it'll probably take about half an hour to finish.

Edit 2: 50%


... you should just ask Nayleen to give you read-only access to the SQL database. Your code will be trivial instead of probably rather painful, and the load on the server will be a lot lower.


.. but that said, I still think what you're doing is super cool. I love data. Since you do too, I seriously suggest you learn to be a data scientist, feel useful, have fun, and get real paid: https://hbr.org/2012/10/data-scientist-the-sexiest-job-of-the-21st-century/


Confession: I used to play college quizbowl. You seriously cannot fathom what that is like, unless you actually did exactly that (no, high school quizbowl is not the same thing; you seriously have no idea). However, this article does it justice, and reminded me of all the joys and horrors (mostly horrors) of the game: http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/i-was-a-quizbowl-champion-1707805654. TFW you recognize the names of people a decade after you last saw them, who had already been playing college quizbowl for a decade at the time, and apparently were still playing it for at least another 5 years hence.

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... you should just ask Nayleen to give you read-only access to the SQL database. Your code will be trivial instead of probably rather painful, and the load on the server will be a lot lower.


.. but that said, I still think what you're doing is super cool. I love data. Since you do too, I seriously suggest you learn to be a data scientist, feel useful, have fun, and get real paid: https://hbr.org/2012/10/data-scientist-the-sexiest-job-of-the-21st-century/


Confession: I used to play college quizbowl. You seriously cannot fathom what that is like, unless you actually did exactly that (no, high school quizbowl is not the same thing; you seriously have no idea). However, this article does it justice, and reminded me of all the joys and horrors (mostly horrors) of the game: http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/i-was-a-quizbowl-champion-1707805654. TFW you recognize the names of people a decade after you last saw them, who had already been playing college quizbowl for a decade at the time, and apparently were still playing it for at least another 5 years hence.

I already asked Nayleen for some help with the like fetching, because I couldn't just grab the HTML from the likes page since you need to click "x others" to get the full list of likes for posts with a lot of them, and I guess he was fine with it. A little server load never hurt anyone. :illya:

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Confession: It begins! Hopefully I didn't fuck up anywhere and I'll wake up to some beautiful, beautiful stats. :P

It'll be in csv format, and if everything works out I'll upload it before going to work, and then start analyzing/graphing it after work.

Edit: Actually it's going surprisingly fast... might not have to wait until morning. I hadn't considered that the pages I'm loading this time are much smaller. Alternatively something has gone horribly, horribly wrong.

Edit 2: ~50% done, should be done at around 1 AM at this rate.

Edit 3: Shit, I fucked up at the very end. Should be fixed now but I do need to run it all over again. :vinty:

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