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Best girl contest


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There's a polling online right now for best anime girl, albiet it's been going on for a while now.


Best Girl Contest


I got my money on





Everyone else other than her and Yoko on this list has lost


A. Jibril


B. Akime Homura


C. Mashiro Shiina 


D. No Particular Favorites


E. Kurise Makise / Tachibana Kanade (Argh, this group's a tough one!)


F. No Particular Favorites


G. Saber 100x 


H. Yoko Litner (Honestly, I love Nisekoi, but they don't stand a candle next to Gurren Lagann's  in my eyes)

Edited by crunchytaco
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Its unfortunate that awareness of this contest has grown beyond reddit because nobody can vote unless they have had an account for at least a month

Its seems like it might create a biased answer... That is unless I'm just that one outcast who doesn't have an account there

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Let's see...


1. SOA

2. Attack on Titan

2. Lolis

3. Lesbians (damnit Kyubey)


Figures. No surprise at all in this contest, although why the heck does NGNL have so many votes. Every single girl from the show is near the final bracket, and Steph only lost in the last round...


Still, group C does have Nonon going for it. So long as she takes that top spot, I can care less about the others.



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Its unfortunate that awareness of this contest has grown beyond reddit because nobody can vote unless they have had an account for at least a month

Its seems like it might create a biased answer... That is unless I'm just that one outcast who doesn't have an account there


I guess they wanna avoid people creating multiple accounts. Seems unnecessary, given that would be a huge waste of effort for an online anime vote of little consequence, but it does happen a lot with these kind of things. Still, as someone else without an account it makes me a sad panda.


Then again, Osaka lost in the first round essentially rendering the entire competition a farce.

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Group A: Jibril's gonna win. I can feel it inside my fetish dedicated to Jibril. 

Group B: I don't want to vote. But if I had to choose, it would be Akemi Homura.

Group C: Gonna go with Mashiro on this one.

Group D: Damn the world if Shinobu doesn't win this one.

Group E: I don't think Suruga's gonna win that. She's against the legendary Angel.

I'm going with Kurisu for this.

Group F: Hachikujiiiii!

Group G: ....Why are there two Monogatari girls in G?





I don't even know.

Karen.  Hitagi.


I don't even.

But I must stay true to my name.

KosakiFag votes for Kosaki!


I am devastated that Jibril won over Hanekawa-san though.

Such a shame. I loved her character.

Also, I cry for Tsukihi. For Shinobu to become her opponent... It was just too much.


And also, I just noticed that Kuroko lost to Kirino.

Go to hell incest lovers.


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