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I'm at a lost for words... (HuniePop discussion)


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For those interested it seems they are aiming for some post game content (hopefully as a free update) to release around Valentine's Day. 


also for those interested there is a tiny interview in which the creator says they don't like the story in games and is not a huge fan of visual novels hence why huniepop has basically none of those elements. Also interesting is that about 80 percent of the team behind huniepop were women.


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also for those interested there is a tiny interview in which the creator says they don't like the story in games and is not a huge fan of visual novels hence why huniepop has basically none of those elements. Also interesting is that about 80 percent of the team behind huniepop were women.



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The team had like 8-10 voice actors, all female, thats where the 80% comes from.


More like 3 I'm guessing. People are saying the artist is female so 80% counting the voices and 50% without them as people are saying. Though I am not sure why the number women who had a role in a womanizing game matters.



If I were to put on my tinfoil hat and make completely crazy assumptions, I would almost say they deliberatly made this game to shit on real visual novels, and make the genre look worse then it is to an outsider's perspective.


But thats just crazy talk :P


Could have just said, "I don't like games with content, so I didn't put any that crap in mine." I could accept the lack of dialogue/story if there was anything to this game but the same simple puzzle 60+ times with a slightly increased goal each time. The guy gets more money than a lot of indie developers ask for to make full on RPGs or strategy games, just to make a match-3 game which I can say from experience takes 1-2 days to program when it's as basic as huniepop's. As people have said it is all he promised, it is just sad that this type of crap seems to be all crowdfunding is bringing the gaming scene when it could be accomplishing so much more.


I highly doubt this game will have too terrible of an affect on people's impressions on VNs in particular, probably just porn games i general and maybe kickstarter.

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I highly doubt this game will have too terrible of an affect on people's impressions on VNs in particular, probably just porn games i general and maybe kickstarter.

I dunno, I remember hearing that a lot of people swore off of Kickstarter after getting burned by Oculus Rift, or hearing about how their fellow Kickstarter users got burned by them.  Plus, that whole BS potato salad KS kinda hurt their credibility...I mean, it was just some jackass making potato salad off of someone else's dime.  I really doubt HuniePop will really do anything that hasn't already been done, in terms of damage to Kickstarter's image.

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So, I just 100%'d the game. It was good, better than my first impression at least. The game gets a bit tedious if you want to complete everything. But I think it's fine if you only date the girl(s) you like.

Overall, it's an 8/10 from me.


Also, Aiko is best girl.


Someone please tell me if there is a way to uncensor it on steam.....

Try looking here.

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Huniepop Launch and Beyond


Hey guys! HuniePop launched almost two weeks ago and I hope you have all had a chance to play it by now. I've got a few things to cover so I'm just going to get started!


HuniePop Love


Our whole team has been overwhelmed by the positive response to HuniePop. We currently have over 1000 user reviews on Steam adding up to an "Overwhelmingly Positive" score. We are currently ranked #1 on MangaGamer and have been since we launched. We have received countless messages, comments and tweets from fans telling us how addictive the puzzles are, how funny the characters are or how surprised they were by how much they ended up loving the game. The game has received praise from various outlets including Kotaku, Tech-Gaming, Destructoid, GamesNosh, TechRaptor, GameZone, Goodgamers, etc... It's been played by some well known YouTubers and the game has even been banned from Twitch (due to the mature content)! XD


With such an unusual approach to the dating sim genre we really weren't sure what to expect when we launched. So, needless to say, we are thrilled that people are enjoying the game and we are very appreciative of all your kind and supportive words.


Of course, we aren't without our detractors. With a controversial project like this one, you are bound to see some differing opinions out there. It comes with the territory. But, we will continue to focus on our fans; the people who love what we do. We hope that includes you!


Mistakes Made


Even with the great response, we recognize some mistakes that have been made along the way. It was not a perfect launch and it's far from a perfect game. We hope to learn from these experiences and apply these lessons as we move forward with future projects.

  • Early Vision Unclear: The Kickstarter page for this game does not perfectly describe the final product. There are things on the page that didn't make it into the game and there are things in the game that aren't on the page. I'd like to argue that the changes themselves aren't the issue, but rather that we should have been more clear and forthright about the possibility of changes from the start. All games change as they mature, often drastically. It's the natural process of iteration and it should be. You always want to be open to the possibility of a better game. You build, test, keep what works and eliminate the things you think are holding your game back. For example, I did not know that we were going to go with the stupid, silly, abrasive and non-serious dialog until months after the Kickstarter ended. It just arose out of inspiration and it just felt so right for this game. So the drama laden script hinted at in the Kickstarter was thrown out the window. I did talk about these changes in project updates, but I still understand why some people might have concerns. In the future we will try to be more careful in pitching early projects and use verbiage that can imply changes and improvements. So, instead of always saying "We will have..." maybe it can be "We plan to have...".
  • Deadline Missed: HuniePop launched 3 weeks after it's original estimated release date. Game development can be an unpredictable beast especially when you factor in changes, re-designs, bugs and of course your team's busy lives outside of the project. We understand Kickstarter projects are somewhat notorious for arriving late, or not at all; and that 3 weeks is little concern in comparison. However, we don't like that that is becoming a sort of standard and will continue to do our best to set a reasonable, realistic deadline and meet it.
  • Technical Issues: Right after launching we had a number of users begin to report technical issues like the game crashing, the window being black or the screen resolution being messed up. Based on reports I'd estimate somewhere between 2.5%-5% of users were experiencing some type of issue or another. While you'll never be able to create a game that runs perfectly on everyone's unique machine/hardware/configuration, that percentage is a little high for our liking. We have worked with our users and have come up with solutions for the majority of these problems. However there are a few stubborn one's we are still trying to get to the bottom of. For HuniePop we were limited to a handful of test machines (a couple PCs, a couple Macs, and on Linux box), but for future projects we need to look into a larger and more varied testing suite of computers and configurations.


Valentines Day Update


If you have not heard, we will be pushing a small update to the game right before Valentines day. The main purpose of this update is to add some additional features and changes that make post-game play a bit more entertaining. A lot of players get to the end and either aren't sure what to do or wish there was a bit more to do. So, we hope to remedy that, at least in part. The update will also make getting to 100% completion less of a monotonous grind. I will be posting exact details on the update soon. 


Backer Rewards Incoming


So far, the only rewards to actually go out have been the game itself and the love potions. All of our focus up to this point has been on finishing the game. Now that the game is out and we are close to wrapping up the v-day update, we will very soon be able to turn our attention to fulfilling the remaining backer rewards.


The digital stuff will arrive first and the physical stuff will be shipped out soon after that. While I do not have any concrete dates just yet, rest assured, everybody is going to get what they pledged for. If for some reason we are not able to fulfill a reward you are owed, we will contact you for either an acceptable substitute or a refund to cover that portion of your reward package.


Fan Art


Let's finish things off with some fan art. We have gotten a lot of great fan art in the two weeks since we launched. We love to see it, so keep it coming! 


Thank You


Lastly, I just want to sincerely thank everybody once more. Everybody who supported this project from the start either through Kickstarter or PayPal. The project would have never had the opportunity to come to fruition had it not been for your enthusiastic support. I really mean it when I say I'm thrilled when I hear people telling me how much they love the game, how much they laughed at the dialog or how they stayed up until 4am playing it. I hope you are among those individuals who really enjoyed themselves.


For those who have asked or are curious, we do have plans for future projects. We are not announcing anything just yet but we may in the very near future. So, if you happen to see another project of ours pop up somewhere, please consider supporting us again. Thanks!




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Just began playing Huniepop and I'm very surprised. The planned writer for this game (Brad - acclaimed writer of a webcomic... thingy) left early in the dev process due to creative differences, and yet while the story/characters aren't very deep the prose feels quite polished. That's rare for an OELVN game, which usually displays the reverse characteristics (ambitious story/character development, but a distinct lack of writing style[1].) It's also a throwback to the 90s where game devs were forced to write games themselves, and a bit of a reality check to a lot of writers around the OELVN dev scene.


ANYWAY - addictive gameplay, polished writing which does its job (a very minimalist job, but a job nonetheless,) entertaining characters, decent art. I'm not surprised this has sold as well as it has. It's definitely low-brow, but it's also entertaining and it's nailed that addictive quality nobody can ever define. Bravo!


Still not a game I like to admit I enjoy...


PS: [Nitpicky mode] This game doesn't contain a novel narrative. Thus, while it is a dating sim it doesn't contain Visual Novel Storytelling. Isn't that interesting, although Little Witch Romanesque is arguably the same...[/Nitpicky mode]


[1] - There's definitely some good writers hanging around the OELVN scene, but imo they're a minority.

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Huniepop was removed from VNDB for that reason, actually. There are also others that could be removed from VNDB and I do have the power to do so, but me and the other staff members would probably have to have a deeper discussion on what specifically qualifies as a VN and what doesn't because there are a fair number of games that probably shouldn't be in the database. Maybe that will happen after the chaos the staff database introduced settles down (or maybe we'll continually postpone the discussion because nobody wants to have it. :P). Romanesque is on my personal short list of candidates for removal. I think at the moment it is getting a pass from the sheer quantity of writing, which makes up the large majority of the game. 

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Huniepop was removed from VNDB for that reason, actually. There are also others that could be removed from VNDB and I do have the power to do so, but me and the other staff members would probably have to have a deeper discussion on what specifically qualifies as a VN and what doesn't because there are a fair number of games that probably shouldn't be in the database. Maybe that will happen after the chaos the staff database introduced settles down (or maybe we'll continually postpone the discussion because nobody wants to have it. :P). Romanesque is on my personal short list of candidates for removal. I think at the moment it is getting a pass from the sheer quantity of writing, which makes up the large majority of the game. 


Yeah I pointed it out to someone that unfortunately when you look at the games that are allowed it does appear that there is a lot of inconsistency. Maybe the solution is to just tag them all with something that denotes that they have some similarities or just throw them in another database rather than get into a shit fight about what's going to be removed or not. 

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Yeah, inconsistency in the database has always been a problem for VNDB. Too much subjectivity in the qualification guidelines, allowing games which don't adhere to the guidelines for special reasons, and just general overlooking stuff. There's no question that VNDB does a good job but I've always had a low opinion of its VN definition. Sorry :(

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