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So, about me and Fuwanovel.


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I kind of intended to do this in my old introduction thread, but I guess it should have it's own topic since I think it's kind of special (to me, to a certain someone, who exactly you'll know in just a second.


The last post of my introduction thread was by Naomi, its contents couldn't be any more relevant right now, in an incredibly funny, sweet and ironic way:


#totescriedwhenireadthat.  I love you too Nay <3
I really want to share something with everyone; It's part continuation, part reboot of my introduction thread. So many things have went down and changed ever since I wrote the opening post, the most noticable part of it being that Aaeru has effectively left, or at least it feels like it. For a while - remember this happened right after the Fuwapocalypse - it really took the wind out of my sails. I wanted to quit right then because Aaeru's feedback has always been the thing that kept me going, even though we often imagined things in different ways, she always appreciated my input or my approach to things.
That's where the support from everyone came in: Two groups of very close friends, most of which I already mentioned in my original post (especially Tay, who has been an amazing colleague and friend), but also a lot of new people someone very special and dear to me brought in: Naomi. We've been friends pretty much ever since I joined the IRC and we happened to come in contact with each other. We've gone through an immense amount of bullshit happening to both of us, like the drama surrounding the IRC and some issues when she first got promoted to a moderator, but we've pretty much stuck through those and grown closer over it - a lot closer.
All the pain and hard work we went through paid out in the end, and Naomi and I are going to meet up during her spring break, as kind of a last confirmation that we work out in person as well - even though I don't have any doubts about that with how wonderful everthing about her is - and we're planning on living together after she graduates high school at the latest with how my job possibilities are laid out - I'm glad (and kind of embarassed) to announce that we might be the first couple meeting up on the wonderful site.
In light of all this I think the right subtitle for my thread should probably be more like this nowadays: How Fuwanovel continuously keeps saving and brightening my life. Thank you for reading this, and thank the wonderful girl that's at my side now - we went through so much, so all this feels like the kind of ending/beginning both of us have always hoped for. I love you with all my heart, Naomi.
P.S.: Yep, the crazy autist kids on Fuwanovel are falling in love with each other now. Don't bother commenting if you don't have anything to say on the matter:
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Haooo you guys are so cute



Glad to hear you're doing great, i though you would end up together a while back and i doubt i'm smart enough to realize something like that out of the blue, so i suppose that means you make great couple.


I sure feel like joining the IRC and talk to everyone.


Anyway, i hope things work out between you two, thanks for that gif and prove the world that happy endings do exist ^^

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Misleading title is misleading.

Wow much feelings, such sweet, many love

Well I can't really hate on this paragraph due to the feelings put into it so I'll just wish you both the best :lol:

I relate to your situation a lot because me and my now girlfriend met through the internet and then in real life as well. It's always sweet to see this kind of thing happen.

Post wedding pics later pls :P

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This is actually not that surprising, since you two really fit together.

Life always has many trials. While I found my answer in isolating myself from other people and getting as close to the world as possible, relying on somebody else to give you strength and meaning is definitely a valid solution, if not an obvious happier conclusion than the path that I took. Keep in mind that you can never become one and what you think is different, so sometime you will enter in conflict. I believe you can surpass that conflict, though.


If it were anyone besides you two, I would just ignore what I'm actually thinking about and would be too embarassed to make this cheesy post, just giving a normal "congratulations!". However, while we may not talk together all that much, I believe that I know you two a bit. You both show your feelings right away, are straight-forward, get hurt and happy easily.


I don't think you're good at following roads set by others. As far as I know, you both had "normal" chances and options in life, yet you rejected them to forge your own road. I don't think people like you fit very well in society, honestly. Naomi's idealistic nature and Nayleen's honesty and straight-forwardness are both things that the bad parts of our world love to feed on. 


But I do believe that you both have the perserveranc to go through the road you're paving until the end, no matter what. I'm sure that there are many things waiting for you two in the future, despair, secrecy, pain and unfairness. If there's anything I learned from observing our world, though, is that there are also plenty of good things hidden- both in front of us and in the parts of nature that man hasn't corrupted yet. I live for knowledge and bettering myself- regardless of what's your meaning in life, I pray it grants you happiness- though I'm sure that I don't need to tell you that.


Sorry for the cliche- but you should know that these are my most honest feelings. Again, we may not be talking all that much lately, but I consider both of you as precious friends. May you find happiness together.



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I can't help but cry again for this one.  Yeah, it's been a long and crazy road.  I came to Fuwanovel's IRC as a last act of desperation as my depression grew worse and I once again began to contemplate suicide.  At the time, there were a lot of sweet and kind people in there, so I was able to get along somewhat; but there was one real problem that screwed me over: I'm so bipolar that it's sickening to see sometimes.  I'd snap, rage, and cause shit for people all the time.all the time in the IRC.  I would rage about something and leave for weeks at a time, then come back to several people who'd always accept me with open arms--you were one of those--, and to those that hated me being there period.  You were always kind to me though.  I remember when we first started talking: when you were role playing as a cat whose goal was to eat Rakushun, and I played your goofy master.  I'll never forget silly moments like that, and I'll never forget all the crazy projects we did, all the Skype calls, all the tears from the bullshit we got from the jerks who hate this community, because those moments were spent with you.  I loved finding about your interests, and giggled every time we shared the same taste for anything.  I mean damn, we even love the same foods, music, games, and other things.  I just enjoyed talking to you.


And then there were harder times.  Despite having straight A's in school and an acceptance letter to my first choice college, I once again grew depressed--it was due to some horrible things going on at home, and my escape life here at Fuwanovel crashing down on me.  It got to the point where I took my parent's gun, hid in my closet, and prepared my suicide note.  I was done with everything; life was too much for me.  But you wouldn't let me go.  Somehow, you knew what I was about to do.  I don't know how, but you managed to reach me and get me to talk to you.  In the end, you ended up confessing to me and convinced me to stay alive if not for anything else then just for you.  


The love you poured on me afterward was insane; it gave me purpose.  Still, despite my happiness, I still had some pretty dark secrets in me that I wasn't willing to tell you, and I pushed you away.  Yet you still stayed with me.  A few months later, and I found myself at the same position of wanting to commit suicide, but again, there you were for me.  Finally, I came to pour out my worst secrets out to you; things that anybody would hate me for.  But you never batted an eye; you saw me for who I was, and accepted me and all my shit.  I guess it was then when I first began to fall for you.  


I look forward to seeing that same baka-German I talked to and fell in love with in person for the first time; when we'll never have to rely on our video cameras to see each other again, and you can kiss me for the first time when I land just like you promised.  


I know I've said this all before to you, but I'm not afraid to say it again.  I love you Timo.  I love you with everything I have and with everything I am.  Even though I don't have much to give, I'll keep trying to be the perfect woman you need to lean on, and weather this life hand-in-hand with you.  I'm yours.

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Can't help but notice that the thread is more about you and Naomi than you and Fuwanovel, but whatever. :P

Second time today I'm commenting on something big happening in the lives of people I haven't the slightest clue about - story of my life right there. xD

But yeah, best of luck to the both of you, and seconding the request for wedding pics!

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Apparently I'm the only idiot here who had no idea you guys even talked to each other, let alone had a deep and close relationship.


It's not easy to open up to people, so I can honestly say I'm happy for you two to be able to trust each other to the degree that not only allows for a real life meet up, but to plan a future together.


I don't think I can really add anything else on the matter, so once more. Congratulations, and if term permits I'd like to be able to chat with you guys on IRC/other method at some time. (It's honestly been a long time)

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This was sweet. I really think that with proper communication, things like this can definitely work out. I don't really know each of you, so I can't say exactly, but I think it's as Kagu said, sometimes it's important to make your way in life. Or maybe it's not, but as far as I'm concerned, I dont have the right to judge you two even if that were the case. Good luck, and I hope you look at the future with the audacity to create ever better days.

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That was a sweet post. Fuwanovel now confirmed as dating site as well.


Also that title was definitely misleading.

I'm gonna die from diabetes... Still figuring about something clever to say, but...

I'm really happy for you two~

You should make your wedding a fuwational-event! 

(man, I'm really bad at expresing these things...)

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Naoleen #1 couple in fuwa


(You should really compare these to the other ones out there ... like the original version + what I modified for it before for birthdays... the effort ~...) 
(Oh the effort I put in for my ...useless... emoticons... >.>)
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Although I know so little about both Nay and Nao, I can't help but feel excited about love stories like this one! This was very sweet and I'm sure we all feel touched by it. I've seen this happen quite a few times, communities like this one bringing people together and it's amazing~ Wish all of the best for you, I know the path won't be an easy one, but I am one of those who believe love triumphs over all (even though it never worked out for me)


Congratulations and may your love crush all of the obstacles

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