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Grabbed Valkyria Chronicles while it was on sale. Installing it now, it will be the first time I've played the series.



Tell us if it's good! I want to buy it but I'm really skeptical even though the rating at steam is "overwhelmingly positive" (96% positive)...

It's reaaally good, and I'm not even that much into the story as I'm playing it quite slowly.

Started playing Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition. SoM is pretty good, DA: I is just fine, don't know why people were so hyped :( maybe I'll understand it when I advance more into the story.

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I know there is at least one or two Final Fantasy XIV: ARR players here. I plan on making a new account as I haven't played it since release. Just a few questions on the current state of the game:


1) I heard they implemented PVP in patch 2.1 but it was awful. Has it improved at all or is it still PVE end game focused?


2) Right now there are about 4k people online via steam. Does this count for the whole population or just people on steam?


3) What are the more populated/active servers and which server are you on? 


As this was a small post and I didn't want to make a thread to get one post on it (seems like a waste of space) I am asking here. 


- Thanks

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I know there is at least one or two Final Fantasy XIV: ARR players here. I plan on making a new account as I haven't played it since release. Just a few questions on the current state of the game:


1) I heard they implemented PVP in patch 2.1 but it was awful. Has it improved at all or is it still PVE end game focused?


2) Right now there are about 4k people online via steam. Does this count for the whole population or just people on steam?


3) What are the more populated/active servers and which server are you on? 


As this was a small post and I didn't want to make a thread to get one post on it (seems like a waste of space) I am asking here. 


- Thanks

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Just finished the Hebijo storyline for Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus, this one...wasn't as good as Gessen's storyline. Part of the problem is while it does have good character moments and the new heroines themselves are likable the story seems more interested in moving itself forward than taking time to better introduce said characters. I'm guessing the "Girls' Heart" storyline will do that but Gessen was able to do it in its main storyline. The other problem is...

aside from the world building and an explanation about how Suzune/Rin came to be at Hebijo the main part of the story is an obvious "what if" scenario.

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Mass Effect 2 is slowly becoming interstellar soap opera as I am trying to do all character side quests before progressing with the story

Destroying Jack's Cerberus base, confronting Jacob's old man, etc.


A question:

Is it possible to recruit Kaidan or is he guaranteed to refuse to come with you when you meet him on Horizon?


One final point: 

Damn it, Solus wants another Krogan genocide. I love the guy, but dammit, I'd much rather not have the genophage again. :/

I won't spoil you, but one advice, DO EVERY side quest and upgrade every part of your ship, your equipment...etc

And make some back-up saves in case you do fatal mistakes.

Mordin Solus is the essence of Mad scientist


No, Kaidan/Ashley will refuse, since He/She are in a super duper secret mission.

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I won't spoil you, but one advice, DO EVERY side quest and upgrade every part of your ship, your equipment...etc

And make some back-up saves in case you do fatal mistakes.

Mordin Solus is the essence of Mad scientist


No, Kaidan/Ashley will refuse, since He/She are in a super duper secret mission.


On the main storyline, I'm currently at the part where I have to recruit three OTHER team members, including Tali. Do I go through the Omega-4 soon? Huhuhu~

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