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So I finally started F/SN


Question: are there multiple heroines to choose with several different endings/paths that had nothing in common between them or is it more like a kinetic or linear vn?

There are three routes. You have to do them in order though starting with Fate then Unlimited Blade Works and then Heavens Feel which is the last one. 

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You don't have to do them in order if you're playing the realta nua version (you should be playing the realta nua version), but you should do so anyways.


Each of the three routes focuses on a different heroine, Saber, Rin, and Sakura respectively. In the original version, the split point was really early in, after only a couple hours, and then you had three very long and completely independent routes. In Realta Nua, each route is basically presented as a stand-alone VN. The routes are pretty much linear in their story but posses a multitude of choices that can lead to bad ends or less good final endings.

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Reading AstralAir. Just finished that part in common route about small girl and her brother crisis. Well, lets be nice and say, that it wasn't very good... Still have high expectation about the rest of this VN, but this was just disappointing...

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I just played the first chapter of g senjou no maou

i have a vague feeling that the protagonist is actually maou, i'm right aint I?

I am the kind of evil bastard who cannot contain himself. Please, by no means open the spoiler below.

I really like it when games pulled what they did here. Let's heavily foreshadow this... then the player will feel smart for having figured it out and then, lol jk

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I was really disappointed in Eris's arc of Eustia, especially coming off of the amazing Fione arc.


I say WAS, because then I hit the part where they reveal the twist of Eris's arc and then I was like 'oh. oh. goodness' and my eyes teared up and suddenly I was reassured that the VN I was reading was, indeed, freaking incredible. I hope I can finish the arc tonight because I don't think I'll be able to sleep until I see the conclusion of this now.



^Best song. I wish there was a Seig route because he has the best theme and is the best guy. I'm pretty sure I'm more in love with him than any of the girls so far. Fione is a close second, but I'd go for a CaimxSeig route in a heartbeat. Sometimes bromance just doesn't cut it.

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Is Eustia really that good for you?

A lot of people seem to regard it as a phenomenal work, and it's one of the untranslated VNs that I'm most interested in reading atm. It's promising enough that I would pick it up very shortly after a completed TL patch. I really like the art, and the soundtrack is amazing. Here's a more in-depth review of the work if you wanna read that. http://mdzanime.me/2014/07/28/aiyoku-eustia-versicolored-conflict-common-ardor/

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