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Everything posted by HataVNI

  1. Fate/Zero is through and through depressing, but it sure resonated with me. I was very invested into the characters of Kotomine Kirei, Emiya Kiritsugu, the Tohsaka family, and lastly the position of Gilgamesh as a "Jester". If you don't know what a jester in fiction is then I recommend Aleczandxr's video on it alot. Unfortunately, I heard that Fate/Zero is not really that good of an entry into the fate series, so I rec to play the VN and then later fill the gaps. However, I also heard that Fate/Zero & Fate/stay Night would give you like an overview of 95% of the entire lore and the rest is just bonus. How true is that? The quote is from this video said by anime content creator Gigguk in jest? If I finally get FSN to run on my tablet, then I will finally finish it - I promise!
  2. Oh wow, Wiesbaden is like around the corner as I'm from Frankfurt. Would just need to take the Subway [S9] and ride through Mainz! Might contact them if they have cool games!
  3. 以心伝心 for Nasu is kinda impossible as the man just invents Japanese as he goes. And gibberish too.
  4. On the 2nd of September 2022 users of the forum with the 7 letters and the unpronounceable name released the v1.1.1 Patch for the cult-classic visual novel Fate Stay/Night. Here you have the full changelog of the patch notes. The patch can be downloaded in the initial post on that forum thread. "I am the bone of my patch!"
  5. He's gonna stay, like everyone is. Fuwanovel is making an resurgence after all.
  6. Hello, Okami. I might not know you, but since you are not on the discord you may not know what is going on here and why there is suddenly activity. I'm actually trying to contact quite a lot of old regulars to restore the "old fuwanovel" active posters again, because I think that it would be cool if the site came back with its old userbase mostly intact - for as much they are still interested in VNs literally 10 fuwacalpyses and years of inactivity later. What has happened? Basically, our German website called visual-novel.info (that's the one you see in my signature) has reached out to Fuwanovel's staff to assist them in restoring it, but we decided that a general cooperation is the better way. Fuwanovel is now something like the international arm of Visual-Novel.info and we're aiming to restore the page to a considerable degree as a community for everyone. Piracy discussion and distribution is effectively banned, but as you see we're still having fan translation projects here all the same - so everything is fine. Hop on discord if you wanna talk to some familiar faces and lotta new ones, it's up there in the top bar. I hope you can assimilate quickly to the style the new Fuwanovel is going towards and we can keep an active and contributing person such as you as a regular in the future. Ah, and enjoy our attached blog's content or make your own one! Nice to meet you, I'm HataVNI. Don't you dare go to prison again
  7. Well, I would also classify Yamizome Revenger as a Mahou Shoujo VN, and another disclaimer bias because both me and hubb worked on it. If you are not into the more brutal expressions of sex however the gameplay portions might not be for you as it blends Non-con and consensual pretty much together into one game. The gameplay keeps you a little engaged, but it is no Baldr Sky .
  8. What a thread, i could be sticking hundreds of hours in here to see all these varied opinions on anime, this is truly great. I am personally a giant fan of To aru kagaku no Railgun because the blend of action and slice of life mixed with this intricate scifi plot and the cool school made for a great cocktail. While I like the girls a lot my absolute favourite character is Accelerator. Who gets the idea to be giving a villain basically a math and physics based ability? He might be truly angry, sometimes annoying and generally really loud, i love his dynamic with both Misaka and my waifu of the show, Last Order. The Railgun anime will always be inside my heart as something i could bingewatch. The other characters like Saten-san are also pretty cool.
  9. Loved this anime actually, but it is kinda long ago. If I would still watch anime then it would be one of the ones I would rewatch though.
  10. Hmm, this does look cool. Did you like post this from a Discord server or the sort? It's kinda weirdly formatted with the black bars behind the text. Either way, if you want to find people who help it is the best you join the server of our new partners LoveVN! If you don't find anything there you can check out NaiDriftlin's DevTalk community too - both are worth using!
  11. NICE NECRO @Dreamysyu Have some COWS
  12. Someone recently mentioned it on Discord, because they wanted some VTuber to sing it. It's an ultra banger by my boy Pinocchio-P
  13. So, something very interesting happened today. There is a creative, multi-talented indie solo developer called Mado who had recently been publishing their first big game. It's a dark and suspenseful tale about a lot of girls that are in something akin to a Promised Neverland setting where they cannot leave from a paradisical location called the Haven. The game is called Bad Faith and it's very high quality. Bad Faith by Mado (itch.io) Well, surprisingly this developer just got hired as a PR staff at VNStudioÈlan. They are known to have created mostly Yuri-oriented games such as Heart of the Woods, Highway Blossoms and their newest title Please be Happy! (Demo) These are some of the few EVNs that even the most boneheaded JVN-only players can agree on that they have plenty of quality. Congratz to Mado for her achievement!
  14. I was browsing VNDB today and besides a Sugoi-made MTL patch for Biman 3 (Bishoujo Mangekyou ~Kami ga Tsukuritamouta no Shoujo) there is almost nothing worth mentioning. Well, it is Saturday, I guess. But then I stumbled across this game called "THE SEVEN LIVING SINS". While I visited their site and got totally destroyed by the shining RED colorscheme, I also couldn't but notice the absolutely awkward and weird and off looking and crazy artwork for the characters. It really is like a fever dream. The game is made for the SuNoFes Dev-Jam. (you can see a lot of SuNoFes stuff here) But it kinda looks like Cuphead, doesn't it? Website: THE SEVEN LIVING SINS by Baphomet The Clown (itch.io)
  15. Idk what futa you're seen in your time, but when I think futa then it is massive veiny gigachad cock on a girl and not feminine penis, that is more an association I have with femboys. If you wanna play a sick futa game btw, check this out: Futa Fix Anyways, I kinda like the visuals of the game above. It does look 3D, but not cheap unity assets 3D, but kinda subverse 3D. Good luck producing such a game!
  16. The thought of you doing the entire Biman series is something really amazing, Arcade. It will also mean that the terminologies and stuff will stay consistent. You should definitely try to involve yourself in a Biman 2 project even though you might not be translating it. Isn't Biman 5 the most story heavy game?
  17. I also see you are from Poland, Breslau. Nice city. I've been there during a class excursion in 11th grade. Wroclaw, Katowice, Krakow and Auschwitz. Very cool places besides the last one for obvious and morbid reasons.
  18. Man, I just see this now. This game and its aesthetic looks fucking awesome. In case you want this game localized to another language, in particular German, you can give me a holler (●´ω`●). And good luck for the release! Thanks for your persistent posting over here. We're not going to disappoint going forward and more ppl will see what you have created.
  19. Haha, great. The one who interrupts the wave of @littleshogun posts is the translator and project lead himself. Now this is something I would not have believed to see in 2022. Welcome back, Bee. You are doing godspeed work with your projects.
  20. Escha is a girl called EIleen who was part of the offshoot Daru-cord circle that originated from VN.Info before. I'm very unfortunate that she since does not seem to be a very reliable person when it comes to fulfilling her projects. She definitely had the skills and was not an MTLer, however. And welcome bee, nice to see you here before the masses come, brother!
  21. Cross+Channel and a satisfying end? I am surprised.
  22. Just work your way through the Majikoi Series! Also Cyanotype Daydream maybe?
  23. We do not call him the "Biman schizo" for no reason. I am glad Arcade is back at it. @Arcadeoticcan you confirm that @Eschasintrais still doing Biman2 wasurenagusa no shoujo or not? I know you worked together and that I kind of built a team for her in the past that could surely have been capable of doing it. More Happoubi Jin for the world!
  24. Bro, then play Ourai no Gahkthun, which is a localized Liarsoft Game by MangaGamer. And yea, france truly a weird place. Almost like French Canada xD https://www.mangagamer.com/r18/detail.php?goods_type=1&product_code=156
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