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Everything posted by HataVNI

  1. And the fifth community we partnered with is SinicalAnimeNetwork. As you could already learn in our VNTS post they are an anime & otaku community who run a translation service aiming to be re-translating the infamous SakuraGame licenses which have released in the west in an atrocious state. They work on quite a lot of projects and have already a track record of more than 15 successful translations! The community is run by Sinical_Geek. We will work together in some ways. SinicalAnimeNetwork might be able to contribute to our content on the blog when it comes to Chinese-origin games, they could potentially also work on doujin and freeware projects to bring more unknown doujin titles of Chinese origin to the west. We want to accompaign them on their journey and this feeling is mutual! SinicalAnimeNetwork listed us as Premium Partners under the label of a "Visual Novel Social Hub". Very fitting! Website: Sinical Network | Anime and Gaming Hub Forum: Forums - Sinical Network Twitter: Sinical Network (@SinicalNetwork) Welcome to the Fuwanovel Family!
  2. The fourth community we partnered with is one that we are extremely proud of! We built contact with the folks over at the famous Lemmasoft Forums and we are now working together, too! This is a big deal, because Lemmasoft Forums which are run by renpytom, the father of the visual novel engine Ren'Py, have double the legacy of ours. Created and maintained since 2003, it has been THE bastion for Ren'Py development and English Language Visual Novels as a whole. Frankly, we have not been able yet to really uncover the secrets in in this forum, so we are happy to welcome them to our Fuwanovel Family, so we can excavate the treasures that lie beneath! Anyways, what does our partnership entail? Well, for one, we lay a path into the prestiguous Lemmasoft Forum right through Fuwanovel. As you may have heard before, forums have to deal with spammers and bots quite a bit and renpytom does not really have the time to worry about deleting them all the time. Thusly they implemented a password check which you have to type in upon first login with a new account. You can get this password by going to the Ren'Py discord and answering authenticity questions. This password is... Ha, you thought so! Fuwanovel Users in Good Standing (No excessive warnings & likely to be real people) are allowed to get the Lemmasoft signup password from us. Just send a DM to @HataVNI or @Discord: Hata#7192 and I will give it to you so you don't have to go through the whole rigamarole on the Ren'Py Discord. In addition, we will also funnel people into their Discord and Forums. Fuwanovel itself does have a development space, but it would be blasphemous to believe whatever is discussed here had not been already discussed in the Lemmasoft Forums before. It is better if we use our newcomers to both revitalize our place and theirs, too! Link to Lemmasoft Discord: https://discord.gg/nme6SvwVSt Renpytom Twitter: https://twitter.com/renpytom Ren'Py Development Page: The Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine (renpy.org) Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine | Facebook Welcome to the Fuwa Family to this legendary community!
  3. Our third Partner community is the Android Visual Novels Community and this is one of the biggest communities we work with. Led by people like Mirai and Ken1 they manage a community which teaches and educates people in how to get visual novels to run on their mobile devices. Whether it is Wine, BlueStacks, Exagear or Kirikiridroid, these guys can help you getting everything to run. They will soon help to provide Fuwanovel with tutorials, guides, lists of compatible games and how to get them to run and more. These will be designed so even the biggest layman when it comes to technology can get games to run smoothly. We look forward to what content they may provide! Reddit: Visual Novels on Android I'm @Criel-Nin.
  4. The second community that we can call our Partners is the community for the neatly-sized visual novel & erotic game development community LoveVN. While they seem like a small community with just 300 members at this point, we still promise a lot of cooperation between our place and theirs. They just have a Discord and a Twitter, but that Discord server is chock full of in-progress developers. Previous a guy named @ds-sanshas managed it, but they eventually left and now the place is in need of rejuvenation. We hope that our collaborative ideas will help to further both Fuwanovel's and LoveVN's activity and prosperity! The place is now run by @Deluneko, @Far2close, Dodo and HowardJones who will work together with us, the Fuwanovel Administration, to work on concepts. Please consider joining if you are a new developer who wants to make contact with other developers and get to know peers that would like to help you making your project successful! Server: https://discord.com/invite/eZQwHUKKv8 Twitter: LoveVN (@lovevndev) / Twitter Welcome to our Fuwa Family!
  5. The first community we partner with is the Yosuga no Sora Fan Community. This is a community that has a long history in the fan translation scene, probably more than a decade by now. It went through many hands and for the longest time it has been ridiculed for a project that will never finish. For a year now there has been a shake-up in their management and recruitment and now they actually make strong progress on their project. Shortly after Fuwanovel was revived we got in contact with their most prominent figure @MadTRJR. Their goal is to translate both Yosuga no Sora and Haruka no Sora. They also work on side materials and other obscure content! If you liked the Anime, are interested in the ongoing translation of the VN, or just have an unhealthy obsession with Kasugano Sora, check it out. While the translation project was pretty sus for a while, the new leader seems more sensible, and it seems likely the translation will be passable in the end. The server understandably does not accept anyone saying they're under 18, be aware. Discord: Yosuga no Sora Discord Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/YosugaNosora/ Wiki: Yosuga no Sora Wiki | Fandom Website: Twins Romance; July Reverie | Yosuga no Sora visual novel translation project We're happy to have you in the Fuwa-Family!
  6. Good day, fellow Fuwanovellers! As you have probably noticed Fuwanovel is now back and we're stronger than ever. But even the strongest fortress cannot operate its kingdom without having fiefdoms and towers all over the country so we're likely to partner up with a lot of other sub-communities in this vast visual novel ocean. We will be separating those in three categories: Partners, Friends, Companies & Publishers 1. Partners Under "Partners" we define communities which have their own established communities in the broader visual novel and erotic gaming sphere. These are people we closely associate with and also plan projects in mutual cooperation designed to benefit both sides. These communities are of distinct size, but can also be bigger or smaller than us. Often there is not an individual behind them, but an entire group of administration, staff and contributors with whom we interact and work together on achieving our goals. The objective of these partnerships, is to create an internationally connected tunnel-system where people can be funneled both in and out of the Fuwanovel community. Both sides benefit from a mutual exchange between their members and contributions that are made in other communities can be freely advertised and promoted on Fuwanovel across all social media. After all, Fuwanovel is not the only community around and we shouldn't hog all the users and tie them down to one community. Instead, frequent fluctuations in activity are to be expected and five active communities are still easier to manage than 70 discord servers. But we digress... Current benefits of our Partners are as follows: - A banner of choice can be displayed on the Fuwanovel.net blog. This banner will link towards the cross-promoted partner community. (One major link per banner!) - Personal correspondence and mutual cooperative support to benefit proliferation of both communitys. New people will be told in fitting context to check out the partner's community to increase their userbase. - Frequent retweets and shout-outs on all available social media if applicable. Announcements will be retweeted and promoted. - Will be listed in a sub-forum called "partners" and have their own special role and color. - Special Role on Discord - New perks in the future 2. Friends While not being as privileged as the partners our Friends will also get support from us. Friends include something like middle-sized translation groups with established communities, personal veterans from the old Fuwanovel era who still run a blog, old e-celebs and the sort. Those are simply people who have contributed to the community a great deal and are supportive of Fuwanovel and whom we want to give back some exposure or promote their projects. There are exceptions however, we don't accept translation groups that advocate for or use MTL (machine translations) as official Fuwanovel friends. You cannot deny that MTL has become more popular over the years, but we still respect manual or at worst machine-assisted translation efforts. Benefits of our Friends are as follows: - There will be a sub-page tab on the Fuwanovel blog that is not as prominently placed, but will list the banners and icons of our friends - Limited (quote) retweets of their projects. Not every project update will be promoted, more relevant ones like a finished route, a partial or full release or similar will. - We're likely to help them find recruitable staff for their projects. Companies & Publishers One of the dreams of our direction we take with Fuwanovel is to achieve a harmonious coexistence between official translations and fan translations and in order to achieve that we hope for Companies & Publishers to support us on our way. On VN.Info we proudly display several of our Publisher's logos in our footer, to show they are actively supporting us, supplying us with distributable review codes, giveaways or pre-release information. As a publisher who works together with Fuwanovel you will be getting some obvious benefits. The goal is it to create an environment where players and Publisher staff can directly interact with another and answer questions with highest priority and relevance. Benefits of Companies & Publishers are as follows: - Access to a private company & Fuwanovel discussion group where we will negotiate over world conquest via Eroge - Listed on a prominent page on the blog - We'll write a company spotlight about them - Dedicated self-chosen colored Company Role to make themselves known as official representatives of their company - Special Publisher Role on Discord - They can publish and promote their own releases in forum posts which get bumped or pinned for the first week after release.
  7. Please remember to add the newest episodes to your initial post so people can find them more quickly!
  8. Hi, welcome to Fuwanovel. Consider making an introduction in the correct area! Concerning your question, obviously I would tell you to buy it legally on DLsite or the sort, but in this case there has never been a download version published, so I make an exception. You can find it by looking inside the Internet Archive. It is easy to find there.
  9. Sad that the game didn't make its kickstarter, ngl. Love Cypher really had visuals that even EVN haters had to say "dat look good!!" so it is vexing to me to learn it couldn't get funded. Maybe that is how it is... if you want you can check out the communities Devtalk, LoveVN and LemmaSoft, the latter two we are partnered with and discuss with other developers about marketing strategies, successful projects and network! Good luck for next time, David!
  10. Welcome here. The message you quoted says "Maybe you should try and use the Japanese title to search the game in the PATCH LIST and not the English one". The patch can be found here. Use CTRL+F to search for "ę‹ćŒć•ćć“ć‚ę”œć©ć" in the Patch List (zeas2.github.io)
  11. You are not the only one hoping for that. We have some leverage and good connections in the scene, but making people use a forum in 2022 is not too easy actually. In fact, the actual problem we face is getting the word around reliably. So if you have some friends who have been active posters here feel free to tell them about what we're doing Popular visual novel hub Fuwanovel is back on its feet - Rice Digital share this post with them
  12. @LeftHandedMagusWelcome to our place. You stumbled right into the rejuvenation attempts of the new Fuwanovel under such crazy souls like myself. Thanks for updating us on progress on Aiyoku no Eustia, this will surely make ppl happy! @Zakamuttsomething to put into your VNTS!
  13. The User @TheMathGod has produced multiple patches to give you the ultimate experience for the Grisaia games. The Ultimate Fruit of Grisaia Patches :) : grisaia The Ultimate Labyrinth of Grisaia Patches :) : vns The Ultimate Eden of Grisaia Patches :) : vns With this, the patches are now complete for the main line Grisaia series. Maybe I should try them out... idk.
  14. Not sure if we can revive this thread or if it is better to make new posts every time for people to comment on, but NiS America announced today they will be releasing "Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society" on February 2023. It will release for PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch and PC
  15. During Aniplex Online Fest 2022 they announced an anime adaption for the Light novel original Fate Strange/Fake. It happened around 4 hours and 20 minutes into the event. They presented a trailer movie for the anime and the anime will air on Silvester 2022 in Japan with a simulcast/simuldub in English. RyƓgo Naritas light novel first appeared in January 2015 after it has developed from an april fools idea into the real thing.
  16. I heard many good things about I/O actually, but @NoBirdcageis the expert on that game. I have yet to play anything of their games lol
  17. The Aniplex Online Fest 2022 was celebrated today and they held a near 6 hours long event for it. The event got a ton of interesting moments, industry personalities speaking, voice actors performing among other things that make the otaku's heart flutter greatly. In Fuwanovel's context however, the most relevant section were the six minutes featuring new trailers and announcements during the Aniplex EXE section. Hirahira Hihiru | vndb Atri: My Dear Moments Anime Adaption confirmed The entire event was dubbed into English by interpreters who sometimes struggled with certain proper nouns and Japanese net slang, but there was also a certainly machine translated captions subtrack which you should rather ignore because it just outputted nonsense most of the time. If you have 6 hours of free time, there are a lot more things to enjoy.
  18. @Saikey ask this guy maybe if he can work it into his schedule. My thought is that a Sphere game might be a rare occurence for a localization may it be official or inofficial. There is a Yosuga no Sora & Haruka no Sora project going for about a decade now that recently made some good progress, but I have not heard of plans going beyond that and to translate Imouto no Katachi.
  19. This is so impressively hilarious. I'm laughing my nuts off.
  20. Some cool new announcements that I was not aware of at all. Watamari I knew, but there is a new Sunrider Episode coming and also this Qualia and Clea & Clea game. Also good news on Hoshizora no Memoria Eternal Heart and Clockwork Ley-Line Ep 3.
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