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Everything posted by HataVNI

  1. Just use the normal RegEdit if you know what you are doing. Changing registry keys is usually very dangerous as it could make your PC dysfunctional. You could instead try not installing the game to the same drive, but an external one or the one that your windows isn't on.
  2. The future of the fantranslation scene is bright. More 八方美人 is on the horizon! (Have you ever considered doing Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo or are you just interested in Biman?)
  3. The link is unfortunately dead, but now that we got the complete WA2 translation it is definitely time for someone to create a WA2 walkthrough based on the fan translated version by TodokanaiTL. Maybe the fuwa revival can make this happen... once it happens.
  4. Sayonara o Oshiete ~comment te dire adieu~ is a true masterpiece of psychology. It is unfathomable how relatable that game becomes if you are an insomniac and have some schizo tendencies. But the music, artstyle, the eternal dusk... it is all perfect. One day I will give it the review it deserves, but not yet. I have yet to read it a fifth time.
  5. Ice planet future tokyo. How fun will this be, damn. Also Moogy's projects seem to have run out. Muramasa and Tokyo Necro. Great he still left some legacy over after ye olde TL wiki days.
  6. Idk about Gadget Trial, but there is "Marco and the Galaxy Dragon" which definitely contains some mecha stuff. Also Muramasa got recently localized which has mecha warriors called Tsurugi. And there is also the Demonbane Patch by the Nitroplus Discord. Baldr Sky also exists. There is definitely some new Mecha content and it is all pretty good.
  7. Followed you, looking forward for more blonde girl blogs!
    Especially one about the weeb in ChronoClock.

    1. Yuuko


      sry she sucks

  8. After probably like 30 social events in the last three months I finally finished being social for this year (con season) and now I can finally play games again. Sadly I realized that my hard drive kinda fucked up and all the savedata is dead. Means I gotta start from new for a bunch of my eroge. It does not matter, I'm happy finally having time again to actually pursue this passion instead of playing meta chess guy in the scene. Will keep you updated on what I play once it happens
  9. How about finding new staff? Just hop on the VNInfo discord or similar places and ask around. *Edited the message, because it was unintentionally unfriendly.*
  10. It hasn't been all too long ago since the group AGT released the obscure Vampire Knight DS game with their own English translation and now they did it again with an English patch for the "crazy mad delusional drama" PlayStation Portable game "Bakemonogatari Portable". In case you don't know the Monogatari Series, it is a series of mostly avant-garde Light Novels and other mutlimedia materials of particular franchises created by the - to this day - unknown Nisioisin (pronounced: Nishio Ishin). His works (in particular the Monogatari series) are mostly known due to their stellar anime adaptations by SHAFT Studios, Other nameworthy series of his include Zaregoto, Kubikiri Cycle, Medaka Box or Katanagatari among others. Patch can be procured here:
  11. Grab Spanish players and make them write reviews on steam, talk to spanish/latam curator groups on Steam and post it on twitter. Or get published by Ratalaika/Gamuzumi who are spanish VN companies
  12. Some solid Visual Kei, Doujin Music.. REMINDS ME OF DystopiaGround (AugoEides)
  13. I should finally try those. They are so casual and don't stick out, but the series is alive for so long so I should play them simply ro have more stuff to rec for total VN beginners
  14. That is a solid summary Welcome to another of our manifold projects, but with this one it'll sure require big effort! And welcome back to Fuwanovel
  15. Big thanks! Welcome to you too and I'm looking forward to your posts.
  16. This sounds actually really cool. That a single VN route can evoke such a thoughtprovoking reaction in someone without being pretentious about it. I have to play it some day. I just played the weeb's route once. Douzo lad!
  17. JAST USA will be releasing the crazy insect game "Inyouchuu: Insects of Insemination" by japanese eroge company TinkerBell on the 29th of August in the JAST Store. We were kind of thinking that Tokyo Necro would come before it, but it is what it is. Twitter Link The audience for this game will probably be very interesting to see. There are crazy madmen like Echelon who are the craziest fans of that game series that you can imagine, but I don't think this will be a smash hit - if it doesn't gain some notoriety like Euphoria or other anime with an anime adaptation got. What do you guys think? Will you try it out?
  18. Welcome Theo! Please feel free to make a post about your game in the other boards Fuwanovel greets you with open arms.
  19. If it is non-existent we simply have to build it. No big deal. Gimme a couple months.
  20. Late happy new year. Let's make it the best year for Fuwanovel - 8 months in.
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