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  1. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Dergonu in What language should I learn (NOT japanese or chinese!)?   
    As someone who really enjoys learning new languages, my best tip is: don't ask the internet what you should learn.
    If you don't know anything about a language or the culture it comes from, you have a high chance of not really enjoying the learning process.
    Now I'm not saying experimenting is bad, but you should really only learn something you find interest in. You can learn a language because you like how it sounds, or maybe for a job you just got in. But asking random strangers what language you should learn doesn't seem like a very clever idea.
    Most responses you're going to get are either a) the culture/country is awesome or b) you can get a good job with it. But this applies to the person speaking, not you. You're the one that should decide these matters. Every language has merits, but they will ALWAYS be relative to your criteria, not other people's criteria.
    I always thought German is a pretty cool language, but I do not see how learning it would be useful to me and so I am not spending years learning it and am instead investing my time in things I know will be useful either right now or in the future. You can argue learning something is always useful, but languages take a lot of time to master, and you can never learn all of them, so you'll always have to make a choice of what matters most to you.
    So yeah, think about a language you personally find useful to know, otherwise I think you're likely wasting your time. Unless that was exactly your goal, in which case I suggest learning ancient Greek.
  2. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from DarkZedge in Japanese Prime Minister: Doujinshi Are Safe Under The TPP   
    The TPP is still the worst trade deal to ever come into existence and we can only hope it's burned to the ground, but at the very least Japan has given some reassurance to the doujin market with the following statement by prime minister Abe:
    For those who don't know about the situation yet, some of the TPP's vague clauses could mean doujin artists can be sued without the copyright holder's intervention, which would mean serious harm to an entire industry. The doujin market is important as it is often where up and coming artists and authors start their careers, it's not just a place where fan made porn gets made, and I'm happy Abe, despite not being the greatest human being on Earth, acknowledges this.
    Things could still change, of course, and Japan immediately held a meeting after these remarks to discuss copyright laws, mainly targeting anime hosting sites, but it seems that at least parodies can safely continue to exist for the time being.
    Source: ANN
  3. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from kingdomcome in Japanese Prime Minister: Doujinshi Are Safe Under The TPP   
    The TPP is still the worst trade deal to ever come into existence and we can only hope it's burned to the ground, but at the very least Japan has given some reassurance to the doujin market with the following statement by prime minister Abe:
    For those who don't know about the situation yet, some of the TPP's vague clauses could mean doujin artists can be sued without the copyright holder's intervention, which would mean serious harm to an entire industry. The doujin market is important as it is often where up and coming artists and authors start their careers, it's not just a place where fan made porn gets made, and I'm happy Abe, despite not being the greatest human being on Earth, acknowledges this.
    Things could still change, of course, and Japan immediately held a meeting after these remarks to discuss copyright laws, mainly targeting anime hosting sites, but it seems that at least parodies can safely continue to exist for the time being.
    Source: ANN
  4. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from BookwormOtaku in Japanese Prime Minister: Doujinshi Are Safe Under The TPP   
    The TPP is still the worst trade deal to ever come into existence and we can only hope it's burned to the ground, but at the very least Japan has given some reassurance to the doujin market with the following statement by prime minister Abe:
    For those who don't know about the situation yet, some of the TPP's vague clauses could mean doujin artists can be sued without the copyright holder's intervention, which would mean serious harm to an entire industry. The doujin market is important as it is often where up and coming artists and authors start their careers, it's not just a place where fan made porn gets made, and I'm happy Abe, despite not being the greatest human being on Earth, acknowledges this.
    Things could still change, of course, and Japan immediately held a meeting after these remarks to discuss copyright laws, mainly targeting anime hosting sites, but it seems that at least parodies can safely continue to exist for the time being.
    Source: ANN
  5. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from sanahtlig in Japanese Prime Minister: Doujinshi Are Safe Under The TPP   
    The TPP is still the worst trade deal to ever come into existence and we can only hope it's burned to the ground, but at the very least Japan has given some reassurance to the doujin market with the following statement by prime minister Abe:
    For those who don't know about the situation yet, some of the TPP's vague clauses could mean doujin artists can be sued without the copyright holder's intervention, which would mean serious harm to an entire industry. The doujin market is important as it is often where up and coming artists and authors start their careers, it's not just a place where fan made porn gets made, and I'm happy Abe, despite not being the greatest human being on Earth, acknowledges this.
    Things could still change, of course, and Japan immediately held a meeting after these remarks to discuss copyright laws, mainly targeting anime hosting sites, but it seems that at least parodies can safely continue to exist for the time being.
    Source: ANN
  6. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Dergonu in Tsui Yuri ~Okaa-san ni wa Naisho da yo~ Translation project -   
    I take no responsibility for this, but you will be banned if you don't complete it.
  7. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from SilverLi in Tsui Yuri ~Okaa-san ni wa Naisho da yo~ Translation project -   
    I take no responsibility for this, but you will be banned if you don't complete it.
  8. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Jade in Tsui Yuri ~Okaa-san ni wa Naisho da yo~ Translation project -   
    I take no responsibility for this, but you will be banned if you don't complete it.
  9. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from mitchhamilton in Tsui Yuri ~Okaa-san ni wa Naisho da yo~ Translation project -   
    I take no responsibility for this, but you will be banned if you don't complete it.
  10. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Zakamutt in Tsui Yuri ~Okaa-san ni wa Naisho da yo~ Translation project -   
    I take no responsibility for this, but you will be banned if you don't complete it.
  11. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from XReaper in Tsui Yuri ~Okaa-san ni wa Naisho da yo~ Translation project -   
    I take no responsibility for this, but you will be banned if you don't complete it.
  12. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Jun Inoue in Spring 2016 Anime Discussion   
    This is not about being gay or not, it's about deifying the god that is Sakamoto.
  13. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Zakamutt in 4/9/2016 - Bugs/Error Reporting   
    There's a  emoticon
    Fuwanovel is over. We can all go home now.
  14. Like
    Nosebleed reacted to Fred the Barber in If My Heart Had Wings(I know, I'm a little slow with VNs)   
    This is all spot-on, but even as bad as it sounds, this is only half the problem - I think I could've gotten along ok with the censorship and rewrite and not been that upset by it, but the Engrish is way worse than it was even in Kotori's route. I had to work hard to puzzle out a lot of the text, and at times I simply gave up on understanding what the horrible translator intended to say in a whole given line.
  15. Like
    Nosebleed reacted to Nayleen in 4/9/2016 - Bugs/Error Reporting   
    Saw it too, but you guys probably know the answer to that one, right? Right...?
  16. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from starlessn1ght in If My Heart Had Wings(I know, I'm a little slow with VNs)   
    Ageha was the best grill, it's just a shame Moenovel butchered her route </3
    I actually didn't enjoy Kotori's route that much. She was fine as a character, but I found her route to be the most... bland? It wasn't bad per se, but I felt like it paled in comparison to the rest, but maybe it's just because I didn't create a sweet spot for Kotori.
  17. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Fred the Barber in JAST USA is doubling down... on SoniComi?   
    I think it's a nice addition for those that like that sort of thing, and considering it's optional there's no reason to be upset either way.
    As for whether or not I'll be using the feature though...

  18. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Kei kun in Dracu-Riot! Completion Project   
    Dracu-Riot! Completion Project
    Project Info:
    As i said in a previous post, if the Dracu-Riot scripts were released, I will translate Miu's route, and that's exactly what I'm announcing in this thread.
    But I'm not alone in this crusade, I've partnered with the wonderful people at The Oxford Comma is Superior Subs so we can deliver the best possible final product and lay the Dracu-Riot memes to rest. We also got several people from the Fuwanovel community to help speed up things even more.
    How is the project going to go down, you ask. Well you can read this post if you want detailed info, but the tl;dr version is that we are aiming to release multiple patches.
    The first patch aims to translate the remainder of Miu's route as well as any remaining untranslated content (images, menus, etc.) with complete editing to polish the current patch.
    We are going to try and release this in about 2 months, if everything goes according to plan.
    The second patch is meant to be more heavily translation checked as that's when Fiddle has enough free time to go over the whole game.
    There is no ETA for this second patch.
    This doesn't mean the first patch will be terrible, we will of course strive for a good product, but we would still like to inform you of our schedule. If we waited for Fiddle to be completely free, it would take much more time to release Miu's route, and so we've decided to do it this way.
    I hope you look forward to future updates.
    Why not just make a Miu partial patch, why do you want to go over the whole game?
    There are actually 3 main reasons for this:
    The first and biggest one is that Insem's patch only works with the physical version of Dracu-Riot! which is very hard to get in the West and we want to make a new patch that works on both the physical and digital versions of the game, this way people can purchase the digital version and patch it, thus supporting Yuzusoft. The second one is that we want to americanize the writing style as well as make sure everything is edited properly, because Insem didn't have time to finish the whole thing. The last one is translation checking. Although we don't doubt Insem's abilities, we really want to try and make sure the translation is accurate. We also want to include translation notes in the game. Only 2 months? That seems way too fast.
    2 months is indeed fast, if we were translating the entire game, but we're actually only translating about 4,000 lines and we're splitting those lines between two main translators, this will hopefully make that 2 month deadline possible.
    Please do note we will not jeopardize translation quality for the sake of reaching the deadline. If we can not make it in time, we will delay the release until we're satisfied with the end result.
    Will the translation have memes?
    Yes, but only the dankest ones.
    Why aren't The Oxford Comma people making the announcement here?
    So I can get those sweet, sweet internet points.
    I want to help!
    Contact @Fiddle and beat him in a pipe bag showdown (plaid skirt is mandatory).
  19. Like
  20. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from RazoR in Dracu-Riot! Completion Project   
    Dracu-Riot! Completion Project
    Project Info:
    As i said in a previous post, if the Dracu-Riot scripts were released, I will translate Miu's route, and that's exactly what I'm announcing in this thread.
    But I'm not alone in this crusade, I've partnered with the wonderful people at The Oxford Comma is Superior Subs so we can deliver the best possible final product and lay the Dracu-Riot memes to rest. We also got several people from the Fuwanovel community to help speed up things even more.
    How is the project going to go down, you ask. Well you can read this post if you want detailed info, but the tl;dr version is that we are aiming to release multiple patches.
    The first patch aims to translate the remainder of Miu's route as well as any remaining untranslated content (images, menus, etc.) with complete editing to polish the current patch.
    We are going to try and release this in about 2 months, if everything goes according to plan.
    The second patch is meant to be more heavily translation checked as that's when Fiddle has enough free time to go over the whole game.
    There is no ETA for this second patch.
    This doesn't mean the first patch will be terrible, we will of course strive for a good product, but we would still like to inform you of our schedule. If we waited for Fiddle to be completely free, it would take much more time to release Miu's route, and so we've decided to do it this way.
    I hope you look forward to future updates.
    Why not just make a Miu partial patch, why do you want to go over the whole game?
    There are actually 3 main reasons for this:
    The first and biggest one is that Insem's patch only works with the physical version of Dracu-Riot! which is very hard to get in the West and we want to make a new patch that works on both the physical and digital versions of the game, this way people can purchase the digital version and patch it, thus supporting Yuzusoft. The second one is that we want to americanize the writing style as well as make sure everything is edited properly, because Insem didn't have time to finish the whole thing. The last one is translation checking. Although we don't doubt Insem's abilities, we really want to try and make sure the translation is accurate. We also want to include translation notes in the game. Only 2 months? That seems way too fast.
    2 months is indeed fast, if we were translating the entire game, but we're actually only translating about 4,000 lines and we're splitting those lines between two main translators, this will hopefully make that 2 month deadline possible.
    Please do note we will not jeopardize translation quality for the sake of reaching the deadline. If we can not make it in time, we will delay the release until we're satisfied with the end result.
    Will the translation have memes?
    Yes, but only the dankest ones.
    Why aren't The Oxford Comma people making the announcement here?
    So I can get those sweet, sweet internet points.
    I want to help!
    Contact @Fiddle and beat him in a pipe bag showdown (plaid skirt is mandatory).
  21. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Suzu Fanatic in Sukimazakura to Uso no Machi on Steam?   
    You clearly don't visit Steam Greenlight regularly.
    There was a person trying to greenlight Minecraft before.
    There was even a case where a developer was going to publish his own game on Greenlight, but somebody else stole it and uploaded it there, screwing over the developer's plans.
    Steam Greenlight's lack of control is a huge issue that's been going on forever, and Valve doesn't seem to care.
  22. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Dergonu in Spring 2016 Anime Discussion   
    Pan de Peace also has a lot of yuri vibes, if you're interested.
  23. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Gibberish in HunieCam Studio Hype and Discussion (Released!)   
    Alright, played this for like... half an hour?
    When the devs said this was a resource management game... they weren't kidding around.
    Like, I actually struggled to get started early on because there's a LOT of elements to take in. I might even start a new game because holy shit the first one was hell initially.
    Basic run down of the mechanics:
    You scout a girl and put her on a sidebar where all the girls you have are listed.
    You can drag the girl to several places on a map to make her do different actions.
    These are all the actions you can do with your girls:
    Stream online (earns you money) Do a photoshoot (earns your girl fans) Scout (gives you the ability to get one more girl out of 3 random ones) Do a strip club show (Earns talent for your girl) Go to the mall (Earns your girl style points) Go to the adult store (Lets you buy random items) Go to the liquor shop (lets you buy alcohol) Go to the cigarette shop (lets you buy cigs) Go to the spa (clears the girls' stress levels) If you're thinking: "Holy fucking shit what are all those things", that's okay, because that's how I reacted as well. All of these are a variable in your game and they factor in what your next move should be.
    Oh, and did I mention you have to physically click on stuff to collect it? Yes, that's right, you need to click on the cash to get it, and each click is $1 without any upgrades, meaning if you earn 50 dollars you need to click 50 times to collect it. You can also hold down the mouse button, but I found it to be a bit slower.
    But we're not done yet!
    Each girl has the following attributes:
    Hourly wage (increases the more talent/style they have). It's LITERALLY hourly, you have to do the math and calculate how much you're going to end up paying for the girls after 24 hours. Fans. Basically the amount of fans they have, the more they do the more money they'll earn online. You earn fans by doing photoshoots, which you have to pay the girls for. Fetishes. Each girl fills a specific fetish type and you have a pie chart with the amount of fans that like each specific fetish, so you want to invest on the girls that fullfill your fans' fetishes the most. Cigarette and Alcohol consumption. Some girls drink, some smoke, some do both, some do none, and the frequency degree varies from "Sometimes" to "Addicted" and you NEED to keep it in check. Stress. The more work you put them through, the more stressed they get, until they reach the point where they can't work anymore and you have to drop them off at the spa. Items. Girls can hold items and the items do different things. Well that's a lot of stuff isn't it? BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE.
    These are just the basic mechanics, you need to grow your business in order to make the big bucks, and in order to do that you have to save money to invest back in the business. Here's all the things you can do in that end:
    Increase the amount of girls you can have on the sidebar (you start with just ONE) Increase the amount of money earned Increase the amount of fans earned Increase the amount of money earned per click Increase the amount of fans earned per click Increase the amount of talent earned per click Increase the amount of style earned per click Auto collect stuff every X minutes Increase each buildings' capacitiy (no upgrades means a building can only hold 2 girls at once) And you know what the best part is?
    The clock is constantly ticking! So you do need to think quickly, although not doing anything will NOT make you lose anything either, it just means you're wasting time (there's a 21 day deadline to meet).
    I'm probably leaving out some stuff due to the amount of mechanics involved, but if you're llooking for a serious management game, this is actually not half bad.
    The one thing I'm uncertain about is if there's any sort of reward at the end, because so far all I've done is click around and earn all dat sweet cash. I'm sure there will be SOMETHING.
    Also still haven't gotten Audrey on my scouts which sucks. 
    Well, that's it for now, I'll waste more of my time on the game tomorrow.
  24. Like
    Nosebleed reacted to Dergonu in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    Here, this is kind of adorable:

  25. Like
    Nosebleed got a reaction from Dergonu in Birthday thread   
    Damn, you're a year older than me, doesn't feel like that at all.
    Happy birthday @Dergonu, hope you have a good one.
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