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john 'mr. customer' smith

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    john 'mr. customer' smith reacted to sanahtlig in Decay's Superlative Sekai Project Interview   
    I'm actually rather fond of Decay's typical demeanor.
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    john 'mr. customer' smith got a reaction from Zebhra in Post pics you like (Powered by Jun Inoue™)   
    I just realized this topic has 34 followers. 

  5. Like
    john 'mr. customer' smith got a reaction from seventhfonist425 in Post pics you like (Powered by Jun Inoue™)   
    I just realized this topic has 34 followers. 

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    john 'mr. customer' smith reacted to Arcadeotic in Wishful Localization Dreams   
    Fairytale Requiem is one of the most artistic and obscure VNs I've ever seen.
    It literally looks like a children's storybook, so I doubt it'd sell, considering how well 'artistic' VNs sell in the West.
    But even so I'd be glad as all hell if it happens, but I doubt it.
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    john 'mr. customer' smith got a reaction from Makudomi in For 3.99$ you can get 4 sakura games   
    So this is what one would call a circlejerk, eh? interesting...
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    john 'mr. customer' smith got a reaction from Kawasumi in Wishful Localization Dreams   
    Wait, are we just talking about localizing games other than vns here?
    If so, don't care, I have steam
    If not, fairytale requiem, because I LOVE the visual style, but it's probably too weird and un-nukigelike for MG to even consider picking it up
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    john 'mr. customer' smith reacted to LiquidShu in Sup Fuwa, It's Been Two Years / AMA   
    It's been two years since I first read Katawa Shoujo and joined Fuwanovel, and holy fuck does it feel like time flies. I remember posting my introduction thread, not really sure what to expect and honestly kinda nervous for whatever reason. Looking back at that thread I remember I would get so excited every time someone posted a comment  A lot of the members are still on Fuwanovel as well Maef, Asonn, Nosebleed, Dim, Nohman, Monmon, Rose, Flutterz, Emi, Funy, and shcboomer and others all posted and welcomed me to the community which was just really awesome. Asonn would later make the signature I use everywhere to this day, which I am super grateful for. Monmon and I were pretty close friends for a while there. I would stay up super late to message him and talk about anything really, it was just fun. Unfortunately I haven't kept in touch with him lately Maef introduced me to Go, which has become one of my main hobbies right now. Then everyone else I have always wanted to really get to know and participate in more conversations with, but that didn't happen too often. Hopefully this year I can finally change that (though I suppose I would actually need to post more often ).
    There's a lot I want to say but I can't really put it into words. That statement applies to both how I feel now and how I have felt many times in the past on this site. I would always want to write an in-depth summary of my thoughts on VN's or anime or anything else but I've always had trouble. It seemed Rooke, Nosebleed, Rose, Sanah, and others could just do it and I was always so excited about whatever I had to say that's all I could think about  Not to say this is a bad thing, on the contrary, I still look up to a lot of members on this site. At times it even made me not want to post since it would just be a bunch of mumbo jumbo hype. For awhile now I've wanted to improve on this but never took the initiative to do so, which is something I really want to change about myself for sure. Just these past four months I've lost 42 pounds! I've been pushing myself and pushing myself in regards to my health and I don't see why I can't when it comes to being able to better express myself now either. 
    I really love this site and community. There was one time when Tay messaged me last year, just something really simple. I was having a rough time and he messages me saying "Hope you're taking care of yourself. You've got lots of friends 'round here, so don't be afraid to speak up if we can help." and man that was just awesome, it even kinda makes me tear up now. Even when I didn't post a lot, kinda like right now, Fuwanovel has always been a part of my day one way or another. It's even been my homepage for the last two years. I really love it and I've tried to put the best quality me out there but that didn't happen very often, but that means I'm just being myself I guess. I've been hypocritical, on the fence, excited as all hell, and sometimes afraid to speak my mind since I have a habit of changing it more often than not, but that's just what I do. 
    I'm sure I can type up more but I'll be sticking around for awhile longer, so I have time to throw out more thoughts as I go  The last part of this is just going to be an AMA since I have never done one before. If anyone feels like asking a question go for it~ If not oh well 
    Have an Inori 

    I especially want to thank @Tay and all the other mods that help keep this site running! As well as anyone who welcomed me and has continued to on Fuwanovel, you all mean a lot! 
    P.S My official two years is 5/25/16 (tomorrow at the time of posting) but since I will be super busy tomorrow I wanted to make sure this goes up before I go to bed.
    P.S.S It can't be Fuwanovel without  
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    john 'mr. customer' smith reacted to Decay in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," eternally wise words that apply to all life scenarios. The problem is that you think Fuwanovel is critically damaged and in need of repairs. The truth is that it's actually kinda fine! If you attempt to fix something that isn't broken, you're bound to fail and end up worse off than you were before. Fuwanovel is at worse a bit slower than it used to be, and in reality is simply different from what you were used to in early 2014. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. You seem to find it really hard adapting to the current Fuwanovel, and because of this, you have deemed the site necessary to be "saved." Furthermore, you seem to have deemed yourself the only person worthy of this task, rarely ever working with anyone else to accomplish your goals. There's a whole community of members here who would love for fuwanovel to become a better place and are willing to put in the effort to try and make it happen. Some of us are already doing it. I'm doing it in the only way I know how, basically with my writing. So if I was to give some reason for why things turned out this way for you, they're 1) an overestimation of the severity of Fuwanovel's peril combined with a selfish viewpoint where it must be you who is the savior, instead of a mere cog in the machine helping things along, and 2) an unwillingness to work with everyone else who wants to make Fuwanovel a better place.
    I still don't know what your vision of Fuwanovel is, after all this time. I really can't tell what goals you were working towards. And that's a problem, when you're trying to be an almighty savior. If it's "a bustling community where OriginalRen is at the center, beloved by all," that's not a cause we need a savior for, frankly. And if that wasn't your goal, then I'm not entirely sure what your actions were meant to accomplish. Maybe you don't even realize it yourself, but that's the only future your actions were working towards. It didn't pan out because it's this forum does not seem interested in idolizing any single member. Sometimes communities evolve in ways you don't agree with. It's not always a bad thing, and usually it's best to just move on when that happens. It doesn't mean the forum needs to be "saved," it just means it's a different place now. That's okay.
    I hope things work out for you. Take it easy, buddy.
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    john 'mr. customer' smith got a reaction from XReaper in Rondo Duo -Fortissimo at Dawn- PunyuPuri ff - 100% PATCH released   
    I'm 5 minutes in and I have to say, those animations, just wow. it's like every character is made of jelly, it's hilarious
    Apart from that though, it's pretty good
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    john 'mr. customer' smith got a reaction from Templarseeker in Post pics you like (Powered by Jun Inoue™)   
    slightly nsfw. also beautiful
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    john 'mr. customer' smith reacted to Decay in Anime Central Speculation and Announcement Thread   
    If you don't think Ixrec's translation is worth reading, then don't read it. If you think it is, then pay for it if you can. I'm not sure how you can justify any other argument.
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    john 'mr. customer' smith reacted to Mr Poltroon in A VN without any text at all   
    I'm not sure it exists, but it's entirely possible to tell a story with images, sound effects and music alone. In VN format it'll probably end up looking like a prettied up slide show, however.
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    john 'mr. customer' smith reacted to Chronopolis in Mahou Shoujo Translation Project   
    Mahou Shoujo (Mahosho) Translation Project

    TL: 11/40 Chapters (updated 2/28/2016)
    Editing: ~3/40 Chapters
    QC: 1/40

    You can always check the Live Progress Report on google docs. That page will always be up to date.
    Project Introduction
      Game info (and screenshots)
    Looking for: None at the moment
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    john 'mr. customer' smith reacted to Flutterz in Hentai   
    Urine-sane, both of you
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    john 'mr. customer' smith reacted to Hanako in Tell us about your inexplicable mental associations   
    The french word for cat is "chat" so everytime I see "dead chat" I check my cat  
    Also we I buy something I don't look how much I pay but how many manga I could have bought with this money which lead to some situation where I say "I bought 2 manga of drink"  
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    john 'mr. customer' smith reacted to Valmore in Any High School Romance Visual Novels?   
    You are evil and I will hire a Dutch hooker to kick you in the shins via PayPal. 
    Don't take that seriously, we all know Dutch hookers only take Bitcoin anyway.
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    john 'mr. customer' smith got a reaction from Fiddle in Any High School Romance Visual Novels?   
    Highschool Romance
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    john 'mr. customer' smith reacted to Deep Blue in Birthday thread   
    Happy birthday john, have a great day!
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    john 'mr. customer' smith reacted to Kosakyun in Birthday thread   
    Happy Birthday, @john 'mr. customer' smith!
    I hope you have a great day.
    I love your name, btw.
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    john 'mr. customer' smith reacted to Arcadeotic in Birthday thread   
    Happy Birthday @john 'mr. customer' smith
    Haven't really interacted with you, but for what it's worth, I think you're an interesting fellow
    Have a good one
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