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Everything posted by Dergonu

  1. Ey, I just hit 4000 posts, or should I say, I'm only 10283 posts away from Nosebleed's disgusting post count. Wohoo. Totally going to beat that in like... 2 weeks. Totally. I'd like to take this moment to thank some special people here on Fuwanovel. @Fiddle For being the best user. @Fiddle For being the funniest user. @Fiddle For being the best at posting funny gifs, even in the most serious of discussions. @Fiddle For being the best AND the funniest user. ... ... ... Yeah, that seems to be everyone! Oh, right, AMA and all that. Ask me stuff!
  2. License cucking isn’t super rare in this industry, so it’s definitely possible. It really just depends on the relationship between the original licensor and the JP company. (And potential contracts for exclusivity, but these are rare.)
  3. I live here, and things are extremely quiet. There are almost no new cases here daily now. Things are basically back to normal at this point. A friend of mine is a nurse, and she says she's basically just working normal hours now. They don't get many new cases at all, and don't seem to be struggling with space or anything like that. (She works at a big hospital in the middle of Tokyo.) So yeah, no need to be worried about us at all. The rest of the world has it much, much worse. Japan has been able to handle the situation very well.
  4. Hey man, long time no see! The place has been pretty quiet since you and many other old timers vanished. Nice to see you back. Hope you stick around. I don't think anyone is beating your post count any time soon Damn hacker w
  5. Since you said preferably and not only translated, here. This one is great. Everything from AA to Z-cups, (yup, Z,) with most of the cast having some pretty huge sizes. There's also this one, which also has a Z-cup heroine in it. Neither game really requires a lot of zealous reading, so you can get by with... "reading"
  6. Oh yes, I'd love to see that translated. One of my favorite games. I'm also just getting started on a re-play of Beat Valkyrie Ixseal, and I'm reminded how much I love the Beat series from Alice Soft. Hoping MG will do Ixseal some day, after they release Escalayer.
  7. I’ve gotten pretty tired of the standard school setting moege style myself too. I can only enjoy some of it in small amounts at a time nowadays.
  8. As someone who often buys VNs specifically for the H I’d say I qualify. I don’t talk too much about it in English communities as a lot of people in them are like you said kind of against that type of content in VNs in general, so there’s not much of a discussion to be had about it here. I also read mainly untranslated games, which will make me seem like that annoying dude only linking to content other people can’t read if I share screenshots etc from the scenes I like. (Which I do have a lot of. ) I chat about some of this stuff in Discords where I know there are other people who are perverts like me, I guess, lol. I wish H in VNs was as well accepted and talked about in the west as in Japan, but a lot of people here just don’t like it. And since the western VN scene is specifically built in a way where people can genuinely buy eroge without H content, it makes it even easier for people to avoid the topic, as they can unironically play porn games without the porn. I think the "buy the game, apply the ‘patch’ if you want" system is one reason why porn in VNs is less talked about here. People actually see it as an optional feature here, unlike in Japan where 80% of VNs will just have H by default. Tl;dr blame western publishers and their dumb practices w
  9. The first trailer on the steam page opens with "Sakuragame", so yeah, definitely them. I remember looking into this game a while back because someone said it has guro. (It does not. There is one very short scene with a bit of blood, I guess...) It also has stolen art, from what I remember. Among Sakuragame’s titles it is the translation with the best quality, but that’s not saying much, considering everything they do is just put through google translate then slapped on Steam. I would personally strongly advise against supporting them and their shady practices.
  10. Confession: My girlfriend left her sweater in my apartment, and I have picked it up to smell it on multiple occasions now. (/ω\)
  11. Aoi Sora no Camus. Such a beautiful game. Kai has mainly released magical girl x tentacle nukige with some decent story on the side in the past, so this character based heavy psychological horror game, (that’s a mouthful,) coming from them really surprised me. The game had me thinking about the ending and how beautiful of a story it was for several days after I finished it. It’s one of those games I’d love to wipe my memory off so I can experience it for the first time again.
  12. Heh, actually they are quite challenging to work on specifically because so much of the scenarios are porn. I need to bring out the character traits and so on in the H-scenes since they are the primary bulk of the games, so I can’t just skip through the lines adding a dick here and a pussy there. So the H parts usually take more effort than the non-H parts. Also, since I know what people come for in our games is the porn, I want to make sure it reads as well as I can make it, which is another reason I want to avoid rushing through them. The writer for these games sadly likes to re-use a lot of the same tropes, so it's hard to make the translation revolutionary, but I've been getting better at mixing up the translation for these in our recent titles. I think the quality of our releases in 2020 will be much higher than what we had in 2019, both in terms of development and translation. Edit: Oh and we try to release one game a month, by the way. So yes, we do release a lot of games! Something for everyone, hopefully.
  13. Specific releases I'm looking forward to this year are the new In'Youchuu game coming in March, Shuffle 2 and Saleté that's coming this month. There's also a new ZION nukige coming this month that seems fun, heh. I also hope the new Inre game will be coming this year, but there's no news on it yet beyond the announcement that was made last year, so not sure about that one. Fingers crossed.
  14. Are we talking translations, or just general untranslated games? If so, there's literally like 30 coming out each month. (Usually the last Friday of each month.)
  15. This is a very helpful thread, so I went ahead and pinned it! Good work @NowItsAngeTime!
  16. Happy New Year! Insert what did you get for Christmas this year joke.
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