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Everything posted by Dergonu

  1. Yes, it was a game I hoped I’d be able to translate myself one day, actually. Oh well. It’s cute and fun. Definitely has more substance than something like Sisterly Bliss, despite being about the same length. So yeah, it’s good stuff.
  2. That is our stance on officially localized games. You will have more luck talking to the devs than people here, most likely.
  3. It will be a LOT easier for you to simply download soft denchi and logging in to the DRM. It's only a one time log in, and not difficult at all. The program will just do its thing in the background, without you needing to do anything.
  4. It does a decent job at rushing through the VN. It's not spectacular, but it covers the most important parts, whilst adding some original stuff here and there. If reading the VN just isn't on the table, then I'd recommend checking out the anime. But if you think you might read it sometime, don't watch the anime, as it will spoil a lot of the VN and take some of the enjoyment out when you do get to reading it.
  5. A belated happy birthday to @NowItsAngeTime!
  6. If the backer status is no longer a thing, maybe we could make this a post count goal, similar to custom titles. Incentivize people to post more to get the cool stuff.
  7. This for sure. Always find these so annoying. It just feels like a forced way to introduce drama just for the sake of it.
  8. A lot of Frontwing’s "older" games are like that. Pure Girl and Innocent Girl are the same. Tons of goofy humor and lots of H. It was kind of their thing before. Jibril also has lots of H if I remember correctly. That’s always been the rage in Japan, after all, which used to be their only big audience. Only after they made their western branch did they start moving towards all-ages/ "optional" H content.
  9. Note that the game on steam is cut extremely heavily, just like with Subahibi, so you need the patch to actually play the game properly.
  10. This is extremely inaccurate. If 5 cents per moji was standard in VN translations you’d hear a lot less complaints about bad pay, lol. NDAs are a thing, so I can’t mention specifics, but uh, think like... a lot less than that. If you want the low end think a LOT lower than that. Like, jesus, where did that number even come from. I want in on that shit.
  11. I know right! Shocker, huh! Thank you~ Thank you! Thank you! Don't remind me! I'M HALFWAY TO 50 NOW, SRJSRELGKJSELRKG!
  12. Started watching critical role. With 115 episodes, all 3-4 hours each, it's uh... well, it's time consuming, lol. I think someone said watching it all takes 52 full days, and that's just the first campaign! (So worth it though, it's fucking dope.) It has also peaked my own interest in d&d, and I'm considering getting into it myself, which would also be another big time sink to distract myself with. Oh and work. I'm doing a lot more work than normal each day now. Actually finishing quite a while before deadlines is a new feeling, lol. Feels pretty good.
  13. The protagonist has the most voiced lines in the whole game usually, since he is present in all routes, and 99% of all scenes. So, voicing him would cost a truck load of money, on top of the cost of the female VAs doing the heroines. Then add in the fact that a lot of people who want to self insert mute the male MC anyways, and you have a very cost inefficient system. So just leaving him un-voiced is a quick fix to save costs without really losing much interest from customers, as a lot of them want him un-voiced anyways.
  14. Ah yes, good question. I recently broke a rib, and my gf is on vacation atm, so I’ve been trying to develop psychic powers to do it, but to no avail. So far! Never say never.
  15. Yes, I did not enjoy it at all at first. Or so I thought at least. It took several months, and many experiments testing out somewhat tamer VNs and doujins, such as Euphoria and HAL doujins. Definitely took months before I could enjoy it from when I first entertained the idea of trying it out.
  16. I wouldn't really say so. There's specific fetishes I don't really enjoy, but no one game has been too extreme for me so far, and I don't think anything will be, tbh. If I were to avoid a game, it would just be because I find certain types of scenes boring or uninteresting. Maggot Baits is an example of a VN where most scenes don't interest me, due to how overly detailed they are. I just find the weirdly fetishized focus on details kind of uninteresting. Half the text in most scenes is just info dumps about human anatomy, essentially, with very little focus on actual guro, which requires some actual erotic elements to apply. The game is fairly non-erotic in almost all its guro scenes. This is intentional, of course, and I'm not saying the game is bad for this, but this is a style of guro I'm less interested in personally. I am also unable to enjoy the guro in games where I am very emotionally attached to characters. Chrono Box is a good example. On paper it has some great guro scenes, but I actually got nauseous reading them due to the emotional connection I had to the characters in the scenes. I can think of no tags that would make me avoid a VN other than BL/ Yaoi, which is not really related to guro at all.
  17. Yes, actually! It wasn’t really intentional, but I was IP banned for about 1 day. I made an alt account, and since this is kind of frowned upon and I was openly posting on both, Nayleen wanted to merge the two, though in the process accidentaly blocked me from accessing the site completely, and I had to borrow a friend’s internet to make yet another alt, PM Nay and have him fix it Fun fact, this is also the reason I currently have a pretty unique account that is following itself. Twice. Lol. (This happened when the alts were merged with my account, while still following myself.)
  18. Because small faces are the best and you know it.
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