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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. Just now, DarkZedge said:

    Aw you beat me to being the first one to greet -crosses arms and pouts- not like i wanted to get here first or anything!

    Anyways jokes aside, Welcome to Fuwa, enjoy your time here and feel free to ask anything.

    Hooo :makina:

    My instant reply reflexes are unmatched young one.

    B-But its not like I sit here waiting for people to post stuff or anything! I just happened to catch a glimpse of it, thats all! D-Don't get the wrong idea!

  2. 14 minutes ago, DarkZedge said:

    Some people just don't understand the appeal or even what it is about...they just see the eroge bits and go "it's porn wtf hurr durr" and in reality plenty of Vn's don't havea drop of eroge in them and are outstanding and the ones that do have it's usually in the context of the game or route itself, so it's not just sex for sex sake in the game ( though there are those kind of games and vn's too, we all know that too :makina:)

    But i do understand where you're coming from since i've had that happen too trying to get a couple of friends into vn's and having them go wtf was that...not everyone is fit for vn's no matter how much we wish they were so we could talk and share to more people our enjoyment of them. Basically Narrow minded people (No offense to anyone who may have an acquaintance like that, i do have some myself) Just go it's porn or something of the like without really giving it a chance or understanding what it's supposed to be which as you said it really is sad.


    Very well said.

    It's true, and kind of annoying; some people are very close minded and wont listen to explenations about what it is. They just look at one element and judge it based off that. In eroge's case, that is the ero part. They see an H-scene, call it disgusting and move on. Of course, if one is to make a counter argument, for example let's use Game of Thrones, people will just go "No thats different!"

    Kind of irritating. But hey, who cares. We don't need those close minded people in our community anyways :P

    Actually did recruit my friend to VNs a few months ago and he is like uber fond of them now. Of course he reads like a word per minute so he has read like one and a half, but hey, cool to have someone IRL I can talk to about VNs.

  3. To be honest I have no idea where a thread like this is suposed to go so I just chucked it in here.

    Basically, I'm playing G-senjou no Maou on steam, (Thank you sekai project for cropping CGs AND removing H-content :makina: )

    Also have my Japanese copy and kind of want to skim through the H- Scenes and CGs etc in the original game but cant be asked to CTRL through the entire game, so...

    Does anyone have a 100% save file I could have?

  4. 8 minutes ago, NukeExplodes said:

    Ever 17 was a visual novel I really wanted to play ever since I began my cruise towards the visual novel world with Umineko. It is the second oldest visual novel I've played,the oldest one being Tsukihime. It fascinated me when I read the synopsis,so after finishing Killer Queen,I tackled it as my first game of 2016. I finished it in 10 days and now I am ready to review it.But before I actually delve into the good and the bad of Ever 17,I need to ...

    T-Too be continued? :pyaa:

    Feel like something is missing from this thread :michiru:

  5. Well, Princess Evangile is a great one. It's light, funny, has great art and its well written.

    A few others that I think would be good:

    https://vndb.org/v5240 Ikinari anata ni koishiteiru

    https://vndb.org/v28 - Shuffle!

    There is like 90000000 more that fits the criteria, but I'd at least consider those.

    4 minutes ago, Funyarinpa said:


    Grisaia no Kajitsu

    Grisaia no Kajitsu is fantastic, but do keep in mind that it has VERY heavy moments as well. So just be prepared for that.

  6. Chapter 4 is now finished and uploaded, and a new, big update was done to the PDF. It is now higher quality, has been edited roughly, and has a sketch of the character Kitsune added! Also added an overview and afterword/update page to it. Thanks so much to Melowbee for making the scetch! It's absolutely perfect!

    Forgetful Frank has come aboard and will start editing the book. Thank you so much for that :D

    Everyone, know that my horrible grammar mistakes will now finally be purged from this planet! :pyaa: 

    Chapter 5 is in progress and will hopefully be done soon. That's it, thanks for reading :sachi:

  7. Just now, Nightmare799 said:


    That still wont help the fact the quality of writing is deteriorating as the time goes on. There is way too much moe crap flooding the market, dampening out the VN with actual good writing.


    TBH I find myself currently having nothing decent to read. Finding a VN that has at least equal amount of male and female characters of decent quality is proving to be impossible lately. Same with anime actually, the only decent thing that got my attention is the Monster and that is pretty aged already.

    Well of course, but there really isn't much we can do to make the people who creates the VN write better stuff :makina:...


    3 minutes ago, Toranth said:

    Piracy is a problem, yes, but a far bigger problem is that the industry overexpanded and dropped significantly in quality the past few years.  Like the anime industry, I expect we'll see a period of contraction as lesser companies and fringe studios go out of business.  When the market stabilizes, more new studios will appear, there'll be more new and interesting games, and the industry will grow again (until the next bust cycle).

    Remember, 2015 averaged 75-100 mid to major releases a month, with that many or more little doujin releases added on.  That's still a LOT of games.

    This is true, yes. But we need to remember that even if a bunch of big releases comes out and no one actually pays for them, the companies will be reluctant to release more in the future. Piracy is a huge issue, because if we just download the game illegaly and then go "oh yea it was good" and move on, the people who made the game gains nothing.

  8. 2 minutes ago, DarkZedge said:

    Basically i've heard there has been a partial patch released but in contrast i've also heard that the translation was stalled since the translator in charge retired, does anyone know what it's going on with this vn's translation or wether or not it'll be completed? i really want to play this one since i've heard great things about it.

    I appreciate any information, thanks :sachi:

    From the translators homepage:


    ". If, by 1st December there are no active or meaningful attempts at translating Miu’s route, I may come out of retirement to work on her route. However, the likelihood of me finding time to work on the game will only decrease year by year. In light of this, if I am unable to give one last attempt at the end of the year, we will stop beating the dead horse, release the remaining routes, and announce the official death of the project."


    It was posted 2013, and there has been no updates that I can see, so I would guess this means the partial patch which contains: prologue, common, and Elina routes, is what you get, at least for the moment.

  9. 12 minutes ago, poplarbrook said:

    Adult game market in 2014 has declined by 6.4% and the size was 19.1 billion yen. Piracy, decrease of numbers of developer and content contribute to this trend. The market is expected to decline but not as sharply as a few years ago. (Well, strangely, Yano's otaku market report 13 says the size of adult game market in 2013 was 18.8 billion yen...)


    I was expecting something along those lines but it still sucks to hear it. Piracy really is killing this industry.

    4 minutes ago, Nightmare799 said:

    Maybe those games would sell better if stuff like devil on the G-string, fate/stay night, or fruit of grisaia kept coming out, and if they gave those titles official support in west along with purchase platform.

    Yeah if more and more games kept on flowing into the western market, I would at least hope that it would help the industry somewhat. On that note, we have seen a decent amount of in house translations or simultaneous English / Japanese releases recently. I hope that this trend will continue.


    I guess for what we can do to help it comes down to buying games legally, even if that means butchering out wallets with third part shipping costs, and helping out kickstarters and translation projects when they launch.

  10. 9 minutes ago, CeruleanGamer said:

    I was a literature minor when I was in college, so I kinda had to practice reading fast because my literature classes required a lot of reading... Fast reading will come to you if you actually keep track of your progress. I used the pen/index finger tracking to slightly increase as well as measure my reading speed. By moving the pen/finger across each line quickly, I can set the pace how fast I am reading and force my eyes to keep up. Think of your eyes and the finger/pen as magnets, wherever they go, your eyes should follow. 

    If my pen/finger are moving much faster over time and my eyes can now keep up, I can see that I am improving. Tah dah! Progress!

    :rimu: Cool, thanks. I´ll give this a try. 

    1 minute ago, gijimu said:

    I also tend to skip h-scenes so I can continue on the story, only to replay it again someday. 

    :pyaa: W-W-What did you say?!

  11. 1 minute ago, CeruleanGamer said:

    Well to be fair, I was in the hospital for like 2 years so I really had nothing to do but read visual novels.

    :pyaa: Didn't know that 


    6 minutes ago, CeruleanGamer said:

    Also, maybe 150-200 vns from what I read are just nukige for my "happy time" or 2-10 hour length ones. 

    I'm also a fast reader and when I measured myself, I was sitting at around 900-1000 words per minute. Not really a Guinness World Record but it's on the 90% percentile. 

    Also when I read VNs, I don't wait for characters to finish their voice dialogue. I simply click, click, click when I am done reading what they are trying to say. That's why those 30-50 hour long VNs on vndb? I can finish them in half the time and still get 100% of the CGs. 

    On H-scenes, however, it's a different story. I like to savor my precious heroines' sexy and orgasm voices, so I let it go on Auto Mode so I can do my "thing" hands free. 

    Hah, savage :makina: 

    And damn, you read fast.

    Any dark demonic rituals I gotta do to read at the same speed? :illya:

  12. 6 hours ago, Nosebleed said:

    First off, at least there was no kickstarter, so props for that. :Kappa:

    In before they make one for vol 3+. "Ok, so we started, NOW fund us plox." :makina:


    Well this is cool. I personally would have liked to see them go into Light novels as a lot of those needs lisencing. But manga is good as well. Fun to see sekai project moving beyond just visual novels.

  13. ... Clephas and CeruleanGamer, teach me the ways of the visual novel please :michiru: Wait, actually I'm kind of terrefied Clephas might eat me and put me in one of his stomachs, so CeruleanGamer, onegaishimasu!


    Well, seriously though, for me its like ... ugh, 30? 40? I dont update my VNDB enough, so I have a lot of shorter titles I have finished that aren't on there, especially SonoHana titles and nukige.

    But for longer, bigger VNs its probably close to like 15-20 ish :P I'll just blame school and pretend it has nothing to do with my lazy reading pace. :makina:

  14. 1 hour ago, Kawasumi said:

    learn japanese in the time between new vns.

    You get to experience a nearly endless source of Vns and you actually get to know a language that you most likely were interested in in the first place + if you just do it in between VNs its not even going to take away that spare time!

    Yeah not to mention that to read VNs you dont need to know the entire language by heart. Getting to a comfortable VN reading level really wont take too long if you're motivated, especially for moege/ lighter titles.


    Also, you can do like me and completely omit most kanji because furigana :makina:

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