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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. Can you give some more information?

    Does it happen with every visual novel, or is it just one specific one?

    What exactly is it that happens? Is no translation appearing what so ever? Can you maybe supply a screenshot?

    Have you tried using different translators? Try enabling more than on to see if anything changes.

    Also, for next time, threads like this should go in the support section.


  2. VNs completed in 2015, in chronological order

    • Neko Para
    • Princess Evangile
    • Eden*
    • Yumina the Ethereal
    • My Girlfriend is the President

    wtf genre change

    • Corpse Party Blood Covered + Book of Shadows + Sachiko Anthology
    • Saya no Uta
    • Corpse Party: Blood Drive
    • Cartagra + Kara no Shoujo + Kara no Shoujo: The Second Episode
    • euphoria
    • Swan Song
    • (current) Shikkoku no Sharnoth


    Candidates for VN Heroine of the year (1 heroine per VN)

    Vanilla, Rise, Sion, Yumina, Ell, Ayumi, Saya, Kazuna, Touko, Kanae, Hibari, Mary

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    Hidden Content


    On behalf of all neko lovers, the fact that Vanilla didn't win this is unnaceptable! Re-count the votes! :pyaa:

  3. Yeeeah Decay and Eclipsed know their stuff :sachi: Then comes me ... the noob. :yumiko: *sigh*


    Anyways, I think you'll like Eden*

    It has a great story, romance, people die (what a strange requirement), and the MC is quite smart, though not quite like G-Senjou no maou and KnS. Its not really crime solving, its more millitary themed.

    Grab the mosiac + edition for 4 ero scenarios, (the main game has great romance but not H-Content, but the mosiac edition has added H-scenes.)

  4. Haha I feel so silly xD

    Went to my card history and saw three steam charges and went "DAMNIT MY CARD INFO IS COMPROMISED!"

    Then I realized those three charges were from earlier this week, when I bought some games myself. :amane:

    Seems like all we can do is wait it out and just not touch anything on the store page / account info page until its fixed


    Hey if you need some norwegian translations Nebjula lemme know! :sachi:

  5. Hello ladies and gentlemen of fuwa! Today I will be sharing with you a little writing project I've been working on. Thanks so much to Forgetful Frank for agreeing to edit the book for me! When I started I was editing it myself, which is slow work and I often miss mistakes in my own writing, and so this way it should be a lot better for everyone involved :sachi: Also, a big thanks to Melowbee for making the illustration for Kitsune! It's a wonderful confidence boost to actually have someone make drawings for my story! :P 


    On to the book:


    キツネと私 - Kitsune and me



    After spending half a day locked in her clubroom at school, Sakura heads home in the middle of the night, in pouring rain. Taking refuge from the terrible conditions, she stumbles into and old and mysterious shrine. Here she discovers a strange little artifact that she thinks may have been stolen from a museum. Wanting to get it checked out the next day, she brings the artifact home. But as the artifact ends up coming to life in the form of the ditsy, energic and completely stunning Kitsune, Sakura's life will never be the same again...


    Information on the book:

    Kitsune and me is primarily a comedy, focusing on the relationship between the main character Sakura, and her new guardian ... fox-girl, Kitsune Mimiko. When writing it I focus primarily on having fun and silly interactions between the two, and purposely try to use clichés from common visual novel, anime, manga and light novel works. It's a fun little project I recently decided to start working on, and it's not meant to be taken too seriously. The story offers elements of comedy, romance (yuri), fantasy and action. The structure is fairly similar to most VNs, in that it starts of fluffy and is riddled with mainly humor, and then it gets more dramatic towards the end.


    Also, note that this is written in English, though I use certain words and phrases from Japanese. Again, this isn't meant to be taken too seriously. Words such as bentou will be in the book to keep the essence of the "Japanese setting" and words such as "ne" will be left in Kitsune's sentences, as they are a part of her speech pattern and that doesn't translate as well into English in my opinion. I also keep Japanese titles when I see fit, like using Kitsune's name. For these parts, translations are on the side of the Japanese symbols.




    A sketch of Kitsune made by Melowbee!



    Art made by Melowbee, thank you x100!!

    Editing is done by Forgetful Frank, thanks so much for that!

    Special thanks to Nosebleed for helping me with Kitsune's name!



  6. Wow ... 1/10. Seriously, I was honestly hoping they would have pulled themselves together somewhat for this release. Guess that was expecting too much of a Sakura game.

    The annoying thing is that the good art alone will most likely be enough for a lot of the steam fan base. They will see pretty girls half naked and go "Holy smokes! What an amazing game!" And that will give birth to 100 new Sakura titles most likely.

    If only steam would start releasing 18+ content in actually good VN releases, maybe the fan base that cling to these silly excuses for VNs would dissapear.

    I've been trying to introduce my circle of friends to VNs for some time now (unsuccessfully).

    Then one of my friends goes and completely unironically buys Sakura Swim Club right after opening a Steam account. ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)

    Haha, damn. Yup, thats the problem basically. I can picture your facial expression being something like this as that happened: :pyaa:

    I actually managed to get my friend interested in eroge quite recently. Made him play a patched version of if my heart had wings, then gave him a couple of mangagamer titles for christmas. If he ends up buying a sakura game now I'll beat him with a broomstick untill he uninstalls it.

  7. Wow ... 1/10. Seriously, I was honestly hoping they would have pulled themselves together somewhat for this release. Guess that was expecting too much of a Sakura game.

    The annoying thing is that the good art alone will most likely be enough for a lot of the steam fan base. They will see pretty girls half naked and go "Holy smokes! What an amazing game!" And that will give birth to 100 new Sakura titles most likely.

    If only steam would start releasing 18+ content in actually good VN releases, maybe the fan base that cling to these silly excuses for VNs would dissapear.

  8. Merry christmas everyone! :sachi: And thanks for giving me a headache from all the trippy pictures. :illya:

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna sit down and re-watch Ayajitsu's Amagami-SS arc, cuz there is nothing more christmasy than that.

    (On that note, here she is!)

    (It's totally not my 6th re-watch of this show. :yumiko:)




  9. I swear this isn't my fault.

    *Looks at his own post*

    Well sh**...


    On a serious note, it really doesn't matter what you call it. This is a reccomendations thread, not really the place to discuss this, like Kawasumi said.

    All I wanted to do was point out that cut content = a sense of censorship. Please forgive me for I have sinned. :pyaa:

  10. Thanks for your thought out response. I wasn't after explanations by the way so you missed the point of my post. I was trying to point out that things were too convenient and even for a fantasy/sci flic I was unable to suspend disbelief enough for those convenient plot devices to be convincing.

    No I didn't miss the point, but I kinda worded the last part poorly. :P

    What I meant was, some of your concerns were indeed explained in the movie and I wanted to tell you those parts, so maybe you would end up with a little bit of a better view of the movie. :)

    There are still two pretty big flaws that I totally agree with, but a lot of the smaller stuff at least, I think is actually not as bad as you made it out to be.

    Opinions will always be a subjective thing and there is nothing wrong with that. I take no offense to other people's opinions, and I don't mean to say that the movie was flawless, but just wanted to point out the parts in the writing that weren't actually as bad as you said they were.


  11. This movie is really solid, I don't think I've come out of the cinema happier. The new actors did a wonderful job and they all integrated with each other nicely. I don't think I've laughed so much in a movie before, and there wasn't a cringe worthy moment in there. So much nostalgia with all the old actors, and I think the send off for one of our favorites was great.

    What I miss from the prequels was the coruscent like cities (highly advanced technology, bustling with life); the political scenes with the Senate and Jedi Council; and the awesome lightsaber battles with highly skilled warriors. You can tell they're going for the original trilogy style.

    Well we did see one of those cities for about 1.4 seconds before it was destroyed completely by the new death star sun weapon. :illya:

    RIP senate meetings.

  12. I don't recommend you to buy grisaia or senjou on steam because those are the censored versions and if my heart had wings is just a mess dont support that crappy butchered version! 


    They are not censored they are fixed versions.

    though technically the removal of content is a form of censorship. So they are in a way censored versions. :sachi:

  13. @ittaku

    First of, excuse any spelling errors. There are bound to be some. I suck at writing long answers. ugh...

    Though I agree that Rey was way too much of a convinient fix to everything like being able to use the force way to easily and her flying being perfect with no training was a litlte ifffy, some of the things you mentioned are fairly easily explainable. I'll list my answer to all of them. The ones in bold are the ones I do not have an answer for. Both of them I agree was a big flaw in the writing.


    R2 woke up after Rey awakened her powers, so it was probably not Luke he was waiting for, but instead a new Jedi so he could show that jedi the map and bring them to him. 

    How did the pilot get back? They explained that, he surivived the crash and he knew about the bases' location. Not really that suprising. His character developement doesn't have anything to do with wether he can surivive the crash or not.

    I take it if you are a good pilot you can fly most ships, so him being able to fly a tie fighter isnt that suprising. It would be odd if all the ships in the galaxy operate completely differently to the point where its impossible to fly for such a skilled pilot.

    The first orders sudden rise to power is very flawed, yes, seeing as the empire was all but annihilated.

    The old characters acting and jokes were by no means bad. Don't really know how you figured that.

    Why did Leia hug Rey? ... Well you know, her husband just died. Guess she needed someone to hug. Not really anything suprising about that.

    The bad guy looked like voldemort ... Ok, what does that mean, how is that relevant to reviewing the movie.

    The map? They said why they couldn't map it out. It was because the piece they had showed a system they were not familiar with. They literally did not know where it was.

    Where did it come from and why was it made? Thats a good question. I have no idea, and I feel that should have been at least hinted at.

    Dont really understand what you mean with Han Solo. He tried to get his son to come back home, compelling to the part of him that was still leaning towards the light side. This was a big turning point for Kylo's character. He abandoned the little part of the light side that was poking at his conciousness, (something we see him talk about previously in the movie,) and killed his father to sever his ties with it so he can fully embrace the dark side.

    The storm troopers are all trained soliders, taken from their homes at birth, most likely the actual storm trooper legions were destroyed as the empire fell. The first order used this method instead in order to train new soliders. This is explained in the movie.

    Once again you talk about the read headed bad guy and his acting. I didn't really notice anything bad about this guys preformance. Any specific examples?


    Right, think that answers most of your questions. Wont say the movie is absolutely amazing, but its not as flawed in writing as you make it out to be.

  14. Eden* and planetarian are both very cheap at the moment and they are great reads. They both also have no cut content unlike a lot of steam VNs.


    Oh and a kiss for the petals remembering how we met for your yuri needs. Which we all have and if you deny that I'll whack you with a candy cane.

  15. So I've finished inu x boku SS. Loved the ending. The show is goofy as all hell, but the ending wraps up the show on a serious and really nice note, which was wonderful. Seriously hilarious and awesome show.

    Gonna go ahead and watch black bullet and then Attack on titan. Those two have been on my watch list for too long. Ugh ... but I do kinda want more slice of life comedy and less shounen action .... :amane: Oh well. I'll do it so people will stop annoying me with the same question "Have you watched attack on titan yet?!"

    I'm so close to punching them in the face each time they do it :pyaa: This show better be worth it.

  16. Lastly, BB-8 was hilarious and awesome. That thumbs up with the lighter was like the best part of the whole movie.

    Yeah BB-8 was a true bro. The entire theatre laughed at that specific scene, it was great.

    I still believe Han Solo is alive!! It won't end like this!!

    Also, one other gripe I had with the movie is that Leia became a general. Like, she's Luke's sister and can use the force, why didn't she become a Jedi, such a waste of an awesome character imo.

    Yeah its a little weird that she didn't become a jedi. Maybe it has to do with the whole jedi plan of Luke that failed. Kylo Ren murdered all the jedi and Luke ran away. Might feel a little strange for her to be left as the only jedi after that.

    Maybe Luke wouldn't let her in order to protect her or something like that.

    Or you know ... plot convinience :makina:

    "Wait a minute! We have another skywalker right here! She can continue Luke's teachings!" "No. No she can't. Shh!"

  17. I very much enjoyed the movie. The visuals were stunning, it gave of a strong sense of nostalgia seeing the old characters back in action, and it had me crying like a baby when Han Solo died. (Seriously, why!!!)


    That being said I agree with what you said about the characters... Rey just suddenly knows how to use the force that well, despite the fact that every other jedi before her needs extensive training to do LESS than she was able to in the movie? ... Yeah ok.

    Kylo Ren was badass, he clearly knew how to use the force and although he looks idiotic without the mask, he was a seriously badass character. He even has a moment at the end where he throws away the things that is holding him back, that being the light side and his father by killing Han Solo. So one would think this means he is now even more dangerous and more powerful, fully accepting the dark side ... Then he just loses to this new chick ... What ..?

    I really hope they bring back Kylo Ren as a super powerful, badass sith lord in the the next movie. If they just waste such a cool character that quickly I will honestly be super dissapointed.


    Lastly, BB-8 was hilarious and awesome. That thumbs up with the lighter was like the best part of the whole movie.

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