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Posts posted by Dergonu

  1. Just read Michiru's route in Grisaia, so let me ask this:

    Hidden Content

    Nope, and that's actually the reason Meikyuu gets all the 'Michiru was retconned!@#' hate.

    Yeah... That would have been hilarious though xD

    Very light Rakuen spoiler.

    For what it's worth, the ending in Rakuen is kinda funny and is linked to Michiru's hilarious stupidity.

  2. The game looks really nice. I'm not really one for otome games, but I might give this a try. Especially considering the price; quite cheap at the moment, looks like you get a lot worth your money. Don't have much to supply in the form of discussion yet though, as I haven't actually read it yet. :sachi:

  3. Dear lord have mercy ... the writing and translation in cosplay alien makes me want to jump out the window ... What the actual fu** is happening!


    He keeps talking to someone who isnt there named Tom, then HE asks who tom is and says he cant joke his way out of this .... WHAT!?


    (The H-scenes in this thing better be good :jinpou:...)


    Like, seriously... What the hell?



    So this amazing bracelet that can "change the whole dimension into whatever you she wants" costs three months worth of salary? ... So basically, anyone who works for 3 months can change the whole dimension? ...

    What the hell does change the whole dimension even mean. AHHH!!! *Rips out all his hair*

  4. That being said, a lot of VNs in the mystery, horror genre and also other VNs with plot that would naturally introdouce difficult words and phrases are difficult to read, even with these programs, and it would probably take years of learning to truly have a pleasant reading experience with such titles.


    Ahhh, years you said? Gah, I guess I wouldn't mind devoting about 5 years to learning Japanese if I could no longer have the need to rely on translations to read visual novels anymore. I just hope that it's possible to have an end-goal in sight rather than finding out later that you need a whole lifetime of Japanese-learning to truly enjoy visual novels. lol

    Well, although it will most likely take a few years to be able to read without any programs at all, during the learning period you can still read things untranslated with the aid of programs, such as text hookers and parsers. And let me tell you, there is nothing more satisfying than actually being able to understand lines in the VN, completely without the help of the programs; actually noticing your improvement. It's a long ride, but it will be worth it in the long run if you are actually serious about it and want to do it. :sachi:

    I'm sure some of the other members who have actually know Japanese can give a little more info on this topic.

    Anyways, I've ranted long enough. Again, welcome to the forum!

  5. Hey, welcome to the forum! :sachi:


    To answer your question, reading visual novels untranslated is possible even without knowing the language completely, with the use of text hookers and translation programs. Personally, I have been learning Japanese on my own for about 6 months, and I am capable of reading fairly normal moege titles with ease.

    That being said, a lot of VNs in the mystery, horror genre and also other VNs with plot that would naturally introdouce difficult words and phrases are difficult to read, even with these programs, and it would probably take years of learning to truly have a pleasant reading experience with such titles.

    Clephas has a fairly in depth thread on this, though I don't have the link for it at the moment. Let me edit the post once I find it.

    EDIT: Here it is

  6. Well thanks to this thread I have some nukige to go through.

    Just finished hypno-training my mother and sister. Actually not bad, all things considered. I liked the bad ending, and I had to try a few times to get the good ending. Though I wish they would have added a few different bad endings, as getting the same one 3/4 times is kinda ... meh.

    I rate it 5 sisters from Kiss x Sis out of 10. :makina:

    Cosplay Alien next ... This one seems ... colorful.

    Sigh ... what the hell am I doing ... :amane:


  7. Length does matter at least in galges or moeges. It's like dating. You aint gonna know shit about the girl or appreciate her if you only spend 1-2 hours with her. Right? :makina: 

    Also choices bring some of our "what if" scenarios into fruition when we play the common route of a VN. What would the protagonist feel if she hooked up with this girl or this event happened instead of that, etc

    Your argument is irrelevant becuase:

    1-2 hours is more than enough for anyone to fall in love with these cuties :sachi:




  8. Hello !

    So, heard today of Shiny day and i was just wondering if it was as... Disturbing as School Days ? 

    Thanks for your answers.

    So I haven't played shiny days myself either, though I think we can safely conclude that shiny days is not at all as disturbing as school days.

    I am personally one of those people who actually enjoyed school days,(Yes ik, I'm a freak), so maybe I am a little biased, but based off the VNDB ratings, the reviews I've read, and based on the fact that there isnt a point made of the bad endings in that VN anywhere that I can find at least, I'd say its a big step up from school days.

    That being said, it probably is still similar, and therefore might not be enjoyable if you find school days to be absolutely horrendous.

    I'd say give it a go if you really feel like it, though if you aren't really up for it and would rather play something else, then do that instead.

  9. 10000 million choices leading to the protagonist getting laid by the same girl/s. :makina:

    Choices and Multiple Routes/Endings = Replayability. 

    Kinetic novels = 1 playthrough = Done. Also, a good 95% of them are only 2 hours or less. It doesn't captivate you as much as a 30+ hour non-kinetic.



    Well I do agree that most kinetic novels have less replay value than most VNs with choices, but nekopara is an exception. The moe factor is just too damn high! :pyaa:

    Already played it 3-4 times.

    Hopefully the second volume will be the same, or even better :sachi:

    Of course, if they do decide to add choices to spice it up, I wont complain at all.

  10.  Why not? Just because there's no choices to let you branch off from doesn't make a story boring...

    The amount of choices equals the writing quality. That's common knowledge, duh.


    Don't mind this unrelated picture. It has no meaning.

    Then I would like to point out that sakura games, like sakura fantasy, has like 10000 million choices :makina:

  11.  From what I have seen you can expect Chocola shower H-scene if I didn't completely see wrong

     I saw 2 h-cgs for the two new cats~

    Hidden Content

    And here goes my plan of protecting myself from being shocked by a potential worst-case scenario. Thanks for giving me something to look forward to, you jerks. :Teeku:


    I hope they let us pick characters this time, instead of having another kinetic story. Otherwise they'd have to include scenes with the girls from the previous volume into each new one. Just imagine vol.4 is the long awaited Shigure ending, but you first have to fuck all the catgirls before you can do her.

    ... Wait, that sounds awesome, what am I talking about?

    Hate to burst your bubble, but I am pretty sure this one will be in the same kinetic style. Look at the CG; Choccola and vanilla are also in the scenes.

    We can hope of course, but I would think this means that its going to be this way for all the games, and they simply introdouce the characters 2 at a time, chocola + vanilla, Azuki + coconut, Cinnamon + Maple.

  12. Hidden Content

    Yumiko route spoilers.

    Yumiko is a very proud person, so I don't think she would have ever followed her fathers' wishes like that.

    That being said, if she did indeed do it, she most likely would have turned into a fairly similar character to Makina's mother, yeah.

    Would have been cool to see a bad ending like that in the game. I personally like the fact that she has 2 "good" endings, though having a third bad end with such an outcome would be a little badass.

    A grown up, ruthless Yumiko who owns one of the largest companies in Japan, ordering people around like puppets :pyaa:

    Badass. Erhem, I mean ... sad. Sad ending. :makina:

  13. I´m looking for a new seinen manga series, something similar to Nozoki ana in that it revolves around young adult relationships basically. 

    Definitely not my strong point. I haven't read the manga in question, but this description leaves a lot to interpretation, so I'm going to toss the singular one that I think might fit in anyway. #YOLO

    Re:Marina was nice up until chapter 30, after which I lost the time to read it. 

    Well the description gave me a slight headache...  But the plot seems fun :P I´ll definitely give it a go. Thanks. 

  14. Hey hey, so I haven't really read any manga series´ in a long time so I wanted to get some recommendations. 

    I´m looking for a new seinen manga series, something similar to Nozoki ana in that it revolves around young adult relationships basically. 

    I really enjoyed Nozoki Ana and so I kinda want something similar. So no super powers shounen battle action bla bla, or cute shoujo romance. Please... :jinpou:

    Story doesn´t matter much as long as it fits that criteria.

    Thanks. :sachi:

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